
The Desolate Abyss Domain

After they waited for some time, Long Tianhuo directly asked Jing Shen. "Did you send the five immortal spirits to kill my son-in-law's other wives and family? What was your reason for doing that?"

"Yes, I did order them to capture them, and I also ordered them to kill those who resisted." Zhu Ling and the spirit guardians frowned after Jing Shen said that. "I did that to fulfill the third prophecy, so this universe will fall into a long darkness because of him." 'Damn it! I didn't want to say that, but my mouth spoke by itself.'

Feng Huang then asked Zhu Ling in a mocking tone. "Do you realize that you are so naive? Do you still believe that your dear advisor is really innocent?"

Zhu Ling did not say anything to refute Feng Huang, especially since Jing Shen had not said anything about the previous spirit emperor. "Did you get involved in my predecessor's disappearance? How did you do it? Is he still alive now?"

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