
Ophelia Novikov

"That is the city of water!" gasped Sage.

"It is beautiful." Katherine smiled at the sight.

Arthur plummeted towards the city, his rapid descent ending with a graceful landing.

When he landed, everyone jumped off, and he returned to his human form.

"This is incredible!" His eyes grew wide with wonder as he glanced around.

River gazed at Katherine, his face mirroring the delight he saw on her beaming expression. Knowing that her clan lived there must make her feel at home.

"It is truly incredible!" She spun to face Sage and took her by the shoulders. "If this place exists, then fire, wind, and earth, everyone in the realm has a home! And so does the queen."

Sage blinked. "Oh, really?" Then she laughed at Katherine's enthusiasm. She was really proud of herself, feeling that she had accomplished something worthwhile.

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