
Introducing your baby to their future sibling is a complicated affair

We had a new morning ritual now.

No, no--it did not involve anything naughty. I mean, I guessed...sometimes? But that wasn't my point!

Usually, our morning started with warm drinks, and then getting ready, making ourselves presentable before having breakfast. But now, I started my morning by exercising the breathing technique of the druid on the balcony. It involved circulating elemental mana inside my system without purifying it, and expelling it again just as it was.

I didn't know how effective it would be in chipping away at my blockade, but it did feel nice and energizing. It was especially good when I consumed the Amrita the night before, and the leftover golden essence was getting circulated again all over my body. 

After that, I got my herbal drink and got ready for the day. Before we had our breakfast, however, we would visit the egg inside the treasure room. 

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