
Rating match starts

"Alright everyone sticks to formation." Rias would say commanding everyone in her peerage. "I will not lose to Riser." Issei would say as Rias would give Issei some motivation.

The 1 minute of preparation was done and the game begin. Goku, Issei and Koneko would enter the gymnasium and Goku would get into a fighting stance.

"I hope you know I'm not afraid to attack you." They would laugh as they would retort, "not as you could even land a punch." Goku would appear in front of the two girls.

Without a second thought, Goku would punch them both in the stomach both of them would fall unconscious.

"Issei go fight Mira and don't mess around." Koneko would already be fighting Sheeran the rook. Issei would summon his sacred gear as it would yell "BOOST."

Goku would sense his surroundings as would sense Asia with Rias and the highest power on the other side of the battle.

Issei would start to block and dodge but some of his from her weapon would still land. Issei would grab her weapon with his sacred gear and would punch through the weapon.

Mira would say, "My staff", as Issei would beat her. Rendering her unconscious. Koneko would put Sheeran on hold hurting her. Rias would start to communicate with them.

"Issei is your status?" Issei would hear this and respond "We are alright, president." Rias would think before speaking "Akeno is ready and in a position to get out of there."

Goku would run out of the gymnasium with Issei and Koneko as the building would explode. An announcement would come on, "Riser's pawn and Rook have been incapacitated."

As they would watch Akeno. "She is called the Priestess of Thunder." Koneko would say. "If she punished me like that I wouldn't survive." Koneko would keep walking when Goku would yell.

"Koneko STOP" an explosion would sound but Goku had thrown Koneko back. Issei and Koneko would get sent flying back from the shock wave of the explosion.

"GOKU." Koneko and Issei would yell at the same time as a golden glow would radiate through the smoke. Akeno would watch from overhead.

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