
You are going to pay dearly!

"Let's see what we have here ,light colored skin, thick black curly long hair, sharp brows, straight nose, she is an egyptian! who is this beauty and what is she doing here alone could she be a goddesses or mere mortal" Geb was was thinking out loud.

*Some minutes ago*

While pondering on his environment. Everything looked Natural and just then, he recognize the cave he was at the moment.

"This is the same cave where l hid with Nut before father came. What then happened where is Nut, father and warriors what's going on here" Geb was going nuts then he remembered that he was the god of the earth and could ascertain his environment by asking the earth he bent low and touch the rocks and walls of the cave and read them.

"My lord.. "The rocks spoke answering their masters call. "Where am l? "Geb spoke with authority as a god he was. "My lord this is Egypt of the 21st century 2022 to be precise". The rock answered.

"What, so this is Egypt but in future? "Geb asked wanting more clarification "yes my lord... "The walls spoke now" this is Egypt but not the same Egypt and your existence is not known here my lord"

"What do you mean my existence is not known here," Geb fumed "I am a god, an ancient god, a god of Egypt, the earth god. How is my presence not known here? "

"My lord... "The rocks already felt their master's fury "you are right but your existence to the mortals was cut off long a ago. They now believe in machines, technology, artificial intelligence and so on. "

"Yes my lord, " the walls backed up "humans no longer call on the ancient gods they have forsaken you and other gods and you gods on the other hand have forsaken them too"

"If all this is true, then what has the supreme father done about this or would he just let the humans loose their faith in him and do nothing?" Geb asking with a serious tone .

"My lord, we don't know what the supreme father has done about it and we are not sure if he still exists "the rocks said.

"Though, we still feel his will and the will of other ancient gods but your existence is no more" the walls said with a sad tone.

Geb couldn't believe his ears he stopped the trance, he was so disappointed in the mortals and couldn't believe they would result to such betrayal. Forsaking them for machines, technology, artificial intelligence, what are those things anyway? Geb puzzled. Well what it was he didn't care all he had to for was to look for away to go back to his time discuss with other cause to find a way to stop the unforgivable from happening.

He stepped out of the cave through the waterfall 'this wasn't here then' he wondered looking at the waterfall 'could it be Nuts doing or his mother's ' they we're the only two people that Geb was aware of who weilded such ability.

As he wondered round the environment, he spotted a figure sitting on the rocks. Though it was dark, the figure was very obvious. He walked up to the place and studied it carefully.

*present time*

Geb was still savoring his treat. 'What was she wearing what was that made from, he couldn't understand, but what he could understand was that she was beautiful. Talking of clothes, it was just now that he notice he was completely naked but he didn't care. Normally, his attire was just a white linen that would hang low on his waist then his collar, and then he would be decorated with various ornaments by his handmaids and most especially his crown or his hair dressing. He always looked gracious, especially when he was to appear before mortals or in the counsel of the gods.

But now he was confused about what the Egyptian before him was wearing even mortals then barely covered themselves with these hideous things. He just couldn't get everything going on. 'This must be part of their newly formed madness' he thought as he stared at his so called treat. And just then, she moved.

Nessy blinked few a times to adjust to the sight before her was she still dreaming, what was she seeing a naked man!!.

"Aaaaahhhh!" she screamed and covered her eyes as she swiftly stood up and almost fell but held herself before she could get fall on the floor. Geb just stood there amused by her reaction he couldn't understand what was going on or why she covered her eyes or wait was she according him respect as the earth god maybe that's why her eyes covered.

Without wasting time, he stood in his majestical pose waiting for her greetings and accolades, but rather he heard nothing, as she still stood there, waiting for him to get dress or at least walk away.

"What are you doing you morron... " Nessy asked with her eyes still closed "go get dressed and stop flaunting your self. She couldn't understand the morron before her. He was naked but yet still acted completely normal like it was a norm to be naked ' o my goodness.. ' She thought 'I have defiled my eyes today'. With that she turned around immediately and picked her things not minding to arrange them and ran out of there.

As she ran, she kept on laying series of curses on the man in her mind 'bafoon, he-goat, is he mad? yes exactly he must be mad for him to stand naked before her or was he trying to rape her, o my god what a pervert a big fool' her cheeks were flushed as she ran non stop into the bush to where her car parked.

Was she insulting him or was she insulting herself Geb thought as he heard her thoughts loud and clear. But what puzzled him was her thought of her eyes getting defiled, has she truly not seen a naked man before because he was sure that he was in his mortal body. Or maybe she knew he was a god and had not seen a naked god before? But if she knew he was a god why all the insults?

Geb was still in his own trail of thoughts and did not notice his threat running as fast as her legs could carry her into the night. Before he knew it, she was already far ahead he just laughed in his mind and teleported before her like the speed of light.

Nessy hit her head on something hard, maybe tree but when her head stopped spinning she realized it was the morron from earlier.

"Wtf! mister or what ever you are get the hell out of my way you bafoon before you inflict me with your madness, you idiot!" she said in between breathes as she panicked. She didn't know if he was a kidnapper or a psychopath on the loose she just needed to get to her car and get out of here immediately.

Geb gave her a slight smile "so your insults were really for me huh don't you know I am a god!"

Nessy felt the urge to laugh but those hazel eyes were giving her a death stare. But she still managed to speak "you might be whatever you like, just let me go or you are going to spend the rest of your miserable life in jail " she retorted.

Geb read her thoughts immediately and could not believe what he heard she admired him but still insulted and cursed him within her. He knew he was a feast to the eyes but this threat of his was going to pay dearly for her wild thoughts. But then it dawned on him that that mortals of this generation no longer knew of their existence so she was totally ignorant of who he was.

"Step out of my way!" Nessy repeated with a sting of fear in her voice but she didn't want to plead, she felt too big for that, she felt a strong aura emitting from the man before her but she just couldn't understand.

Geb would have let her go, but he did not know anything about this world and he hated to admit it, but he needed help to find his way and go back to his world.

"l am coming with you " he said with authority…

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