
12. Neville And Neville The First.

The White Castle.

Four Years Ago.

"What should we do, sire?" the rasp voice of a bloody killer; Ayke, asked out loud as he faced his master.

Well, the man closest to his master that is. The Blind One. He initiated the name after the forlorn tale that occurred months ago when he lost both of his eyes to a monster bird—at least due to his narration. The Blind One was also a loyal servant to another man; 'I' (no one have a perfect explanation as per why he refered to himself as such), and then 'I', was also was a loyal servant to some other four men, who were all servants to the one and only; Neville Hans.

They were in the White Castle, a little town where all who harbored there were White. Color White, not pale White or light Pink or close to White, but indeed White as snow. A black gem so powerful it emitted magic, was the source of their appearance. (Quite ironic). This gem blessed the nation with greatness and managed to keep them all healthy and strong. It also hid them from the world and made them only a mere legend. Until their king grew too greedy and wanted fame for himself.

He began to announce to people just how great his Kingdom was, but sadly, such fame didn't last at all.

Words got to Neville and suddenly, the black gem instantly looked like an object he should own.

"Sire, we have the item already. We should leave-"

"Kill them all." Replied The Blind one, who had received an order from his superiors, who have all received orders from Neville. These men were only the messengers of Neville in the East. There were many others in the South, North, and Western parts of the world.

The eyes of Ayke bulged out in terror. He was shocked, terrified and as well, disgusted. He didn't know why he chose a disgraceful path by following the 'Followers of Neville'. But sire, they're children! He wanted to scream out loud and protest. He should. "Yes sire." Without looking at his master's eyes directly, he frowned. "Kill them all."


The Dwarf Lake.

Seventeen Years Ago.

War scenery was not a good sight to watch. It was bloody and terrifying with people suffering and dying, and to be frank, the worst part was the unfairness. The people that died were the innocents. In the Dwarf Lake, all that dwelled in the land were innocent. The village was a small one with less than fifty villagers. All good people who went about their own ways.

Most of the time, they were in their homes doing good stuffs and saving lives. In fact, they mostly saved lives because of the lake of the land. They were blessed by a dwarf god that had magically protected their land from other humans for centuries. They managed to fend for themselves by hard work that was possible via their cooperation.

The Dwarf Lake was named that because of the healing properties contained in the lake, (and perhaps because naming a village was not so much an easy task). The lake was a little body of clear water that had managed to bless this village for years. It was even known that they were all immortals because of this lake's magical property.

One day, some passerby were traveling and by mere luck, came across this strange land. They made friends quickly and as time passed by, the fame of this hidden village soon began to grow.

If only their king had known, he would had kept his home a secret. Somehow, Neville found out about this town, and ended it.

The Blind One was fully responsible for this sad incident. He was only ten years old at the time.


East Haspton.

Fourty nine years ago.

Long long ago even before the Followers of Neville had been born, there were the Followers of Neville the First.

They consisted of hoards of soldiers just as the Followers of Neville did, only, Neville's father was the leader of the group.

East Haspton was the home of a queen named; Aylin Imogen Ivar. She was only fifteen at the time, whilst Neville the first, thirty.

They were both in the castle, Aylin and Neville the first. "What did I tell you, old man?" She smiled, an overwhelming one. She was proud of herself, of all she'd achieved.

"Indeed you have done great work, Child. I must apprehend you." Replied Neville the first.

"Thank you, old man." She smiled again, but this time even more bright. "We have East Haspton now. Next, where shall we go rule?"

Neville though for a brief while, though the hesitation hadn't been necessary, as his mind had been on one particular village all his life. "Meridon. Let's go claim Meridon."

"Slow down, old man." Said Aylin. "How about West Haspton for now? Perhaps we should start small?"

Neville frowned. "But we are supposed to begin fast. Before anyone can dare suspect us."

"Suspect us? For what?" Slowly heaving in a deep breath, Aylin smiled again. "No need to rush, Old man. For now, let us claim the East. Then soon, maybe Meridon." She ignored the lines of anger wrinkles that had formed across Neville's forehead. "After all, Meridon is already mine."


Two Months Ago.

The Woods Near East Haspton.

They were in the woods on their way home. Home, as in ten to twelve footstep into a pile of debris at the deep heart of a thick forest.

"You are rubbish, Neville. Are you mad?" Aylin's pale brown eyes narrowed in disbelief as she crinkled her nose.

"Child. You are nothing; the real rubbish is you." Frowned Neville the first. The cold wind blew fierce air like it were angry with both Aylin and Neville. Goosebumps instantly decorated the bare caramel skin of Aylin, causing her to shiver.

"Whatever old man," replied Aylin.

"Do get me, child." Said Neville, and that time, they'd arrived at their home. Two rags for bags laid on the ground, clusters of woods that had been recently gathered by both of them was also scattered around. Fresh apples and a close relative of a rat appeared from Aylin's hands as she fell to the floor, wasted. "What you say is stupid and completely unreasonable. How could one person possible rule the entire world?" He chuckled. "Only a god could probably afford such luxury."

Aylin's palm hit her forehead in frustration. "Old man, you don't have the slightest idea of what power could afford."

"I do. And no human can ever have such powers. Ever!"

"Stop spitting on me, old man." Aylin nose crinkled in disgust. "Whatever you say, I'll believe you. But when I start to make my wonders, you will bow to me." With much courage and determination, little Aylin boasted.

Neville scoffed out loud. "Such a great dream, little one. But it's only a dream."

"We'll be at Haspton City in less than two days, and I shall begin my... Magic." She smirked, set of lovely dimples crinkling as she and her whole face brightened in excitement. Aylin was a young woman, but her dreams were greatly big and ambitious.

A little too ambitious for a fifteen years old girl.


Dalia's Fortress.

Present Day.

Neville(Neville the first's son) was in his room, patiently waiting for the response of his soldiers. At first, he didn't bother when they referred to themselves as the Followers of Neville, now he was reconsidering.

Dalia hadn't mention—because that was exactly the type of person she was; mysterious and gentle and... Evil—but, Neville knew she would not be impressed. Hundreds of people are being killed, and sadly, they all boasted under the name of; 'The Followers Of Neville'.

Yes, it was all his doing. But Dalia wasn't supposed to know of that! In her mind, she was the ruler of all lands. She was the queen after all. Yet, it disturbed Neville whenever a kingdom is being defeated and Dalia found out they had but one name to praise for their conquering. Neville.

"Yes. That is what I shall do now." He found himself talking out loud. The room was mighty and inside, boasted of rich neatly furnitures. The bed just in the middle was a king sized. Next to the bed was a wide and firm set of chairs that always proved useful every end of the month for his secret meeting with his servants.

Dalia had never for once set foot in his chambers because she was not the type to snoop around. She was a busy woman. A private queen minding her business.

"Once the next meeting is set, I shall announce to them my new plan. It will be glorious!." Neville paused abruptly, just realizing to a fact. "Why am I talking to myself?"


Hi everyone, thanks for all your supports.

But wait, I know you all might be a bit confused with this chapter.

The whole of Neville and Neville the First and then their followers. Let me assure you of this: it will get better in the next chapters to come. I promise. You'll meet each of them again, and then you'll have a clear understanding of who they all are.

Thanks once more for your supports. Don't forget to comment, vote and of course share if you enjoy this story, God bless you all.

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