
For the Country

Once the three men took their seats, they began to discuss the matter of Prince Paul's plan. Cups of tea and coffee were laid on the glass surface for the men's refreshments. 

"But still, I could not believe that Rick was the one helping us the whole time. That explains why we gained possession of these revolutionary devices." 

"Well, Sir Rick is an exceptionally talented man. His inventions and ideas have made a greater impact on the country."

Paul and Robert took a glance at the table and saw a few magical items that were invented by Rick laying on top of it. Not long ago, Rick handed those devices to Duke Lancer for their plans as well as serving as presents for him.

One of the devices was an item that greatly resembled a tablet notebook that displayed a map with a blinking dot in the middle. That device actually had a global positioning system that locates invisible Rick whenever they have meetings.

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