

But it is not known to them.

what are my needs?,

what are my desires?,

what are my feelings?,

what are my reservations?,

what are my compulsions?

At that time Anila and Junaid only talk about themselves, think themselves right, but can't even understand my small protest.

why am I screaming, yelling, and crying since day one?

Why don't I believe in both of them?

Why don't I trust them both?

I have been listening to your teo, teo, teo, teo, teo since day one.

which also has a very painful cry.

but Anila and Junaid don't pay much attention to your cry.

just like me, They also play different tricks with you.

they also give you kisses.

they also create a drama of love with you. they tell you sweet things to entertain your heart.

they also show you beautiful dreams of imaginations, manifest big dreams.

They feed you good fruits too.

which means that Anila and Junaid make every effort.

so that, you also accept these two.

consider these two as right.

know these two as your comrades, fellow helpers.

and Don't think of yourself as a prisoner in this little cage.

stop protesting.

mentally accept the servitude of in both. accept everything they say as truth.

give up all your rights.

get caught in the trap of their love.

Live in this small cage as a prisoner for the rest of your life.

consider this small cage as your whole world.

consider Anila and Junaid as your benefactors.

but you don't mention your needs, desires, feelings, reservations, concerns, and compulsions,

Then Irfan says, Yes, Mama Mithu! I know, that like me, you don't believe, what Anila and Junaid say.

you also don't trust them,

you say teo, teo, teo, teo, teo in your language. it is protest against them.

Continued on Post-79

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