
13: Blue Moon (V)

Chapter Thirteen Volume Two : Blue Moon (V)

*Tap Tap Tap* the footsteps of a black horse echoed in the forest. She was going fast, her muscle could be seen etching on her skin.

On top of her sat a young woman. The woman, Luna, bought that horse back in the previous city where she met Prometheus.

*Splach* the horse ran through the vibrant forest, they passed gigantic threes reaching till the sky. She walked on puddles of water and climbed difficult paths.

They had been going on for a few days, Apollo and Artemis had taken over each other for a few times.

But as the blazing sun once again rose from the ashes belonging to the sheet posed by Nyx covering the sky. Luna heard something. A few voices and …

A scream.

Vanitas calmed her horse and jumped from it's back. "Shh. Everything's okay. I am coming back don't worry" she told her with their head together.

*Scrunch* Luna sneaked herself toward where the voices came.

"Will she be enough for all of us" asked a voice, he sounded not preoccupied but more excited.

"I'll be the first one" said another voice.

Luna looked around.

Centaurs. There were 5 big male centaurs. A crying woman lied on the ground. A few meters on her right lied two bodies. One of what seemed to be a 35 years old man, with a 'savage' barb and blood flowing out of his head. On his face was a mark in blood and dirt of horse shoe. Well more like centaur.

Near that man was the body of a ten year old boy. His eyes were completely white and his arm seemed broken. His clothes were torn and wet of blood.

'Her son?' thought Luna. Her gaze wavered finding out what those centaurs had planned with the mother.

A disturbing grim appeard on one of the centaurs "Hehehe". He tore the woman's cloths with his mouth and licked her skin.

The woman shivered. Her cries reverberated throughout the forest. Birds flew out in pacts as the sound reached them.

*Crack*. Pieces of wood crackled and Leafs were broken as Vanitas punched the ground.

She was disgusted by those creatures. Her rage came and she thought of those hybrids as the same as vampires.

But she quickly calmed herself. They were centaurs, not normal human. She shouldn't underestimate them.

Without knowing how she floated in the air. She went behind the centaurs.

Without making any sounds she jumped on the ground before a centaur. Claws came out of her finger and a head fell.

She easily sliced his head off.

*Scruch* the centaurs head fell on the ground making some sounds. The horse like creatures looked behind themselves.


"Who are you?!"

"How dare you interrupt my fun"

"Hoho, you have a good body"

Luan silently looked at them and then *whoosh*, she blurred toward one of them.

The one on the right seemed to be the youngest, so probably the less experienced and weakest.

He had no time to do anything as she slashed his tendon, making him fall on the ground.

Then her claws directly went toward his eyes, and she jugged them out. "haaaa my eyes!" he screamed."

But as Luna tried to finish him *swoosh* an arrow flew toward her. She dodged it at the last seconds. *Whoosh* she retreated.

The three centaurs approached the young. And the one who first wanted to rape the woman said "you are finished", he took an arrow out of his quiver and planted it in the other centaur head, quickly killing him.

Vanitas looked at them confused for a second before shrugging it off as a monster's way.

*Swoosh* *swoosh* two arrow speeded her way, she dodged both of them and sped toward them.

But as she was destabilize by dodging and sprinting, she could not completely dodge an arrow sent by the third centaur.

The arrow lodged itself in her shoulder. She fell on her knees m Luna gritted through the pain. And as one of the centaurs rushed at her. She followed her instinct, stood up and stretched her arm.

Blood fell from the centaur's body. His eyes were focused on Luna as he warned his companions even as he was dying "….demigod…."

In the demigod's hand was a silver sword. It had pierced through the now dead creature's skin.

The two other were petrified from fear, seeing that already three of them were out. They tried to run away, but alas for them it did not matter. In a matter of seconds they were dead. Luna had let no chance for their escape. Their heads were sliced of from their head.

Thanathos came and flew out with their soul in direction for the underworld.

Vanitas approached the crying woman and stretched out her arm to help the woman stand. But the woman did not take it.

"Please kill me, I don't want to live without my family without my husband and son…" she begged, her eyes hopeless.

Luna leaned toward the woman. She looked the woman straight in the eyes. Her blue eyes glowed. The silver sword in her hand disappeared.

Vanitas smiled with sadness before uttering "ok" and slashed the woman's neck with her claw. The mother's eyes lost colors and she died.

She then united her hands in a praying manner before saying "rest in peace".

After that she calmly walked toward her horse and went back toward her horse following on her journey toward the city where fire first appeared.

"Are you sure you want to go there, my Lord" asked a man. On his back his wing that flickered in shades of blue, black and purple seemed a bit down.

The silver haired man in front of him smiled looking how the person acted.

This was Hades and Thanathos. Hades and his favorite follower, thought he probably would never say this in front of the other (especially the furies).

Thanathos was a bit like a Buttler and a dog. He was extremely loyal and tried to always follow Hades. He was also someone of great strength being a second generation primordial. He loved to help his Lord in all his tasks and did so with excellence.

While weaker than normal primordials like Gaea and his mother Nyx, he was still somewhat powerful if he was in his divine form. The only problem is that many people die and even more will, meaning that he is separated in many parts making him weaker.

"Yes, Thanathos. But don't worry I won't be gone for too long besides I am not going till the small Luna finishes her task" responded Hades. This put a joyful smile on Thanathos' face who was ready to beg to come with Hades.

The god of the dead looked skyward with a grin in his face as he declared "Asgard, here I come"

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