
10: Blue Moon (II)

Chapter Ten Volume Two: Blue Moon (II)

Don't worry when the blue moon 'arc' is finished, Hades will again be the center of focus. Luna will be probably part of Hades' allies/subordinates for wars, so she is not just some character that will directly disappear; This chapter also shows some changes with Hades.

If you find any mistakes, don't hesitate to point them out. I am so sleepy; I wrote this late and my head hurts.


"Stop!!!" shouted Luna. Her gaze wavered. Her body stiffened from shock.

Her father has just died.

As Thanatos took Theodore's soul, black feathers fell on the ravaged earth.

Slowly his body became a pile of sorrowful ashes scorched by the morning light. Apollo rode his glorious eternal sun carriage through the sky. Rain fell from the mighty clouds. Waves of wind cleansed the bloody field, as even Zeus felt a bit saddened by the death of the warrior.

As Luna stared into the depths of the room, crystal tears welled up in her eyes. The girl continued to punch the house over and over again. Blood flew from her fist. It did not take long for dents to appear on the thick wooden wall.

"Haaaaa!" she howled in agony. Her head continuously banged against the floor, and she never found a reason to stop doing so. Her body cried out in pain, but no matter how much pain her body was in, she didn't care. Now that her only reason for living had passed away, she had no more reason to live.

The flame of life within her was almost extinguished.

Alone. She was alone. Her world had fallen.

She was left helpless and fell to her knees in a heap.

"Why, why…" WHY!" her gentle voice broke with no strength.

"Father died… Father was so strong. They lost to him. So why?... Why are they alive and not my father!" She spoke like a broken puppet. Lifeless. Aimless. Weak.

"Weak…" she was weak.

Her voice started to become louder. The lost flame started to ignite itself once again. "How dare you!"

"I'm going to kill you!!!" Luna's scream was full of rage. Her hands were clenched so tightly that she could barely breathe. Her fingernails were covered in blood. Dark thoughts came running through her mind.

Her resolve as strong as iron. She stood up. The floor crackled under her steps. A sharp sound was heard as she opened the door. Luna faced the crackling earth. There was no blood nor bodies anymore.

She squinted her eyes. The young girl knew that some vampires were still alive. But where were they?

"Cowards" she shouted in a mix of rage and hopes of enraging the fleeing vampires. Even though she said that. She knew she was too weak. After all, she was only ten years old.

At that moment, her father's voice resonated in her mind. 'Don't try to find excuses. You are weak. That's all there is and there ever will be. Death isn't just. It won't not take you because you are smaller or weaker.'

Strength. She needed strength. But how could she gain it in the less time possible?

Ah. She knew. There was one being. Stronger than all.

But she had nothing to offer. She doubted mere animals would do it. For he was above that. And she didn't even know if he would like it.

After a second of thinking. Luna posed her hand together in a prayer position. She closed her eyes. And started praying out loud.

"O mighty Lord of all,

"Ruler of the dark places,

"Protector of life,

"Thou the unequaled

"Thou living behind the frozen gates

"I summon thy presence"

Luna opened her eyes. Nothing. She felt nothing and saw nothing more than the ravaged earth. She blinked. Tears threatened to fall. She clenched her hand in despair.

She suddenly took a step back. The young girl almost shouted out of fear. He had suddenly appeared.

Marble pale skin. Silver hair like the moon. Dazzling purple eyes. An indifferent aura coupled with an apathetic face.

This was Hades. The ruler of the end. God of darkness. The Silent one.

'Truly deserving of his title' thought Luna.

Hades looked at her. His head tilted to the right. A mischievous smirk on his face. His eyes glowed dark as he asked "So, what is it that you desire?"

"Power" she responded. Her tone was firm. Thought one could sense the hidden despair and wrath. Naturally, Hades could feel it. As the god of the END, he had an affinity for despair.

"And why would I give you that?" inquired the god. He was curious about what she would offer him.

"My soul" she quickly said.

"What?" Hades was confused. She offered him her soul?! Was she crazy?

But he quickly realized she was hopeless. Vengeful. She had no care for herself. All she wanted was revenge.

He chuckled. It quickly turned into a burst of full laughter. "HAHHAHAH". This was a first. His face looked scary. Luna took a few steps back. Realizing this Hades stopped laughing and excused himself "sorry".

While this would have worked for demons or other hellish creatures. Hades is the god of the dead and the living. They all naturally belonged to him. Especially the dead. Certainly, he does not own all living or dead, but in Greece, he owns the majority. He usually lets the living alone, but for the dead he can order them to do anything he likes.

"And what does that bring me?" He asked before continuing. His voice became much more powerful. It resonated throughout the field. "I am the god of the dead and the living. You ALL belong to me."

Luna's gaze wavered. She thought about it again and again. He was right. What could she give him? She fell into despair, before thinking about this. While every dead belongs to him. Some of the living become gods that belong to Olympus. Due to Zeus and all the Olympians' fear, many worthy demi-gods become gods.

"Are they all as worthy as me?" she asked him with a bit of pride in her voice. But it quickly dissipated when Hades' aura grew stronger, forcing her to fall to her knees.

"Do you consider yourself worthy?" he questioned. A small smile came on his face when he saw how quickly she lost her pride.

She used all her strength. Showcasing her resolve. Before acknowledging "I know, I am!"

The pressure suddenly disappeared. And in the hand of Hades was a book. A brown book with golden writings. He opened the book. Before reading out the content he warned "true power does not come instantly and needs devotion."

Then reading the book out loud "Luna Galanis, do you accept to sell your soul to Hades for power?"

"Yes" she responded. The god then approached her. Placing his palm on her forehead he declared "Be reborn"

"Haaa" shouted Luna in agony. Her body was being torn apart. A short time later. Which seemed like an eternity for the mortal girl. She was now free of mortal restraint. She felt so free. Her soul was glowing blue. The feeling of freedom however did not last for long. As chain wrapped her soul.

At this moment she remembered what she sold. Her soul.

Her body reconstructed itself. But it was much stronger, more striking, and more resilient than before.

She was wrapped in a white robe with a hood and flowing sleeves. Her waist to her shoulders are accented with dark blue. Her skin was completely dark. She had blazing blue eyes that shone like Zeus' thunder. Her snow-white hair reached to her knees.

As she observed her new body. Hades' voice rang. "You are now Vanitas of the blue moon. Doom of the vampires."

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