
Chapter 98

Yoru then left the practice room with Souichirou.

"Do you know who they are?" Yoru asked.

"One of them is Rika Minami, Tadashi now her. That's why right now Tadashi talking with them." Answer Souichiro.

After a while, the two of them arrived. And upon entering, Yoru saw Tadashi and Professor Masamune already inside.

"Here he is. The real head of this place." Said Professor Masamune.

Yoru just kept silent without showing any emotion and sat in the chair that had been prepared by Professor Masamune.

"Nice to meet you, my name is Yoru Kagami. I'm the leader of this place, kind off." Yoru smile.

"Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force Special forces Commander Youji Itami." Said a men with an unmotivated face.

"I'm Tarou Kanou, Japanese Minister of Defense. And this woman is Rika Minami." Said the slightly fat man.

"Okay then. What can I help you with?"

"We here in a rescue mission. We plan to make this place as a center operation." Said Tarou.

Yoru silent for a moment.

"It's not a problem for me. But, I think you will only be able to do your mission tomorrow. Because there's a bunch of zombies horde that walking toward here. And they will arrive at 6.00 pm." Said Yoru.

"How did you know about that?" Rika asking.

"Easy, I just need to fly above them, checking everyday where the horde walking to. And today, there's more than 10 million zombie walking toward here." Said Yoru calmly.

Tarou, Youji, and Rika shocked after hearing what Yoru said.

"What!!! If there's that much of a horde, why did you just calmly waiting here!!! Why not run from this place!!!" Tarou shout.

"First, where should we go? And the second, why should we go?"

The three of the look surprised by Yoru's question.

"Besides, this place is already the northernmost. And even if we go, it's not certain that our destination will be any safer. Because they might attack too, since they're walking north."

The three of them were speechless.

"And anyway. We have enough strength to fight them, so this is not impossible." Said Yoru proudly.

"So you plan on defending this place?" Tarou asked.

"Not planning. We already did it yesterday. We just need to do it again." Yoru replied.

"Huhf, okay then, let us help you." Said Tarou.

"Even though we actually didn't really need your help. But whatever, you can help. But please ask the detail to Souichiro and Tadashi, and make sure you do what they want you to do. Don't do anything stupid just because you are a government personal." Said Yoru seriously.

"Okay, we will not doing something that will endangered everyone and we will do whatever we can do. Your purpose is to defend this place and we also need this place. Just said that we have the same goal." Answer Youji.

"Okay than." Yoru then get up and over his hand to Tarou.

And with Tarou receive Yoru's hand, their conversation concluded.

"Oh right, I almost forgot." Said Yoru after they get out of the room.

"Rika, want to meet with Shizuka?" Ask Yoru with a smile.

Rika immediately grab Yoru's shoulder and look at him with a very serious face.

"Where's she now?" Rika look impatient.

"Just follow me. And Tarou-san, Youji-san, please ask Souichiro or Tadashi if you have any questions." Yoru then leave them while followed by Rika.

Yoru then go toward the training room with Rika following him. And after they arrive, Rika immediately run toward Shizuka and hug her.

"Shizuka!!! Your safe!" Shout Rika.

Shizuka a little surprised by what happened, but she's happy to be able to see her friend safe and sound.

"Rika, I know that you're happy. But, this is a training room, it's dangerous to hug someone without notice." Said Yoru.

Rika then realized what she do and look around. There she can see Saeko and the other train their power using real weapon. She then glance at what on Shizuka's hand.

"Shizuka, since when did you become able to use weapons?" Rika asked.

Shizuka didn't answer right away, but she pointed at Yoru which made Rika a little confused.

"Did Yoru-san teach you?"

Shizuka looked at Yoru, and Yoru nodded his head in response.

"Yoru didn't teach me to use weapons. He only taught me to control mana. For how I can use weapons, I bought skills, so I can use weapons without having to practice too much." Shizuka said.

Rika was suddenly shocked and looked at everyone in the practice room.

"Don't tell me, are all of you an awakened?" Ask Rika with a serious face.

"Awakened? What's that?" Ask Megumi.

Rika was surprised by the question from Megumi. But she still answered that question.

"Awakened is someone who can use supernatural powers. Before the disaster appeared, Awakened was known as a Master. One of the famous masters was Master Busujima from Busujima Dojo and Master Ichijou from Ichijou Dojo. There's also someone that can be called as a witch." Said Rika.

"But, after the zombie disaster occurred, many people are now awakened with different power called skill. Even though I'm not too strong, I myself am also an awakened you know." Rika said proudly.

"But, are you all really Awakened?" Rika is a little still in disbelief.

"If what you say as awakened is a person who can use supernatural power. Your estimation is a little wrong. Because not only the people in this room, but all the people in Mochizuki General Hospital are people who can use supernatural powers." Yoru said.

Rika still not believing what Yoru said. "You mean everyone is?"

"As I said. Everyone in this room, Souichiro, Tadashi, everyone you encounter while walking here, you see at the entrance, all people who is at Mochizuki General Hospital is an awakened. In fact, Professor Masamune is not a human anymore, but a Warewolf."

Rika gawked and blink her eyes because she did not believe.

"Are you serious?"

Yoru just nodded his head.

Rika looked at Shizuka and got the same answer.

"How? How can everyone here is an awakened?!" Rika shout.

"Yoru make them. He gave them something to eat and then BOOOM. They now can use magic and control their mana." Said Shizuka happily.

"But it's not permanent, it's more like a doping that make them can feel and control mana. If in the spend of time the effects they can perfectly control mana, they maybe able to truly awakening their power." Explain Fiona.

"So, it's an illegal drug then?" Rika look at Yoru.

"Yes, it's illegal. Is it a problem." Said Yoru with a straight face.

"Are you seriously ask that?" Rika didn't believe what she hear from Yoru.

"Yes, I ask because I didn't really know is it a problem or not. Especially in this kind of situation."

Rika looked slightly conflicted, but not for long.

"Rather then the drug, I'm more interested to you." Rika seriously look at Yoru. "Someone who can prepare a drug to make people awaken their power."

"Actually, I also interested about what happened outside this island. More preciously what is the government doing now."

"If you want to know about that matter, you'd better ask a member of the government."

"Sigh, in that case, I better take care of this matter once things are safer."

Yoru, who was looking at Rika with a serious face, became a little disappointed and didn't seem to care anymore. After that, Yoru turned his body and stretched out his hand. And not long after, a magic circle appeared and made Rika very surprised.

"What!!! What is that!!!" Rika shouted.

"He's summoning demon, that will help us fight the zombies." Saeko answered.

Rika couldn't help but stare and watch what was going on. Not long after that, Rika became even more surprised after Rias and her peerage came out from the magic circle.

Or, rather she was confused.

"Are you sure they are demons? They look human to me." Said Rika.

"I actually don't really sure whether they are really demon or not. But Yoru said that they are a demon. So, maybe they really are one." Shizuka answered slightly unsure.

Rika couldn't help but sigh after hearing what Shizuka said. And she became even more confused because she got the same answer from the others.

Since she was curious, Rika decided to ask Yoru.

"Yoru, are they really a demon?" Rika said.

Yoru looked confused and Rias smiled after hearing Rika's question.

"Nice to meet you. My name is Rias Gremory, and I am indeed a demon." Said Rias with a charming smile.

Rika looked surprised to see the smile on Rias's face and she immediately looked away in embarrassment.

"Hahahaha…" Rika laughed and then looked back at Rias.

"Don't be kiddi..." Rika was shocked after seeing something that shouldn't be in front of her eyes.

In front of Rika and the others, Rias and her peerage showed their wings which were shaped like bat wings and were black in color. Rias and her peerage also move their wings to show that their wings are real and not just an accessories. And Rika speechless after seeing all of that.

"Are... Are you seriously asking the help of a demon ? Are you selling your soul for this?" Rika look so shocked.

"Are you going to sacrifice me because I know all this?" Rika looks scared.

Yoru and everyone look confused by what Rika said.

"Sacrifice? What do you mean by that?" Rias ask.

"Isn't that what demon usually want. You need to sacrifice someone or selling your own soul to asking a help from a demon."

"Huhf, why should I ask something like that? It's true that we are a demon. But that doesn't mean I have to ask for a soul as payment for all requests. Equivalent exchange. At least, I was taught that way." Rias explained.

"Eh... If not a soul, then what do you usually ask for?" Saeko was curious.

"The job goes like this: First we are summoned, and then we make a contract with the summoner, either permanent contract or just temporary. In the case with Yoru-san, it's a temporary contract. After that, we fulfill their wishes. As a price, we receive a payment fitting for the particular wish they made. It can be money, an object, and even their life. Well lately, there aren't any contractors who would use their life as a payment to make a wish. Even if there was a person like that,their wish usually to much to be granted. According to Rias, "People's values aren't equal"." Akeno explain.

"Money? This is the first time I've heard that demon ask for money as payment. From all the stories I know, demon usually ask for a soul or lifespan." Say Shirley.

"Then what did you ask from Yoru then?" Fiona asked.

Rias was silent for a few seconds and then looked at Yoru with a surprised face because she realized something.

"Yoru-san, what is the content of the contract you made with Onii-sama?" Rias asked with a worried face.

Yoru silent and tried to remember something.

"I think, I haven't made a contract with Sirzechs yet." Yoru looked a little unsure.

[You haven't made a contract with Sirzechs yet. Because you two only talked about what you asked for and haven't talked about the payment.] The system reminds.

"Hmm... I really haven't made a contract with Sirzechs yet." Yoru nodded his head.

"Rias?" Akeno then looked at Rias in silence.

"Buchou?" Yuuta and Koneko did the same.

Rias looked a bit panicked seeing the glances from Akeno and the others.

"I... I haven't forgotten, I just haven't talked about it yet. I was planning on making a contract before the war starts and asking for payment after the war is over. Because I don't know how big this war will be." Said Rias quickly.

Akeno, Yuuta and Koneko, even Saeko and the others looked at Rias with slightly disbelieving faces at what Rias was saying.

"I'm serious, I'm not lying." Rias tried to defend herself.


Yoru clap his hand to make everyone focus on him.

"If that's what Rias said, that must be what she's planning." Yora smiled.

Everyone looked a little unsure even though Rias insisted on agreeing with what Yoru said.

"What's important now is what we will do later. Rika, can I ask you to take me to Tarou to talk to him?" Yoru looked at Rika.

Rika nodded her head in response.

"And Rias, you guys should try out the equipment and accessories that I prepared."

Akeno and the others looked at the mannequins prepared by Yoru with curious faces.

"For the others, you guys continue with your training."

Saeko and the others nodded their heads.

Everyone then did what they needed to do. And Yoru walked out of the room with Rika. But, before he left, Rika called out to him.

"Yoru, regarding the contract we are about to make." Rias was a little embarrassed.

"Now, you should try the equipment I prepared first. We can talk about that later. I can prepare anything you want, except for my soul or someone else's soul, those two are the only things I may not be able to provide." Yoru smiled.

Rias nodded her head slightly embarrassed and immediately walked back towards Akeno and the others.

After leaving the practice room, Yoru was escorted by Rika, immediately walked towards the place where Tarou was. Upon arriving there, Yoru saw Tarou sitting with Youji, Souichiro and Tadashi, and there were also two women who seemed to be the same age as Saeko. Seeing Yoru enter, Souichiro and Tadashi immediately stood up and gave Yoru a chair.

"Yoru-san, is there anything you need to come here for?" Tarou asked.

"I was planning to talk about what we will do when the zombie horde attacks." Yoru answered while sitting between Souichiro and Tadashi.

"Coincidentally we are also talking about that with Takagi-san and Miyamoto-san." Taro replied.

"Souichiro, can you tell me what in your conversation is?"

"Very well. From our talk just now, we decided to leave all the soldiers in the hands of Yuriko and the others, since they are more used to using firearms as their weapons. And Kanou-san is also willing to use big weapon to help out." Say Souichiro.

"Hmm..." Yoru thought for a moment.

Not long after, Yoru snapped his finger and a holographic 3D map appeared on the table. The hologram shows Mochizuki General Hospital as the center point and fifteen kilometers around it. Tarou, Youji and Rika looked very surprised by what appeared in front of them. Meanwhile, the two women who were the same age as Saeko also looked surprised, it's just that they both seemed surprised for a different reason from Tarou and Youji.

"Since I didn't see a helicopter, you must have come here by sea, right? You must also have brought a warship."

Tarou nodded his head.

"In that case, could you place your warship over here? And please aim all the cannons in the ship over here, here, and here, also here and theblast place is here. Because all the zombies will walk through this path. I'm sure you guys are wondering why I know their path. I didn't predict all of this, but I deliberately made a plan so that they go down to this path." Yoru smiled.

Tarou and Youji were shocked by what Yoru said.

"We have 5 groups on the front line, 3 groups helping from the rear, one group on standby, and one group with all the doctors and medical personnel. And I will put all these groups here." Yoru explained the condition of his group.

"So, I ask you to divide your group into 3 group or 4. 2 groups to help those on the front lines and 1 group to be on standby. And maybe 1 more for the medic" Yoru added.

Tarou and Youji nodded their heads as a sign that they understood Yoru's plan. But after that, Youji raised his hand.

"Youji-san, do you have any questions?"

"Yeah, about the standby group. What's their job? Are they on standby for any unexpected events?"

"One of the reasons is that. But actually their main job is to deliver ammunition, food or drink, as well as withdraw personnel who can't fight on the battlefield. Even though they don't sound important, they actually have the most important and dangerous job. If they are being late to deliver ammunition to those in the rear line. As a result it will make the rear line late to help the front line which can result in the destruction of the front line. And if they are late in withdrawing personnel who cannot fight anymore, it will result in the death of these personnel. So, I hope you can prepare this group with personnel you can trust and with those who have fast feet." Yoru explained.

Tarou and Youji looked completely shocked by what they were hearing.

"That's true. Logistical distribution is the most influential issue in victory and defeat in war." Youji nodded his head.

"If you understand. Now let's talk about the traps we will lay on the battlefield." Yoru said.

"Trap?" Taro looked confused.

"That's right, traps. Besides the help from the warships. We'll set up traps to reduce the number of zombies before we take them head-on." Yoru said.

"First, we reduce their numbers with traps, after that we will shower their rear with the cannons on the warships. Only then we take them head-on." Yoru explained the flow of the plan he came up with.

"That's a good idea. I can also set up air support." Tarou said.

[With all the chess pieces able to fly, air support will be a bit difficult.] System concludes.

"Air assistance seems to be difficult. To be precise, remote assistance will be a little difficult. Because some of our enemies will be able to fly. So they can prevent the missile from hitting the target." Yoru explained.

"So you'll just be using warships and air support to keep those who can fly busy." Youji said.

"That is how it is."

After they talked about their plan to deal with the zombie attack, Yoru returned to the practice room with Rika. And on their way back to the practice room, the two women who were probably around the same age as Saeko stopped Yoru and Rika in their tracks.

"Sorry for stopping you. My name is Keine Kanzaki." Keine smiled.

Keine is a curvaceous young woman with waist-length blonde hair taid in twin tails, and have purple eyes. She's wearing white over coat with black undershirt and grey skirt, plus black shoes with long black stockings.

"My name is Aoi Ichijou." Said Aoi.

Aoi is a beautiful pale-skinned girl with thigh-length black hair that is tied in a ponytail by a purple bow with bangs hanging over her forehead, she's also have a vibrant-green eyes. And she's wearing a traditional miko attire, consisting of a blue haori with red accents, a purple hakama, and a pair of zōri with white tabi. And a katana hanging on her waist.

"Oooookay, is there something you need from me?" Yoru confused why Keine and Aoi stopping him.

"Yes, even though actually the one who need something is her." Said Keine while pointing at Aoi.

"Her?" Yoru tilted his head.

"Ah... She's Ichijou. She's must be looking for Busujima." Rika realize something.

"Yes, I want to meet with Saeko Busujima." Said Aoi.

"Can I ask the reason. Depends on what your reason is, I can tell you or maybe I will kill you." Said Yoru with a smile.

Rika, and Keine were surprised to hear what Yoru said, while Aoi looked very nervous and sweat was visible from her forehead even her hand that holding the hilt of her katana was shaking uncontrollably. And with fear all over her body, Aoi dared to open her mouth.

"I... I just want... to know... how stronge is she..." Aoi shakily replied.

Not long after that, Aoi looked calmer even though she seemed a little hard to breathe. And Keine looked worried seeing Aoi's condition. But Aoi just smiled at Keine as an answer that she was okay. And Yoru smile looking at the two woman in front of him.

"Just follow me then." Said Yoru with a sweet smile on his face.

Keine was a little scared by that smile. But Aoi answered Yoru with her own smile.

'This woman looks like she can't wait to meet Saeko.'

[A rivalry between sword-wielding women perhaps. Remember that Busujima and Ichijou are dojo owners.]

"Aoi right?" Yoru said suddenly and made Rika, Aoi, and Keine a little surprised.

"Yes." Reply Aoi.

"I don't understand why you are trying to compare yourself to others?" Yoru asked.

"I just want to know how strong I am. And the easiest way is to compare myself to others." Reply Aoi.

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