
Blood and Carnage Striken Battlefield

(General POV)

Location the Blood Lands, open plains battlefield Carnage vs. Blood Daemons

Kiira has just killed a Bloodthirster of Khorne and currently slaughtering a huge number of lesser daemons of Khorne alongside her succubi all in this area waging brutal battle were soak in the blood of Bloodletters, a Bloodthirster and some lesser Succubi that were to enthralled in making their daemonic victims suffer that they didn't notice another Bloodletter coming to stab them with their crimson hellblade or behead the poor lust daemons of the Dark One, truly a gruesome area in the battlefield between the forces of Laharl and Khorne.

Speaking of the two brothers they are still clashing their titanic daemonic swords over and over against the other as Warp spark flew after every clash of the swords neither backing down or relenting seeking to cut down the other.

As Khorne delivered another two handed straight downward slash onto his brother, Laharl blocked it by rising his own sword above his head as the Unmaker slammed unto the Ragnarok and Khorne used a lot of his strength to push down unto Laharl only for his concentration to be disturbed by Laharl's chuckling, putting his focus on Laharl's face he failed to notice that his frontal arm legs reached out and grab onto Khorne's sides holding him in place with no time to respond from Laharl's move Khorne got ram by his brother causing his own sword to smack against his helmet's front temporarily stunning him as Laharl drew back his Claw of Hades surging power through it causing light violet, and purple electricity to surge through the titanic sized clawed gauntlet delivering a brutal energy swipe across Khorne's chestplate badly harming the Blood God.

As the Blood God staggered from both attacks that the Dark One dealt to him then he heard his brother say "Ready to kneel brother?" those words once Khorne heard them all the dizziness and pain was immediately subsided utterly replaced with pure, utter rage that cause his eyes and wing to flare like a hellish inferno standing straight growling and snarling as he looked at his brother "You dare insult the God of Murder!? Lord of Skulls!!? I...Will...KIll...YOU...BROTHER!!!!!!" re-energized with vivid fury he actually threw his sword angrily onto the ground causing the entire landscape to quake not only with the impact of the Unmaker did with the Blood Lands but also responded to Khorne's ever rising wrath just as Laharl planned banishing his Ragnarok and with a chuckle he told Khorne "Then come Blood God. Let me bring Carnage to your existence." as soon he said his invitation Khorne spread his wings and with a roar charges at Laharl to turn this sword duel into a brutal brawl!

The two Chaos Gods were beating the other with pure brutal offense forsaking defense in its entirety each punch causing a powerful shockwave from the power behind each blow against armor or tough hide.

All the while as Laharl and Khorne were brawling their armies kept on fighting and killing each other in one of these groups engaging each other was the Cult of the Dark Druids using the power of the Dark Florrah conjuring and commanding daemonic plant through the crimson soil of the Blood Lands as violet colored roots, vines, and plants were attacking and killing Bloodletters and Juggernauts that they're fighting.

This power of dark druidism blessed to them by their Lady and Daemon Queen, Chi Aahtahg was overpowering and crushing the lesser daemons and beasts of Khorne, with the aid of the Chaos Cultists amplifying the powers of the Dark Druids as the vines, needle thorns roots and other dark florrah but while the impaled, snap necks, crush, poison, or consume the legions of blood the Juggernauts speed was difficult for the Dark Druids to cast their spells on and many of these Chaos touched Nauless mortals were trampled, torn to pieces in the jaws of the metallic beasts which weaken areas of engagement or spells allowing Bloodletters and Juggernauts to massacre them but that's when they had to face the Ents from both variants Dark or Elder.

The Ents were directly fighting against the Bloodletters, Bloodcrushers and Juggernauts matching the physical power of the lesser daemons of Blood added to their power was the dark chants being cast by the Dark Druids and Cultists but eventually the Bloodletters numbers and constant attacking was overwhelming the Dark Ents as several were burning unto the red ground, some were hacked and chopped to pieces but the slaughter was equal in term in this force battle as some of the Cultists and more mutated Enlighten that weren't in charge of casting buffing spell/rituals were currently rushing into a horde of Bloodletters all rushing at their mortal victims as well with Hellblades rised this will prove a bloody clash as these units had finally meet in melee with hellish crimson hellblades coming down or swinging them at their mortal Carnage corrupted violet tinted humans but while the weakest amongst the Dark One's legions their numbers rival the rest of the daemonic forces.

While not yet at the level of what Chaos Cultists can be in the world of 40k their time in the Nethervoid has not only made them more twisted, deranged, and mutated they were better armed as well over the Warp years preparing for Khorne's arrival Laharl and Ba'al have been making their weakest but most versatile/usual unit stronger as this various level mutated mortal of varied tones and tints of violet on their pale grey skin equipped with various pieces of black armors bitting and pulling at their bodies just like the leather belts and straps scattered around their bodies some even have a horizontal eight-point star head piece taking some inspiration from Dawn of War, armed with better weapons to cause untold agony and punishment on the enemy of their Dark God with the dark florrah needle whips upgraded with Thraakhi ore gaining more Chaos corruption, and metallic reinforcements on the needles and the length of the vine, along with metallic clawed gloves if they haven't mutated a claw of their own, or wielding a spiked serrated daemonic black sword while those among them that have Psyker potential arm armed with lesser Chaosbrand scepters hence the Cultists being stronger and more erratic as they fought, kill and die against the daemons of Khorne.

While in the largest engagement in that group was Chi with her daemonic black-wood staff and chopper literally chopping and hacking Bloodletters and Juggernauts to pieces with her chopper while she harness all her daemonic power, and the full might of the Dark Florrah as various twisted and daemonically mutated plants impaling the khornate daemons on massive violet roots or on large needle coated vines that upon wrapping themselves on the lesser blood daemons they were impaled and stabbed all over their bodies, some were torn to pieces or eaten whole by huge violet plants with maws covered in razor-sharp teeths sprouted all around the area that Chi was butchering her enemies, seeing her forces struggling which made the light grey skinned Daemon Queen sigh so she smashed her daemonic black wooded staff the Dark Corruption of Nature onto the red ground spreading her emence power across the battlefield causing massive daemonic plants to sprout throughout the area providing aid and changing the terrain to their advantage since they're domain closely resembles the area they now fight.

But that was all of Chi's power and might tightening her claws around her weapons with her red eyes focused on her prey that surrounded her all eager to spill the blood of a Lesser Chaos Goddess such as Chi with hellblades high, roaring of red skinned daemons of Blood, and snarling daemonic beast of metal and fire, Chi's mouth turned into a fanged grin as her large daemon tail smashed against the red earth almost acting as a signal for battle as countless bloodthirsty bloodletters along with bloodcrushers and juggernauts charge straight at the Dark Druid Queen to claim her life, blood, and more importantly her skull for the Blood God!

Chi watched as her prey so eagerly came to her slightly bending her body to get into a better position to launch herself once they cross some distance and pass alive some of the Dark Florrah she sprouted all over the battlefield Chi will strike and once they did she blasted herself forward with her chopper drawn back, immediately when she was close to a Bloodletter who thought he could kill her with a roar and his clawed red hands holding onto the hellblade risen high in the air about to drive it down with all its daemonic strength but he was weaker and much slower then the Dark Druid Queen as Chi swung her chopper in a vertical slash chopping off the Bloodletter's arms from the elbows along with the upper half of the lesser daemon's head killing it before it even realized it died, smacking the body away with her staff and using her tail as leverage to push her into a forward spin to deliver a brutal spinning slash, chopping several bloodletters in half their crimson daemonic blood gushing into the air as the First Daemon Queen of Chaos is about to show these daemons who is stronger...and able to cause a greater slaughter then them.

Chi hack, slashed, chopped, struck and crushed all those that faced her proving her power and worth as queen, when the Bloodcrushers charged in hope to overwhelm her all the face of Chi demonstrated was excitement as her lovely light grey face was almost completely cover in blood as she smiled dropping her chopper right next to her as she channeled her ruinous power conjuring a growing sphere of violet energy in her right claw as it was amassing in size, power, and intensity, the Bloodcrushers now close for mounts to sink their blade-like fangs unto her and for their own blades to cut her to pieces when Chi slammed said energy orb against the red soil causing a massive burst of warp-energies to surge out from the air and earth, this force that Chi summoned made the Blood Lands shake with such force that it stopped the battle for everyone except her beloved husband and his brother still smashing their fists at each other when all around the two battling Chaos Gods a colossal amount of Dark Florrah began to sprout and rise all over as it greatly affected the ents around the battle changing them making these dark florrah creatures more mutated and larger transforming them into Dark Trents colossal chaos treemen roaring and thirsty for flesh and blood, even futher mutated and stronger then their lesser counterparts all with black vines and leafs, semi-humanoid forms with needles, vioket wood spikes, and horns covering their bark, with some having organic mouths filled razor-sharp teeth and long wiggling tongues as the Blood Heralds and several Bloodthirsters saw these new powerful daemonic enemies as worthy opponents and sacrifices to the Blood God and immediately charged these Dark Trents.

Drastically this changed the tide for the forces under the Dark Druid Queen in their favor, but the ones closest to Chi were the Dark Florrah taking the shape of giant clawed arms smashing down at the forces of Khorne proving the power of the first wife of Laharl as she picked up her chopper and calmly walked back into battle she saw the Carnage Crawlers moving forward from another part of the battlefield being shot by Khorne's artillery unit then she saw Void Wraiths along with Ba'al Allseer flying towards the ones attacking their daemonic siege towers making her chuckle as her beloved's younger brother struggled against them in futility...Carnage is greater then Blood.

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