
Chapter 67: Crazy Price-Cutting

The next morning, Song Jisheng awoke early and waited anxiously for a phone call.

Around nine o'clock, an unfamiliar phone rang; Song Jisheng hurriedly picked it up, and the caller said they had arrived downstairs.

Song Jisheng welcomed the visitors up, two men who carried a folder in their hands.

Once inside, the two men began incessantly appraising the value of the house.

Eventually, one of the men put down his pen, offered Song Jisheng a cigarette with a smile, and said, "This house is a bit better than I thought. If you feel okay with it, we can sign the contract now."

"And the price?"

"As for the price, that's negotiable. I'm offering four million."

"Four million???"

Song Jisheng asked with furrowed brows, Is this man here to drive the price down? His house, processed normally, would easily fetch over five million. But even in his urgent need for money, he couldn't just drop the price by a million plus!

"That price is a bit low, it crosses my bottom line."

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