

It was late afternoon, and I was on my way to the café terrace with one of my friends.

"It's been a while since we've met up just the two of us like this, hasn't it, Satō-san?"

"Yeah. Probably not since that time."

Since that time. She was talking about the time I told her I was going out with Kiyotaka.

Since then, Satō-san and I have become good friends… No, we were much closer than before, to the point where I could now call her my best friend.

However, our group was usually made up of four or five people. Taking turns, I was always hanging out with a group around that number.

That was why it wasn't often that I had the opportunity to be alone with Satō-san. It was the same on the cruise ship during this summer vacation. In fact, I had even less private time because I was always hanging out with seven or eight other people. We even went to the pool, which I was somewhat resistant towards… Well, I was able to cover my skin with a rash guard, so there weren't any problems. Anyway, there was a reason why I forcibly created some time to spend alone with Satō-san today.

First things first…find an empty seat. Satō-san and I looked around, trying to find a seat before ordering. Unlike the school, the café terrace was spacious so there was no need to worry about finding a space.

However, because of the subject of today's conversation, I didn't want people around me if I could help it. If you want to keep some distance from other students, the best place would be a spot with poor sunlight.

What should I do…?

"I'm okay with the back of the room if you want."

"Eh? Is that okay?"

"I mean, you have something important to talk about, right?"

Satō-san, who had already figured it out, replied so and gave me a cute smile.

"Thank you."

I thanked her and we decided to take the unpopular seats with no view of the outside. After turning over the 'in use' tag, we headed over to place our orders.

"Let me pay for your drink. I'm the one who called you out here after all, Satō-san."

I pushed through Satō-san, who seemed to be hesitant, and ordered two cups of coffee before taking my seat.

"So…what did you want to talk about?"

As soon as we sat down, Satō-san began to speak. I also wasn't intending to drag this out at all, but…

"Hmm…wait a moment."

"What's wrong?"

"Don't you think there's something strange about this atmosphere?"

I felt something was wrong regarding the atmosphere in this place so I went to check with her, but she just tilted her head curiously.

"Strange? I don't think there's anything though…"

"Yeah, I guess so. I'm sorry for saying something weird."

At first, I also didn't know why I felt this way. But maybe it was something I'd learnt from spending so much time with him…Kiyotaka. That guy never overlooked even the slightest detail. No matter if it was someone's facial expressions, emotions or the atmosphere of a place like this. Whatever it might be, he would see through it and detect any anomalies. Perhaps I'd also become able to discern things like that…?

I didn't know what was really going on, but that was what I decided to think for the time being. But what could it be? Why did I feel such a bad vibe? I tried to keep my composure and began quietly observing my surroundings.

"If only we could keep living on this cruise ship forever…"

As I said that, I put the cup to my mouth, and looked around casually.

"Ahaha, I feel the same. But if we keep going like this every day, we'll run out of money."

"That's true. With the pool, movies, and good food, I'm sure I'll run out of money soon.

I noticed that the strange atmosphere had disappeared. Or rather, it had faded away. Was I simply mistaken? Or maybe I was too preoccupied with probing, and it became too late to notice that things were starting to change.

A group of three third-year girls sat at the table next to us, chatting and laughing.

"You know, you know~… Kisarazu-kun from Class B, yeah~?"

"No way, are you serious? I didn't know that~"

They were chatting amicably, laughing out loud and having a great time.

Ahh, jeez…I should've spoken sooner. Even though the ocean side was more popular, it wasn't surprising that some people might choose this place to avoid the crowds or keep out of the sun. I didn't think our conversation would be very interesting to them, but they were still close enough to overhear us. We could just move and run away, but I didn't want to leave a bad impression.

It would be one thing if they were first-years, but these were third-year upperclassmen. I couldn't ignore the possibility that they could become upset if I were to move just because I didn't want them to sit next to us. I knew very well that bullying could start from trivial things like that.

"Actually, I was thinking I should tell you first, Satō-san."

Let's not worry about the irrelevant third-year students and focus on Satō-san here. It would be rude to worry about unnecessary things.

"I think it's about time I told everyone. About Kiyotaka that is."


As I thought, Satō-san had almost expected the contents of what I was going to say. She might've also considered the possibility that I was perhaps going to tell her we broke up…No, I don't think so. If that had been the case, I wouldn't have been able to keep a level head. I couldn't imagine myself being able to laugh about it and say, 'we broke up~' without a care in the world.

"That's why…I thought I should tell you, Satō-san."

"Everyone'll be really surprised when they find out, won't they? That the two of you are dating."

I simulated it over and over in my head. There was no doubt that no matter when I reveal it, it was going to cause a bit of a stir. I don't intend to speak ill of myself, but I don't have a very cute personality.

I was always so pompous and trying to push everyone else down. Before I met Kiyotaka, I acted much bossier than I was now because I didn't want to get bullied. I'd even sent amorous glances to boys I wasn't interested in.

"So when do you plan to tell everyone?"

When Satō-san asked me about the timing, I replied immediately.

"Since it's summer vacation now, I was thinking I'll wait until the second semester starts."

"What did Ayanokōji-kun say when you told him?"

"He said he'd adjust to whatever timing I liked."

Satō-san sucked on the straw and sipped her drink.

"I see. You guys are all lovey-dovey?"

"Eh?! Ehhh?"

"It's fine to tell me isn't it?"

"Y-yeah. Well, I mean, it'd be weird if we weren't lovey-dovey given that we're a couple."

"Have you kissed and stuff?"


"It's been a while since you started dating, right? So how's the progress?" She clenched her right hand and held it out to my mouth, mimicking a microphone.

"…J-just once, by surprise."

Hearing my honest reply, Satō-san smiled widely.

"That's nice, I like the idea of a surprise kiss."

"R-really? I wasn't able to prepare or anything…Even though it was my first time…"

Hearing such a murmur, Satō-san's eyes widened slightly and she let out a little, "huh".

"Did you never do anything with Hirata-kun, Karuizawa-san? You were together for quite a while, weren't you?"


"And if it's you, Karuizawa-san, it wouldn't be surprising if you had a boyfriend during middle school."

As I listened to Satō-san's comments, I felt the blood drain from my veins. Karuizawa Kei was a very popular girl of high status who was constantly moving from one boy to another. Reporting that such a person had only just had her first kiss certainly was a problem.

"Well…you see, it's because I'm a modest girl." I replied, trying my best to look composed. "Don't you think that it has to be a special person, not just any boyfriend, to allow that kind of thing?"

Suddenly feeling thirsty, I poured a third of the cup of coffee down my throat in one gulp.

"But Hirata-kun was a super cool boyfriend, wasn't he?"

"Well, yeah. But maybe it just wasn't stimulating enough for me."

This is fine; you can do it, me.

Now that I'd slipped up, I had no choice but to go along with the flow and deceive her.

"Hirata-kun's a passive guy, so he didn't make a move even if I wanted him to. It was a bit unsatisfying for me~"

Sorry, Hirata-kun! I apologized in my heart whilst I sacrificed him for my own sake.

"Is that so? Well, it's true that you might want your boyfriend to take the lead in some areas."

"Right, right?"

"But Ayanokōji-kun looks like a more passive guy, but he's actually quite aggressive, huh?"

Satō-san seemed a little regretful after saying that.


"Ah, sorry Karuizawa-san. That's not what I meant…!"

Today's meeting was just supposed to be for me tell her that I was going to reveal our relationship. And yet, this was nothing more than a disagreeable jerk bragging about herself.

When I first came to this school, I thought that was fine. I was a gaudy woman who went around talking about all kinds of things regarding Hirata-kun.

But now, I think that kind of thing is no good. I consider her a precious friend, so I should've avoided saying something so thoughtless…I could say it was a defence mechanism to protect myself, but that sounded like an excuse and was just my selfish ego talking.

"It's fine, it's fine. I mean, it's normal to fall in love with the same boy if you think they are nice, or rather, it's something that's been happening to me for a long time. Well…in my case, I was always on the losing side though."

Satō-san pouted her lips as she let out her complaint. But after that, she immediately returned to her lively self.

"Just to be sure, if you dump Ayanokōji-kun…It's fine right?"

When she says 'it's fine' she means that right?

She continued without letting me clear my mind. "You know, now that Hirata-kun's free, he can go get a new girlfriend, right? So it's the same for Ayanokōji-kun, yeah?"

"That's…well I guess that's true, but…"

That definitely can't happen! I mean we're not breaking up! I was screaming in my heart, but I couldn't show it on the surface so it was difficult.

"You know, I think you could aim for better guys, Karuizawa-san."

"Better guys? Like who?"

"Answering who straight after being asked is a little difficult, but…like Tsukasaki-kun, or Nagumo-senpai."


For me, both of them were out of the question. It was true that if we were only talking about visuals, Tsukasaki-kun was top class, and the Student Council President might be too. And if we were talking about status and stuff, they were unmistakable at the top.

But…yeah, I didn't think they could rival Kiyotaka. That guy…he could be disagreeable at times, but…he's strong, handsome and mysterious. And most of all…He understands me.

"Okay! I said something unnecessary, thank you for the meal!"


"I mean it's written all over your face, Karuizawa-san. That for you, Ayanokōji-kun is number one."

Jeez… My poker face can't get past Satō-san, who knew the details of my love life.

"Thank you, for telling me about it first. It made me happy."

"I wonder… If that's the case then that's good."

After that, our conversation turned to other people's love stories. Reflecting on the uninhabited island and things that were completely unrelated. It was the first time in a long time that the two of us were able to spend an enjoyable time together.

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