
New Kitchen (Part-1)

As Alexander made in way back from the eastern military district, having spent the whole day there he reminisced about what happened.

He was mostly pleased that the demonstrations went well and good, but he felt a slight acridness at how the stirrups had been somehow overcast by all the other more blingy things.

He had thought that it would get more attention, but forgot it was on the face of it quite a humble invention.

And the reason for Alexnader's error was that he knew the effect the humble stirrup had on history.

This invention allowed knights to stay on their horses while in combat and almost single-handedly gave rise to the concept of a 'cavalry charge'.

It has been attributed to the rise of the knight class in the middle ages and according to some historians even the whole feudal system.

Now, it had to be noted that there is a popular misconception that before the industrial revolution, the whole world practiced some kind of feudal system.

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