
Visiting Hogsmeade


Harry Potter and all of its characters belong to J.K Rowling.

I own nothing but the original characters I make.




Chapter 59: Visiting Hogsmeade

On a Friday night, the foursome was having a quiet dinner at the great hall when Luna suddenly commented.

"There is something strange about professor Lupin."

Hannah was the first one to speak.

"What do you mean? He is a wonderful teacher."

"Strange how?" Harry asked.

Luna seems to ponder for a moment.

"There is something black in his belly thingy...umm...what was it called?" Luna looked at Harry.

Susan and Hannah looked at Luna with complicated expressions.

"What belly thingy?" Susan asked.

Harry rubbed his forehead and sighed.

"Luna, we talked about this. That is called the 'magical core' and is not really inside the belly, is actually a metaphysical concept that-" Harry stopped when He saw the faces that the three of them were making.

"Anyways…you can see something black in there?."

Luna nodded. "Yes, everyone is shiny and clean, but the Professor has a black spot there. Do you know what is that?" She asked Harry, who always seem to have the answers.

"Not sure. It could be some sort of curse. " Harry did not know what a black spot inside the magical core could be, but it was definitely something very bad.

"Oh, something that Harry Potter doesn't know? that's new." Susan teased.

"Hmph, only a fool would claim to know everything." Harry answered.

Hannah, who did not want to think anymore that there was something wrong with her favorite teacher, was thinking of a way to change the subject when she remember something very important.

"Oh, guys!. Tomorrow is going to be the first Hogsmeade weekend!. I'm so excited to see it finally." Hannah sounded very passionate about it.

Susan smiled brightly. "Yes, that's going to be soo fun!." She then turned towards Luna. "Hey Luna, do you want us to bring you something? sweets maybe?"

Luna looked a bit sad. "Oh…I would like to go too."

"You can come with us all you want next year, Luna" Hannah tried to cheer her up but did not seem to work.

Luna just muttered. "Next year…"

"I can take you there if you want. I was planning on going anyways." Harry commented. He hasn't visited that place in so long that He was curious to see how much It has changed. He also has one business to complete there.

Luna's face brightened up. "Really?"

"Harry, you know that second years are not allowed. And according to what Profesor McGonagall said, you are not allowed to go either." Susan said with a stern expression that, for a second, reminded Harry of McGonagall herself.

"Yes Harry, the professor said that is too dangerous for You to go, for as long as those criminals are on the loose" Hannah reminded him.

Harry crossed his arms. "Bah!, dangerous criminals. If we are not allowed to go, then all we have to do is make sure the teachers don't see us."

"You are planning on using that cloak of yours right?..." Susan sighed.

Hannah seem to be worried as always and Luna was excited at the prospect of going to Hogsmeade.


"It must be around here " Harry whispered.

Harry and Luna were hidden under the Cloak of invisibility and walking around the third floor, looking for a certain statue.

"Oh, there it is." He spotted the statue of the one-eye witch.

They approached the statue and Harry said softly.


The hump on the witch statue opened to reveal a short slide into a tunnel that led under the school and took about an hour on foot to get to Hogsmeade.

Luna made a surprised face. "Wow, you know a lot of secrets about this castle."

"I know a lot of things."

Luna looked at him for a moment and then she shrugged and follow along.

At this point, she has accepted the fact that Harry Potter seems to know almost everything and didn't question it. Even if she did, Harry always seems to answer something like 'i know a lot of things or ' i read about it' and does not explain further.


After a long walk, they finally arrived at the cellar of Honeydukes. They both got back under the Invisibility cloak and made their way out of the shop.

Once they were in an unpopulated area, Harry stored back the cloak and they walked around Hogsmeade like normal. The chances of finding a teacher here were very low.

They visited several of the shops and Luna bought some weird glasses with different color lenses. Harry thought it was a waste of money, but it was her money after all.

After walking around Hogsmeade for a while, Luna became very excited about something She has just spotted.

"Harry look at that! It looks like a haunted house.!" She pointed in the direction of a very grim-looking house.

"What so special about a haunted house? We technically go to school in a haunted castle, with flying ghosts and talking paintings."

Luna wasn't listening to him and started running towards the grim house.

Harry sighed and made to follow her when He notice a presence hiding close by.

He looked around casually to not alert their stalker. Behind him, to his left, He saw it. A shaggy black dog was looking his way while sitting next to a tree.

Harry was sure that was not a normal dog. He pretended not to notice anything and follow Luna to the grim house.

After taking a few steps, the dog started to move again towards them.

Luna was right outside the house, admiring it.

"So cool!, do you think we can go inside?." Luna asked.

Harry had an idea.

"Yes, I'm sure we can go inside."

The door was locked with magic, but the enchantment was so weak that it broke the moment Harry put his hand on the handle.

After entering the house, Harry told Luna to go explore and she happily went.

Harry cast the disillusionment charm on himself and waited next to the door.

Moments later, the shaggy dog crossed the doorway and entered the house.

Harry, who was now positioned behind the dog, found it very easy to cast a silent stunning charm on him.

The dog went down without making a noise.

"Now, what do we have here?"

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