
Night Attack

Night arrives and covered the whole region in total darkness. Tonight was a moonless night. Thick clouds blocked out the light of the moon and the stars. In such a situation, the human's visibility is significantly reduced to only a few feet. However, human hearing become more acute. The soft rustle of leaves caused by the wind can be easily heard. The air was thick and humid, a sign of an eventual downpour.


In the midst of such conditions, the northeast gate of the city was open and a bridge was lowered. The thunderous sound of hooves reverberated as a group of four thousand horsemen exited the city, charging straight towards the Blande camps, located one kilometre away.

They had no difficulties navigating through a moonless night. Blande's camp illuminated the night with their campfires, lanterns and torches used for warmth and cooking. It was easy to spot them from afar.

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