
Chapter 73: Fizbo (Part 4)

Phil was videotaping some kids playing in a bouncing yellow house for Herbert, his buddy who wanted to be there but wasn't allowed for some legal reasons.

Phil narrated while recording, "If this tape is found in the future, this is how we humans celebrated birthdays before the robot overlords took over."

Currently hanging on the zip line, Luke saw that he was about to collide with Phil. He yelled, "Hey, dad, watch out‼."

Phil turned to the source and saw Luke rapidly approaching him on the videotape screen. "Yeah, there's my boy! Zipline, extreme-"


Phil gets knocked over by Luke and falls to the ground with a slam. Upon seeing this, the zipline guy in charge said, "Ouch, that looked bad."

Phil said hurriedly while getting back up, not wanting to be criticized by certain family members about his accident. "I am okay. I am good. I am good."

The zipline guy then helped Luke, who was stuck on the wire, and carried him to the final destination of the zip line.

Now slightly concussed and dizzy, Phil said, "Don't stand… don't stand here. Let's go and rope this area off." He saw that the ziplines guy was holding his thumb up toward him. "Excellent, thank you!"

After pointing at the area, Phil walked toward Luke, standing on the right side of the bouncy house.

"Hey, buddy. Are you having fun?" He said while lowering his head slightly to meet Luke's eyes. It also helped him to hear Luke's voice amidst the noisy environment where many kids were running around and playing.

Luke showed off his brown pants and belt in a white hoodie and orange shirt. "Yeah! And I love my new belt."

Sitting still in her brown overcoat at an empty booth with crafting material on the table, Claire saw Luke and Phil talking from afar. The arts and craft table were placed at the edge of the birthday party to not disturb the others playing.

She immediately calls Luke while picking up the comb sheet, "Hey, Luke! Luke, do you wanna make a comb sheath?"

Luke looked at his mom weirdly and asked, "A what?"

Claire then showed off her comb sheath and described it with excitement, "It's a cool leather holder for your comb, and you can decorate it. I've got beads and, and all kinds of stuff. Do you want to?"

Meanwhile, Phil has a massive sadistic grin on his face like he is the joker trying to hold back his laughter at batman.

(E/N: NO Joker. You can't. That's a pokemon Joker! Noooo‼)

Upon hearing Claire's dull explanation, Luke replied, "Nah."

The 10 years old then turned around and looked at the colossal wall climbing wall in excitement. "I'm gonna do rock wall!"

Claire was slightly disappointed, but she hid it from Luke as she wanted him to be happy on his birthday.

Luke then walks off toward the rock climbing wall leaving Phil alone with Claire.

Claire shouted at him, "Okay, honey. It's your day! But be careful!"

"Honey, let me know if you get low on supplies; I'll make a quick round back to the 1950s for you..." Phil mocked from afar.

Karma hits him quickly as a girl on the zipline flies and crashes into Phil, making him fall for the second time.

He yelled out, "Again?! Seriously!"

As he got back up to his feet, Phil said, "Zipline guys, just… some ropes guys, it just some ropes."

-At a random Petrol Station-

Mitchell and Cameron were inside their silver Prius, arriving at the fueling station to get some fuel. He queued for his turn to fill up the gas.

In his clown makeup and attire, Cameron asked, "Did you remember to switch the lights to the dryer?"

Mitchell, at the wheel, sighed and said, "Ugh. No, I forgot."

"They're going to smell musty now. Good job."

"I know. I'm sorry."

It's finally the prius's turn to get the fuel amidst their bickering.

Cameron offered, "I will pump."

Mitchell said hurriedly as he removed his belt, "No. No, I'll do it. You stay right here and just relax."

Cameron was a bit offended. "Oh, I get it. You're worried about people seeing me."

Mitchell retorted, "Without a question," as he exited the car.

Cameron quickly spoke to the leaving Mitchell, "You know, people are gonna stare 'cause they're not used to seeing one clown in a car."

Mitchell replied as he closed the door, "Yeah, that's why."

-Luke's Birthday Party-

Ryan and Alex walked toward Jay, Gloria, and Manny, who had just arrived. They were doing something lewd – holding hands as they walked to Alex's grandpa's family. Embarrassedly upon approaching Jay and the other, she tried to remove her hand, but it was too late.

Ryan greeted the family warmly, "Hi there."

Jay saw Ryan and said playfully while eyeing Alex and him, "Oh, hi Ryan, I see you are here as well."

Alex defended Ryan and said, "Of course he is. How awkward would it be if he wasn't? He lives next door."

Ryan lowered his head and said sadly, "Sounds like you don't want me here."

Alex was flabbergasted and quickly comforted him, "That's not what I meant."

Jay almost laughed, seeing the young couple being all lovey-dovey.

Manny interrupted their fight and pointed toward a girl saying, "That's her. Bianca Douglas."

Gloria turned her head in the direction Manny was pointing. "She's so cute."

Manny replied, "She has good handwriting. She's the complete package."

Ryan perked up his ear. "May I ask what's going on here?"

Jay answered, "Nothing much Manny is planning to ask a classmate out, is all."

Ryan heard this and said, "I see. Well, good luck, Manny. Go get her, champ. Do you want any tips? I know how to pick up…a beautiful girl." He said while looking lovingly at Alex.

Alex face flushed…so did Jay. 'This kid is smooth.' Jay thought.

"Jay already taught me," Manny replied.

Jay encouraged Manny, almost frozen in his step, tuning everything out as his eyes laid on the girl.

"Yes, Manny, go see she is standing there alone now is your time to shine."

After getting encouraged by Ryan and Jay, Manny started heading toward a pale girl with dark blonde hair in a pink shirt and blue sweater with a cube pattern.

After Manny leaves, Jay asks Alex, "By the way, come to think of it, I never asked how you managed to woo Ryan."

Alex asked, "Shouldn't it be how Ryan managed to woo me?"

Jay replied, "I..."

Gloria quickly helped Jay out and said, "He meant the same but said it wrong, right, Jay?"

Jay quickly latched on and said, "Yes."

Ryan answered, "Well, to be frank, I was planning on asking Alex out, but then she confronted me at her house when I came over for the first time, and I told her the truth, and she agreed. That's how she seduced me. You see, I'm attracted to confident women-"

Alex quickly shut his mouth and pulled him away from her grandpa before he revealed more of Alex's strong pursuit to seduce him. Jay chuckled while Gloria asked, "What did you laugh?"

"Nothing. I just thought Alex was seriously like Claire."

"Ayy… That's a bad thing, right?" Gloria asked in confusion. Jay turned and stared into the camera, not knowing how to retort her words.

Away from the people, Ryan asked Alex, "Hey, want to go someplace private?"

Alex blushed. "I'm not going to make out with you at Luke's birthday party."

"I'm…actually thinking about talking somewhere private... Where is your mind? Do you only think about making out with me now?" Ryan asked with accusing eyes.

"I- I don't-" Alex stammered, and her mind becomes blank. Ryan chuckled and kissed her on the lip. "Well. I actually don't mind if you want to.."

"Stop trying to make it look like I'm the one who asked?!" Alex growled. Claire noticed Ryan and Alex after she heard Alex's raised voice.

"Hey...Hey Alex. Ryan! Do you want to make some crafts!" Claire asked.

"Well. The opportunity's shot." Ryan muttered. Alex blushed and ran to her mother, who called her.

PS: Today's chapter, and yes, I owe 9 chapters total, as 11.9 was rounded off to 12. Also, I plan on finishing the plot episode with a massive chapter tomorrow, so be on the lookout for that.

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