
Chapter 18: Island Exam Part 3

Miura Yumiko POV:

I was deep in thought walking slowly with my hair covering my face when someone called out to me.

"Hey! Miura!"

"Hm" I looked to see Sudo running up towards me. "Sudo?"

I looked at him confused as to what he was doing here.

"Horikita has been decided as leader so I'm going to go get the card."

"Ah, so that means everyone's down this path?"

"Yeah, but hey where have you been?"

"Nowhere, I'll see you later." I waved as I continued walking and ended up seeing the class.

I saw Ayanokouji and walked up to him.


"Yo." I giggled at his monotone voiced response.

"Sooo, what's going on?" I asked.

"Kushida recommended Horikita as leader and it seems Ike has taken charge." I looked surprised at his mention of Ike.

"Wow, it's like they say 'there's a first time for everything' huh."

"Yeah I'm as surprised as your are." We both walked over to everyone to join the conversation. "Ike, you have experience in the great outdoors?"

"I come from a family of campers. We used to go every weekend when I was little. I had no problem drinking river water. Sometimes, you can tell if a spring is drinkable just by looking at it." We both nodded at his explanation.

"Well look at that! You can be useful." My words caused to him to blush and he rubbed the back of his neck flustered.

"Hehehe, I guess so." He said, seemingly ignoring or misheard my little jab.

After our little talk with Ike, the whole of Class D started setting up a fire and the tents. Me and Ayanokouji decided to leave the fire to people like Ike, while both me and him help set up the tents.

As I did, I decided to tease Ayanokouji a little.

"You know~ Maybe we can share a tent?~" I said with a sly smirk.

He looked at me before he spoke, "We both know that's not allowed. It's against the rules."

I sighed sadly. "Yeah, I guess so." I said looking at the tent.

My attention was then brought back to the Ayanokoji as I felt him whispering something to me.

"Maybe we can share a hammock."

I snapped my head towards him with wide eyes and a blush started creeping up my face making me look flustered. I tried calming down but my head couldn't process what he said. Or that he said it.

"But of course that's not allowed as well." He looked away and continued working on the tent.

I instantly realised what happened and started glaring at him with a huge pout. He looked up at me, but I looked away, crossing my arms with "Hmph" and storming away.

He teased me. Me! That's supposed to be my job!

Even though I was angry, there was a little part of me squealing in delight at what he suggested to me.




It was now the next day and I was splashing water on my face until my attention was grabbed by everyone who went out for food. It seems Ike and others were able to catch fish, while some of the girls were able to find all that fruit.

Yesterday I had told them that there'd be no need to worry much about fruit as most out there will be fine to eat. There's no way the school would let us get food poisoning.

But of course I was lying, I actually had no idea.

I turned around as I felt Ayanokouji's gaze on me. I know he saw me yesterday when I took Ibuki out of the camp and talked with her. Originally, I planned to have both her and the other spy in Class... B out of the exam, but if I did then Ibuki and Horikita wouldn't have their little rivalry between each other. So instead I'm only taking out Ryueen's spy in Class B.

I snapped out of my thoughts as I saw Ayanokouji signal me over to him, so I stood up and walked over to him. "What's up?"

"I'm thinking of walking around the island, do you want to come?" I nodded at his question.

"Sure, which class?"

"... I don't know. I haven't seen which class is where except Class A."

"Okay! Then let's go!" Before I could start walking Ayanokouji stopped me.

"Wait a minute. I'm thinking of getting Horikita."

I sighed and said "fine."




After getting Horikita, we started walking and making our way over to one of the spots we saw from the cruise ship. As we were going, Ayanokouji and Horikita were having a conversation that I ignored as Horikita's reason for not wanting to exert herself on the island is a lie.

Once we got there we were met with a class working in full effieciency, trust and communication between each other. This was obviously Class B.

But none of that mattered, as I looked around and found the odd one out in the class. All students are wearing different coloured bands, corresponding to which class they're in. Right now I'm staring at one that's supposed to be in Class C but is in this class.

This guy is obviously the spy.

Without me realising it, Ichinose was next to us, most presumably to greet us as we had come to visit. And as she was walking over here, she was giving out orders with no problems or care in the world with that stupid naive smile on her face.

Horikita glanced at me as she spoke to Ichinose unsure of how I'd feel with the 'co operative relationship' between Class B and D.

"Ichinose-san, is it safe to assume that our relationship is one of cooperation?"

"Sure! That's how I think of it." Ichinose said, positively agreeing with Horikita.

Sorry, but that's not going to happen.

"Sorry to interrupt..."

Kaneda made himself known as he approached us. I saw him glance at me as he walked over. Ryuen or Ibuki must've told him about me. I gave the innocent smile I had on this whole time to him.

"What is it?"

"I was wondering if there was anything I could do to help."

"Well... why don't you help Chihiro-chan and the others over there?"

"Understood. Thank you very much."

"He seems rather distant, for a classmate."

"His name's Kaneda-kun. Apparently, he had a falling-out with Class C and got driven out of the camp. Oh, sorry... I'd better get back to work. Come back to visit soon, okay?"

"It's an upgrade from Class D in every way. I have to admit that." Horikita said, she then turned to me. "It's seems like he was wary of you Miura-san?" So she noticed.

I smirked in return. "I wouldn't be surprised if Class C and some of Class A was." I said before walking away and making my way over to the spot with the cave.




"We can't see what's going on inside from here." Horikita said as we had arrived at Class A's base.

"Let's go have a look." Ayanokouji suggested.

"I agree, let's get this over with." I agreed, walking with Ayanokouji towards the cave.

"W-Wait!" Horikita called out to us.

"We can't afford to be intimidated just because they're Class A."

"Plus it's not my style." I said, adding on to Ayanokouji's statement.

"What are you both trying to do? There's nothing to be gained from revealing ourselves."

"Sulking around here won't get us anywhere, either."

"Lighten up Horikita. When did you become such a wuss."

As we approached the covered up base, a green haired bimbo started questioning us. "What do you want?"

"We came here to scout you out. Do you have a problem with that?" Horikita said, looking at the giant cloth covering the entrance of the cave. "How very underhanded. We're going in."

I looked at her with a slight deadpanned expression. Where was this confidence just a second ago huh?



"This place is occupied by Class A. You're not allowed to go in."

"Oh? You've taken occupancy of this spot?"

"That's right. Now leave."

I yawned in the bakground, causing him to glare at me, before looking back at Horikita as she started speaking again.

"But there's no rule saying I can't ever the cave. I can't use a spot that currently occupied but I have the right to see what's inside. What you're doing is monopolization. I think maybe you're the ones breaking the rules."

As she spoke the truth, I looked at every Class A students that are currently hiding with my eyes counting them in an instant.

9 huh. This should be fun. I smirked a little as I heard another voice enter the conversation.

"What are you doing?"


"I don't recall permitting you to invite visitors."

"Just want to see what's inside. I can't imagine how's that against the rules."

"Go ahead and look, then. But be prepared for consequences. One class occupies one spot, and they protect it until the test ends."

Some of Katsuragi's followers in Class A decided to show themselves all at once.


"If you try to break this unspoken rule ... there will be war. It's best to avoid that sort of trouble."

"Ohhh~ Now this should be fun." I said cracking my knuckles a little, causing Katsuragi's gaze to fall on me now.

"Your Miura Yumiko. Sakayanagi gave me a warning to be careful of you during this trip, which is strangely unlike her to be wary." I felt the gazes of Horikita and Ayanokouji fall on me as well.

I also saw Yahiko's expression change a little at Arisu's name being mentioned.

"Why don't I show you~"

The silence remained tense a little before Horikita broke it.

"Let's go."

"You guys can go ahead, I'm gonn-- W-waaah! H-hey! Wait!" I cried out as I felt Aaynokouji pull my collar.

"Let's just go." He simply says.

"Hmph" I pout as I get dragged away by Ayanokouji.

"A strange individual." I heard Katsuragi Mutter.




"You've got to be kidding me. What is Class C thinking?"

A baffled Horikita exclaimed as she was standing next to me and Ayanokouji, watching Class C have fun and waste all their points.

One of the idiots from the trial that tried to frame Sudo came to us while we were watching everyone play.

"Um... Ryūen-san wants to see you."

We followed the blue haired to Ryuen who seemed to be relaxing under an umbrella. While Albert was standing guard.

As we approached him, my eyes glanced over to the walkie-talkie on the table next to him. I made a mental note of it, coming up with a plan already.

"Hey." Ryuen said to us.

"You seem to be living the high life." Horikita responded.

"Oh, we are. It's our summer vacation, and we're going to enjoy it. Right?" Ryuen said, looking over at Kondo, Komiya and Ishizaki.

"Y-Yes, sir..." They responded, obviously frightened out of their mind of Ryuen.

I couldn't help but giggle a little at their pitiful display.

"When a leader is incompetent, it ends up hurting those beneath him" Horikita said.


"Y-Yes, sir."

"It's warm."

"I'm sorry, sir..."

He really is scared of him. After talking to Ryuen a little, we started to leave but not before I gave a glance back at him, which he returned with a smirk. Oh you'll see how this exam works out for you and your spies.

I run up to Ayanokouji and whispered to him, "I'll leave the rest to you to get Ibuki Horikita's card." I moved away from him and adressed both him and Horikita. "I'm getting bored of hanging around this island. I think I'm gonna go back to the ship."

"You can't be serious? What about your promise to the class? We'll lose more class points because of this." I yawned as Horikita complained.

"Eh," I shrugged "Promises are meant to be broken. See ya!" I shouted, leaving a grumbling Horikita and a blanked face Ayanokouji.

Now time for the next phase.

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