
Ch 5: Ezio VS Ali

{signature smile image}:

when he heard that name himself and in person, the effort that he put in not smiling like a fucking psychotic madman was more than the entire effort he put in his short, past life!

I mean, who wouldn't?! this is Ezio Auditore Da Firenze in the flesh! it wouldn't be a joke to say getting on your knees for him or her is completely fucking worth it!!

but oh well, he had to keep himself calm and cool to not creep her out :'goddamn, though. it wouldn't take a fucking genius to know that the male Ezio was packing some good family jewels, but it must've have been good good if the boobs are THIS big!'

he gave her a polite and genuine smile :"Ezio, huh? "eagle", the strong and majestic bird of prey. it suits you quite well.

as your brother said, I can see that you really do have a strong arm even though it's so soft and slim.

you know, speaking of eagles, I got reminded of something. my father used to have a saying that, eagle always hunt, but never get hunted. I wonder if that is true with you."

Ezio smiled cockily at the nearly the same height and age boy in front of her :"it's the first time I have heard of it, but the saying has proven to be right till now then.

guess you can say I have a record of myself. because no, I have never been hunted. nor in a fight, and neither in romance. so, wanna take your chances to see if you can beat me, signore (mister)...?"

Ali was definitely unfamiliar with the way of romance from this time and age, but he took her sentence as a good sign.

so his smile that Ezio liked the genuinely of didn't go down as his eyebrows were raised :"oh, well, guess I will change that record. and if I can, both of them~. and the name is Ali, bella (pretty). Ali Ashborne."

Ezio chuckled as she watched his genuine smile and effort in flirting somehow as she shook her head in amusement :"we'll see about that. but, Ali? that's a unique name. are you perhaps not from around here?"

he shook his head in denial as he kept his small smile on his face that was contagious to Ezio :"no, I'm not. I'm a Turk from middle east."

Ezio looked at him with surprise after his sentence. well, not just her, but also Federico who was just getting ignored at this point and didn't want to be an ass and ruin the moment :"oh? really? it's my first time seeing someone from there. but aren't you too far away from home?"

Ali shrugged as a saddened look suddenly came and went away, but didn't go unnoticed by the siblings :"circumstances, I guess..."

the brother and sister didn't want to press on it too much and seem nosy as they had took a liking to this new person they have met.

so they decided to ignore that sudden change of mood as Ezio looked at him with a provoking face :"alright then, Ali, can I also fight? I just have to pay up, right?"

Ali looked at her with hesitation as he rubbed the back of his neck :"are you sure? I wouldn't want to fight you."

Ezio looked at him with an eyebrow and narrowed her eyes as she almost glared at him :"what now? are you underestimating me just because I'm a girl?"

Ali shook his hands in front of him in defense :"no no, that's not it at all! I already told you, you are definitely stronger than you seem even though there doesn't seem to be any muscles on you.

and believe me, I don't have any problem hitting a man, woman, young or elderly as long as I'm pissed off.

but the thing is, you're just too pretty for me to attack you. I would feel really guilty if I hurt you in some way."

now, that answer seemed satisfactory to Ezio, cause she smiled with amusement and satisfaction as she nodded :"good, better. that is better.

but as much I appreciate your concern and honesty, there is no need to worry. *smirking* cause after all, you won't be able to land a hit anyways."

that seems to have struck a nerve. cause Ali's lips and eyebrow twitched as he smirked back :"oh, really now? then I guess I really need to prove you wrong, right? and that's exactly what I will be doing. just pay up and get ready for the fight."

Ezio grabbed her sack of money from her waist and just threw it at the chest of gold on the table as she stood in front of Ali with some distance :"and there is your money. you sure you don't want to count? I can wait, you know?"

as the +50f flashed in Ali's vision, he chuckled as he eyed her like a predator. but it wasn't like a lecherous and perverted gaze that the other men that were foolish enough to not fear her would give her.

No. it was an honestly animalistic predatory look of a hunter that was ready to munch on its prey's flesh till there was nothing but bones!

Ezio also got into a fighting stance as she observed his body to see what she should do and how unprotected his body is.

but unlike how defenseless his body and animalistic stance looked, it was ready to attack and counter attack at any moment!

he looked just like a wild, untamed bear that just looked like it was ready to slash its prey to death with one slap of its paw!

so attacking the upper half of his body was off the table unless she wanted to get hit. but his legs weren't that good of a target either since she saw just how sturdy they are and how hard his bones are.

'calling him an animal really wasn't just a joke, huh? he looks like a damn bear or a tiger. gotta be careful of his attacks...'

and while she was checking his form, Ali who was in wolverine's stance was also watching her :'damn me, where the fuck am I supposed to attack?

her face? fuck no!! her chest?! not unless I want to be known as a damn pervert, so hell no to that too!!

her waist? there ain't anything to hit there... gotta aim real hard if I want to hit there... so the only options here are her limbs and waist.'

"sigh, gotta be careful of both defending and attacking, huh?" he whispered to himself as Ezio finally decided to attack him.

Ali had always had strong fingers to grip things and even stronger forearms to support those fingers.

that was the exact reason for why he was in the wolverine's stance. to be able to grab her arms and immobilize her instead of hitting her.

so when she threw a jab at him, he tried to catch it. but she was definitely fast enough to dodge his hand and even throw a right hook at him!

but he dodged just like Federico and pulled back a little to gain some distance. but Ezio was having none of that as she followed him and threw another jab at his face which then got turned into a hook again.

Ali who was forced into a bending position again, cursed under his breath. but Ezio who was also a seriously good fighter suddenly threw an uppercut which landed right to his guts!

he took a few steps back as he looked at her with honest shock like every other person in here :"well, do you think you should fight more seriously now?"

he gave his signature smile as he laughed loudly :"hahahaha!! alright, alright! I'mma be honest, I did NOT freaking expect that! but now, let's dance, cara (dear)!!"

it was Ali's turn to attack this time. but still didn't want to hit her so he moved his hand as he took action and tried to grab her by the neck but failed as she turned in her place and landed an elbow on his chest which didn't stop Ali as he ignored the pain and just pushed forward.

she moved again as she threw kicks at his head which got block by his hands and gave him the perfect chance to grab her leg!

he pulled on her leg and parted them. he then grabbed her neck and gently squeezed as he put his leg behind her leg on the ground and made her fall as he followed her and pinned her to the ground by the neck!

the both panted, but Ali's breathing was heavier as he had already fought a few times already :"*pant* guess it's *pant* my *pant* win, huh?"

the moment she saw that she was on the ground and pinned with no way to escape, she tried to get off of his hold.

but failed as she felt Ali lock her legs with his own and squeezed her neck a little :"just admit *pant*, bellissima (beautiful) *pant*."

seeing that she doesn't have a chance, she sighed with frustration through gritted teeth :"alright, you win. happy now?"

Ali let go of her neck as he chuckled while panting :"yeah, *pant* yeah, I am. *pant* specially now that *pant* I have you *pant* under me. it's a real pleasure."

Ezio rolled her eyes with a small smile :"oh go to hell. get off of me now."

Ali did as she asked with a grunt and a chuckle :"haha, hey now. that's not very nice of you now, is it?"

he held his hand for her to grab and she didn't disappoint as she did and they both got up. Ezio cracked her knuckles :"that was a good fight, though. and that money is yours."

Federico also walked to them with his hand now taken off of his cheek with an impressed look :"wow, my dear, baby sister, lost in a fight. didn't think I would see that. congratulations, mio amico (my friend)."

Ali nodded with a chuckle as his hands rested on his waist :"hahaha, Grazie (thanks). you both put up a good fight.

I enjoyed fighting the both of you. act natural, but now, I think I'm in a bit of a trouble. you see those guys over there?"

they both glanced but didn't look at where he pointed at secretly as they nodded :"well, those are the group of idiots that tried to rub me a few days ago but got beaten up instead.

and they've been eyeing me since yesterday. probably looking for a chance to take revenge. but I have always been careful and packed up before I got tired.

and I didn't expect to see you two and fight such a good fighters, so I'm tired and am in a bit of a trouble. you think you can help with my plan?"

they glanced at each other as the siblings smirked and nodded as Ezio said :"with your tone, it seems that it's nothing too dangerous.

and it seems like fun, so sure, why not? we're all in for excitement. and you're an exciting and fun person to have around. so what's the plan?"

Ali nodded with an excited and evil smirk :"glad to hear. thanks by the way. now, here's the plan. most of the guys here are too afraid of me to try anything funny, so we shouldn't be worried about them.

these guys are just looking for revenge and probably want the money along with it. so they will divide the money between each other.

and because of that, they won't look for even more members to share the money with since they will either steal the money or try to beat me up.

but the second is unlikely since they have probably cought on that we are friends now and would tag along with me."

{to be continued...}

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