
Chapter 7

August 3rd, One Year Later

3rd POV

Percy was going for his daily jog, Zoë right on his heels, when his mind started drifting to the events that happened this past year, mostly about his progress with his training; he had kicked his it up a notch this year. Instead of a regular jog he would fill his backpack with stones and start jogging up and down the hills. Rather than simply throwing his spear at a target carved into the bark of a tree, he now had a whole obstacle course that he has yet to perfect. It consists of targets from all ranges: high to low, short to far, mid-air to boots on ground, underwater to surface, if there was a place for a target, he put it there. His training with throwing knives was just as extreme, instead of an obstacle course where he had the luxury of a spear that always returned to him, he opted to use live targets; practicing on birds flying in the air, squirrels jumping from tree to tree and monsters running away from him in fear. At one point throughout the year, a flock of stymphalian birds came to try and kill him. The month or so that they occupied the forest was when he improved the most, killing every last bird. He and Zoë had never eaten so much bird in their life, and Perseus believes that Artemis nor Poseidon have had as much food sacrificed to them since the ancient times.

Percy's power as a Son of Poseidon has increased so much his aura could be mistaken for that of a god. Instead of simply lifting the water in the Yellowstone lake he now trains by turning it into a whirlpool, spinning it as fast as he can, then holding it in the air. While training at the Gardner river, he usually likes to have some fun with the mortals, rapidly freezing and heating the entire river.

His most destructive power comes from his earthquakes, when channeling any of his power - even in the slightest - each step he takes sends tremors into the Earth, knocking down many small animals and rodents from the trees. Thankfully Zoë has seemed to gotten used to it and doesn't even stumble anymore, instead opting to lie next to Perseus, using the vibrating ground as a back massage. On the other hand, his strongest earthquakes can cause mountains to crumple and split.

What seemed to improve the most though was his skill with Riptide and Time's March. His skill with the sword and spear has increased to the point where Achilles would be jealous; monsters constantly attacking him has made sure of that. Everyday hordes of monsters attack, most of the time it's basic monsters like cyclops and hell hounds, but every now and then he'll fight a drakon or two.

If possible, throughout the year Zoë has gotten even bigger, nearing five feet tall at her shoulders. She's put on another 10lbs of muscle and seems to be even faster than before. Much to Percy's relief, it seems she's hit her peak now, he doesn't know how he'll feed her if she keeps growing. Speaking of Zoë, "What is it girl? Monsters?" Zoë had stopped to sniff the air, and she seemed tense, ready to attack on a moments notice. Perseus was able to see this and immediately uncapped Riptide, the familiar three foot long bronze xiphos appearing in his hand.

Zoë started sniffing the air once more, and let out a long howl. Perseus was confused as to what could possibly be going on, she usually doesn't act like this. More wolves howled in response and soon Percy felt the presence of a god. The question was, which one's ass will he have to kick to keep this sliver of tranquility in his life. Then Percy saw her. The same goddess that takes in all children of Rome - Lupa.

Lupa walked up to Perseus, sniffing the air. His scent was familiar, but she couldn't remember who this demigod was. Perseus just smirked, obviously amused by the whole situation. It isn't really a surprise she wouldn't recognize his appearance, Percy now had a full grown beard, a drastic change from his old clean shaven baby-face. Percy doesn't know if he's a fan of the look or not, but he does enjoy the warmth it provides in the winter. Another big factor was his clothing, before he came to Shoshone, you wouldn't have caught him dead in anything but jeans, a camp t-shirt, and some converse. Now he exclusively wears camouflage; usually in accordance to the seasons. Currently he was wearing a green camouflaged jacket with matching military boots, pants and gloves. Not to mention the Nemean Lion pelt he currently had on.

"You seriously don't recognize Olympus' long lost hero Lupa? I think your nose is finally failing you my lady," Percy said in a mocking tone. Lupa, who seemed shocked at the revelation stared at him, mouth wide open. "Oh shut your mouth Lupa, you'll catch flies."

"Perseus," Lupa replied, "how are you? The gods are worried about you." At this Percy let out a bitter laugh, "They aren't worried me, they just miss their quest boy." Lupa had the decency to look ashamed, the Olympians were not alone in sending him off on meaningless quests, away from his friends and family for extended periods of times. "I apologize for that Perseus, but you should return to Olympus, you cannot stay out here forever. Your scent attracts too many monsters."

"I am aware of that Lupa, how could I not be, do you to know the irony in that? I'd rather be swarmed by monsters daily, staying out here with my wolf, than living at camp again." Lupa looked at him as if he grew a second head, "why would you ever want that Perseus?"

Percy just looked at her as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, "It's peaceful," Lupa looked at him to elaborate more, " Seven years Lupa. My life for seven straight years, from the age of twelve until I left, had been a constant battle, a never ending war. Out here I am free, there are no prophecies deciding the fate of the world, nobody looking to me to lead children to war, there are no gods sending me off on life risking quests every other week just for the fun of it. There is just me and Zoë, and nothing will ever take that away from me." When Percy mentioned Zoë, he motioned to the large wolf next to him, which Lupa had apparently seemed to miss when she arrived, focusing on the unknown demigod.

Lupa actually looked to be sorry for what she's put him through, not knowing what to say in response. That was until she noticed the closeness between Percy and Zoë, she knew of the crucible that she and the other gods put Perseus through; she also knew what happened was borderline unforgivable, but this was a start. She walked up to Zoë, putting her paw against the large wolf's head, and muttered some words in the ancient tongue. When she finished, a silvery glow descended unto Zoë. After the light had disappeared, Zoë's fur seemed to look softer, her eyes a deeper shade of black, and she seemed younger. At Percy's questioning glance Lupa said, "If you wish to be with your companion for the rest of your life, then so be it."

It took Percy a second to put the pieces together but when he did, he was practically jumping with joy, nearly hugging Zoë to death. "Thank you Lupa, I am in your debt. However, I would prefer if you didn't tell anyone about this altercation, but if you must, let them know I am happy." Lupa simply nodded and bounded off, away from the forest, her pack in tow.

Percy smiled at Zoë and walked back towards camp, "come on girl, let's go for a walk, we have a lot more time on our hands now.

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