
Folklore history of Valmot

After a long while, as I was able to see the school gate which was quite far away,

" Stop making those faces, people will think that you're crazy....,and maximum students here really think in the same way that you are a psycho . Don't put a seal on their thoughts." He says in a cold attitude. My eyes grew wide and my jaw dropped in a shocking way, was he watching it!? but how? Does he have eyes behind his head? I was still wondering.

" Don't act astonished. Duffer ....I can see it from the side mirror. " He answers me in an annoying tone. And I hold my silence after seeing myself being embarrassed. Nevertheless, safe and sound we entered the school, He squeezed the break in front of the parking lot and all eyes were on us. Yep, different colors of irises were glaring at us ,and I; I was moving my head around to know people's reaction, and while seeing all of them ,my eyes caught katty and her friends throwing scary gazey looks.

"My God! I never felt so uncomfortable with someone's look."

Even though I safely reached here ,but I think my last pray won't be wasted as her looks were screaming loud ,like she is plotting a murder. I am well aware that this girl is going to quril with me, as I come in three meters radius from her.

" I wish it was the first and the last time, cause now my reputation will deteriorate as they all saw me ,with you." He says and rolls his eyes upon me.

"Don't estimate yourself so soon!.....thanks for the ride .Your reputation will never get affected by me...( and how much it will deteriorate, when it is on its bottom) " I answer him and move my steps behind, but then something rings a bell in my mind. I turned back ,took out a paper and I crumbled it ,and threw it towards his face ..,but he catches it like a professional catcher.

" What's this?!!!" He asks with an annoyed face.

" My number. Save it.It will help you to know where and when we are completing the assignment and you have to take part in it. If you can't come, so...don't even come to check your name spelling because it won't be there. Got it . bye! "I answered him with a savage warning. Yeah, I am in charge of this trio , so I would act like it. I didn't turn back to see his reaction but he raced his bike and moved forward, which gave a lot of information about his reaction .

But I wasn't aware that these small things that I do will cost me an arm and leg. But I can surely say that I never did any of them with a filthy mind.....I just want to be friendly and I did it all with a friendly attitude.

"What is wrong with my body? " I exclaim, while sitting with my friends In cafeteria; Ellen, Arina, Thomas and Dorothy.

" Why ?...what's wrong? " Dorothy ask formally.

" I think I have some kind of disorder, my body feels different types of temperature! like I know its normal but its like....., when I touch someone's body, I feel there skin to hot or too cold. Like Today! ..when I sat behind your brother so by mistake, not intentionally!..but by mistake my hand touches his skin and it was hot, I mean... ,like warm as a heater. And when I touched Adrian; he was cold as an ice ,even I wasn't able to recognize or feel his heartbeat, like that even not possible,'a human without heartbeats! '.What is wrong with me? ".

Dorothy with an astonished face says,

"Wait!...When did this happen? You sit beside my brother and also on his bike, oh my goodness! This did not even happen to me! . Okay putting this in a side. The things you feel are…,is…,may..be,maybe ( in a confused shuttering tone ) ....maybe .

" Maybe???" I get into her guessing game.

"Yeah! because you switched your land !. Yeah ,Its because of that. Don't worry ..and it can also be that the person you're touching comes from a different atmosphere....like that day; Adrian drove here so ...so because of winds his body became cold! And Lucas, he did workout before leaving so because of that you felt hot. See so simple! " .

"And what about the heartbeats? I wasn't able to feel Adrian." I ask her with buffering thoughts and a concerned face.

"It may be ,because you lost yourself in his beauty! " in a smirk, the words flow from her mouth.

And I believed her like a small stupid kindergarten kid.

" As you shifted here,..Are you aware about Valmot's history? " Thomas ask with a smart look on his face.

" Of course...not! I searched its history but nothing came on the internet. Do you know any? please tell I'm too curious. "

" Ok. As I spent my childhood with my grandparents, they used to tell me stories and stories that related to Valmot also. " He turned towards me and all my focus and my peers' eyes got locked on him.

" I remember them all. My grandma used to tell me how this island got its name. According to folklore; This island was especially made for demons, and these demons include vampires and werewolves and lycans and magical witches ."

" Wait!...I know vampires and werewolves but ....lycans? what are they?"

I interrupted.

" lycans!...you don't know?..Okay, they are like werewolves but werewolves get involuntarily changed into wolves, but lycans control their power and even they have special powers as compared to werewolves...as my grandmother told me. Ok ! now don't interrupt. So where I was....HA! this island was given to these demons to live. As they were Making problem to the humankind. And God gives them full accommodations, that's why the North of this island consists of cold mountains and cold temperature for vampires and on the south, hot weather and beaches.

And in the middle, a deep forest for them to live and search for food , in short; the rule was, not to bother the humans. Some humans also were present on this land as the demons promised to them that they can live a peaceful life. Like an United society. But the demons choose a leader,Valmot;who was the combination of half human and half vampire and as the old monk ,who was werewolf ,bless him after viewing this blissful miracle with a bite ,which gave him the power of werewolf. He was too powerful, of course after having the power of three creatures ,who won't become powerful? He became the undefeatable. Everyone bowed their heads in front of him and his powers ,and as he grew up, he started getting into magical spells and black magic. My grandmother says he was pretty handsome and popular among the ladies. But...everything which seems beautiful and perfect isn't real until you come closer . After being crowned as king in some days, he started showing his true colors. He was greedy for more power, he started ignoring to listen the wiser people and even people in his court. He was full of lustful intentions, and when his parents tries to stop him, the cold hearted king murdered his human mother and vampire dad . They were killed and hang on the castle's tower as the warning for them ,who are and who will tries to control his commands. He slowly gets a good hand in black magic and after seeing this annihilation of the alliance and of peace within the king and the kingdom ,the vampires and lycans; who used to hate each other, come up together to fight with him. He planned to break the alliance and go out to hunt more humans and feed themselves. But the vampires , humans and lycans fought and won against the king and Valmot Loses after having a werewolves army on his side, I don't know how? he cursed this place. And it's also said that the old castle between the islands is the one where valmot used to rule. No one goes there, it's dame scary! And he even cursed this island, that's why to remember his curse this place is named as Valmot island. And".....

"Oh!...cut the nonsense! .from so long we are listening to your made up story...it's nothing like that. See Ana's face ...she was so into it. Don't fool her. It's an old made up story to scare children like you to not go into woods late! . (turning toward me) And Ana, do you really believe in it? it's all a joke " Dorothy interrupts and sees me with a playful eyes.

``Yeah ,it's a story. " Ellen speaks and they both see eye to eye on this topic.

" Ok guys, but it was interesting...I wanted to know more about it , it's a fascinating story. Thomas I really liked it. " I answer to them by defending Thomas's story.

" Really ! but sorry I only know this much...it is said that vampires and lycans still live here, but they are involved and mixed with humans so much that no one can Identify them. Maybe you have a friendship with them or maybe they are just in front of you and you can't get them. " His words were intermediate in my mind and his looks gave me goosebumps .He looked in his watch ,

"Oh my goodness!...I didn't realize the time .I am late ,I have to catch a class ,..bye sweeties! " and he runs towards the hallway, leaving behind the uncompleted interesting story which really touches my heart and as I'm in a good mood, Mr.Rock Messages me to ruin my mood .


Our phone's notification rings simultaneously. I checked mine and Arina hers. My mood was to chill ,but the attitude which I threw upon Mr.Rock Hits his self esteem, I think so. He messaged, 'MEET ME IN CLASSROOM.' like it's a command by the majesty. And as I saw it ,the cherishing smile on my face rolled down . In my mind only one thought started reverberating,

' What now?'. Why is he calling me there ? and where ? there are sixty CLASSROOM in the whole building, in which one? ' As I got involved in my thoughts, I checked Arina with a side seek look , and her face was just opposite of mine,..it was like we were contrasting each other. She merrily gets up and with a red blushing face and smiling eyes ,she leaves saying that she will catch me later and as follows her, Ellen too leaves the place.

I don't think that now I have another choice in my hand to take in place of the idea of meeting Mr.Rock. Even though I scolded him and warned him with the attitude of a pro ,after that behavior I felt bad for him . It's kind in my nature ,if I yell at someone or even throw a sarcastic line which hurts the person, I feel quite rude and play the same scene again and again in my mind, until I judge myself. Always look forward to sorting things in a peaceful and pleasant manner. However, by being with them I was becoming like them, which was wrong. I put my things together and lead my legs to every classroom window, hoping that at least in one classroom I'll find him. I check in all the classes on the ground floor , and lead my way towards the chemistry room. With Furious thoughts and speed, I burst out the door with sudden force and lied my eyes inside ,and after recognizing what my eyes just saw , they grew wider and in split seconds awkwardly away.

Mr.Rock's and Katty's lips were locked!! In a position, where Katty's hands were around his neck and one rested on his chest . Where else, Mr.Rock was standing opposite to the wall with both of his arms working as a barrier around Katty's body. Whatever was going to happen further was canceled because of my arrival and they just paused in that position, as I opened the door furiously.

" Oops!....sor..r..sorry. I wasn't knowing that you two are here. I will leave... , if Mr.Rock let me know why he messaged me? then you two can continue." I speak to them without making any eye contact.

" Oh shut it! ...( moving away from Katty) Katty ...leave. " Mr.Rock commands in a cold tone , while showing her the door, way out. And wiping his lips. Weird. I slide my body in a corner as ,with a red loud aggressive face Katty walks past me, and intentionally she steps on my foot. Without even saying sorry, how mean! .

" ouch!...ouch!.., hey!" I yell at her but she walked away without even responding to my voice,

"Sometimes, you come and show your annoying face ....at the right time. " He speaks up with a sarcastic tone.

" What? right..time....,um?..something happened? Were you getting abused by her? Did she touch you without your consent? " I ask him with a clueless face.

" No! Do you think that anyone can touch me without my consent? Leave it , she just can control herself in front of me."

" You just don't leave a chance to brag about yourself, do you? There is nothing special in you ,leaving a lot of attitude which can be annoying but it's okay." I answer.

" Let it be ,you won't see it, what I have." He says while putting his step towards me.

" What?" I answer with a frown on my face.

" Nothing . Just leave it.( sits on the table) Get in. So..mirror what's the matter? " he asked me while making a cool face with his eyebrows raised on the beat of the word ' matter? '.

" So the matter is....firstly You're sitting on the teacher's desk which can be broken into pieces at any time. Secondly, why are you making this face? It's really annoying to me. And third ,that this should be my question .Why didn't you steal it? You messaged me to meet in the classroom. And how much skin have you saved or time to message without typing C,H,E,M,I,S,T,R,Y, ROOM ? I searched every corner of the ground floor. Now ,tell me what is the matter?" I said the matterginous things on the moment,In a flow. "Dumb mirror, i mean what the matter with assignment ? means which topic i have to cover as ,you only said this morning that you're not going to put my name. So I don't need your favor or pity .I'm in ! " He replies with his cool arrogant attitude,which shows my warning works.

``Really!....omg! like really! Mr. Lucas aka Mr.Rock is interested in the assignment. I'm so glad that you called me from down the cafeteria to the fourth floor, just to say that 'I'm in', which you can also type and say. ( using my hands to show my frustration about his act ). How much more can you amuse me?.... ! " I show my frustration in a flow with a twist of teasing him in a praising way.

" The tone doesn't match with your words,...are you teasing me?..Why can't you talk normally? Oh sorry, to talk normal you need to be normal. " He counter questions me with a mean look and walks towards me.

"Yeah!....one lunatic knows the other lunatic way much better! " I answer and put my steps towards him.

" You.... watch your mouth!", he yells.

" You watch your attitude! " I raised my voice. Stand in front of each other with locked eyes and feeling each other's breathing.

"What childish act is going on? Grow up! " Kia, Adrian's sisters interrupt between us with a numb look and pass by the door. And we both looked at her and calmed down ourselves as we were looking like a kindergarten kids fighting.

" I can't work in this kind of stressful environment " with a sigh I let him know.

" Even I don't ". he answers.

" okay....let's sort this out, we make fuss on small topics, this will definitely affect our assignment. So let's pledge to not fight while working on our assignment, it's very important to me ,please. " I suggested my thoughts and I was amazed as he was seeing eye to eye with my suggestion.

" I won't do that stupid pledge....but I can tolerate your face for my grades. But don't roam around me while in the school. '' he replies with a narcissistic, unsatisfying tone.

" Ok! you are saying like I roam around you all day long, it's not that interesting . Let's finalize it, we will be.....,be part time friends! "

" Part time friends....?"....

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