
V5 Chapter DS Fate Bureaucracy 1/2 (Deleted Scene)

The Death Knight could already smell the burning flesh of this heathen and the burning wood of his spear seeping through the ashes.

Death Knight " May it satisfy the GODS!"

Saving throw - Roll 6

[ Ohhhh... Amon really dies here... ]

My breath hitch as I stare down at the dice. The dice of fate has spoken, there's no saving Amon. He must have his right arm torn off and bleed out here. Before descending to a slow death as Philomel does all she can to save him but can't do much since he already lost too much blood. All she can do is hear his last words and watch the life drain from his eyes.

I thought with a sigh as I rested my head in my hand and look up at the crystal ball in front of me, showing the frozen scene of the Death Knight holding his sword above Amon. I tap the tip of my pen on the table, I could already picture the look on Philomel's face as she uses the scroll and rushes to Amon's side.

[ Wait a minute... I should follow protocol and check his ID and how he was supposed to die. ]

I grab the book as I stood up from my seat. As soon as I stood up I could see above the cubical where many other fate recorders were hunched over a book, pen in hand writing down the play out of a person's life, bending it towards their fate.

I navigated past all the cubicles heading toward an office door labeled "Causality". I paused in front of the door, this time remembering to knock twice and waiting.

[ A mistake I'll never repeat again.]

I shuddered at the memory.

" Come in."

A stern voice calling out, I could already feel his frustration from here. Why do I always have to come at a bad time? Starting to think about it... when is it ever a good time??

I held my breath and close my eyes as I opened the door, a blast of light shines right into my eyes. I turn my head downward and wait for a moment before slowly opening my eyes, it blinds me for a moment but very soon my eyes adjust just to see the glass below my feet. I was standing on thin glass, below me, I could see clouds, the sky, and in a distance away Luxtorious.

I focused on the ground as I waited for my eyes to adjust. Once again I could see the thin flowing water that rippled through these bits of broken glass. Glass that came in all different hues of blue but arranged in a chaotic way where every piece stands out due to its different shade of blue that was either too light or too dark to match the piece next to it.

When my eyes finally adjusted to the light, I look up and I could see the stars above me and the night sky and in the distance, I could see the sun, the moon, and the planets. Before finally looking around, to my left was a desk and to my right was a bed. Everything was made out of that rippling water with broken pieces of glass in it. Behind the desk sat the son of my best friend and on the bed, laid his lover.

I turn to the deck doing my best to avoid looking at the person behind me. How I wish his workplace was in a separate room, but since he was just upper management, this was all he was allowed to have, based on his minor god background.

"Ah! Metz! Have a seat. Finally getting used to living in the heavens?"

He asked me with a grin as he gestured towards the chair. I awkwardly sat down, not wanting to notice how disheveled his clothes were.

" It... too bright for my taste... Now that I have seen all I want of the heavens. I'm considering returning back to work for your father. After my employment contract has expired, of course."

I quickly added not wanting to pay the penalties for violating a God-level contract.

" Work for my dad? Back in the catacombs as a janitor?! You would really consider that rather than work here in the heavens? You must be joking."

A fake polite laugh bubbles in his throat as he straightened his shirt.

"What can I say? After decades of working for your father in the dark, the light feels a little bit too much for me."

I plainly admit as I rub my eyes, already feeling the slight burning sensation from looking in the heavens for this long. The longing to return back to the lower levels of heaven, slowly bore into me as I closed my eyes. Momentarily stopped the slight discomfort.

"Ah, I see. Let's make this quick then. What do you need?"

He immediately pressed on when he noticed my discomfort.

" Death Knight is about to rip Amon's arm off and kill him on the abandoned mines of Mountmend. Is that his fate?"

I questioned as I place the book on the desk, my eyes still closed.

" No. That's not his true fate but meh, it's so hard to keep these beings alive long enough to fulfill their destiny. Especially with so many things to lead them astray. I'll give you another side character and you can edit him to take Amon's destiny and fulfill whatever the Goddess of Fate has in store for them."

" What?! You can't do that!"

His lover yelled from their bed. Can I go yet? I really don't want to be here. I whined in my mind.

" Why not? He's just a side character. His role isn't that grand, it's just a supporter role. We can easily replace him and have similar results. Just look at the files. We can even have better results. There are much better supporter characters out there. "

He argued as I could hear him pulling something out and places on the desk. I open my eyes and noticed the file on the desk and his lover standing next to him with an angry look.

"I'll just borrow this."

I softly said as I slowly take the file on the desk, flipping through it so that I can distract myself from their lover's tiff.

" The god of peace loves him! We must do all we can to save him."

His lover ordered. Ah, I miss working for Rhane. At least he has the decency to let me leave the room when he has these kinds of situations.

"God! God of peace? The God of peace loves everyone! Even freaking rocks! Do you expect me to save every rock that exists on earth?!"

But then again working for V1 was quite interesting as well. I get to go to a different world and finally learn where my Playboy magazines come from.

" Then are you saying that I'm replaceable?"

" No! No. I'll never say that. You're the most important person in the whole universe to me and I rather destroy the universe than replace you."

He purred to his lover. I couldn't help but roll my eyes and I did my best not to look up. Those magazines are ... lovely to look at, but I can't help missing the good old days when I was working for Givendale. Well before he disappeared all of a sudden.

" Well, that is what Amon is to him. Which is why we should do all we can to save him."

Extremely glad we managed to find him but I doubt that I'll be able to work for him anytime soon.

"Very well. "

He nodded as he gently leads his lover to sit on his lap. Especially since he became more... portable and ... chubby...?

"Metz, what's the situation and what can we do to save him?"

"Huh? Oh! Yes!"

I snapped back to reality and open the fate book on the desk to the present situation.


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