
Chapter : 45 The devil was no more

Author : Violence warning, this chapter is only filled with fights so I suggest everyone below 16 and above to read it.


[Central Plaza]

(3rd POV)

"I really hate professional heroes." Shigaraki said while scratching his neck and looking at the fight happening infront.

More than half of the villains are wiped out now. And the numbesr keeps increasing as time passed on but Aizawa also looked exhausted, his movement were slower and it no longer have the finess and grace it once held.

Shigaraki, seeing the hero exhausted and already having analysed his opponent decide to join in the fun.

"Normal villains do not stand a chance against them." He rush towards the middle of the fight.


A kick to the shin that breaks like a stick, causing a screech of pain. A knee to the chin that breaks the teeth it encapsulated, initiating silence.

"Another one." Aizawa insisted even when his body resisted and told him otherwise.

Leaning back to dodge an attack, he spun around with kick.

A kick to the open side of the body, the liver, followed by muffled wail of agony. A fist connect with the head, shaking its content, the body went limp.

"One more." the body rebelled, sending pain to his brain but his mind ignored the pain.

He quickly step away, he knew better than to stay at the same position more than a second.

A twirl of his hand and his scarf followed its movement. It snaked around a villain's arm and Aizawa pulled towards him.

The villain stumbled in Aizawa's direction, only to be brutally knocked out by an elbow.

"Last one." His body demanded rest, but he forced it to work once more.

His eye caught the sight of the blue haired villain, charging right at him. He assumed he was the leader of the villains.

He spun his heels and took position, if he really was the leader then he must be stronger than the rest.


Aizawa eyes glowed, putting on a curse-like restrictions to the one bearing his gaze. No longer was Shigaraki a strong villain, under his eyes, he became but powerless.

Under his gaze, the approaching villain was stripped of his powers, to became nothing more than a quirkless man.

The eerie red glow brought a sense of vulnerability and inflict fear, Shigaraki felt powerless and weak.

But he brushed off the feelings, his aim stayed true and his hate overwhelmed.

Aizawa launch his scarf, aiming at the Shigaraki's neck. But the villain caught the end of the scarf and was unstopped. Azawa yanked the scarf, offsetting the villain's balance a bit while he moved past the villain and pick up a dagger on the ground

In the blink of an eye he was behind Shigaraki, his eyes never losing his prey. He swing his weapon with an intent to kill.

The swing moved colser to Shgaraki's neck, aiming to either stab or slice at his neck. It was meant to end him instantly or slowly, either way, he would ultimately die.


A small movement, no more than an inch was all that was required for Sigaraki to dodge the Grim reaper's hand.

Too close for any sane mind, but just perfect for a crazy villain to dodge death.

Shigaraki turned around, his bloodshot eyes landing on the hero who tried to commit the act mostly reserved for villains. An amused smile tugging his pale, wrinkled face showing his crooked yellow teeth.

"What a bad hero?" Shigaraki pulled the end of the scarf, this time he was the one yanking the hero towards him.

Aizawa throws a jab which he caught with his hand. He noticed that he did could not acativate his quirk as expected but did not let go of Aizawa's hand.

"So are you the Boss?"

"*Phoo*" Instead of answering, Shigaraki blows right at the hero's eye. But he got no result.

'Worth a shot' he breaks his hold and leap away as a dagger swing at him.


He rushed in again, this time the move was reckless. His hand reach out for the dagger in the hero's hand but doing so left his stomach wide open.

Aizawa did not let go of the chance and gave a strong body shot right at the villain's core. They were only few distance away from each other's face and Aizawa got a good look at the villain's eyes.

It contained insanity, evil, chaos but what alarmed Aizawa the most was the intelligence it held.


Then his whole world got red, the villain coughed out blood from the attack and it was aimed right at his eyes.

Shigaraki had allowed an attack on his stomach on purpose. The moment he felt freed from the restriction, he caught the both the hero's hand.



Then the Aizawa howled in pain and dropped his weapon, a pulse of death like energy flowed out both Shigaraki's hand and cursed Aizawa's hand like his eyes did to him.

Ths air around withered away and so does the flesh of Aizawa's hand. The skin peeled off, the blood decayed and the flesh rot away.

But he was once more stripped of his quirk by the unyielding eyes of the hero.



It was but a literal blink of an eye for Aizawa. One instace he lock eyes with the villain, black for the shortest instance and unimaginable torment assulted him.

But he bear the pain and opened his eyes again. "Don't overdo it Easerhead or you might erase yourself." an amused voice penetrate his ears.


With all his remaining strength he pulled away from the villain's clutches. He looked at his injury, and it was like nothing he had ever seen.

The pain damage his mind which was the only thing that kept his body moving. Exhaustion kicked in, the pain in his hand seemed to come awake with every pulse.

He was tired, his legs gave out and seek suppport from the ground. His breath was big and rapid, taking in air like a vaccume.

"Well, I guess this is it. You were really cool." The villain slowly walked towards him and Aizawa could do nothing but glare hatefully.

"Nomu." The villain call on someone, he did not know who nor did he have time to think about it as every instinct he had honed throughout his life came alive, screaming 'danger'.

He heard a disruption in the air, foretelling the coming of a monster. The ground quake rhythmically and each beat became louder, stronger and...closer.

'Behind!!" He looked behind, his eyes gleam red as he had no choice but to take his eyes off the villain infront.

He saw an abomition and for him, reality shook.



[Colapse zone]





I skid back, the ground turned into lava and my feet was swallowed by the liquid inferno only for it to spit me out again after a blast of explosion from my feet.

*Phooh!!* The wind followed behind me, trying but failing to catch up to me. It howls in a futile attempt to keep up with my speed.

"Machine gun blows" My elbows was set ablaze, unending fire pushed my arms forward.

Both my arms became but a mirage of hundreads, each landing a devastating blow to my enemy.

The villain could do nothing but eat my relentless blows that came alive. I pummeled every part of his body, no place was left unbeaten.

The ground cried under the weight but the villain stood strong, pain seems to no longer affect him.

"Raaa!!" A retaliation in the form of a swipe that could claw away a building. The villain swing his arm, his claw aiming to tear away at my body.

I pushed myself away, the attack burned and crush the ground beneath. *Whoosh!* *Poom!!*

He did not stop, he leap at me with arms scorching with flames. I also threw a punch, with enough power to destroy a building.

Our fist connected, the temperature spike to a boiling degree before plummeting again just as fast.

The villain absorbed the heat around us and his attack suddenly increased ten folds and it throws me away, indicating my defeat in the clash.

But I was far from done, I gathered my power in my mouth as I flip in the air to stop the kinetic energy.

My feet and hand met the earth, my four limbs anchored me unto the ground. My hand grabbing the earth to stay stable.

Then I opened my mouth and a ball of yellow energy shot out, its path ending right at the villain.

*Phew!!* A small whistle, then a roaring bang as the sound barrier was broken *Boom!!*.

My attack moved in a flash, it left a trail of destruction on the ground. It hit the villain right at his core, shockwave erupted and razed the surrounding.

The villain shot away from the shockwave. My feet and palm also blast me forward.


I shot through the air, breaking the atmosphere and causing the wind to blow with rage.

I crash at the villain, the air wailed and the earth boil away. Nothing was spared from my attack and all was turned to smithereens.

*Boom!!* A hurricane took control of the aftermath, initiating chaos on the world.

"I won't let you!!!" A ear splitting roar that made the whole place heavy. The hurricane slowly loses power and in its place, an eerie wind blows over the broken area, carrying an omen.

Then the winds started picking up in fury again, his whole body became demonic red all over.

The ground shook as he pushed himself towards me with such strength and power I could almost taste it. He used his four limbs to charge at me like a beast.


Thermal energy was literally emitting out of his pores. It was fire and heat given construct, with the only aim to exterminate.

The ground was razed. The ground was unable to contain his power so he left a trail of destruction in his path.

He was an unstoppable force, a beast from hell itself. And I was preparing myself to welcome him with open arms.


My power gathered in my right arm, my veins glow golden and the air vibrated because of the power coursing through my arm.


My power was heavy and potent and it gave me a sense of invincibility. The ground below cracked because of the weight of my power.

My arm became golden, it looks like reality itself was flickering around it. Then I blast forward *Boom* ready to intercept the demon who looked like it crawled out from the depth of hell.

As we neared each other, the space between us resisted, as if to stop us from bringing disaster to the world.

But that did not stop us, we pushed through the resistance and finally collided.

Our collision was silent for a moment and the ground became liquid. Waves of power traveled outwards, like a ripple in a pond on the solid earth.

The ground acted like an ocean.

But then logic came in, the world finally realised that the earth was not suppose to act in such a way...

*Pwoo..*The realisation resulted in destruction...

*Crack* The sound barrier broke...

*BOOM!!* The wave stopped and the earth became solid again, it tried to contain the power inside it but it could not hold such power so it erupted.

The earth was shredded into tiny boxes and was ripped apart.

A hurricane blows with rage and it tore the atmosphere layers apart.

Shockwave quaked the entire facility and destroyed everthing.

Finally, the heat burned and melt everything else. Turning all to smithereens.


*BOOM* A second explosion took place as we separated.

The attack cancelled each other out, sending both monsters away. But the damage was already done. The earth once again suffered from an irreversible damage.

The whole Collapse zone and even further places was affected by the clash.



"Why don't you just die!!!" I yelled as my feet blast me into the sky.

My palms came alive, producing scroching flames that realeased unparalleled force and I began spinning.

I spun around, the wind followed my action. The fire burned hotter and hotter because I pushed more power into it and because of the wind that enhanced it.

I became a maelstrom of searing inferno. My flames vibrated and a touch of golden electric crackled around it. *Humm..*

I was suspended in the air, I became a literal tornado of conflagration, a fire whirl. My form burned away everything, the wind howls in agony and rage as I churn the atmosphere.

Then, gravity regained authority and I began my descent. My feet blast me downwards, and I began drilling through the atmosphere.

I was like meteor as I plunge towards my target, unstoppable. The whole world could do nothing but stare as I made my way to its surface.

The different gases in the atmosphere, flammable or not, burned away, adding fuel to the intensity of my flames.


The villain also got ready, he roared with crazed rage. The surrounding temperature plummet to a chilling degree, only to regain its scorching temperature by my flames and so on.

The villain absorb as much thermal energy as it could, every pores in his skin took in the energy with unquelled thirst.

Then with a fear inducing roar he exploded, a literal manifestation of pure heat took place.


"DIEE!!!!!".." RAHHH!!!!"

Then we meet in an epic clash.


The world froze and a void appeared for the briefest instance.

Then the world could not bear the force and wailed, destroying everything it could get its hands on.

The ground was razed, melted and shredded. Form the biggest boulder to the tiniest microorganism, nothing was spared from the rage of the clash.

Explosion, heat and fire flooded out from our collision. The explosion swallowed all it could and the shockwave blow apart the things it could not cover. All was ripped, burned and the rest withered.


For around 5 second which might as well be an eternity, the world bore a calamity, a clash between monsters.

Then after that enternal 5 seconds, another bang resounded and that signified the end of the catastrophe.




The world was suddenly filled with a deep silence. As if recovering from the disaster.

Smoke cleared as two figure stood on the ravaged lands. One was me and the other was the villain.

I took in huge breath, each breath creates a small vortex. Oxygen was all but burned away from our clash so I had a hard time breathing. But it got better after a while.

The villain stood still, his eye still that of a mindless beast. His body vibrated, and golden electric crackled.

Then suddenly blood erupted from each of his pores. His eye regained a light of sanity as he looked at me with lost eyes.

Slowly, his body could no longer stand and fall on his back. His back met the ravaged ground with a thud that seems to echo in the silence.

It was the end, one of us had fallen. And the world finally regained life and the silence was no more.



I slowly made my way to my fallen enemy who was slowly dying because he absorbed my pototent flames that gained a venomous nature because of my hate.

It was suppose to be lethal even if you get burned by it and he just absorbed that into his body. It was nothing short of a miracle that he did not die instantly.

I stood infront of him, the monstrous villain that once seemed unkillable, unstoppable, unbreakable was now reduced to a bleeding mess.

His body was bathed in blood, his skin was torn and his flesh was slowly decaying, a work of my poisonous flames remaining in his body.

His horns that once crowned on his head with pride was broken. No might could be found on his visage even if one searched for centuries.

In all sense of the word, he was truly broken and was in pain.


But if you looked at his eyes, you will be able to tell that he was in a worse condition than he appeared.

It held tragedy....

His eyes showed unfathomable regret and sadness that flowed out in the form tears. He opened his mouth as he saw me, "How's the kid?" his voice was coarse and rough, like that of a dying man.

I paused and looked at him with confusion but I answered, "He will be fine, hopefully." He weakly nodded and closed his eyes and he visibly relaxed. Like one of his burdens was finally lifted from his soul.

"I'm sorry..." He said, his tone carrying more honesty than I would like.

"..I hurt you because I chased for something I could never get." A tear stream out and he opened his eyes to look at me.

Yelllow eyes that glowed with raw emotions and the most prominent being regret and sadness.

"You have a good heart kid." the life in his voice slowly diminishing with each words.

"Could you please tell her that..,.I love her..," He whispered in anguish before it became silent entirely.

The last ounce of life drained out, slowly but surely the pulse of his heart stopped to a beat of silence.

Empty eyes looked forth without a hint of life, no breath, no pulse, no nothing.

It was my second kill and unlike the first one, this one left me with myraids of emotions... Confusion, Anger, Hate, Regret etc..

I felt too many things at once that I did not know how to feel.

I knelt down before the villain, the glow in his eyes was absent. I put my hand in his heart and I could still feel my power inside his body.




"What am I doing.." I said with a sigh...

Coming to a final decision, I focused on my hand and the body started glowing brightly..it was blinding..

Then yellow particles float away from his body. And when it was finished...

The devil was no more...


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