
The Attack On Glenview Island (11)

There was a sudden and massive burst of an overwhelmingly sinister demonic aura.

This demonic aura was truly malevolent, making the air seem thick and heavy. It was oppressive and vile, giving a great sense of dreadful foreboding, as though something truly terrible was about to happen.

Charged with a sinister, otherworldly energy, this demonic aura rapidly engulfed the entire island, and was still spreading fast.

It spread to the sky, easily shattering the protective energy barrier, and instantly repelling the looming laser beam. This vile aura then went on to destroy the gigantic eyeball, dematerializing it in the blink of an eye.

At this point, all the chaos happening in the island, came to a grinding and silent halt.

Every being in the island, be it humans, demons, and even onins felt a single thing – fear. They all felt immense fear.

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