
part 29

He had cheated on her, Hermione was sure of it. She didn't know what to do, she just sat there on the bed clutching the letter. The tears weren't falling and Hermione momentarily wondered why she wasn't crying. She wanted to cry, she felt her world crumble, but a part of her, a very small part didn't believe this letter. There was something nagging at her to not believe this letter...maybe it was wishful thinking. When Draco strolled in, she wanted to shout at him but didn't, when he leaned in to kiss her, she wanted to turn her head but didn't. Then he looked into her eyes.

"Hermione," he whispered. "What's wrong?"

She didn't say anything. She was frozen.

Draco looked at her up and down, his eyes rested on the letter, he gently tugged it out of her hand.


The black cat, better known as Bellatrix, grinned devilishly, this was perfect and she was getting to see it.


Draco read the letter, his expression turned from shock to confusion and back again.

"Hermione, I have no idea..." Draco started.

"Please don't lie to me," Hermione whispered weakly. "Please...at least be honest..."

"No...I swear...please Hermione, I haven't cheated I swear!"

Hermione turned to stare at him, "I'm asking you to be honest. I'm giving you a chance! DON'T LIE TO ME!"

Draco went pale, he was on the verge of losing her, yet he didn't do anything, "Give me a truth potion, give me anything, I swear I didn't..."

"I thought you were different," Hermione whispered weakly. "You're not are you..."


"I really wanted us to work you know..."

"I do too, we can work..."

"This explains the Ron situation."

"What's Weasel got to do with this?"

"You forgave me quickly for that, you just went and punched him and nothing more nothing less. It wasn't because Blaise was listening was it, you were guilty so you..."

"Don't you dare," Draco's voice was stern. "I have done nothing wrong."

Hermione got up and wandered to the window, "My dad cheated on my mum once you know. Just a one night stand."

Draco watched her as she talked.

"I never wanted to be like that, I never wanted to be a door mat. She forgave my dad but I'm not like her."

Draco read the letter, "Babe..."

"Don't babe me."

"No I mean the letter says Tuesday night," Draco smirked.

Hermione turned to him, "What?"

"Since we got back, what have we been doing Tuesday nights," Draco asked.

"Potions," Hermione answered.

"And before the holidays what did we do Tuesdays?"

Hermione felt stupid, "I'm going to kill someone."

Draco lost his smirk, "Someone did this on purpose."


Bellatrix clawed the floor, she was hiding carefully. Her students had failed her and she needed revenge.


Hermione looked at Draco, "Draco...I'm so sorry...there was a part of me that wanted to believe you but then my mum came into my head and..."

Draco stopped her with a kiss, "Want to talk about it?"

"I never really have," Hermione whispered as Draco hugged her.

"What are husbands for, if not for listening to secrets?"

Hermione smiled as they seated themselves on the bed, "The other woman, he worked with her at his surgery. She was another dentist but she was very...slutty looking. He got drunk one night after a fight with mum. He never usually gets drunk...anyways the next morning he comes in at 8am, mum's waiting up for him. I'm at the top of the stairs, neither noticed me."

Draco stroked her hair gently, reassuring her that he was here.

"I heard them...mum accused him and dad just confessed...I was so...so angry, hurt. This was my dad, he couldn't have, he wouldn't have."

"What did your mum do?"

"Chuck him out of the house. He left, he came up to my room, I ran back when I heard him coming and he said goodbye. He told me he was staying with a friend for a few days, and I could call when I needed."

Draco waited for her.

"Then he came back a few days later. I was at school, muggle school, I didn't know what happened but she forgave him."

"Did you ever really forgive him?"

"No," Hermione admitted. "I have now. Now after...but it's too late."

Draco hugged her tightly, "I'm sorry these memories have had to be forced to come back."

Hermione shrugged, "I'm sorry...I do trust you...I do trust you with my life..."

"I know," Draco whispered. "Whoever did this, I promise will make them pay."

Hermione smiled weakly, "I feel guilty for not trusting you. Without trust we have..."

"We have trust," Draco reassured her. "This marriage thing, it's new to us both but we have to make mistakes and be able to fix them. Listen to each other and not jump to conclusions."

"Never again," Hermione promised.

Draco kissed her, "Maybe it was Krum."

"I think he's over me," Hermione replied.

"How can anyone be over you?"

Hermione smiled and hugged him, "Draco...I..."

A knock on the door interrupted them.

"I heard screaming," Ginny announced.

"Nosy," Draco muttered.

"Excuse you?" Ginny asked.

"Nothing," Draco smiled innocently.

"I'm still plotting you're death," Ginny said casually.

"I wouldn't have it any other way, red," Draco sighed.

"Gin, we're fine," Hermione interrupted. "No, actually was anyone in the common room before this period?"

"No, me and Lavender left after a bit and then it was empty I guess," Ginny answered. "Why?"

"Because red, someone entered and left a fake love note trying to break me and Hermione up," Draco replied.

Ginny looked shocked, "Wait...huh?"

Draco explained everything while Hermione looked around the room. If she wasn't too preoccupied she would have seen the black cat move further into the darkness.


Failure is something I will not accept, under any circumstances! Bella thought bitterly. No they needed a new plan...a better plan...


When Draco had finished Ginny looked shocked. She was debating over who it could be, but none of them seemed practical. While Draco explained he believed it was Viktor, Ron rushed into the room.

"I'm getting married in two weeks!" Ron laughed.

"Ron it's still January, not Easter yet," Ginny looked at her brother as if he were ill.

"No, me and Lavender, we changed the dates and everything. Then we asked Dumbledore got next week off so at the end of it we can get married and have a weekened away and a longer honeymoon in Easter," Ron beamed.

"So you get to go home, have fun and we get to stay here?" Ginny pouted.

"No, you, Harry, Hermione, Malfoy, Luna and Blaise get the time off too," Ron smiled.

"But Ron, the N.E. are coming up soon!" Hermione said.

Ron sighed, "So?"

"So..." Hermione started.

"So nothing," Draco interrupted. "He's getting married Hermione." He turned to Ron. "We'll be there."


A week off...now that would be perfect...


"Meow," Bella whispered.

"Did you hear that?" Ginny asked.

"Under the desk," Draco said.

Hermione stepped forward and picked a black cat up, "Aww, how did you get in here kitty."

"Meow," Bella repeated. Filthy mudblood is touching me!

"Shadow," Hermione called her. "That's what I'm naming you, since you have no collar."

"Red and Long Red, do you mind giving me and Hermione a moment," Draco asked.

The siblings left quickly.

Draco turned to Hermione, "We will get to the bottom of this note."

Hermione nodded, "Hey, why did you give into Ron quickly?"

"If he's married, he won't be hitting on my wife."

Hermione chuckled, "Funny."

"Serious note though, should we show this to Dumbledore?"

Hermione stroked the cat softly, "No. It's a little detail, if someone tries it again then we'll talk to him."

Draco nodded, "Can't wait for that week off!"

Hermione kissed him passionately, neither noticing the cat almost trying to throw up.


Later that night Bellatrix met both of her students.

"Worked right?" the first asked.

Bellatrix snarled and looked at the second student, "Wand."

She handed the wand over to Bellatrix and prepared herself.

"What happened?" The first demanded.

"Crucio," Bellatrix pointed at the first student. "You stupid fool."

Then she moved to the second student, "Crucio."

"You stupid bastards," Bellatrix snarled as she left the two whimpering on the floor of the room of Requirements.

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