

There will forever be just two words that come to this author's mind the morning after any good party, "shock" and "delight." Well, dear reader, the scandalous accounts from last night's soiree at Vauxhall are quite shocking and delightful indeed. Emerging, phoenix-like from the ashes of irrelevance, is one Miss Daphne Bridgerton. The illustrious debutante was seen dancing not once, but twice with the season's most eligible and most uncatchable rake, the Duke of Hastings.

I sit with my cousins in the parlor.

"Of course I don't know. How would I know? Because I can't ask her. Because I don't know how it happened. It's disturbing!" Penelope says.

"What are you girls talking about?" Aunt Featherington questions.

"Penelope is wondering about Miss Thompson," Prudence states.

"Prudence..." Penelope tries to cut her off.

"What of Miss Thompson?" Aunt Featherington asks.

"Penelope has inquiries," Prudence tells her.

"If you do not fall silent..." I warn. "About Miss Thompson's condition."

"I beg your pardon?" Aunt Featherington says.

"They know, ma'am," Mrs Varley informs her.

"How did it happen, Mama? Is there to be a baby?" Penelope asks.

"That will be enough." Aunt Featherington turns to her husband. "My lord, are you hearing this? What are we going to do?"

"There's no need for your hysterics," Lord Featherington tells her.

"Why is Miss Thompson to be kept away?" Penelope questions.

"Because her condition is catching," Aunt Featherington tells us.

I sit with Daphne and her family in their parlor. Daphne is playing the pianoforte as I sit beside her.

"Two dances? With a Duke?" Hyacinth asks.

"He was quite taken with your sister, Hyacinth. The entire party was, for that matter. All eyes were on Daphne," Lady Bridgerton tells her. She holds a plate out to Daphne. "At least enjoy some toast, dearest."

"I am not hungry, Mama," Daphne tells her.

"Are you certain the entire party was not simply eyeing a tear in her dress?" Colin offers.

"Or a misstep she took on the dance floor?" Benedict remarks.

"I do wonder, Daphne, might we count on the Duke at the Crawford ball?" Lady Bridgerton asks.

"I should think it a fair chance," Daphne tells her mother.

"What about the Ramsbury ball, Friday? Oh! And what about the grand picnic?" Lady Bridgerton asks.

"We shall see, Mama," Daphne tells her.

"How terrible for Fran that she'll be off practicing pianoforte with Aunt Winnie all season and Daphne's engagement to the Duke," Hyacinth says.

"Did Francesca leave for Bath already?" Gregory asks.

Eloise rushes into the room. "How does a lady come to be with child?"

I nearly choke on my tea.

Lady Bridgerton stands up and walks towards her. "Eloise, what a question!"

"I thought one needed to be married," Eloise states.

"What are you talking about?" Daphne questions.

"Apparently, it's not even a requirement," Eloise says.

"Eloise, that is more than enough," Lady Bridgerton scolds. Eloise trudges off to sit between Colin and Benedict. "Daphne, you were playing so lovely. Please, do go on."

"I take it the two of you know?" Eloise questions.

"Do not look at me," Benedict tells her.

"Have you ever visited a farm, El?" Colin asks.

"I hope you are not encouraging improper topics of conversation," Lady Bridgerton warns.

"Not at all, Mother," Benedict assures.

Colin stands up. "In fact, we were just heading off to... take our sticks out."

"Colin Bridgerton!" Lady Bridgerton shouts.

"A round of fencing," Colin clarifies.

"Miss? Humboldt is coming," a maid informs Lady Bridgerton.

"Humboldt is coming?" Daphne asks.

"Humboldt?" Lady Bridgerton questions.

"Why is Humboldt coming?" Hyacinth asks.

Humboldt walks into the room.

"Has someone arrived, Humboldt?" Daphne asks.

"Callers for Miss Daphne, ma'am," Humboldt tells her.

Daphne squeals in excitement.

"But... the Duke. You already have a caller, dearest," Lady Bridgerton reminds her.

"Well, I suppose now I have more," Daphne tells her.

I stand up. "I should leave you to your callers, Daphne. But I will see you at the ball." I smile at Lady Bridgerton. "Thank you for the tea."

"It is always a pleasure to have you, Diana," Lady Bridgerton tells me.

As I leave I walk past an impressive number of young callers. It seems that with the affections of the Duke, Daphne is now the most sought after of all us young ladies.

Penelope corners me as I arrive home. "Di."

I smile. "Hello, Pen."

"You are older than me and I was wondering if... if you know how a lady comes to be with child?" Penelope asks.

"Eloise just asked the same." Then I realise. "Did you tell Eloise Bridgerton about Marina's condition?"

"No. No," Penelope assures me. "I told her it was a maid."

I smile slightly. "You always were an intelligent girl. But just like you I have been sheltered from those parts of life."

"I'm going to see her. I'm going to see Marina," Penelope tells me.

I nod my head. "I shall go with you."

Penelope knocks on the door to Marina's room before opening it. "We found you a few sweets. We thought you might enjoy them while everyone else attends tonight's ball." She puts the plate down on the table.

"You can come in. I'm sure there's plenty to spare," Marina says.

I hear footsteps and shove Penelope into the room before closing the door after us. I bring the plate of sweets over to Marina. "I hear they have decided not to send you home to your papa."

"I dare say I am relieved. I can only imagine how he will react to..." Marina trails off.

"Your condition? Marina... may I ask? How did it happen?" Penelope questions.

Marina smiles as she holds up a piece of cake. "Cake."

"Cake?" Penelope questions.

"Our vicar in Somerset was given to hours-long sermons. Three, four, sometimes five hours they last. I would nearly swoon from hunger and fatigue. Until one Sunday, just when I thought I'd have to crawl under the pew from exhaustion, the eldest Crane boy, George... Sir George Crane sneaked me a wrapped bundle of cake and biscuits." Marina smiles. "The vicar would've had his head if he knew." I laugh lightly. "After some time, the bundles came to include small notes. We passed tiny missives back and forth for months. I've never longed for church quite so much."

"And where is Sir George now?" I question.

"Spain. He went off to fight with Wellington... but he continued to write." Marina pulls back the cover on her bed showing a stack of letters. "See?"

"So... your condition, then, it was brought about by..." Penelope trails off.

"Love. It was love, Penelope," Marina tells her.

I spot Lady Bridgerton with Benedict and Colin. Lady Danbury has swept Anthony off somewhere and Daphne is dancing with the Duke.

"Diana," Lady Bridgerton greets. "You look beautiful."

I smile. "Thank you, Lady Bridgerton."

"I suppose your Aunt is here?" Lady Bridgerton says.

I nod. "I was able to slip away as soon as we crossed the threshold."

Colin and Benedict chuckle lightly.

Lady Bridgerton smiles. "I'm sure that if you could sponsor yourself you would."

I laugh lightly. "The thought has crossed my mind."

Lady Bridgerton turns to Benedict. "Why don't you keep Miss Featherington company."

"Yes, mother," Benedict tells her.

I smile at Benedict as his mother and brother walk off.

"So is it true?" I ask.

"Is what true?" Benedict questions.

"Is the Duke really courting Daphne?" I ask.

"It would appear so," Benedict tells me.

"But what about Lord Berbrooke? Was she not engaged to him?" I ask.

"Would you wish to marry Lord Berbrooke?" Benedict asks.

I shake my head. "Heavens no."

He chuckles. "Exactly why Daphne is trying her best to find another man willing to propose."

"Is the Duke going to propose?" I ask.

"So many questions. Should you not be asking Daphne all of this?" Benedict says.

"She is rather busy, I think." I point to Daphne and the Duke dancing.

"And what about you. Should you not be out there dancing with your callers?" Benedict asks.

"I have not had many callers recently," I admit.

"Any of the bachelors in this room should be so lucky to call themself a caller of yours," Benedict tells me.

I smile as I try no to blush.

Anthony walks over and puts his hand on Benedict's shoulder. "Go dance with your sister."

"Why?" Benedict questions.

"Because I asked you to!" Anthony tells him. He pushes him forward towards the dance floor.

"Hello to you to Lord Bridgerton," I tease.

"I do not have time for your remarks right now, Diana," Anthony states.

"By all means my Lord. I shall leave you to stare at the Duke," I say before walking off.


A/N So like I also have an Anthony Bridgerton book that y'all should check out it's called Ace of Spades

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