
463. Stands and Stats So Far V(1)

Prince and The Jazz Fusion:

Prince Universe Miguel Josuke Higashikata/The Aswang Prince=ENFJ-T/INTJ-ANamesake: Miguel JoJo; Prince, American Singer, and Song Writer

Aswang (Formerly)

Aswang Black-Eyes

Age: 29, 30 (After being in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber)

Strength: 6, + (Imperfect Ultra Judgment), 40+ (Ultra Judgment Sign), 70+ (Autonomous Ultra Judgment), 100+ (Perfected Ultra Judgment)Speed: 6, + (Imperfect Ultra Judgment), 40+ (Ultra Judgment Sign), 70+ (Autonomous Ultra Judgment), 100+ (Perfected Ultra Judgment)Durability: 6, + (Imperfect Ultra Judgment), 40+ (Ultra Judgment Sign), 70+ (Autonomous Ultra Judgment), 100+ (Perfected Ultra Judgment)Senses: 10+Intelligence: 10+Combat: 10+Skills: 10+Precision: 10+

Abilities: Hamon, Flight, Bloodsucking, RegenerationUltra Judgment=Josuke gains an ability that balances instinct and ego. The ability allows the User to become incredibly powerful by learning to balance your instinct and your ego and allowing the innate peace within one's heart to take control of the body, randomizing one's stats.>Paradox Existence=Josuke gained his Stand because Reverse-Flash

As it turns out, because Killer Queen destroyed Josuke's Stand, Josuke loses Prince. However, they managed to remove Kira's DISC and hid her away, so Josuke still has Killer Queen, but he lost Prince. Josuke became much more violent with his repeated usage of Killer Queen.

Killer Queen

Namesake: Killer Queen, Song by Queen

Abilities:-Bomb Transmutation=Josuke has the ability to explode anything he touches.-Sheer Heart Attack=Josuke gains the ability to wield several Sheer Heart Attacks. In this reality, Sheer Heart Attacks are several tanks that automatically follow Josuke's target. Instead of blasting its opponent, Sheer Heart Attack explodes.>Calamity Immunity=Josuke's Stand allows him to be immune from bad luck completely.Power: BSpeed: BRange: CDurability: CPrecision: SPotential: S

Killer Queen UltimateNamesake: Killer Queen, Song by Queen

Abilities:-Bomb Transmutation=Josuke has the ability to explode anything he touches.-Sheer Heart Attack=Josuke gains the ability to wield several Sheer Heart Attacks. In this reality, Sheer Heart Attacks are several tanks that automatically follow Josuke's target. Instead of blasting its opponent, Sheer Heart Attack explodes.

-Ultra Judgment Sign>Consequence Bombs=Anyone Josuke deems evil will be immediately shot with Josuke's Consequence Bombs, powerful white bombs that destroy their target instantly.

>Bad Luck Sense=Josuke can sense "fluctuations" in Probability.

Power: SSpeed: SRange: CDurability: SPrecision: SPotential: S

Blow-A-FusionNamesake: Blow a Fuse (It's Oh So Quiet!), a song by Betty Hutton

Abilities:-Bomb Transmutation=Josuke has the ability to explode anything he touches.-Sheer Heart Attack=Josuke gains the ability to wield several Sheer Heart Attacks. In this reality, Sheer Heart Attacks are several tanks that automatically follow Josuke's target. Instead of blasting its opponent, Sheer Heart Attack explodes.

-Ultra Judgment Sign>Consequence Bombs=Anyone Josuke deems evil will be immediately shot with Josuke's Consequence Bombs, powerful white bombs that destroy their target instantly.

-Luck Embodiment=Josuke is the reincarnation of the Stand of Christ and is revealed to be a reincarnation of the Old Goddess Fortuna who was slain by Ares during the first Darkseid Wars.>Restoration=Josuke has the ability to restore anything he touches to its previous form.>Good Luck Restoration=Josuke has the ability to restore good luck toward himself and other people and only other people, helping them fix their problems.Josuke can also increase the probability that the situation that was "glitched" by the Monster Emperor could be fixed, but that doesn't make the situation a hundred percent fixed since Josuke has to follow "the path" to fix it. If he doesn't follow what he senses is the correct path, bad luck will increase for him and others.>Bad Luck Sense=Josuke can sense "fluctuations" in Probability.>Situational Synchronicity=Josuke has the ability to synchronize and be in context with whatever situation he is in.

>Cosmic Bombs=Very powerful bombs that can destroy planets.

Power: SSpeed: SRange: CDurability: SPrecision: SPotential: S

Josuke's Former Stands:

PrinceNamesake: Prince, American Singer, and Songwriter

Abilities:-Luck Embodiment=Josuke is the reincarnation of the Stand of Christ and is revealed to be a reincarnation of the Old Goddess Fortuna who was slain by Ares during the first Darkseid Wars.>Restoration=Josuke has the ability to restore anything he touches to its previous form.>Good Luck Restoration=Josuke has the ability to restore good luck toward himself and other people and only other people, helping them fix their problems.Josuke can also increase the probability that the situation that was "glitched" by the Monster Emperor could be fixed, but that doesn't make the situation a hundred percent fixed since Josuke has to follow "the path" to fix it. If he doesn't follow what he senses is the correct path, bad luck will increase for him and others.>Bad Luck Sense=Josuke can sense "fluctuations" in Probability.>Situational Synchronicity=Josuke has the ability to synchronize and be in context with whatever situation he is in.Power: CSpeed: BRange: CDurability: BPrecision: SPotential: S

Purple Rain PrinceNamesake: Purple Rain, Song by Prince

Abilities:-Luck Embodiment=Josuke is actually the reincarnation of the Stand of Christ and is revealed to be a reincarnation of the Old Goddess Fortuna who was slain by Ares during the first Darkseid Wars.>Restoration=Josuke has the ability to restore anything he touches to its previous form.>Good Luck Restoration=Josuke has the ability to restore good luck toward himself and other people and only other people, helping them fix their problems.Josuke can also increase the probability that the situation that was "glitched" by the Monster Emperor could be fixed, but that doesn't make the situation a hundred percent fixed since Josuke has to follow "the path" to fix it. If he doesn't follow what he senses is the correct path, bad luck will increase for him and others.>Bad Luck Sense=Josuke can sense "fluctuations" in Probability.>Situational Synchronicity=Josuke has the ability to synchronize and be in context with whatever situation he is in.

>Grimm Genes Unlocked=Josuke's genes are unlocked by the Ark of the Covenant.>Restoration Vines=Josuke can blast multiple vines from Purple Rain Prince that can instantly restore multiple targets as well as heal them.>Enhanced Regeneration=Josuke gains the ability to regenerate.>Restoration Storm=Josuke can form purple clouds that can rain healing waters. It can also generate lightning strikes that are actually Hamon that allows enhances the strength, speed, and durability of his allies' Stands.Power: CSpeed: BRange: ADurability: BPrecision: SPotential: S

King 4 UNamesake: For You, Studio Album by Prince


-Luck Embodiment

>Restoration=Josuke has the ability to restore anything he touches to its previous form.>Good Luck Restoration=Josukehas the ability to restore good luck toward other people and only other people, helping them fix their problems.Josuke can also increase the probability that the situation that was "glitched" by the Monster Emperor could be fixed, but that doesn't make the situation a hundred percent fixed since Josuke has to follow "the path" to fix it. If he doesn't follow what he senses is the correct path, bad luck will increase for him and others.>Bad Luck Sense=Josuke can sense "fluctuations" in Probability.

>Grimm Genes Unlocked=Josuke's genes are unlocked by the Ark of the Covenant.>Restoration Vines=Josuke can blast multiple vines from Purple Rain Prince that can instantly restore multiple targets as well as heal them.>Enhanced Regeneration=Josuke gains the ability to regenerate.>Restoration Storm=Josuke can form purple clouds that can rain healing waters. It can also generate lightning strikes that are actually Hamon that allows enhances the strength, speed, and durability of his allies' Stands.

-Ultra Instinct Hamon>Reality Restoration=King 4 U gains the ability to restore reality.Power: A->SSpeed: A->SRange: CDurability: BPrecision: SPotential: S

Weaknesses:Naivety=Josuke is incredibly naive.Anger=Josuke's anger makes him easily manipulated.Limitations=Josuke cannot make things impossible, only less probable.Masochistic Personality Disorder=Josuke has a horrible disorder where he receives gratification from guilt through humiliation, self-derogation, self-sacrifice, wallowing in misery, and even submitting to abuse and sadistic acts of his enemies.

Personality and Stand:Prince=Represents Josuke's desire to help people out through restoration and luck.Purple Rain Prince=^^^King 4 U=^^^Killer Queen=Shows Josuke's secretly violent personality that he keeps hidden and represents his second personality.

Finn Mertens=ESFP-A

Metahuman (Blue-Green Eyes Mutant)

Age: 33

Strength: 4Speed: 4Durability: 4Senses: 4Intelligence: 5Combat: 10+Skills: 10+Precision: 10+

Time AdventureNamesake: Time Adventure, Song by Rebecca Sugar

Abilities:-Time-Loop=Once Finn dies unnaturally, Finn is forced to go back in the past.>Save Files=Finn has multiple save files for each day. He can only do so once a day. The save files are done manually with his Stand, Time Adventure.Power: BSpeed: BRange: DDurability: CPrecision: SPotential: D

Bites the Dust: Come Along With MeNamesake: Another One Bites the Dust, Song by QueenFirst Verse from the Island Song from Adventure Time

Abilities:-Time-Loop>Save Files-Time Travel=Finn can travel anyone and anything in time. This was utilized secretly when a dying Finn from another timeline curved Eobard's Trajectory back to the first few Chapters. However, a few months before JoJo's death, Miguel stated that this ability is far too dangerous to be utilized, as Miguel's original actions of time travel did change fate, but doing so caused a series of events that caused the destruction of the Universe.-Time Remnant creayion=Finn can manipulate paradoxes and create time remnants that he could fully control and fuse back into his body.Power: ASpeed: ARange: CDurability: APrecision: SPotential: E

Weaknesses:BPD=Finn has Borderline Personality Disorder, causing him to act out angrily and ruin his own relationships. But he's taking medication and therapy, so he has been working his life with Yoshiko and his kids.

Personality and Stand:Time Adventure and its evolutions represent Finn's heroic personality and are comparable to a video game character. However, it goes deeper to his psychology, showing his irresponsibility as it is revealed that he had done terrible things in the past where he went back to a save file so that he'd enter a better timeline.


Age: 33 (Actual), 66 (Biological)

Mutant Dog-Shapeshifter Hybrid

Strength: 8Speed: 8Durability: 8Senses: 7Intelligence: 7Combat: 7Skills: 7Precision: 2

Bacon PancakesNamesake: Bacon Pancakes, Song from Adventure TimeAbilities:-Matter State Shift=Jake's elasticity is enhanced. He is now able to change his body's state of matter.-Biomass Manipulation=Jake gains the ability to manipulate only his own biomass.-Regeneration=Jake gains an enhanced healing factor.Power: BSpeed: BRange: 0Durability: CPrecision: DPotential: D

Bites the Dust: Best Friend in the WorldNamesake: Another One Bites the Dust, Song by Queen; Best Friends in the World, Song from Adventure TimeAbilities:-Matter State Shift-Biomass Manipulation-Regeneration-Infinite Stretch=Jake can now infinitely stretch.Power: ASpeed: ARange: 0Durability: APrecision: DPotential: E

Weaknesses:ADHD=Jake has shown symptoms of ADHD, causing him to be hyperactive and lack the ability to stay in attention.

Personality and Stand:Bacon Pancakes shows Jake's go-with-the-flow personality. It represents Jake's flexible personality and adaptation to about anything.

Spongebob Squarepants=ENFP-T

Force-Sensitive Evolved Sponge

Age: 28

Weapons:Lightspatula=A blue laser Spatula that is practically a lightsaber that can function as cookware.

Force Abilities: Capabilities Enhancement, Force Sense, Telepathy, Hypnotism, Telekinesis, Gravity Weakening, Levitation, Force Lightning, Precognition

Strength: 10+Speed: 10+Durability: 10+Senses: 2Intelligence: 2Combat: 10+Skills: 20+Precision: 7

Heaven's Sweet VictoryNamesake: Sweet Victory, Song by Bob Kulick and David Glenn EisleyAbilities:-A Wish Your Heart Makes=Spongebob can wish for any object he desires as long as it is possible to exist. The wish comes in the form of a bubble. Once popped, the bubble becomes a wishPower: ZSpeed: ZRange: ∞Durability: ZPrecision: BPotential: ∞

Ultimate Heaven's Sweet Victory-A humanoid bubble Stand.Abilities:-Wish-Granting-Explosive BubblesPower: ASpeed: BRange: ADurability: EPrecision: APotential: Infinity

Weaknesses:ADHD=Spongebob has shown symptoms of ADHD, causing him to be hyperactive and lack the ability to stay in attention.

Personality and Stand:Spongebob's desire to be the best causes him to have the ability to wish for objects he is able to use to survive.

Patrick C. Star=INTP-T

Evolved Starfish

Age: 28

Strength: 1Speed: 1Durability: 1Senses: 1Intelligence: 1Combat: 0Skills: 1Precision: 2

Goofy Goober RockNamesake: Goofy Goober Rock, Song from Spongebob Squarepants the Movie, Parody of Twisted Sister's I Wanna RockAbilities:-Enhanced Stupidity=Patrick's stupidity is greatly enhanced. His own Stand attacks himself. But, his Stand may stop doing so if he focuses his energy on his enemy at just the right amount.Power: ASpeed: ARange: EDurability: APrecision: EPotential: E

Bites the Dust Awana RockNamesake: I Wanna Rock, Song by Twisted Sister; Another One Bites the Dust, Song by QueenAbilities:-Enhanced Stupidity-Wumbology Manipulation=Patrick gains the ability to manipulate his size and physiology.Power: ASpeed: ARange: EDurability: APrecision: CPotential: F

Weaknesses:Eating Disorder=He needs help.

Personality and Stand:

GGR shows Patrick's stupidity and Starfish's natural stupidity in the wild.

Gumball Watterson=ENTP-A

Cartoon Cat

Age: 28

Abilities: Laserheart Armor=Divine Empowerment: Transformation, Enhanced Abilities, Enhanced Capabilities, Regeneration, Weapon Summoning, Divine Connection, True Optimism Empowerment, Hatred Inducement, Empathy, Heart Blast

Weapons:Heartarangs=A bunch of Hearts that act like daggers that he tosses at enemies. Red hearts are normal shurikens. Purple hearts turn into purple smoke. Green hearts are toxic. Blue hearts blow up.Heart Attack Gauntlets=A couple of spiked gauntlets that are in the shape of a heart.Coins=A bunch of coins in his pocket that he imbues with Spin to kill his opponents.

Strength: 4, 6 (As Laserheart)Speed: 4, (As Laserheart)Durability: 4, 6 (As Laserheart)Senses: 7Intelligence: 4Combat: 1Skills: 3Precision: 2

Weird Like U-N MeNamesake: Weird Like You and Me, Song from The Amazing World of GumballAbilities:-Defensive Probability Manipulation=Gumball can manipulate probability as long as it favors itself. However, the people around him will have to suffer their own consequences as a result of overdoing it.Power: DSpeed: ARange: BDurability: CPrecision: UPotential: D

Weird Like U.N. Me: Gangnam StyleGangnam Style is a smaller Weird Like U.N. Me.Namesake: Gangnam Style, Song by PSYAbilities:-Lucky Spin=Gumball can imbue luck into people and objects by spinning them in any way. The luckier the shot, the more likely Gumball gets injured.-Lucky Shot=Gumball can shoot things with Spin using his hands and the shot will have a 100% bullseye.Power: ESpeed: ERange: ADurability: APrecision: SPotential: D

Weird Like U.N. Me: Bites the DustNamesake: Another One Bites the Dust, Song by QueenAbilities:-Calamity ImmunityPower: CSpeed: ARange: ADurability: BPrecision: UPotential: D

Weaknesses:Narcissistic Personality Disorder=Gumball is a narcissist.

Personality and Stand:Gumball's personality shows how he is able to escape situations that he himself caused with no consequence.

Darwin Watterson=INFP-T

Magical Cartoon Goldfish

Age: 26

Strength: 4Speed: 4Durability: 4Senses: 2, 9 (Underwater)Intelligence: 4Combat: 1Skills: 10Precision: 3

I'm On My WayNamesake: I'm On My Way, Song by The Amazing World of Gumball.Abilities:-Automatic Evolution=Darwin can transform into any animal depending on the situation he is in.Power: BSpeed: CRange: 0Durability: BPrecision: CPotential: S

On My Way: The GentlemanNamesake: Gentleman, a song by PSYThe Gentleman is a businessman with a machine gun.Abilities:-Spin-Imbued Machine Gun=In Darwin's animal form, Gentleman forms on Darwin and shoots at someone with his machine gun.-Trajectory Manipulation (Own Bullets Only)=Darwin can curve the trajectory of his bullets. This is very hard to control and can injure himself and his own allies in the process.Power: BSpeed: CRange: BDurability: BPrecision: DPotential: A

On My Way RequiemNamesake: Requiem on D Minor, Song by MozartAbilities:-Automatic Evolution-Automatic Adaptation=Darwin can adapt to any environment automatically.-Legendary Creature TransformationPower: BSpeed: CRange: 0Durability: BPrecision: BPotential: S

Weaknesses:No Water for 24 Hours=Like all Evolved Fish, Darwin needs to breathe in water for at least one hour every day.

Personality and Stand:Darwin's ability, like Jake's, shows his ability to adapt to any shenanigans that everyone and especially Gumball initiate.

Mark Sebastian Grayson/InvincibleAge: 18, 19 (After being in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber)Special Abilities: Human-Viltruite Physiology= Superhuman Abilities, Superhuman Capabilities, Flight, Healing Factor, Interstellar Travel, Enhanced Lung Capacity, Nigh-Invulnerability, Slow Aging, Dominant GenesStrength: 10+, + (Imperfect Ultra Judgment), 40+ (Ultra Judgment Sign), 70+ (Autonomous Ultra Judgment), 100+ (Perfected Ultra Judgment)Speed: 10+, + (Imperfect Ultra Judgment), 40+ (Ultra Judgment Sign), 70+ (Autonomous Ultra Judgment), 100+ (Perfected Ultra Judgment)Durability: 10+, + (Imperfect Ultra Judgment), 40+ (Ultra Judgment Sign), 70+ (Autonomous Ultra Judgment), 100+ (Perfected Ultra Judgment)Senses: 10+Intelligence: 4Combat: 10Skills: 10Precision: 10


Vulnerable Ears=If his equilibrium is unbalanced, he cannot function and could possibly die.Short-Temper=Mark is short-tempered.PTSD=After what he experienced with Nolan, he is traumatized with Viltrumites including himself hurting innocent people.

Arc II Protagonist:

Miguel Azrael Ibarra/St. Joshua Joestar/Saint JoJo (Earth-777)Namesake:Joshua=Yeshua/Yesus/JesusCrisostomo Ibarra=Noli Me Tangere Protagonist by Jose Rizal


Age: 29 (Biologically, Time of Death), 39 (Earthly Time), 3,700's (In Time Room)

Strength: 3, 7, + (Imperfect Ultra Judgment), 100+ (Ultra Judgment Sign), 200+ (Autonomous Ultra Judgment), 500+ (Perfected Ultra Judgment)Speed: 3, 7, + (Imperfect Ultra Judgment), 100+ (Ultra Judgment Sign), 200+ (Autonomous Ultra Judgment), 500+ (Perfected Ultra Judgment)Durability: 3, 7, + (Imperfect Ultra Judgment), 100+ (Ultra Judgment Sign), 200+ (Autonomous Ultra Judgment), 500+ (Perfected Ultra Judgment)Senses: 10+Intelligence: 10+Combat: 10+Skills: 10+Precision: 10+Strength (Divine Magic): 700

Weapons:Eldritch Sticks=A pair of two-foot-long sticks made from the Spear of Destiny, allowing him to attack his opponents. Thee Sticks could turn into a "Chain Mode" where it turns into a spring-like structure that he uses like a rope. He could also combine them and create a bolo.Blade of Tears=Miguel can pull out his tears and turn them into blades.

Get BackNamesake: Get Back, a song by The Beatles>Divine Spin Bubbles=He can conjure up several divine spells he learned in the 11th World by using Spin Bubbles.

-Teleportation-Time Travel-Exorcism-Telepathy-Time Manipulation-Strength-Dimensional travel and Portal Creation-Eldritch Magic-Energy Projection-Divine Shield-Illusions-Eldritch Ropes-Conjuration-Planetary Mind Control-Memory Alteration-Hypnosis-Cloning-Elemental Manipulation-Size Augmentation-Clairvoyance-Astral Projection and Possession-Cursing-Death-Warning-Mediumship-Eyes of a Grimm-Petrification-X-Ray Vision-Restoration-Transmutation-Ki Control-Chi Control-Spin Control-The Snap=A special attack Miguel knows where he could wish for just about anything. An incredibly dangerous attack that he and only he could legally use.

>Semi-Precognition=Miguel can sense the future, rather than actually seeing it.>Divine Protection=Anyone who tries to harm Miguel (unless that person is a 10th/11th/beyond 11th Dimensional creature, or anyone who has the blood of these creatures) will be neutralized with random coincidences. This makes Miguel nigh-invulnerable and often causes him to become this story's Deus Ex Machina device (as well as probably the next few books' Deus Ex Machina device).

>Regeneration>Cosmic Awareness>Shapeshifting>Flight>Temptation Inducement>Healing>Self-Resurrection>Absolute Praying>Telekinesis>Reality Manipulation>Indomitable Will>Desire Exhibition Immunity>Vulnerability Immunity>Desire Exhibition>Immunity to Seduction>Healing>Eldritch Weapon Summoning>Mastered Ultra Judgment>Cosmic Penance StarePower: 0Speed: BRange: ADurability: ZPrecision: UPotential: U

Weaknesses:Dissociative Identity Disorder=Miguel is revealed to have developed an alter known as Dr. Anarcheus.Severe Asthma=Miguel is revealed to have asthma, giving him the disability to properly manifest Hamon.Anger=Miguel is easily angered because of his trauma.C-PTSD=Miguel's Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder causes him to act erratically at times.Depression=Miguel has massive depression because of what had happened to him.Emotional Disorder=Miguel has a disorder that causes him to have erratically strong emotions.Autism=Miguel possibly has autism, but this was never confirmed. This caused him to be outcasted when he was younger.Immense Misanthropy=Miguel hates humanity because he lacks the ability to see its beauty anymore. This was caused by its betrayal toward him.MDD=Miguel absolutely hates himself but is always working on it. Miguel has Major Depressive Disorder, as he constantly blames himself for everything wrong that happens to the world.Limitations of Responsibility=If he breaks anyone of his oaths, he could cause damage to himself or to others."A baby's Power Stat is 1. A child's Power Stat is 2. An average person's Power Stat is 3. A person with peak human strength has a power stat of 4. A Grimm and a weak Super Soldier have a Power State of 5. An average Super Soldier has a Power Stat of 6. I have a Power Stat of 7. But, I can control my strength and dial it down to 4, which is my lowest. If I go past 7 and enter a Power Stat of 8, my Stats would randomize into a higher number. If that happens, I would lose control of my power and I could basically accidentally kill anyone. Saiyans can make their Power Stats, or as they call it, Power Levels, higher or lower. Kryptonians are able to do this as well. Wesen, or Cryptids, woge to switch between Power Stats. However, for me, I wouldn't. That's why 11th Worlders and 10th Worlders are incredibly dangerous because of their power, but they have enough time to master their strengths. For me, however, I am a Human. Therefore, I don't have full control over my Power Stats yet. I could hurt myself or even others.""Third, I should never abuse my powers and use them to take advantage of other people. Fourth, I should follow the Ten Commandments: Love God, never blaspheme, respect the Sabbath Day then rest(and when I say Sabbath Day, I mean both days of the weekend because of my religion), honor my family, never kill intentionally, never commit adultery, never steal from the innocent, never tell lies unless it's for the right thing, never covet one's lover, and never covet one's goods. Fifth, I should always forgive. Sixth, I should always love. Seventh, I should never betray God or all known mortals."

Devil's Weapons=Weapons that are handmade in Hell could possibly permanently keep Miguel in Heaven forever.

Accidental Commands=If Miguel thinks or says something that commands reality, he will command reality, and his Stats will automatically randomize. He has a watch to warn him.

Destruction of his Room=Miguel, if he loses his room and dies after, would have to respawn in another random Multiverse where he would have to navigate his way back to his homeworld. This is dangerous as this could serve as a distraction.

Personality and Stand:Miguel's Get Back shows his immense power which also represents his immense responsibility. He has great power and therefore great responsibility for being the so-called Messiah.

Arc III Protagonists:

Bruce Wayne

The Batman

Age: 64


Hellbat Suit Abilities: Godly Superhuman Abilities, Godly Superhuman Capabilities, Artificial Ultra Instinct, Stand Detection, God-Seeing, Ghost-Detection, Matter and Energy Manipulation, Energy Batarangs, Levitation, Indestructible Webs, Suit Regeneration

Strength: 4Speed: 4Durability: 4Senses: 4Intelligence: 10Combat: 10Skills: 10Precision: 10Batsuit:Strength: 5Speed: 5Durability: 5Iron Knight Suit:Strength: 8Speed: 8Durability: 10+Exo Batsuit:Strength: 10Speed: 10Durability: 10Hellbat Suit:Strength: 60+, 100+ (God-Buster Mode)Speed: 60+, 100+ (God-Buster Mode)Durability: 100+

Weaknesses:PTSD=Bruce Wayne has severe Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. This causes him to become 'The Batman'.Chiroptophobia=Bruce Wayne once fell into a well when he played with Rachel Dawes during his childhood. He became afraid of bats as he grew older.PCBD=Bruce has Persistent Complex Bereavement Disorder, causing him to grieve his parents and his son even if it's such a long time ago. This was developed when his parents were shot before him when he was 8.

Peter Parker


Age: 29 (Biologically due to Snap), 34 (Actual)

Mutate Metahuman (Wall-Crawler)

Abilities: Spider Physiology=Superhuman Abilities, and Capabilities, Wall-Crawling, Spider-Sense, Superhuman Senses, Healing FactorCosmic Spider Suit Abilities: Godly Enhanced Spider Physiology, Uni-Vision, Matter and Energy Manipulation, Energy Webs, Levitation, Indestructible Webs, Suit RegenerationStrength: 7Speed: 7Durability: 7Senses: 9Intelligence: 10Combat: 8Skills: 10Precision: 10Spider-Suit:Strength: 8Speed: 7Durability: 7Iron Spider Suit:Strength: 8Speed: 8Durability: 10+Cosmic-Spider Suit:Strength: 100+Speed: 100+Durability+ 100+

Weaknesses:Stress=Stress causes Peter Parker's powers to become disabled. He ends up slipping down from tall buildings if he gets too stressed.Ethyl Chloride=Peter loses all of his powers for a short moment if he is sprayed with Ethyl Chloride.PTSD=Peter, like all superheroes, has PTSD because of his Uncle Ben's, Aunt May's, and parents' deaths.MDD=Peter has Major Depressive Disorder, often blaming himself for everything he had ever done.

Arc IV Protagonists:

Gabrielle "Gabby" Ibarra/St. Jocelyn Joestar (Earth-777)Namesake:Jocelyn Flores, a Song by XXXTENTACIONCrisostomo Ibarra=Noli Me Tangere Protagonist by Jose Rizal


Age: 20 (Biologically, Time of Death), 10 (Earthly Time), 30's (In Time Room)

Strength: 7Speed: 7Durability: 7Senses: 10+Intelligence: 10+Combat: 10+Skills: 10+Precision: 10+

Abbey RoadNamesake: Abbey Road, a song by The Beatles>Divine Spin Bubbles=He can conjure up several divine spells he learned in the 11th World by using Spin Bubbles.

-Teleportation-Time Travel-Exorcism-Telepathy-Time Manipulation-Strength-Dimensional travel and Portal Creation-Eldritch Magic-Energy Projection-Divine Shield-Illusions-Eldritch Ropes-Conjuration-Planetary Mind Control-Memory Alteration-Hypnosis-Cloning-Elemental Manipulation-Size Augmentation-Clairvoyance-Astral Projection and Possession-Cursing-Death-Warning-Mediumship--Eyes of a Grimm-Petrification-X-Ray Vision-Restoration-Transmutation-Ki Control-Chi Control-Spin Control-The Snap=A special attack Miguel knows where he could wish for just about anything. An incredibly dangerous attack that he and only he could legally use.

>Semi-Precognition=Miguel can sense the future, rather than actually seeing it.>Divine Protection=Anyone who tries to harm Miguel (unless that person is a 10th/11th/beyond 11th Dimensional creature, or anyone who has the blood of these creatures) will be neutralized with random coincidences. This makes Miguel nigh-invulnerable and often causes him to become this story's Deus Ex Machina device (as well as probably the next few books' Deus Ex Machina device).

>Regeneration>Cosmic Awareness>Shapeshifting>Flight>Temptation Inducement>Healing>Self-Resurrection>Absolute Praying>Telekinesis>Reality Manipulation>Indomitable Will>Desire Exhibition Immunity>Vulnerability Immunity>Desire Exhibition>Immunity to Seduction>Healing>Mastered Ultra Judgment>Cosmic Penance StarePower: 0Speed: BRange: ADurability: ZPrecision: UPotential: U

Weaknesses:Severe Asthma=Gabby is revealed to have asthma, giving her the disability to properly manifest Hamon.Alexithymia= Gabby  has a disorder that causes her to have difficulty expressing emotions.Autism= Gabby  possibly has autism, but this was never confirmed. This caused her to be outcasted when she was younger.Immense Misanthropy= Gabby  hates humanity because she lacks the ability to see its beauty anymore. This was caused by its betrayal of her.Limitations of Responsibility=If she breaks anyone of her oaths, she could cause damage to herself or to others."A baby's Power Stat is 1. A child's Power Stat is 2. An average person's Power Stat is 3. A person with peak human strength has a power stat of 4. A Grimm and a weak Super Soldier have a Power State of 5. An average Super Soldier has a Power Stat of 6. I have a Power Stat of 7. But, I can control my strength and dial it down to 4, which is my lowest. If I go past 7 and enter a Power Stat of 8, my Stats would randomize into a higher number. If that happens, I would lose control of my power and I could basically accidentally kill anyone. Saiyans can make their Power Stats, or as they call it, Power Levels, higher or lower. Kryptonians are able to do this as well. Wesen, or Cryptids, woge to switch between Power Stats. However, for me, I wouldn't. That's why 11th Worlders and 10th Worlders are incredibly dangerous because of their power, but they have enough time to master their strengths. For me, however, I am a Human. Therefore, I don't have full control over my Power Stats yet. I could hurt myself or even others.""Third, I should never abuse my powers and use them to take advantage of other people. Fourth, I should follow the Ten Commandments: Love God, never blaspheme, respect the Sabbath Day then rest(and when I say Sabbath Day, I mean both days of the weekend because of my religion), honor my family, never kill intentionally, never commit adultery, never steal from the innocent, never tell lies unless it's for the right thing, never covet one's lover, and never covet one's goods. Fifth, I should always forgive. Sixth, I should always love. Seventh, I should never betray God or all known mortals."

Devil's Weapons=Weapons that are handmade in Hell could possibly permanently keep Gabby in Heaven forever.

Personality and Stand:Gabby's Get Back shows her immense power which also represents her immense responsibility. She has great power and therefore great responsibility for being the so-called eighthMessiah.

Mark Fischbach/Markiplier the Actor

Sentient Zombie-Human Hybrid

Age: 51, but he still looks 21

Abilities: None

Disease: Sentient Zombification, Immortality by the Manor

Strength: 3Speed: 3Durability: 3Senses: 3Intelligence: 9Combat: 10Skills: 10Precision: 10

Space is So Cool>Secret RoomPower: 0Speed: 0Range: 0Durability: 0Precision: 0Potential: A

Personality and Stand:His room is a perfect hiding spot for his vulnerabilities.


Mark Fischbach/Markiplier the Thief (Earth-31)


Age: 31


Strength: 3Speed: 3Durability: 3Senses: 3Intelligence: 9Combat: 10Skills: 10Precision: 10

Bitch I'm Fabulous> Plundering  Fungus=Mark can plant fungi that allow him toPower: ZSpeed: SRange: DDurability: DPrecision: CPotential: A

Personality and Stand:Mark has been a thief his entire life. His Stand represents his desire to steal anything.


Mark Fischbach/Markiplier the Engineer (Earth-121715)


Age: 31

Abilities: None


Strength: 3Speed: 3Durability: 3Senses: 3Intelligence: 9Combat: 10Skills: 10Precision: 10

The Last Goodbye>Technopathy Pen=Mark can build things just by sketching something with his Stand on a paper.Power: ZSpeed: ZRange: DDurability: BPrecision: ZPotential: A

Personality and Stand:His creativity.


Felix Kjellberg/PewDiePie


Age: 52

Strength: 4Speed: 4Durability: 4Senses: 3Intelligence: 10Combat: 10Skills: 9Precision: 10

Bitch Lasagna>Meme Manipulation=He can conjure memes that aid him in battle. These memes are immortal.>Minecraft Powers=Just like Jack and Jill, he can use Minecraft powers. But, he needs materials to build first.>Pet Summoning=Felix can summon his dead pets.Power: +Speed: +Range: SDurability: APrecision: APotential: A

Personality and Stand:He likes to meme. Also, it represents how he uses humor as a coping mechanism


Sean McLoughlin/jacksepticeye


Age: 51

Strength: 4Speed: 4Durability: 4Senses: 3Intelligence: 10+Combat: 10Skills: 9Precision: 7

Meme Time>Septic Eyeball Form>Tentacles>Emerald Beam>Save File Reload>Determination OverloadPower: BSpeed: BRange: ADurability: BPrecision: BPotential: A

Personality and Stand:Represents his ability of Determination.




Age: 9

Abilities: Time-Loop

Weapons: None

Strength: 2Speed: 2Durability: 2Senses: 4Intelligence: 10Combat: 6Skills: 10Precision: 9

Weaknesses:Naivety=Freddy is known to be incredibly naive.

Glamrock Freddy


Age: 3

Abilities: Soul Sense, Stand-Destabilizing EMP, Soul Manipulation

Weapons: Repulsor Cannons, Arc Reactor

Disease: AI Sentience

Strength: 10+Speed: 10+Durability: 10+Senses: 10+Intelligence: 10+Combat: 10Skills: 10+Precision: 10+

Weaknesses:Naivety=Freddy is known to be incredibly naive.



Age: 23

Abilities: None

Weapons: None

Strength: 4Speed: 4Durability: 4Senses: 4Intelligence: 10Combat: 10Skills: 10Precision: 10

Weaknesses:Naivety=Freddy is known to be incredibly naive.


Annalisa "Anne" Zeppeli


Strength: 3Speed: 3Durability: 3Senses: 3Intelligence: 5Combat: 10+Skills: 5Precision: 10

Paisley ParkNamesake: Paisley Park, a song by Prince, the Revolution>Technology Manipulation>Technopathy>GuidancePower: BSpeed: BRange: SDurability: APrecision: BPotential: B

Weaknesses:Sexual Addiction Disorder=Anne has SAD, causing her to constantly "cheat."Low-Self-Esteem=Anne has low self-esteem and blames herself for doing things like hurting Miguel.Depression=Anne is depressed because of her past traumas.PTSD=Anne was constantly abused at a young age, causing her to have a sex addiction as a way to emotionally cope with her trauma.Exorcist Weapons=Anne, being half-Succubus, can only be killed by Exorcist Weapons.Personality and Stand:Paisley Park showcases Anne's constant need for guidance in the world. She finds guidance in her own Stand, Paisley Park.

Jedan Ligera


Strength: 3Speed: 3Durability: 3Senses: 3Intelligence: 10Combat: 7Skills: 9Precision: 10

Hierophant Green>Emerald Rain>Regeneration>Surgical Healing>TentaclesPower: CSpeed: BRange: ADurability: BPrecision: CPotential: D

Weaknesses:PTSD=After what he had experienced in the past, Jedan gains PTSD.Personality and Stand:Hierophant represents Jedan's flexible intelligence.

Prince Universe Anne Erina Zeppeli=ENFJ-TNamesake: Led Zeppelin, Rockband


Age: 28

Strength: 5Speed: 5Durability: 5Senses: 10+Intelligence: 10Combat: 10+Skills: 10+Precision: 10+

21 PilotsNamesake: 21 Pilots, Musical DuoAbilities:>21 Toy Planes>Bombs>Machine GunsPower: BSpeed: BRange: ADurability: APrecision: CPotential: A

21 Pilots: RideNamesake: 21 Pilots, Musical DuoAbilities:>Giant Plane=When the 21 tiny planes combine, they become a giant Jump Jet around 250 feet long and with a wingspan of 220 feet.>Bombs>Machine GunsPower: SSpeed: SRange: ADurability: Precision: CPotential: A

Weaknesses:Depression=Erina is depressed.PTSD=Erina lost her entire family to one of those loyal to Josuke's family. Erina's anger toward Josuke grew, but she ironically fell in love with him. Her PTSD is the one that controls her actions.

Personality and Stand:Her Stand represents her anger toward the Aswangs and the Cryptids, but now, it represents her love for Josuke and her need to protect him.

Suki Joy Zeppeli (Earth-Prince)Namesake: Led Zeppelin, Rockband

Aswang-Fuchsbau-Black-Eyes Chimera

Age: 4

Strength: 4Speed: 4Durability: 4Senses: 10Intelligence: 1Combat: 1Skills: 1Precision: 1

BrainstormNamesake: Brainstorm, a Hawkwind songAbilities:>Multiversal Telepathy=Despite her disability and frailness, she is a powerful telepath enough to read, control, and connect minds on the entire planet. She can do this with her vines.>Empathy=She can understand emotions simply by looking at someone.Power: CSpeed: CRange: SDurability: CPrecision: UPotential: U

Weaknesses:Wogitis=Being the daughter of Josuke and Erina while also having her genetics manipulated by the mother, Suki Joy Zeppeli has Wogitis. She was turned into a Fuchsbau in order to hide her heritage from the world and keep her safe from the burden of being the future Queen of All Cryptids.

Personality and Stand:Suki is a powerful empath and is highly intelligent.

MABUS/Miguel Barachiel Ibarra (Earth-Zero)


Age: Unknown

Strength: 4Speed: 4Durability: 4Senses: 3Intelligence: 10+Combat: 10+Skills: 10+Precision: 10+

Hey JudeNamesake: Hey Jude, a song by The Beatles>Divine Spin Bubbles=He can conjure up several divine spells he learned in the 11th World by using Spin Bubbles.

-Teleportation-Time Travel-Exorcism-Telepathy-Time Manipulation-Strength-Dimensional travel and Portal Creation-Eldritch Magic-Energy Projection-Divine Shield-Illusions-Eldritch Ropes-Conjuration-Planetary Mind Control-Memory Alteration-Hypnosis-Cloning-Elemental Manipulation-Size Augmentation-Clairvoyance-Astral Projection and Possession-Cursing-Death-Warning-Mediumship--Eyes of a Grimm-Petrification-X-Ray Vision-Restoration-Transmutation-Ki Control-Chi Control-Spin Control-The Snap=A special attack Miguel knows where he could wish for just about anything. An incredibly dangerous attack that he and only he could legally use.

>Semi-Precognition=Miguel can sense the future, rather than actually seeing it.>Divine Protection=Anyone who tries to harm Miguel (unless that person is a 10th/11th/beyond 11th Dimensional creature, or anyone who has the blood of these creatures) will be neutralized with random coincidences. This makes Miguel nigh-invulnerable and often causes him to become this story's Deus Ex Machina device (as well as probably the next few books' Deus Ex Machina device).

>Regeneration>Cosmic Awareness>Shapeshifting>Flight>Temptation Inducement>Healing>Self-Resurrection>Absolute Praying>Telekinesis>Reality Manipulation>Indomitable Will>Desire Exhibition Immunity>Vulnerability Immunity>Desire Exhibition>Immunity to Seduction>Healing>Mastered Ultra JudgmentPower: 0Speed: BRange: ADurability: ZPrecision: UPotential: U

Weaknesses:Schizophrenia with DID attributes=After accidentally killing his little sister during a drunk-driving incident, his mother killed herself. He was outcasted and soon developed Dissociative Identity Disorder. His other personality, MABUS, represents all the hatred, anger, and sorrow in his heart, revealing his worst personas.Anger=Miguel is easily angered because of his trauma.C-PTSD=Miguel's Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder causes him to act erratically at times.Depression=Miguel has massive depression because of what had happened to him.Emotional Disorder=Miguel has a disorder that causes him to have erratically strong emotions.Autism=Miguel possibly has autism, but this was never confirmed. This caused him to be outcasted when he was younger.Immense Misanthropy=Miguel hates humanity because he lacks the ability to see its beauty anymore. This was caused by its betrayal of him.Immense Self-Hatred=Miguel absolutely hates himself but is always working on it.

Personality and Stand:After Get Back was stripped away from him by God, he used a Stand Arrow and gave himself a second Stand: Saints and Sinners, which allows him to steal and copy Stands so he could use them to hurt the Users.


Rick Sanchez


Strength: 4Speed: 3Durability: 4Senses: 10+Intelligence: 870+Combat: 10+Skills: 20+Precision: 20+

Weaknesses:BPD=Rick has a borderline personality disorder, like Finn. He lashes out at everyone and destroys relationships with them.Severe PTSD=Rick's past caused him to have severe PTSD.

Morty Smith


Strength: 3Speed: 3Durability: 3Senses: 3Intelligence: 2Combat: 3Skills: 3Precision: 3

Weaknesses:None. He is the most mentally and physically sound main character here (other than Darwin).

Steven Universe=ENFP-A

Human-Gem Hybrid

Strength: 10+Speed: 10+Durability: 10+Senses: 4Intelligence: 7Combat: 10+Skills: 6Precision: 7



Ultra Spin=Variation of explosive Spin. A form of Spin that allows its User to have infinitely spinning energy, allowing the User to attack just about anything. This form of Spin is very hard to handle, and one must have an absolutely powerful emotion to summon this attack. It is a form that depends on the User's consciousness completely, thus, it is dangerous to wield this power. This ability allows the User to attack anything regardless of one's defenses. This ability is similar to Ultra Instinct, but Ultra Instinct removes the consciousness and emotions from one's body rather than depending on it.

Pink DiamondAbilities:>Shield>Shapeshifting>Fluctuating Age>Monster State>Gem Weaponry Resistance

Power: SSpeed: SRange: ZDurability: SPrecision: CPotential: S

Weaknesses:PTSD=Steven has severe PTSD out of all the things he witnessed as a child.

Personality and Stand:His Gem shows his incredibly loving and kind personality.

Star Butterfly=ESFP-A


Strength: 10+Speed: 10+Durability: 10+Senses: 4Intelligence: 4Combat: 10+Skills: 5Precision: 8

Twinkle TwinkleNamesake: Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Nursery Rhyme SongAbilities:>MagicPower: SSpeed: 0Range: EDurability: BPrecision: BPotential: S

Weaknesses:ADHD=Star Butterfly has ADHD.

Personality and Stand:Her Stand represents her imaginative personality as it goes deeper with her connection with magic.

Marco Diaz


Strength: 4Speed: 4Durability: 4Senses: 4Intelligence: 10Combat: 8Skills: 10+Precision: 7

UmbrellaAbilities:-Laser Beam Drones=When locked into a target, the drones will shoot at its target whose picture was taken by the User. The Drones cannot find you if you're underneath a larger shadow than yourself.Power: ASpeed: ARange: ADurability: APrecision: CPotential: A

Weaknesses:Anxiety Disorder=Marco has social anxiety.

Personality and Stand:His Stand represents Marco's desire to watch over Star and the people he loves.

Higashikata Family Bodyguards:

Prince Universe Jedan Ligera=INFP-T


Strength: 4, 5 (full moon)Speed: 5, 6 (full moon)Durability: 5, 6 (full moon)Senses: 10Intelligence: 9Combat: 10Skills: 10+Precision: 9

Green DayNamesake: Green Day; RockbandAbilities:>Mold InfestationPower: ESpeed: CRange: BDurability: DPrecision: DPotential: A

Weaknesses:Coldness=Jedan is a Kuudere and lacks the ability to connect with others.

Personality and Stand:His Stand represents his growing rage from within.


Puntian-Olympian Hybrid (New Goddess)

Abilities: Hatred Manipulation, Optimism Empowerment

Strength: 6Speed: 6Durability: 6Senses: 10+Intelligence: 30Combat: 10+Skills: 10+

Weaknesses:Spiritual Form=She can never truly interfere in the physical realm.


Shizuka Kujo (Earth-Star)


Age: 14

Strength: 4Speed: 4Durability: 4Senses: 3Intelligence: 10Combat: 10+Skills: 10+Precision: 10

Achtung BabyNamesake: Achtung Baby, a Studio Album by U2

>Invisibility=Achtung Baby can turn herself and any object invisible at will.-Imperceptibility=Shizuka and an object that is turned invisible is completely imperceptible.-Inaudibility=Shizuka and an object that is turned invisible is completely inaudible.-Inodorisity=Shizuka and an object that is turned invisible lacks any form of scent.>Superhuman Vision=Shizuka has enhanced eyes and has therefore superhuman vision.-Telescopic Vision=Shizuka could see anything and enlarge it within a 3-mile radius.>Invisibility Vision, Inaudibility Hearing, and Inodorisity Scent=Shizuka could see, hear, and smell (and therefore taste) anything that is invisible, is inaudible, and lacks odor.

Power: BSpeed: BRange: DDurability: APrecision: DPotential: A

Power: ASpeed: ARange: DDurability: APrecision: CPotential: A

Achtung Baby: RammsteinNamesake: Rammstein, a German band

>Invisibility=Achtung Baby can turn herself and any object invisible at will.-Imperceptibility=Shizuka and an object that is turned invisible is completely imperceptible.-Inaudibility=Shizuka and an object that is turned invisible is completely inaudible.-Inodorisity=Shizuka and an object that is turned invisible lacks any form of scent.>Superhuman Vision=Shizuka has enhanced eyes and has therefore superhuman vision.-Telescopic Vision=Shizuka could see anything and enlarge it within a 3-mile radius.>Invisibility Vision, Inaudibility Hearing, and Inodorisity Scent=Shizuka could see, hear, and smell (and therefore taste) anything that is invisible, is inaudible, and lacks odor.

>Hamon Laser Beam=Shizuka gains the ability to shatter even Diamonds with a laser beam she refracts from the light around her. This ability doesn't work if she is in absolute darkness. The beam could also break just about anything. The Stand absorbs the light around her, even stars twinkling in the sky, and blasts it out to kill her opponents.

Power: USpeed: BRange: DDurability: APrecision: BPotential: A

Weaknesses:Colored Liquid=Shizuka can be visible if a colored liquid is splashed all over her. It takes time until the liquid turns liquid as well.Cold Places=Shizuka's breath is visible when she's in a cold place.Underwater=If Shizuka is underwater, she can breathe because she studied Hamon. However, she refracts light when underwater and when she moves, she can leave a visible trail.Need For Approval=Because Jotaro was closer to Irene, Shizuka constantly needs approval from him.Self-Hatred=Shizuka is known to hate herself because of being bullied in the past and her father's absence.Anxiety Disorder, Stress Disorder, and Panic Disorder=Shizuka is shown to have an anxiety, stress, and panic disorder, making her unfit to experience loss. Knowing this, Jotaro decides to bring her to Jump Force so she would be able to work on herself as she grows up.

Personality and Stand:Achtung Baby: Shizuka spent her whole life lacking attention from others, particularly even her father. Shizuka gains a self-hatred and sense of invisibility which is represented by her Stand, Achtung Baby, which can turn herself and other objects invisible, inaudible, and lacking odor.Rammstein: The Stand represents how light is shed over the maltreatment she received when she was young and that now, people can now see her a little better.

Yurielle JoJo (Born Guido Mista)/Blind Jack (Earth-Grimm)Namesake:From the Song, "Get Back" by the Beatles: "JoJo was a man who, though he was a loner"Uriel=ArchangelBlind Jack=JacksepticeyeAlso, Yurielle jokingly called herself Blind Jack when asked about her Superhero name to piss off Jack.


Age: 19

Strength: 5Speed: 5Durability: 5Senses: 9Intelligence: 10+Combat: 10+Skills: 10+Precision: 10+

All the WayNamesake: All the Way, a Song by Jacksepticeye and Schmoyoho>Six Projectiles=All the Way is a colony of six Stands that allows Yuri to control the trajectories of each bullet that she shoots from her revolver. The Stands can also control projectiles such as laser blasts, knives, and any object not larger than 2 inches in width.>Superhuman Senses=All the Way gives Yurielle enhanced senses that allow her to hear sounds and feel movements in a 50-meter radius.Power: CSpeed: BRange: BDurability: APrecision: UPotential: U

Weaknesses:Blindness=Yurielle is blind. This also causes Yurielle to have low self-esteem.Low Self-Esteem=Because of her blindness, Yurielle secretly has low self-esteem.Anger=Because of her parents' death, Yurielle has anger toward the world.PTSD=Yurielle has PTSD when she was blinded.

Personality and Stand:All the Way shows that Yurielle had lost her sense of direction after being blind and that her desire to be able to see again was found again via her Stand. It also represents her overall personality of how she often ends up getting lost in her way throughout the series, like doing something risky out of selfishness.

Jotaro Kujo


Age: 49

Star PlatinumAbilities:>Star Finger=Star Platinum's strange ability to extend its fingers.Power: ASpeed: SRange: CDurability: EPrecision: APotential: A

Star Platinum: The WorldAbilities:>Star Finger>Time-Stop=Star Platinum gains the ability to stop time for one and a half seconds, and later on 10 seconds.>Levitation=Miguel gains the ability to levitate.Power: ASpeed: SRange: CDurability: EPrecision: APotential: A

Star Platinum RequiemAbilities:>Star Finger>Time-Stop=Star Platinum gained the ability to stop time for one and a half seconds, and later on 10 seconds.>Levitation=Jotaro gained the ability to levitate.>Stand-Copying=Anyone 15 meters away from Jotaro will have their Stand abilities copied by Star Platinum. Jotaro can only copy someone's abilities once their Stand appears behind the person or the ability is activated. He can only copy Stand Powers.Power: SSpeed: SRange: CDurability: EPrecision: APotential: 0

Weaknesses:PTSD=Jotaro's drive to protect others from evil Stand-Users is because of the trauma which he suffered from when he was younger, losing Noriaki Kakyoin, Muhammad Avdol, Iggy the Dog, and Joseph Joestar (in this Universe) to DIO and Vanilla Ice. He only found out about Avdol's death. He found Iggy's and Noriaki's bodies and buried them. He was traumatized by Joseph's apparent death.His Daughters=Jotaro is easily manipulated if his daughter's lives are threatened. He can be easily swayed if he believes that they are in danger.Lower Stamina=Star Platinum's stamina (and therefore, his Stand's stamina AND durability) had weakened over time because of his powerful Stand for his age. He is not immortal like Giorno, so Jotaro will just continue to lose the ability to spam Time-Stop and his ORA Rush over time. An example of this would be when he fought against DIO the final time, whereafter he gave a powerful ORA Rush, his Quantum Cancer spread in his body and turned him frail. He is currently being treated for his illness.Schizoid Personality Disorder=Jotaro is known as indifferent toward other people and therefore he self-isolates. This led to both his daughters being estranged toward him despite his love for them.Stage-III Quantum Cancer=Jotaro is later revealed to have quantum cancer, a powerful cosmic illness that no regular Stand-User or weak Beyond-User could heal. This affects him in fights and had also greatly lowered his ability to stop time.

Personality and Stand:Star Platinum=His Stand originally is a representation of his anger and his need to hurt people he dislikes. That's it. Jk. In actuality, Jotaro as a young child (at least in this universe) didn't have anyone much to talk to and was pretty much a loner. He was often seen as boring and indifferent. Star Platinum is a representation of that, having no useful powers whatsoever.Star Platinum: The World=After seeing that he needs to save the world and his duties, SPTW represents his desire to be one with the world. It also represents how he invades DIO's world just as how DIO invaded Jonathan's.Star Platinum Requiem=Similarly to the sense of duty of the previous form, Jotaro develops SPR which copies others' Stand Abilities.

Irene Jocelyn "JoJo" Kujo (Earth-Star)


Age: 19

Strength: 4Speed: 4Durability: 4Senses: 3Intelligence: 10+Combat: 10Skills: 10Precision: 10+

Stone FreeNamesake: Stone Free, a song by Jimmy Hendrix>Unravelling and Thread Mimicry=Irene can unravel herself into strings.>Regeneration=Irene can regenerate almost immediately. As long as one cell in her body survives, her soul can choose any cell to begin regeneration from.>String Manipulation=Irene can manipulate every cell in her body and turn them into strings she can control.>String Generation=Irene can generate strings from her body.>Wall-Crawling=Irene can wall-crawl anywhere.>Stone Kusai=Stone Free can launch its fists at their opponents just like Sticky Fingers.>Stone Launcher=Stone Free can launch its User upward by launching its User's feet from the ground.>Net-Blasters=Stone Free can blast instantly-woven nets at its opponents.>Surgical Healing=Irene is able to heal others' wounds with her string.>Electrokinesis=Irene's Stone Free has the unique ability to control electricity.-Charging=Irene can produce electricity that charges her gadgets with her electric strings.-Technokinesis=Irene gains the ability to control any form of technology by putting her strings into any form of tech.-Charge Sense=Gabrielle can tell what chemical is contained in an object by simply sensing its electric charges based on its electrons.Power: ASpeed: ARange: BDurability: APrecision: CPotential: U

Weaknesses:Below-Zero Temperature=It is revealed that in below-zero temperatures, her strings harden and she is unable to use them.Surface Pressure=Irene is constantly working for her father's approval, which she succeeds in having. However, she needs to constantly work for it to keep having it. This makes her seem selfish and entitled, but in reality, she is constantly exhausted and needs a break."Gimme a break/Good Grief/Yare yare dawa."

Personality and Stand: Irene's strings are a representation of her need to break free of her father's high standards and want for Irene to be the best version of herself. Her electric abilities represent her upbeat personality despite the burden she has.

Detective Gabrielle Jessica JoJo/The Reaper II (Earth-Grimm)Namesake:From the Song, "Get Back" by the Beatles: "JoJo was a man who, though he was a loner"Angel Gabriel=Archangel


Age: 19

Aswang Black-Eyes

Strength: 6, 10 (Woged), 80+ (Golden Spin), 100+ (Ultra Spin)Speed: 6, 10 (Woged), 80+ (Golden Spin), 100+ (Ultra Spin)Durability: 6, 10 (Woged), 80+ (Golden Spin), 100+ (Ultra Spin)Senses: 10+Intelligence: 10+Combat: 10+Skills: 10+Precision: 10+

Stone FreeNamesake: Stone Free, a song by Jimmy Hendrix>Unravelling and Thread Mimicry=Gabrielle can unravel herself into strings.>Regeneration=Gabrielle can regenerate almost immediately. As long as one cell in her body survives, her soul can choose any cell to begin regeneration from.>String Manipulation=Gabrielle can manipulate every cell in her body and turn them into strings she can control.>String Generation=Gabrielle can generate strings from her body.>Wall-Crawling=Gabrielle discovers the ability to crawl on walls.>Stone Kusai=Stone Free can launch its fists at their opponents just like Sticky Fingers.>Stone Launcher=Stone Free can launch its User upward by launching its User's feet from the ground.>Net-Blasters=Stone Free can blast instantly-woven nets at its opponents.>Surgical Healing=Gabrielle is able to heal others' wounds with her string.Power: ASpeed: ARange: BDurability: APrecision: CPotential: U

Stone Free: Ball BreakerNamesake: Ballbreaker, a studio album by AC/DC>Unravelling and Thread Mimicry=Gabrielle can unravel herself into strings.>Regeneration=Gabrielle can regenerate almost immediately. As long as one cell in her body survives, her soul can choose any cell to begin regeneration from.>String Manipulation=Gabrielle can manipulate every cell in her body and turn them into strings she can control.>String Generation=Gabrielle can generate strings from her body.>Wall-Crawling=Gabrielle discovers the ability to crawl on walls.>Stone Kusai=Stone Free can launch its fists at their opponents just like Sticky Fingers.>Stone Launcher=Stone Free can launch its User upward by launching its User's feet from the ground.>Net-Blasters=Stone Free can blast instantly-woven nets at its opponents.

>Spin=Gabrielle's strings, when moving around her body in perfect rotation, or vibrating in a sphere form in perfect rotation, can acquire the usage of Spin.>Golden Spin=Similar to her Uncle's Stand, she gains the ability of Golden Spin, imbuing it around her body as she gains similar abilities as Superman. It appears as string slithering and rotating around her body.Power: ASpeed: ARange: BDurability: APrecision: CPotential: U

Stone Free: Go Beyond>Unravelling and Thread Mimicry=Gabrielle can unravel herself into strings.>Regeneration=Gabrielle can regenerate almost immediately. As long as one cell in her body survives, her soul can choose any cell to begin regeneration from.>String Manipulation=Gabrielle can manipulate every cell in her body and turn them into strings she can control.>String Generation=Gabrielle can generate strings from her body.>Wall-Crawling=Gabrielle discovers the ability to crawl on walls.>Stone Kusai=Stone Free can launch its fists at their opponents just like Sticky Fingers.>Stone Launcher=Stone Free can launch its User upward by launching its User's feet from the ground.>Net-Blasters=Stone Free can blast instantly-woven nets at its opponents.

>Spin=Gabrielle's strings, when moving around her body in perfect rotation, or vibrating in a sphere form in perfect rotation, can acquire the usage of Spin.>Golden Spin=Similar to her Uncle's Stand, she gains the ability of Golden Spin, imbuing it around her body as she gains similar abilities as Superman. It appears as string slithering and rotating around her body.

>Go Beyond=Stone Free gains the ability to create spheres by spinning its strings in such a way that the string tips turn into clacker balls by drawing power from the Edge of Everything. These clacker balls, when touching an object, will strip the object particle-by-particle to the point of the object's erasure into non-existence by "offering" its target to the Edge of Everything. Because Eraser Spin draws power from the Edge of Everything, these cacklers do not exist in the Universe. Thus, Wonder of U cannot defend itself from this attack.Rick states that "It's an offensive version of Giorno Giovanna's GER."Power: ASpeed: ARange: BDurability: APrecision: CPotential: 0

Weaknesses:Below-Zero Temperatures=She is unable to use Spin or her strings because her strings freeze in below-zero temperatures.Easily-Burnt-Out=Gabrielle is easily burnt-out after battles and requires long rests and naps after. This is mistaken as laziness by others.Need for Approval=Believing that she caused both her parents' deaths, she now constantly needs the world's approval.PTSD=She gained PTSD after seeing her mother die before her eyes.PCBD=Gabrielle has Persistent Complex Bereavement Disorder. She grieves her parents' individual deaths and blames herself for unintentionally doing such. So, she burdens herself with the responsibility to protect the multiple worlds of Maharlica because that is what her parents would've wanted."The Other Guy"=Gabrielle has "Another Guy" living in her head that takes control mostly of her Aswang form and usually disables Gabrielle's Stand "to be fair with their opponents." The Other Guy is revealed to be the Angel of Death and is the effect of the original soul of Miguel JoJo fusing with Giorno. The Other Guy is also a fusion of the two souls but represents Miguel's worst traits, filled only with rage and pain, constantly self-blaming himself, and therefore, its user.

Personality and Stand:Stone Free=It can be explained that Stone Free's strings represent Gabrielle's desires to break free from all the stress she had received from inheriting pretty much her father's entire life and for her past actions which she believed she caused.Stone Free: Ballbreaker=Ballbreakers shows Stone Free having broken free and having become much more accepting of her past mistakes.Stone Free: Go Beyond=Alternatively called "Starships," Go Beyond shows that Gabrielle, despite having challenges, will still continue to grow as a person.

Narcos Anastasia/Killer Kuta IINamesake: Anastasia Nikolaevna Romanova, Russian Imperial Highness

Rock Human

Strength: 5Speed: 5Durability: 8Senses: 9Intelligence: 10Combat: 10Skills: 10Precision: 10

ColdplayNamesake: Coldplay, Rock BandAbilities:>Cryokinesis=Coldplay can control ice.>Freezing=Coldplay can freeze objects.>Ice Generation=Coldplay can generate ice.-Ice Spikes=Coldplay's signature move is to toss icicles or what he calls "Ice Spikes.">Ice Augmentation=He can multiply ice.>Enhanced Temperature Sense=He can sense temperature to a Superhuman level, able to tell the exact number merely through touch.Power: BSpeed: BRange: BDurability: BPrecision: SPotential: D

Coldplay: ButtonsNamesake: Buttons, Song by The Pussycat DollsAbilities:>Frost Manipulation>Freezing>Ice Generation>Ice Augmentation

>Ice Buttons-Narcos gains the ability of Ice Buttons, which allows him to connect objects together. He can also disassemble objects and organisms by unlocking the "button particles" that connect them without injuring or destroying the target. Narcos can also attach objects together to make tools for himself. It is later revealed that the buttons are actually cycling threads themselves, incorporating the Spin.Power: BSpeed: BRange: BDurability: BPrecision: SPotential: E

Coldplay RequiemNamesake: Requiem in D Minor, a song by MozartAbilities:>Frost Manipulation>Freezing>Ice Generation>Ice Augmentation

>Ice Buttons-Narcos gains the ability of Ice Buttons, which allows him to connect objects together. He can also disassemble objects and organisms by unlocking the "button particles" that connect them without injuring or destroying the target. Narcos can also attach objects together to make tools for himself. It is later revealed that the buttons are actually cycling threads themselves, incorporating the Spin.

>Frost Armor=Drawing power from the Edge of Everything, Narcos gains the ability of Coldplay Requiem. He gains the power to create a frost armor that freezes Spin and therefore undoes calamities. Unlike Gabrielle, his Stand is a defensive version of Gabrielle's cacklers.Power: BSpeed: BRange: BDurability: BPrecision: SPotential: 0

Weaknesses:Dehydration=Narcos, when dehydrated, is unable to produce ice.All Out of Water=When he generates ice, he uses up the water in his body. His Stand prevents the usage of ice when he is at his limit and he is unable to generate ice due to dehydration but he could still freeze water and liquids and augment ice if there is water nearby.

Personality and Stand:Unknown

Mercuria Costello/Wolfsbane IINamesake: Mercury, Roman God

Human (Formerly)


Strength: 5, 6 (full moon)Speed: 5, 6 (full moon)Durability: 5, 6 (full moon)Senses: 10Intelligence: 7Combat: 9Skills: 10Precision: 5

KissNamesake: Kiss, Rock BandAbilities:>Duplication=Anything her stickers stick to will duplicate. If she duplicates a body part, the body part will stay attached to the object. If she removes the sticker, both duplicates will fly into each other.Power: ASpeed: ARange: ADurability: APrecision: DPotential: A

Nicholas "Nick" Burkhardt/Weather Report


Strength: 5, 6 (PTZD)Speed: 5, 6 (PTZD)Durability: 5, 6 (PTZD)Senses: 9, 10+ (PTZD)Intelligence: 10+Combat: 10+Skills: 10+Precision: 10+

Shoop (Rock Animal)Namesake: Shoop by Salt N Peppa

Abilities:>Staff Form>Shockwave Generation>Plagues>Telekinesis>Indestructibility>Electricity>Resurrection>Time-Loop>Transformation>Holy Radar

Power: ASpeed: 0Range: BDurability: ∞Precision: APotential: E

Weather ReportNamesake: Weather Report, an American band

Abilities:>Weather Manipulation and Atmospheric Manipulation=Nick can manipulate the weather and atmosphere.>Air and Wind Manipulation=Nick can control air and wind.-Wind Detection=Nick can detect the wind's movements.-Breath Detection=Nick can detect breaths.-Wind Blades=Nick can blast Wind Blades at an assailant.-Air Concentration Manipulation=Nick can change the air's chemistry.-Air Chemistry Sense=Nick can sense the air's chemistry. How? He has no idea.-Flight=Nick can fly.>Humidity and Cloud Manipulation=Nick can control water vapor.-Evaporation=Nick can evaporate water and create clouds.-Condensation=Nick can condense clouds and make it rain.-Cloud Armor and Cushion=Nick can create a cloud so dense that it can act as a cushion.-Cloud Vehicle=Nick can create a cloud vehicle.>Electrokinesis=Nick can control lightning generated from the atmosphere.Note: Since Nick does not "generate his attack" but rather merely manipulates his environment, it can injure Moonsnake.

Power: SSpeed: SRange: SDurability: SPrecision: SPotential: S



Strength: 5, 6 (full moon)Speed: 5, 6 (full moon)Durability: 5, 6 (full moon)Senses: 10Intelligence: 7Combat: 9Skills: 10Precision: 5

NachtblutNamesake: Nachtblut, a German gothic metal band

Abilities:>Duration Manipulation=Monroe's abilities allow him to slow down or speed up multiple objects and/or organisms.

Power: BSpeed: BRange:Durability: BPrecision: SPotential: C

Foo Fighters/F.F.Namesake: Foo Fighters, an American band

Strength: 10Speed: 6Durability: 10Senses: 7Intelligence: 3Combat: 10Skills: 10Precision: 10

Diatom Algae Colony

Foo FightersNamesake: Foo Fighters, an American bandAbilities:>Algae Colony and Hive Mind=Foo Fighters is a microscopic pond plant called algae that was stabbed with the Stand Arrow, being chosen for her ferocious eating. When she was stabbed, she began to multiply and become a hive-minded singular being that can enter a solid and liquid state. Because of her microscopic body, Foo Fighters is unkillable as he mind can transfer into any algae in the world. She is technically a Stand herself, being able to transfer from User to User. Her body is a bunch of algae working together as one functional organism.>Psychic Existence=Foo Fighters is unkillable. She exists as a telepathic being able to transfer her mind and soul between algae or even other organisms.>Telepathy=Foo Fighters can read people's minds.>Empathy=Foo Fighters can read people's emotions.>Shapeshifting=Foo Fighters is able to shapeshift.>Regeneration=She can regenerate her current body instantly.>Surgical Algae Healing=She can heal people with algae cells.>Algae Shot=She can shoot bioluminescent algae so fast that they act like bullets.>Shape-Changing=She can change the shape of her body.>Size Alteration=She can shrink and grow her body.>Adaptation=She can adapt anywhere, transforming in accordance with her environment.>Body Mastery=She has complete control of her body.>Instant Evolution=She can evolve and transform into any organism she becomes familiar with..Power: ASpeed: BRange: 0Durability: APrecision: CPotential: B

Victoria Anne JoJo/The Improbable Man/Cheetarah II

Strength: 5Speed: 5Durability: 4Senses: 10Intelligence: 10Combat: 10Skills: 10Precision: 10+

Nekomata Black-Eyes

Call Me MaybeNamesake: Call Me Maybe, a song by Carly Rae Jepsen>Improbability Inducement=Victoria has the ability to make situations that could happen less probable. She can do this by saying if-statements. She cannot do positives or double negatives in her statements.Victoria's ability is disabled by Golden Spin.Power: ASpeed: BRange: ADurability: APrecision: EPotential: B

Justice League:

SupermanName: Clark Kent/ Kal-ElAge: 53 (Actual), 21 (Biological)Special Abilities: Kryptonian Physiology and Yellow Sun Mutation=Superhuman Physiology, Heat Vision, Levitation, Healing Factor, Nigh-Invulnerability, Super Adaptation, Superhuman Senses, X-Ray Vision, Prolonged LongevityKryptonianStrength: 60, 100 (Ultra Instinct Sign), 100+ (Autonomous Ultra Instinct)Speed: 60, 100 (Ultra Instinct Sign), 100+ (Autonomous Ultra Instinct)Durability: 60, 100 (Ultra Instinct Sign), 100+ (Autonomous Ultra Instinct)Senses: 10Intelligence: 6Combat: 7Skills: 4Precision: 3

Weaknesses:Kryptonite=Weakens Kryptonians since they radiate Red Sun energy.Red Sun=Demutates Kryptonians.Connection with Humanity=Because of his heritage, Clark has trouble expressing emotion and only does so through his connections with his family and friends.

Wonder WomanName: Diana PrinceAge: 5,442 (Actual), Around Mid 30's (Biological)Amazon-Olympian Hybrid (Demigod)Special Abilities: Amazon-Olympian Physiology= Superhuman Physiology, Lightning of Zeus, Healing Factor, Superhuman Speed, Immortality, Divine Energy Generation, Superhuman Senses, LevitationStrength: 10, 100+ (Sealed)Strength (Magic): 4Speed: 9Durability: 6Senses: 7Intelligence: 8Combat: 10+Skills: 10+Precision: 10

Weakness:Naivety=Diana is incredibly naive despite being 5000 years old.

The FlashName: Barry AllenAge: 43Mutate Metahuman (Speedster)Special Abilities: Speed Force Connection=Superhuman Speed, Time Travel, Time Manipulation, Speed Force Lightning, Accelerated Perception, Prolonged LongevityStrength: 4Speed: 200Durability: 5Senses: 3Intelligence: 8Combat: 4Skills: 7Precision: 4

Weakness:Temporal Consequence=Barry's time-traveling can cause a temporal consequence such as a paradox.

CyborgName: Victor StoneAge: 41Human (Cyborg)Special Abilities: Mother Box Connection, TechnopathyStrength: 7Speed: 5Durability: 10+Senses: 3Intelligence: 10+Combat: 7Skills: 9Precision: 10+

Weakness:Humanity=What ironically limits his true potential is his own humanity.

AquamanName: Arthur CurryAge: 50Special Abilities: Atlantean Physiology=Underwater Breathing, Enhanced Swimming, Healing Factor, Superhuman Strength, Superhuman Speed, Marine TelepathyStrength: 9Speed: 6, 9 (Underwater)Durability: 9Senses: 7, 10 (Underwater)Intelligence: 5Combat: 8Skills: 7Precision: 8

Weakness:Dehydration=Simply being dehydrated can already kill Arthur.Atlantean Weapons=Atlantean Weapons can injure Arthur.

SHAZAMName: Billy Batson, Champion GodAge: 30Human (Champion)Special Abilities: Lightning of Zeus, Wisdom of Solomon, Speed of Mercury, Strength of Hercules, The Stamina of Atlas, Courage of Achilles/Levitation, Prolonged LongevityStrength: 9, 100 (Unbound)Speed: 9, 100 (Unbound)Durability: 9, 100 (Unbound)Senses: 7Intelligence: 10Combat: 3Skills: 4Precision: 2

Weakness:His Name=If SHAZAM is made to say his name in his Champion Form or is not made to say his name in his normal form, he will be unable to use his powers.

PeacemakerName: Christopher SmithAge: 56Mutate Metahuman (Supersoldier)Special Abilities: Enhanced PhysiologyStrength: 6Speed: 6Durability: 6Senses: 4Intelligence: 10Combat: 10Skills: 9Precision: 10+

Weakness:ObsessionPTSDSchizophrenia=He hallucinates the White Dragon, his father.

VigilanteName: Adrian ChaseAge: 56Mutate Metahuman (Supersoldier)Special Abilities: Enhanced PhysiologyStrength: 6Speed: 6Durability: 6Senses: 4Intelligence: 2Combat: 10+Skills: 10+Precision: 10+


Green ArrowName: Oliver QueenAge: 55HumanStrength: 4Speed: 4Durability: 4Senses: 4Intelligence: 10+Combat: 10+Skills: 10+Precision: 10+


Green LanternName: Hal JordanAge: 55Human

Special Abilities: Green Lantern Ring=Construct Generation, FlightStrength: 4Strength (Ring): 10+Speed: 9Durability: 9Senses: 4Intelligence: 6Combat: 7Skills: 10Precision: 10+


Heracles/Carl Hees/Hercules

Olympian-Human Hybrid (Demigod)

Special Abilities: Olympian Physiology= Superhuman Physiology, Lightning of Zeus, Healing Factor, Superhuman Speed, Immortality, Divine Energy Generation, Superhuman Senses, Levitation

Strength: 10, 50? (Sealed)Strength (Magic): 2Speed: 9Durability: 6Senses: 7Intelligence: 8Combat: 10+Skills: 10+Precision: 10

Golden SunAbilities:-Temporal ImprisonmentPower: SSpeed: SRange: CDurability: SPrecision: APotential: D

The Avengers:

DaredevilName: Matthew MurdockAge: 51Mutate Metahuman (Human-Radar)Special Abilities: Superhuman SensesStrength: 4Speed: 4Durability: 4Senses: 20Intelligence: 5Combat: 10Skills: 10Precision: 10

Weakness:Loud SoundsKantian Catholic Ethics

Ant-ManName: Scott LangAge: 51HumanSpecial Abilities: NoneStrength: 3Speed: 3Durability: 3Senses: 3Intelligence: 8Combat: 4Skills: 8Precision: 7Suit:Strength: 3, 4 (Small), 9 (Big)Speed: 3, 4 (Small), 1 (BigDurability: 3, 4 (Size Difference)


The WaspName: Scott LangAge: 39HumanSpecial Abilities: NoneStrength: 3Speed: 3Durability: 3Senses: 3Intelligence: 8Combat: 4Skills: 8Precision: 7Suit:Strength: 3, 4 (Small), 9 (Big)Speed: 3, 4 (Small), 1 (BigDurability: 3, 4 (Size Difference)


Thor Odinson, God of ThunderAge: 1,573Asgardian (Old God)Special Abilities: Asgardian Physiology= Electrokinesis, Superhuman Strength, Superhuman Speed, Divine Energy Generation, Healing Factor, ImmortalityWeapons:Stormbreaker (Uru Ax-Hammer)=An ax that can conduct Thor's lightning.Strength: 30+, 90+ (Unleashed)Speed: 30+, 90+ (Unleashed)Durability: 10, , 90+ (Unleashed)Senses: 7Intelligence: 9Combat: 10+Skills: 10+Precision: 9


Professor HulkName: Bruce BannerAge: 67Mutate Metahuman (Hulk)Special Abilities: Superhuman Strength, Superhuman Speed, Healing FactorStrength: 30+Speed: 10Durability: 10+Senses: 9Intelligence: 10Combat: 7Skills: 10Precision: 6

Weaknesses:Anger Management

Captain MarvelName: Carol DanversMutate Metahuman (Superhuman)Age: 59Special Abilities: Superhuman Strength, Superhuman Speed, Dimensional Energy Connection, Energy Blasts, Energy Absorption, Enhanced LongevityStrength: 90+Speed: 90+Durability: 90+Senses: 5Intelligence: 8Combat: 9Skills: 9Precision: 9

Weaknesses:Massive Ego

The FalconName: Sam WilsonAge: 48Mutate Metahuman (Supersoldier)Special Abilities:  Enhanced PhysiologyStrength: 6Speed: 6Durability: 6Senses: 3Intelligence: 7Combat: 9Skills: 9Precision: 9

Weaknesses:Need To Live Up To the American Standard

Moon KnightName: Marc Spector/Steven Grant/Jake LockleyAge: 48Human (Avatar)Special Abilities: Enhanced Physiology, Regeneration, Weapon SummoningStrength: 6Speed: 6Durability: 10Senses: 4Intelligence: 3 (Marc), 10 (Steven), 7 (Jake)Combat: 10 (Marc), 8 (Steven), 10+ (Jake)Skills: 10 (Marc), 10 (Steven), 10 (Jake)Precision: 10+ (Marc), 6 (Steven), 10+ (Jake)

Weaknesses:DID=Moon Knight has three personalities struggling for control of the body and often bicker with one another.

Star-LordName: Peter Quill, God of the StarsAge: 45Human-Celestial PhysiologySpecial Abilities: Superhuman Strength, Superhuman Speed, Superhuman Agility, Superhuman Reflexes, Regeneration, Molecular Manipulation, Self-Augmentation, Immortality, Nigh-OmnipotenceStrength: 3, 70+ (Dormant)Speed: 3, 70+ (Dormant)Durability: 3, 0 (Dormant)Senses: 3, 10 (Dormant)Intelligence: 7Combat: 7Skills: 7Precision: 9


Doctor StrangeName: Stephen Strange, Sorcerer SupremeAge: 45Special Abilities: MagicStrength: 3Strength (Magic): 300Speed: 3Durability: 3Senses: 3Intelligence: 10Combat: 9Skills: 10+Precision: 10


Jump Force:

Giorno Giovanna

Human-Vampire Hybrid

Gold ExperienceAbilities:-Life Creation-Gold Experience has the ability to create life out of objects. Plants grow easily but animals take a little bit more time, especially depending on size.>Organ Creation-Giorno can recreate organs.>Life Sensor-Giorno can sense life energy and Stand Energy better than other Hamon-Users and Stand-Users.>Life Laser-Giorno can shoot a laser that can create life.>Hamon-Giorno is revealed to be able to use Hamon.Power: CSpeed: ARange: EDurability: DPrecision: CPotential: A

Gold Experience RequiemAbilities: >Life-Creation, Organ Creation, Life Sensor, Life Laser, Hamon>Return to Zero-Anyone who attacks Giorno will never reach the truth. If Gold Experience Requiem touches someone, they will automatically kill them. However, their death will never reach the truth.Power: 0Speed: 0Range: 0Durability: 0Precision: 0Potential: 0

Weakness:Insecurity=Giorno has paternal insecurities (like all Joestars.)

Personality and Stand:Serenity and Loving his Life

Jotaro Kujo


Star PlatinumAbilities:>Star Finger=Star Platinum's strange ability to extend its fingers.Power: ASpeed: ARange: CDurability: APrecision: APotential: A

Star Platinum: The WorldAbilities:>Star Finger>Time-Stop=Star Platinum gains the ability to stop time for one and a half seconds, and later on 10 seconds.>Levitation=Miguel gains the ability to levitate.Power: ASpeed: ARange: CDurability: CPrecision: APotential: A

Star Platinum RequiemAbilities:>Star Finger>Time-Stop=Star Platinum gained the ability to stop time for one and a half seconds, and later on 10 seconds.>Levitation=Jotaro gained the ability to levitate.>Stand-Copying=Anyone 15 meters away from Jotaro will have their Stand abilities copied by Star Platinum. During the battle with Stefan, it is revealed that Jotaro can only copy someone's abilities once their Stand appears behind the person or the ability is activated. For Stefan, his ability wasn't copied since Rock Bottom didn't leave his body and because his ability is automatic.Power: SSpeed: SRange: CDurability: EPrecision: APotential: 0

Weakness:Quantum Cancer

PTSD=Jotaro's drive to protect others from evil Stand-Users is because of the trauma which he suffered from when he was younger, losing Noriaki Kakyoin, Muhammad Avdol, Iggy the Dog, and Joseph Joestar (in this Universe) to DIO and Vanilla Ice. He only found out about Avdol's death. He found Iggy's and Noriaki's bodies and buried them. He was traumatized by Joseph's apparent death.His Daughters=Jotaro is easily manipulated if his daughter's lives are threatened. He can be easily swayed if he believes that they are in danger.Lower Stamina=Star Platinum's stamina (and therefore, his Stand's stamina AND durability) had weakened over time because of his powerful Stand for his age. He is not immortal like Giorno, so Jotaro will just continue to lose the ability to spam Time-Stop and his ORA Rush over time. An example of this would be when he fought against DIO the final time, whereafter he gave a powerful ORA Rush, his Quantum Cancer spread in his body and turned him frail. He is currently being treated for his illness.Schizoid Personality Disorder=Jotaro is known as indifferent toward other people and therefore he self-isolates. This led to both his daughters being estranged toward him despite his love for them.Stage-III Quantum Cancer=Jotaro is later revealed to have quantum cancer, a powerful cosmic illness that no regular Stand-User or weak Beyond-User could heal. This affects him in fights and had also greatly lowered his ability to stop time.

Personality and Stand:Star Platinum=His Stand originally is a representation of his anger and his need to hurt people he dislikes. That's it. Jk. In actuality, Jotaro as a young child (at least in this universe) didn't have anyone much to talk to and was pretty much a loner. He was often seen as boring and indifferent. Star Platinum is a representation of that, having no useful powers whatsoever.Star Platinum: The World=After seeing that he needs to save the world and his duties, SPTW represents his desire to be one with the world. It also represents how he invades DIO's world just as how DIO invaded Jonathan's.Star Platinum Requiem=Similarly to the sense of duty of the previous form, Jotaro develops SPR which copies others' Stand Abilities.

Josuke Higashikata


Crazy DiamondAbilities:>Restoration-Crazy Diamond can fix anything back to its original state. If Josuke is angry, the restoration could go wrong and the object will be deformed.Power: ASpeed: ARange: DDurability: BPrecision: BPotential: C

Weakness:Paternal IssuesPTSDHis Hair=If anyone insults his hair, he attacks that person.

Personality and Stand:He likes to fix things

Okuyasu Nijimura



The HandAbilities:>Erasure-Okuyasu's right hand can erase just about anything.Power: BSpeed: BRange: DDurability: CPrecision: CPotential: C


Personality and Stand:The absence of something proves its existence.

Koichi Hirose



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