
435. Superior Iron Man ~Origins~

Peter, with Bruce grappling on Peter's shoulder, ends up near the forests.

"What happened to the others...?" asked Bruce.

"Who?" asked Peter. "You mean the Avengers? Uh... They were acting funny..."

"So, everyone is literally fucking hypnotized."


"JESUS CHRIST!!!" yelled Bruce, as he sees Khonshu.

"What?" asked Peter. "Whoa... I sense a tall guy right over there."

"Peter. Activate your Stand-Detector and switch to your God-Seer Mode."

Peter does so. "Oh, Jesus Christ. What is that thing?"

"I am Khonshu. God of the Moon. Marc Spector, Steven Grant, and Jake Lockley are currently within Tony Stark's trance. It is the same with your other friends. Stark has currently captured all of Maharlica with his Extremis virus."

"What is the Extremis Virus?" asked Peter.

"There are two Extremis Viruses. The biological one and the digital one. The digital one activates the biological one through the Arc Reactors we're wearing and everyone is wearing in the Stadium. Stark is planning to enslave the whole world and turn everyone into zombie Super Soldiers," said Bruce. "I can develop some vaccines if I have more equipment since the ingredients are on this planet."

"Why?" asked Peter. "Is he Doofenshmirtz as it turns out?"

"No..." said Bruce. "He's just very, very paranoid. Like we both are."

"Hm..." said Peter. "I see. So, it's like he's evil Yoda."

"So, what do you suggest we do so I can get my triple-threat twits back?" asked Khonshu.

"Easy!" smiled Peter. "I have an idea!"


Bruce, Peter, and Khnoshu all stand before the Jazz Fusion.

"Hi..." Peter smiled awkwardly.

The Jazz Fusion stares at the trio.

"What's with the bird creature?" asked Gabrielle.

"I think that's Khonshu..." said Josuke.

Gabrielle stares at Josuke.

"Egyptian god of the Moon?" asked Josuke.

Gabrielle kept on staring at Josuke.

"Nemesis' sister?" said Josuke. 

"Oh!" smiled Gabrielle.

Gumball sighs. "You must be Khonshu. I am-..."

"Laserheart. You actually should be named Heart Knight."

Khonshu turns to Nemesis.

"Hello, brother," said Nemesis.

"Don't 'Hello, brother,' me, halfling."

"Silence, half-blood."

Note:Nemesis! Goddess of Vengeance and the Heart! Daughter of Nyx, Goddess of the Night, and Ra Atum, God of the Sun.Khonshu! God of Vengeance and the Moon. Son of Cleopatra, Pharoah of Egypt, and Ra Atum, God of the Sun.These two? Rivals of the night! Often searching for Avatars in every Universe.

"Are gods always this racist?" asked Josuke.

"Miguel isn't," said Gabrielle.

"Okay..." sighed Peter. "Can you guys see these guys?"

"No," said F.F.

"Nope," said Patrick.

"See what? You guys have been talking to that tree the last five minutes," said Mark.

"I can't hear him," said Yurielle. "Does that count?"

"Right..." sighed Bruce, offering the others God-Seers. "Here... You don't need these contact lenses, but they'll help you see Khonshu and Nemesis."


The entire group screams out of horror upon seeing Khonshu.

"Ha!" laughed Nemesis.

"Silence, you filthy bluebird," said Khonshu. "Anyway, Bruce Wayne! I am impressed by your anger... I feel the same for you, Peter Parker. In a way, I would prefer choosing either of you as my next fist of vengeance. But I prefer the Bat better."

"I prefer the Spider," said Nemesis.

"No one asked you, filth."

"No one asked you, either."

"Dadadada!" yelled Josuke. "Just! Everyone shut up! Why the heck do we trust you!?"

Bruce shows the contents of the Extremis Virus.

"What the heck!?" asked Josuke. "It's a virus!?"

"Digital and biological!" smiled Peter.

"I need to have developed vaccines-..."

"It's all good. None of us drank it," smiled Josuke.

"Oh!" yelled Peter. "Really?"

"Yeah... We didn't because we were against the deforestation of Earth-838."

"The... what...?" asked Peter.

"What Stark was doing? Hello? The reason why everyone hates him? Does no one read the news anymore!?" asked Josuke.

"Ugh..." said Peter. "I was gaslighted for the last week! What did you expect!?"

"Holy crap," said Josuke. "That's terrible! I'll go get an electronic therapeutic tablet I had Rick invent filled with a playlist of positive affirmations ASMR."

Josuke walks away while the group comforted Peter.

"Uh-huh... Also, why is that machine in Bruce's chest instead of the Arc Reactor?" asked Gabrielle. "And how are you still here?"

"Stark probably killed my other half on Earth, Peter beat the shit out of me to the point of death, and Stark shot me in the heart," said Bruce.

"Shot through the heart!" sang Patrick.

Peter webs Patrick's face.

"Okay..." said Gumball. "I think we could trust these guys..."

"Yep..." said Yurielle.

"I think I have an idea," said Josuke. "Why don't we truce the Jump Force, too?"

"They probably have the Jump Force under their thumb..." whispered Narcos.

"Lovin' the sexy new edge to you, babe!" smiled Gabrielle.

"Yeah..." whispered Narcos. "Hey, Alien Boy. You lookin' at her?"

"No! And stop asking that!" yelled Mark.

"Bahahahaha!" smiled Spongebob. "I was!"

Narcos prepares an icicle.

Finn pins him to the wall. "Narcos! Chill!"

"Can you contact them?" asked Bruce.

"Oh. I totally, can," said Peter. "Hey, Suki!"

"Suki...?" asked Josuke, giving Peter the tablet.

"Yeah," said Peter. "We've been working together with tour family to cure our families in the stadium."

"Are they okay!?" asked Josuke.

"They're cool. They're hiding somewhere in the underground lab," said Peter.


"Yo," said Suki.

"Hey, sweetie. Are you and your mother okay?"


"How about their families? Jake and Darwin!?"

"We don't know where Uncle Jake and Uncle Darwin are... But we have an idea on who's behind this..."

"Yeah... Stark, right?"


"Hang tight, okay? Develop the digital and biological antivirus by tomorrow."

"Sir, yes sir!" smiled Suki.

Meanwhile, Jill grapples onto an Ultron Guard and decapitates him using her Netherite Sword. "Robots?"

"That's pretty fuckin' cool," said Jack, in her head.

"Look into my eyes..." said Johnny as Ghost Rider, as the Superior Soldier's soul disappears from his body. "Guilty as per usual...I sense that they have the Avatar of Khonshu..."

"Avatar of Lucifer..." said Khonshu, in his head. "Thank you for your service. You have my respect, Spirit of Vengeance."

"And I, you," said Nemesis.

"No one asked you, twit!"

Lady laughs as she phases through the walls and kills several Ultron Guards.

Carrie does the same, laughing with Lady.

Victoria sighs and kept on killing Ultron bots by just standing there and letting random office supplies like pens and paper pins kill each attacker.

Mercuria, woged as a Blutbad, duplicate their heads and smashes them together to kill them.

Gary and Rocky work together to trip Ultron Guards for Mint, Jay, and Bonnie to use Finn's old swords (Scarlet the Golden Sword for Mint, Finn's Root Sword for Jay, and the Second Demon Blood Sword for Bonnie).

Back on Starkland...

"Are the kids using their Stands?" asked Finn.

"Are they?" asked Josuke.

"Nope," said Suki.

Back on Earth-777...

BJ destroys the Ultron Guards with his molds while BMO is in a giant mecha suit with NEPTR as his helmet.

Shelby and Kent work together to disable the Ultron Guards from the inside.

"We got one chip!" smiled Kent, leaping out with Shelby and climbing back on NEPTR's shoulder.

"Great!" smiled Lois, grabbing it and inserting it into her laptop.

Back on Starkland...

"We got a way to enter into Stark's lab," smiled Suki. "Mom?"

"Yeah. On it," said Erina, as her plane kills several Ultron Guards.

"Atta girls," smiled Josuke. 

"So, how do we stop Fascist Iron Man and his army of super soldiers...?" asked Mark. "Mind you, Superman and Wonder Woman are likely boosted."

"Easy, guys... We're going to find the Jump Force."


Superior Iron Man slams the door open, entering his lab in Starkland.

"What's wrong?" asked Spider-Man-838.

Superior Iron Man types into his supercomputer. "I don't know! Hm! Oh, right! I was practically INSULTED by your variant's betrayal. And what's worse is that my plan was pretty much exposed to several fucking dimensions."

"He's not really my variant, sir."

"You shut it or I'll kill your family, too."

"Sir, you're what's closest to all the family I have left."

"Uh-huh... Does it look like I fucking care!? No sentimentality, Doc! Ugh! We never vibe properly, here, Doc! You're always saying the weirdest shit!"

"Yes. Because I'm practically your slave and you want to make more slaves so that everyone could agree with you."

"Yeah! That's my way of protecting the world, Doc! When I 'enslave' the whole world, I put them inside of suits that I can control and protect! It's my way of keeping everyone I care about safe! I'm protecting you in exchange for your service to me. As well as your entire will and dignity."

"But, sir... I thought you don't care about anyone."

"I care about the people of the world as a whole, Doc. I'm a utilitarian. After what Thanos did... and what Wanda had done to the Illuminati...I can't simply let that happen anymore, Doc."

"I completely agree with you, sir."

"Hey! I'm not paying you to be sentimental!"

"I agree with you, sir."

"Exactly. You saw what that idiot did!" yelled Superior Iron Man. "He vowed to never kill his enemies. But when he started killing, they feared him so much that they hid for two years.Bruce over here is a Kantian, which I completely disagree with. He'd rather let a clown, who is also his brother, live and kill around thousands of people instead of just ending it there.And I know he's not a coward. The Batman killed before. I know... But he does things because he thinks each of his actions is what's morally right.But in the end... He is a hypocrite. Having killed already, he is no longer a true Kantian. He has broken his moral code. That's why I can't respect him. That's why I find him dangerous. It's because he is unpredictable. One moment, he's saving people. On the other, he kills someone just so that the person he sees as a son gets to live a life where he doesn't end up to be like him. He only does things to what he finds makes the most sense:To make himself the sacrificial lamb. Think about it, Doc.Since he took the blame for Two-Face's actions. Since he made himself kill people just so that people could fear and hate him. Since the time he broke his code. It's not because of his anger...It was never his anger...He hates himself.He completely hates himself. I see it in his own eyes..."

"And you just love yourself... Don't you...?" Superior Darth Vader appears behind Superior Iron Man.

Superior Iron Man sighs. "Not now, Skywalker."

"You hate him because he can do what you can't... Which is to sacrifice himself... You can never do that... You can never be the real Tony Stark... Why? Because you can never sacrifice yourself for anyone."

"So can't you!"

Darth Vader activates his red lightsaber. "I have sacrificed everything for my family... Stark... What have you sacrificed...?"


"Exactly! When you do what you think is the greatest good for the greatest number, you're actually only doing what's the greatest good for Tony Stark.You are a dark reflection of what the Tony Stark is in this Universe..."

"Don't you dare speak to me like that, you burnt chicken nugget! *GASP!!!*" Superior Iron Man begins to choke.

Superior Darth Vader chokes Superior Iron Man. "The contract for our partnership can be so easily torn to pieces, Anthony Stark. I only want what is best for my Galactic Empire... To achieve peace. We want the same thing. And all you want is control... Selfish and egoistic of you... But I know, like The Batman, you are so much afraid of losing all that control. You fear having no control...Right now... Because of him... And that pesky halfwitted insect... that you've lost so much control of this situation you have, here. But I am sure that The Batman and Spider-Man are also having trouble right now.I'm giving you 48 hours, or the deal of the expansion is off, Anthony Stark. And I will not be taking prisoners around that time..."

"As... y-you... w-wish... Vader..."

"I can see your thoughts..."

Back then...

Superior Iron Man helplessly watches from inside the car as the Winter Soldier: Steve Rogers, kills his parents, beating both to death.

The young Tony Stark sobs and yells out for them.


"You have nothing but rage and anger in you... But it's not the kind that I appreciate because of your current incompetence..."

"I will learn to focus... Vader..." choked Superior Iron Man.

"You want to protect people, Stark? You don't want these people to end up like your parents? Then get to work, you wretched spoiled prince." Superior Darth Vader throws him into the wall as he crashes into it, letting go of Tony's neck. "I will see ya later, amigo..." he said, awkwardly, trying to speak their "language." He walks out of the room, very slowly.

"Shit..." said Peter-838, typing something into the supercomputer.

Superior Iron Man coughs while grabbing his neck, trying to stand up. "What!?" he whispered.

"Sir... They're using the CoolDudeBus."

"And...!?" Superior Iron Man stands up and looks at the supercomputer.

"They're mining..."

Superior Iron Man's eyes widen. "I'm sorry? Those places are off-limits!" he hissed. "Oh, right... Everyone knows. SHUT IT DOWN!!!"

"They already got the materials... Batman is synthesizing something big... powerful... dangerous..."


"What are you building...?" asked Peter, seeing Bruce, while in the CoolDudeBus, synthesizing a new suit.

"Just new suits for us," smirked Bruce.

"Can I help with the design?" smiled Peter.

"Sure," said Bruce.

"Whoa... I want mine to be riddled with Arc Reactors!"

"Anything you want, Peter. Anything you want..."

Yeah... I draw bad...


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