
179. Killer Queen and C-Moon Part I

Chariot II reached a place with twisted mountains. The landscape is made of stone but it appears as a twisted bridge going to the skies.

The group is revealed to be able to see where they are through Chariot II's eyes. His sight is transported into the Television they are watching from.

Echoes ACT 3 begins acting up.

"What's wrong, Echoes?" asked Koichi.

"I am detecting perversions of the gravitational force in the area," said ACT 3.

"Huh?" asked Koichi. "What does that mean?"

"It's a Twirl Bridge," said Vegeta.

"A what?" asked Okuyasu.

"A twirl bridge. It's a natural phenomenon that occurs on a Planet when energies are deformed because of unstable gravity. You can basically climb those things without any problem," said Vegeta.

"Great!" smiled Mista. "We can just climb these things in a jiffy and we'd go for the next Corpse Part! The next Part is pointing at the top!"

"It's not that easy," said Vegeta. "For one thing, when someone with Ki is inside the Wall-Eyes, our abilities are warped and we'd be basically sitting ducks."

"Can I be there?" asked Saitama.

"Another bad idea," said Vegeta. "It also warps one's strength and speed. So, sorry, French Turtle, but you can't go in. It also warps time, so apologies, Dolphin Scientist. We need a Stand-User who does not rely on strength and speed alone."

Everyone turns to Mista.

"Oh, come on! You guys are jerks!" yelled Mista.

"I'll go, too!" smiled Koichi.

"And so will I," said Giorno.

"I would like to join," smiled Mob.

"Me, too!" laughed Okuyasu.

"I'm not sure how it could affect the blonde brat, so... Eh..." shrugged Vegeta.

"Josuke will be going with you," said Jotaro. "Who knows what might happen to you. That's why I'd like you to bring Josuke in case you require healing. I believe Polnareff can just phase through opponents, so we'd be fine.I'm counting on the six of you."

"Gureto daze," sighed Josuke.


Josuke carried the eyes which pointed to a direction at the front.

The six of them travel in warped gravity as they looked out for any enemy Stand-Users. Though upsidedown, they walked on the ceiling with no problem.

"What if I jump?" asked Okuyasu.

"Then you'd be stuck midair at the center of the space across the ground and the ceiling," said ACT 3.

"Worth it," smiled Okuyasu, as he jumped upward and began falling. "WHOA!!!"

"OKUYASU!!!" yelled Josuke.

Mob manages to use his telekinesis and bring Okuyasu back down.

"I suggest you don't try that again," Mob spoke softly, as he softly landed Okuyasu on the ceiling.

"Arigatou," said Okuyasu

"Geez! Don't be a dumbbell!" yelled Josuke, slapping the back of Okuyasu's head.

"Gomenasai, Josuke," sighed Okuyasu. Okuyasu sees something small approaching them. "Oi, Josuke. Polnareff-san is approaching us without Chariot II."

"That's not Polnareff-san," said Josuke, seeing that it's in the shade of blue.

*tickity tickity tickity*

"Look over here!"

Josuke, Okuyasu, and Koichi's eyes widen in horror.




Sheer Heart Attack, a small blue tank Stand with a skull on it, blasts a bomb bullet toward the group.

"PASS!!! PASS!!! PASS!!!"

Mista curves the bomb bullet away from them with Sex Pistols.


"Look over here..." said the tank Stand. Its eyes glow red.





"What is this thing!?" asked Mista.

"It's Sheer Heart Attack. It's Tracer Tank Bomb from Yoshikage Kira's left hand!" yelled Okuyasu.

"ACT 3!!!"

"3 FREEZE!!!" yelled ACT 3, as the Stand makes the tank heavy and traps it on the ceiling.

"Okuyasu! Use The Hand to erase the bomb!" yelled Koichi.

"ZA HANDO!!!" yelled Okuyasu, as The Hand uses its right hand to teleport the tank in front of him and try to erase the tank.


Okuyasu successfully erases the tank.

*tickity tickity tickity*

"Nani!?" asked Josuke.



"Gold Experience!" yelled Giorno, as he activates Gold Experience and shoots a life beam at a stone on the ceiling, creating a large tree and blocking the next blast. "Huh... It's similar to Black Sabbath, isn't it? It's an automatic Stand that doesn't affect the User in any way."

"He can only create one at a time," said Koichi.

"That means we have to find the User..." said Mista. "We have to find this Yoshikage Kira."

Giorno, Josuke, Koichi, Okuyasu, and Guido battle against Heart Attack while Mob tries to search for the User using his telepathy.

Another bullet is shot at them as Mob blocks the attack with a forcefield. Purple vines appear around Mob's body as purple Psychic aura fume and evaporate around him. His eyes glow a blank but glowing white.



Mob's forcefield cracks as he coughs out blood.

Koichi has an idea.

"Instead of trying to find him... We wait for him to come to us!" yelled Koichi.

"What are you-?" Giorno asked.

"3 FREEZE!!!!" yelled ACT 3, as Heart Attack is stuck to the building.

"Trust me..." said Koichi. "He'll come to us. His left hand will get heavy."

"I thought that damaging Heart Attack wouldn't affect the user," said Guido.

"No," said Koichi. "I'm not damaging it in the first place. Also, the Stand is still attached to his left hand. He'll come to us!"

3 hours later...

"It's taking a pretty damned long time for him to come to us, Koichi-Kun," said Okuyasu, crossing his arms.

"Weird..." said Koichi. "Is this not... Kira-?"

*tickity tickity tickity*

"Nani!?" asked Josuke, seeing another Heart Attack approaching them. "But-! You said he can only use one at a time!"

"That is not my Heart Attack, Koichi Hirose," said Kira, approaching them from another side. "That is the Heart Attack of Yoshikage Kira from Another World."

"There's another Kira!?" asked everyone else.

"Not exactly... A new friend of mine is using his Stand," smiled Kira.

Enrico Pucci appears from behind them, who is using one of his C-Moon's DISCs.

"Who are you?" asked Josuke.

"I'm the one who was fated to destroy your world, Josuke Higashikata... Until Prometheus changed all of your fates," said Pucci. "C-MOON!!!"

The gravity shifts as the group are thrown at the center between the ceiling and the ground... or... the ground and the ceiling.

"Koichi-Sama. I have lost my grip on Sheer Heart Attack," said ACT 3. "S-H-I-T!"

"What the heck just happened!?" asked Koichi.

"Have you ever heard of gravity?" asked Pucci? "No matter what you try to do to escape it, you will always fall into gravity. Fate is like gravity. I am destined to destroy your Universe... If it isn't me, it will be another version of me. No matter what happens, I will always be there!"

C-Moon shifts gravity once more as they began dropping into the sky.

Mob gasps and grabs all of them with his telekinesis and slowly dropped them back toward Kira.

"I am destined to save the world from your disgusting evil... And I will especially kill him... JOTARO KUJO!!! THE ONE WHO MURDERED MY BELOVED MASTER!!! DIO!!!" yelled Pucci

Kira sighs. "God, you are annoying. SHEER HEART ATTACK!!!"

Sheer Heart Attack is blasted toward them and shot several more bomb bullets, which Guido curved away.

Okuyasu erased the next Sheer Heart Attack as Koichi used ACT 3 to make the object heavy.

Pucci whips out three discs as Stands like Tusk ACT 4, Gold Experience Requiem, and Star Platinum Requiem emerged from him and attacked the group.

Giorno brought out Gold Experience Requiem as it yelled, "MUDA!!!" punching the three Stands away. However, Pucci's SPR and GER reset to zero and were immune to Giorno's death loop.

"Tch-!" said Giorno.

Tusk ACT 4 appeared and punched at Giorno, yelling "ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA!!!"

Giorno began twisting into the infinite rotation, but Giorno's GER reset the attack to zero.

GER then blasted several punches into Tusk ACT 4's face, yelling, "MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA!!!"

Tusk ACT 4 then faces infinite death.

SPR and GER are problems, however, since they can both reset Giorno's attacks to zero. This is because Star Platinum Requiem is close to Gold Experience Requiem, and is copying GER's abilities at the moment.

Kira brings out Killer Queen and slowly approaches Okuyasu, who backed away out of fear.

"I killed you before. I'll kill you again," said Kira, with an angry expression.

The Hand tries to erase Kira.

But, Killer Queen blocks the attack and touches Okuyasu. Kira hops away and flexed his thumb.



"DORARARARA!!!" yelled Josuke, as he brought Okuyasu back.

"Well?!" asked Mista. "Aren't you going to help, Mob?!"

"My Master said to never use your Psychic powers for fighting," said Mob.

SPR blasts a punch toward Mob as Mob uses telekinesis to blast SPR away. However, SPR copies Mob's ability and has a telekinetic tug of war with Mob.

Mob struggles as his voice went shaky.

SPR stood still as SPR began using telekinesis to strangle Mob.

Mob's eyes tear up...



"MOB!!!" yelled Giorno, as Giorno struggles to battle the DISC version of his Stand. Giorno jumps around and blasts his fists toward this GER, but this GER resets all of his attacks to zero.



Mob screams as a burst of Psycho Energy began resonating from within him.




Mob's eyes flicker.


"RAUGH!!!" howled Mob, as he threw SPR far away from GER and blasted Psycho Energy into SPR's chest, killing the Stand.

Two discs fall on the ground, destroyed.

"Tch-!" yelled Pucci, seeing Mob's Psycho beams blast everywhere. "This creature truly is bizarre..."

100% Anger

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