

The remaining people affiliated with Team Rocket had moved towards the location where the others had been previously then found some traces left behind that had led them towards those that had been tied up.

Just as their comrades had come into view, a small Nidoran had jumped out once again then attacked one of them with its small horn. "Nidoran!"

Scizor had travelled so quickly that it was difficult to follow its movements then appeared in the path of them. "Scizor."

Grimer had thrown some more sludge towards their direction. "Grimer."

They were in a hurry to locate and free their other companions so that they could know what was happening.

One was an older man that was left along with a middle aged woman and a teenage male.

Each of them were accompanied by an Arbok and a Ratticate each while there was one extra Beedrill belonging to the older man and a Meowth that had belonged to the woman.

They had raised their guard fully upon discovering the other people that were tied up further away but they still did not see the sudden ambush coming.

It was likely that their allies may have been left behind after being attacked and robbed so the culprit may have already fled.

It may have been the case but the lack of their two other allies not showing up had caused them to become a little more worried and vigilant.

The main problem that they had encountered was that the positioning of where they had stood and had been ambushed had allowed Nidoran to get behind them to launch a sneak attack.

The attacks that came from the front and side had blocked them in and made them an easier target since they were not spread around.

A lot of the Sludge had hit Scizor and had been used to spread it around as Scizor threw out several Bullet Punches.

The poison spread to each of them one at a time due to Grimer throwing some over towards them and the efforts of Scizor whose punches had helped spread it further as they made contact or flicked some in other directions.

The main issue that could be found from the enemy lineup was the large numbers they had and them having Beedrill that was capable of flight.

Beedrill had ignored everything going on in the middle then set its sight on Kimi who was stood near Grimer. "Beedrill!"

Some pins were fired down towards Kimi and Grimer was completely ignored like it was familiar with targeting the trainers before other Pokémon.

Two were fired out then it followed up with another three that came behind as Pin Missile was used.

They came flying towards Kimi and almost reached her when a figure suddenly blocked the way.

Grimer has hit by them as it acted as a shield for Kimi and did not seem too affected by the needles that hit it.

The bug type move was less effective and its health and defences had further allowed it to tank such an attack for Kimi. "Grimer!"

It greedily looked up into the air towards the Beedrill but could not reach it.

Small spikes had fallen down from above and landed around the area where Grimer and Kimi were standing which was from Beedrill using Toxic Spikes.

The main issue that it had encountered was that Kimi and Grimer had chosen not to move during that time.

Beedrill started to become frustrated that it was not able to do much as it was so flew down towards Kimi as it had circled around so that Grimer would have to move in order to protect her. "Beedrill!"

It had prepared to launch a Poison Sting then flew down towards Kimi who had stood still with her eyes closed.

A calm and composed look had appeared on her face as her whole body relaxed.

The Aura spread out around her and her senses had become heightened.

The Beedrill was close to her and was about to land the Poison Sting, it looked like Kimi was about to be impaled and poisoned but she had moved her body all of a sudden.

Her feet stepped out around her and naturally moved with as little movements as possible to move among the places that there were no Toxic Spikes.

Her arm was brought back and the Aura gathered on her palm so when Beedrill had passed by her, her palm had hit it and sent it down towards the ground.

Grimer who had been waiting had jumped towards the Beedrill and trapped it underneath it.

Toxic was used which further increased the poison damage done the more time that had passed so the struggles of Beedrill had weakened more.

The combined efforts of Nidoran and Scizor had taken down the two trainers due to them not having as good of a protector as Kimi.

The speed of Scizor had caused it to create new opportunities for Nidoran and made the battle easier for her.

The Meowth was very agile and was able to keep avoiding Nidoran until a punch landed on it from behind and sent it flying towards the horn of Nidoran to finish it off.

The remaining people had been looted and tied up by Kimi then started to interrogate those she had not yet gained any information from.

Once she was done, she cleaned up the traces of battle and the sludge left around by Grimer then contacted Old P.


Author Update: I have had to make some adjustments recently to my overall priorities in what I am writing and what projects to focus on. Some projects will have to be put lower on my priorities in order to allow for me to still be able to keep everything going and to make more progress with some of the ones I want to focus on especially when I have been more distracted and busy as of late. Renegade Jenny and Pi-Gar-Chu will be put on a weekly update from now on instead of their usual update every five days.

My reason for deciding on those two for being made that way was due to RJ requiring more research and effort to keep track of everything so it usually takes longer to write than others that I have less to keep track of and look up to fill in for anything I had not been too knowledgeable about.

Pi-Gar-Chu! Had a similar reason for doing so but it was mostly due to it being a second One Piece fanfic that I spend less attention and time towards compared to Kan-Gar-Chu! So I hope you cam understand my reasoning behind why I am choosing to spend less time on them over the others.

2 advanced chapters can be found on my Kofi page for Reader tier members! Link is in the synopsis. :)

dancematdancreators' thoughts
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