

Kimi sensed the feelings of the Clefairy which was startled upon running into her. 'Fear?'

She tilted her head as she thought to herself. 'Why would it fear me so much… or is it just humans in general?'

Kimi became curious but did not approach it rashly.

If it was too fearful then it would attack or run away right away then she would not be able to understand the situation within Mount Moon completely.

It was not only the Clefairy which had displayed feelings of fear and some were even worse which could only be described as extreme terror.

The Geodude and Onix in particular were very territorial and aggressive to those that came nearby while the Clefairy had ran away.

If there was anything she had learned in her previous lives dealing with frightened Pokémon or animals then it was to approach them with care without being forceful.

Soft approaches were often better ways to deal with a wide variety of situations.

Forceful approaches would be successful many times but would often result in a lot of resistance.

A forceful approach did not suit the present problem so she took a step back to show her intentions to not attack or chase the Clefairy.

The Clefairy was very scared of the human then was confused about their intentions as they stepped back but then a voice was head along with some strange feelings being conveyed to it. "Clefairy?"

The voice was gentle and the feelings conveyed were warm as they were picked up by Clefairy. "Do not be fearful. I will do you no harm. Please can you tell me why you are so scared. Perhaps I can help you."

The Clefairy was startled then looked towards Kimi as if to identify if she was behind the strange voice. "Clefairy?"

Kimi showed a warm smile and bowed a little to greet it. "Yes that is correct. I wish to offer my aid, it seems that there is a problem within this place that is causing you much fear."

Clefairy started to shake from side to side to express its disapproval. "Clefairy!"

Kimi could feel the worry that came from Clefairy and then spoke in a warmer and gentler tone. "You do not have to reject me like this, I know that you may worry about my safety but I am determined to help you."

The Clefairy showed hesitation then turned around to show Kimi the way.

Through several paths and small openings the Clefairy lead her deeper Mount Moon where there were many beautiful crystals in the centre of a small pond.

It had taken some effort for Kimi and her father to squeeze through but they had managed to get there.

The moonlight shone down onto the crystal which caused it to pass through and spread the light within.

By the pond that surrounded the crystal were many of the evolutions of Clefairy and Chansey in their different evolutionary states with the exception of Blissey being among them.

Due to Chansey and Cleffa needing a higher amount of friendship with others to evolve, there was no Blissey which appeared among them while it seemed as if the Cleffa were in a much higher amount compared to the Happini which had successfully evolved.

Most of the Clefairy were either the parents of the Cleffa or the few Cleffa that had gained enough of the feelings friendship or trust within them to meet the conditions to evolve.

Each of them were filled with terror as they saw Kimi and her father be lead inside.

They acted as if they were angry towards the Clefairy and shouted at it from a distance as if scolding it.






Many more scolding tones were echoing within the area which were filled with fear and hostility.

Kimi came to realise how serious the situation was. 'Such a large group have all gathered in one place due to fear and the need to survive.'

The Chansey were gathered around a couple of eggs as if to protect them while a lot of the already evolved Clefairy and Clefable had guarded the Happini and Cleffa that had hid behind them.

They had displayed a great amount of hostility the moment they saw Kimi and her father which had suggested how deep their mistrust towards humans had become.

Kimi did not speak up in a warm tone towards them and instead took another approach.

Her voice was cold and had a tone of an adult scolding a child for doing wrong. "Do not bully your friend. I asked to come here to help you and have no other intentions, now I need to know about what is happening for you all to be so frightened."

She was about to go on and scold them further while seeking answers until a loud noise broke the short silence.

It was a deafening bang which followed and had happened again shortly afterwards.

The ground under her shook a little along with the wall on one side which seemed to be shaken up the most.

Suddenly an event that happened in her previous life had come to mind which had left many angry due to the damage which had been caused and the failure of the police force being unable to discover it much sooner.

Many lives which belonged to humans and Pokémon were lost while a great amount of damage was done to many valuable resources.

A cold light flickered within the eyes of Kimi. 'This may actually be very dangerous… it is no wonder that this was only a spying and observation type of task which had been given. If I approached recklessly then it could be disastrous.'

Kimi turned to her father and said. "For now you should stay here."

Her father was worried. "I do not have a good feeling about this Kimi.. please be safe and do not take any unnecessary risks."

Kimi approached the group of huddled together Pokémon and knelt down. "Please allow my father to remain with you for now. I ask you to keep him safe and I will deal with this."

A Clefable walked forward to greet the Clefairy and then they started to talk among themselves.

"Clefable Clefable!"

"Clefairy Clefairy Clefairy!"


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