
Do not like me [Bonus chapter]

"Jun, please help me," Sophie said with a pleading voice. "He has taken m-my—" she broke into tears again and covered her face with her hands. 

Junwei held Sophie's arms and asked her to calm down first. He made her sit on the couch and went to the kitchen. He fetched water for her and asked her to drink water, but she refused. 

"Sophie, drink the water," Junwei brought the glass close to her mouth. She sipped a little as he insisted. Her body had turned cold because of the fear and more tears rolled down her cheeks. 

Junwei put the glass on the table and turned his gaze at her. He urged her to look at him and she peered into his eyes. "Nothing will happen. Trust me," Junwei stated. "I will not help you if you keep crying. Understand?" He asked. 

Sophie nodded her head and wiped the tears from the pad of her fingers. Junwei took out the phone from his pocket and called Alex. After having a conversation with him, he told Sophie to stay in the house and not to come out. 

He stood up to leave when Sophie held the edge of the sweatshirt. "Do not leave me. I am scared," Sophie pleaded with him. 

"I am not going anywhere. I only need to see the CCTV footage in the security control room. You should call Ciao and ask him to come here," Junwei advised her. She lowered her hand and let Junwei go.

He patted her head and said, "Do not be scared. I will catch the person who did this to you." His words gave her not only the assurance that she needed but also the relief. Junwei left for the security control room while she called Ciao. 

Junwei asked security to show the basement videos, but he refused since Junwei was not from society. He wanted to inform the police, but then he had to consult with Sophie first about it. He went back to her apartment and pressed the doorbell. In a few seconds, the door opened and he went in. 

"You should inform the police about it," Junwei opined. "The police can track this man soon. Also, the security will show the footage to the police only," he explained to her the situation. 

Sophie agreed with him. 

"Did you talk to Ciao? When will Ciao be here?" He asked. 

"Not yet. I thought to wait for you first," Sophie stated. Junwei hummed and told her that she should file a police complaint on this matter. 

"He told me not to do so," Sophie replied. 

"Because he knows that he will be caught," Junwei replied. "I saw a man earlier in the basement. He must have appeared on CCTV too. That is why police involvement is necessary. He will not be able to leak pictures because we won't let it happen," he elucidated to her. 

"Call Ciao and give me the phone," Junwei commanded her. She did that and handed the phone to him. Junwei brought it close to his ear and waited for Ciao to answer the call from the other side.

Finally, Ciao answered. He looked as if he was asleep. "This is Yu Junwei, Ciao. I am at Miss Lin's house…," Junwei narrated everything to Ciao, who quickly jumped out of the bed.

"I will file the complaint, but I think the police will ask Sophie to come too," he stated as he opened the cupboard. 

"I will take her to the police station. You should reach there as well," Junwei asserted and disconnected the call. "We have to leave for the police station," he told Sophie and returned the phone to her. She hummed and left with him. 

While driving, Junwei got a call from his mother and he put it on speaker. He told her that he would not be home tonight, so she should not wait for him and sleep. 

"Son, are you going to the company factory again?" Katie asked with a concerned tone. 

"No," Junwei answered. "I have left for my house," he lied to his mother and Sophie glanced at him. "Mom, I am driving. I will call you in the morning. Good night," he said and hung up the call. 

Sophie felt bad for taking Junwei's time and apologized to him. 

"Because of me, you are in trouble too," Sophie stated and lowered her head. "How could I even think that you would send me a gift? How could I be so naive and bring upon myself such a big calamity?" She muttered and blamed her. 

"Well, you have indeed troubled me a lot. It is the first time that I get bothered by someone who is not even related to me," Junwei said. He applied the brakes on the red light and turned his head to look at Sophie. 

"Do you like me?" Junwei asked her. She was startled to hear his question. 

"I do not think it is the right time to speak about this," Sophie replied and fidgeted with her fingers. 

"You accepted the gift because you thought I sent it. Do not like me. I am not the one who can ever be with you," Junwei stated and looked ahead at the traffic light. It had turned yellow. 

"Then, I will become the one who can always be with you," Sophie asserted. 

Junwei again gazed at her with curiosity. "You are too optimistic," he said and drove the car again as the light turned green. 

Many years ago, when Sophie was blind and in the hospital for surgery, Junwei was the only person who filled positivity in her life. The only person who visited her every single day for the entire month was Junwei. When her desire to see the world had left, he became her eyes and made her see those things which she could never. 

Even today, he again appeared like an angel in her life as he did years ago. His mere presence made her feel delighted.


[1/5 chapters Mass Release]

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50 PS and 10 GTs a week= 3 chaps mass release on every Monday

100 PS and 20 GTs a week = 5 Chaps mass release on every Monday

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