
My picture with her!

Yu Junwei had found the solution to the problem. The performance characteristics curve was accurately plotted on the computer software for plotting that he used. He rested his back on the swivel chair and smiled. 


He looked at the time on the bottom of the computer screen and found it was past six. He decided to go to the workshop and call his entire team there. He closed the computer screen and pressed the bell. 


After a few seconds, Wang Zexi entered the office. 


"Tell the team to meet me in ten minutes in the workshop," Junwei instructed him and saved the simulation results. He printed it and asked Wang Zexi to collect the prints from the printer, who complied with his command. 


Suddenly, Junwei's phone started to ring. He gestured to Wang Zexi to stop there as he had some more instructions for him.


Junwei picked up the phone and answered it. 


"Yes, Mom." He closed the computer screen while his mother spoke from the other side. 


"Your grandfather and I are waiting for you. When will you return home, Junwei?" Katie asked from the other side. 


"Mom, I may not come home tonight. I have some work," Junwei stated. 


Wang Zexi wasn't surprised to find that Junwei decided to go home when his family returned from the USA after a long time. 


This was his typical boss, who didn't even care for his family. The only thing he loved was his work. 


"Son, we have returned after a long time. Your grandpa will be sad if you do not come home tonight. Come home tonight. You always remain busy. From tomorrow, I will not force you to come early," Katie made him understand. 


"Grandpa has seen me already," Junwei said, "in the day." He left the mouse and laid back on the swivel chair. 


Katie could not believe that, even after such a long time, Junwei didn't care for them at all.


"Junwei, do we not matter to you at all? You asked me to stay with Father for one more month and I did. Come home. If you don't, then I will come to take you," Katie said and hung up the call. 


Junwei looked at the mobile screen and sighed. He sat straight and informed Wang Zexi that he would be heading home. 


"Indeed, Sir, you should go home. His grandfather and mother are here after a year," Wang Zexi stated. Junwei glared at him, but did not say anything to him.  


He stood up from the swivel chair and took his blazer from the hanger. He put the phone in his pocket and walked out of the office. 


"How can the boss stay away from his family for such a long time?" He mumbled and put the pages into a file holder. He locked the office before heading to his home.


Junwei reached the first floor, and the employees who were leaving home were surprised to see him leave the office early. 


Whoever came across him, wished him good evening, but he hardly responded to anyone. He walked out of the huge glass door when Victor Lu came in front of him. 


"Sir, please forgive me. Please do not fire me. I have a family to feed and—" Victor stopped speaking as Yu Junwei cut his words. 


"This you should have thought about before letting her enter my office," Junwei said and walked ahead when Victor again came in front of him and stopped him. 


"Sir, this was the first time I made such a mistake. I assure you… No… I promise you that I will never do anything like this. Please consider my request," Victor pleaded with Junwei. 


"Show me sincerity through your work. I want to see how many top-class engineers you will hire next month," Junwei stated and walked away. Victor thanked Yu Junwei, who soon vanished from his sight. 


The man in the black suit again appeared and handed the keys to Junwei. He got into his electric car and drove to Panorama Residence, which had fifty of the most expensive penthouses. 


After thirty minutes, he reached home and rang the doorbell. 


Katie opened the door a few seconds later and saw Junwei. She smiled and opened the door for him. 


Junwei walked in, closing the door behind him. He hugged his mom again. 


"Glad you came," Katie said, and stroked her son's back. "I missed you a lot," she said and pulled away before giving him a peck on the middle of his forehead. 


"Let's go in," she told him. Junwei removed the shoes and wore the slippers to walk to the living room.  

"Grandpa, I am home," Junwei said. He saw his grandfather was scrolling through something on the phone. Yu Ziyang lifted his eyes from the phone and smiled upon seeing his grandson. He stood up from the couch. 


Junwei walked up to him and hugged him. Yu Ziyang hugged his grandson tightly. 


"I missed you a lot," he said. They stayed in that position for a minute before Yu Ziyang withdrew. He patted Junwei's shoulders. 


"Forgive me for arriving late," Junwei said. 


"I know that you were busy at work. It is good that you returned early today," asserted Yu Ziyang. Katie smiled to see them and went to the kitchen to fetch water for Junwei. 


"Come, have a seat," Yu Ziyang pushed his grandson to the couch, and he sat next to him. 


He brought the phone forward and said, "You both look good together." The never-ending smile on his lips clearly showed that he was happy to see his grandson with a woman. 


"Sorry?!" Yu Junwei was confused by what he heard from his grandfather. He looked at the phone and widened his eyes. 


"Miss Lin, and you look good in this photo. She is such an amiable girl," Yu Ziyang said with a broad smile, looking at the phone. Junwei took the phone from his grandfather and looked at the screen. 


He had no idea when she clicked that picture. How dare she take a picture with him and post it on social media?


He furrowed his brows as he looked at the screen. "How could she post such a thing? She is indeed a dumbhead," Junwei mumbled. 


"Did you call Miss Lin a dumbhead?" Grandpa Yu frowned. Katie came to the living room and put the water glass in front of Junwei. She found him troubled and asked him if everything was good. 


"Mom, she posted my picture with her! I do not even have any idea when she took this?" Junwei was completely shocked to see the picture. He didn't even want to see the comments because he knew what would be there. He shifted his gaze to his grandfather. 


"Why are you following her on social media? There are better people than her to follow." Junwei was annoyed by Sophie's act. 


"She is good at acting. Her last movie touched my heart. Junwei, you should not have hidden this from me. When she said that she was your friend, it made me happy. It is tough to please the heart of my grandson," pronounced Yu Ziyang. 


Junwei could not believe that his grandfather was trapped in the lies of a liar! Yes, Sophie was a liar for him. 


"She lied to you, Grandpa. She and I met today for the first time," Junwei stated. Katie looked at her son in worry and sat down on the other side of the couch. 


"I don't think that Miss Lin lied to me," Yu Ziyang said, and he took his phone from his grandson. Junwei could not believe his ears. His grandpa believed the false words of Sophie. 


"Grandpa, she indeed lied to you. Do you even know what she called me? She barged into my office without any appointment. I didn't say anything in the office because you and Mom were there." Junwei again got furious.


Yu Ziyang laughed, and it confounded Junwei. 


"It is my first time hearing about a person from you," he said with a smile. "Look, how people are saying that you both are a great pair. Even I have commented saying that it's my grandson," Yu Ziyang said. 


"Grandpa, are you trying to join my name with that insane woman?" Junwei asked in a fury. 


"This photo says it all, Junwei," Yu Ziyang said and continued to smile. 


"Please, Grandpa. I don't like it." Junwei snickered and dashed out of the living room. 


Katie apologized to Yu Ziyang for her son's wrong behavior. 


"Isn't it great that someone has entered his dry life to bother him?" Yu Ziyang opined, and Katie glanced at him in astonishment. "We both had heard how they were fighting. I never saw Jun getting angry in such a way. There is a spark between these two and we have to convert it into fire," he said with an enthusiastic tone. 


"It is tough to please Jun. After this photo's appearance, he might want to take legal action against Miss Lin," Katie worriedly said. 


"That will not happen," Yu Ziyang confidently said. 

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