
Chapter 239 Falling Objects

The speed of the Brilliant Starship gradually slowed down, finally anchoring to a cautious stop hundreds of meters from the faintly glowing semi-transparent "cliff."

However, the hundreds of meters of distance were so insignificant compared to the scale of the gigantic object that visually, Luny still felt as if the Brilliant Starship was right up against the "cliff." The towering geometric body looked mountainous, almost oppressively looming, as if it could suffocate anyone standing here if they were just an ordinary person.

"...It's truly spectacular," the Magic Doll couldn't help but look up in awe, "and very beautiful."

Indeed, the object was both spectacular and beautiful. If one ignored its eeriness, it could even be considered a magnificent sight, inspiring the greatest creativity in a talented artist or a multitude of poems from a poet—


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