
A New Beginning

There he stood, clutching the Staff of Ainz Ooal Gown in his hand. Against all odds, this guild weapon had transformed into a world item, an act believed to be impossible.

"No menu, huh? This is going to be difficult." He murmured, a note of determination in his voice.

Drawing an item from his inventory, he retrieved the second [Leaf of Yggdrasil] he had obtained from the boss. He could sense its power in a way that surpassed his experiences in Yggdrasil. It was another clue that he had entered a new reality where heightened senses were possible. In this new world, even scents that were once unattainable in the game could now be perceived.

"Mmh… The leaf glows more when I place it near the Staff. Maybe if I…"

He allowed the golden leaf to approach the Staff, and a radiant light emanated from the point of contact. It appeared that combining these two objects had an unchanged effect, even in this unfamiliar realm.

"So it worked! Huh… What now? Wait?" he wondered aloud. Suddenly a familiar menu popped up before him.

"Everything else doesn't show up, but you do? Why?"

This is the integrated system of the Staff. All data has been saved for further fusion.

"Huh?" Ainz's surprise grew as a small text appeared above the menu. "So it's the Staff that projects the menu. Good to know."

With a button press, a new menu materialized, presenting a list of abilities.

"I see. Everything is the same. The abilities don't change. Good. But what would be best to choose next? Something powerful? Maybe I could even beat Touch Me with one of these mighty traits. But there are still six slots left and only one leaf. Mmh…"

The Overlord scrolled the abilities many times. And only one could offer a solution to his problem.

"This should assist. With that ability, I could create any item at an equal cost of mana. So far, this is the best option I could go for. I'm not in Yggdrasil anymore, so I doubt these leaves are here. Creating them would be the only way to get to them. Then, let's do it."

Ainz pressed the button, confirming his selection, and felt a surge of new power filling the Staff's voids, augmenting its already formidable might.

Notice: 5 slots are left for abilities. Please fuse further [Leaf of Yggdrasil] to add more abilities.

Overwhelmed by his accomplishment, Ainz accidentally let out a burst of emotion, which quickly vanished due to his undead nature. "Great! Now I should test this. If it really can create anything, what would be something difficult? Maybe something custom-made, no, that would be copying, which is not creating. Something of value, then."

He glanced around until his eyes fell upon a mirror, reflecting the brilliance of the rubies adorning his rings. Inspiration struck.

"A ring? But which? The Shooting Star? The obvious choice, but will it be possible? Let's see..."

"[Arcane Creation: Shooting Star]"

He uttered, feeling his mana rapidly draining, just as anticipated. It indicated that the spell had indeed worked, and a ring identical to the original Shooting Star should materialize. Extending his Staff toward the front, a bright object materialized before him, enveloped in shimmering light—a sight that only the wonders of magic could bring.

"So it is true. The ability works." He murmured, his eyes fixed on the ring materializing in his hand. He inspected it closely, searching for any disparity between this ring and his own.

"It is akin to any other Shooting Star. The spell truly succeeded. The next question is, can I create a world item? That would be crazy, but there weren't any limitations, only that an equal amount of mana has to be spent."

Lost in thoughts once again, he was interrupted by a voice breaking his reverie.

{Lord Momonga?}

{Uhh, yes, Albedo? Is everyone there?}

{Everyone, save for Victim and Gargantua, my Lord.}

{Excellent. I will come soon. Be ready.}

{Always, my Lord.}

As the communication ended, Momonga resumed his soliloquy.

"So fast! I had hoped for at least an hour! Very well, the sooner, the better. I must ascertain their loyalty firsthand. As their guild master, I should expect such devotion, but one can never be certain. It is prudent to personally assess their allegiance."

In an instant, reality warped, and Momonga found himself seated upon his throne, another of the guild's esteemed world items. Yet, the Guardians exhibited no surprise at his sudden appearance.

"Welcome, Lord Momonga."

Albedo greeted, leading a retinue of loyal beings, a towering blue insectoid, an archdevil, two dark elves, and a True Vampire. Each one a guardian of one or more floors. They all bowed before him, as expected.

"Ah... You may raise your heads."

They all turned their unwavering gaze upon their master, causing Momonga to feel increasingly ill at ease. 'Can't they look at me like a normal person? If I were still human, I would likely be trembling with trepidation in their presence.'

"Now, let us pledge our unwavering loyalty to our Lord. I shall lead by example." Albedo lowered her head once more and proceeded to recite her oath. "I, Guardian Overseer, pledge my undying loyalty and love to the Supreme One."

'Love? Don't tell me...'

"I, Guardian of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Floors, Shalltear Bloodfallen, swear my unyielding fealty to the Supreme One." The Vampire followed, offering her unwavering loyalty to her master, albeit with an unmistakable air of arousal.

'Shouldn't have expected more of Peroronchino's creation.'

"I, Cocytus, Guardian of the 5th Floor, solemnly pledge my unwavering loyalty to the Supreme One, Lord Momonga." The insectoid creature followed suit, steam emanating from its nostrils in a steady rhythm.

'This one is maybe the most normal out of here. Thank the heavens for Takemikazuchi.'

"I, Demiurge, Guardian of the 7th Floor, pledge my unswerving loyalty to the Supreme One." The impeccably dressed devil spoke, his malevolence apparent in his countenance, lending credibility to his words.

'That's Ulbert's creation, one which I have to be careful about.'

"I, Guardian of the 6th Floor, Aura, pledge my undying loyalty to Lord Momonga!" The youthful dark elf's voice was brimming with excitement, though no one perceived it as a negative attribute.

"Ahem, I, Mare, the Guardian of the 6th Floor, swear my undying loyalty to the Supreme One... Um..." The last to pledge allegiance was one of the twin dark elves, who was naturally shy. In the presence of the Supreme One, however, no offense was taken, and trembling before his mighty presence was not only expected but revered.

'The twins were made to be a trap... Those two siblings were crazy.'

"Mmm... Very well. I am pleased to hear your commitment. Now, let us proceed. I am uncertain if any of you have sensed it, but something has changed. It would be the time to dispatch a reconnaissance team outside the tomb."

"If I may offer a suggestion, Lord Momonga?"

"Certainly, Demiurge."

A subtle smile appeared on the devil's face, but he quickly suppressed it, taking a deep breath. "I believe it would be wise to send our summoned creatures to gather information on our behalf. Hanzo's would be the most suitable choice for this task. By utilizing their abilities, our troops can remain undetected should there be any nearby enemies."

"An excellent proposal, Demiurge." Ainz applauded, and the devil's joy was evident. Perhaps a bit too evident.

"I assume you had already considered this option, my Lord. My intellect pales in comparison to yours."

Ainz was momentarily taken aback. 'Does Demiurge take me for an omnipotent skeleton?! Judging by their expressions, they seem to hold that belief as well. Damn it! Ok, I cannot make a wrong move! Cannot!'

"Very well, Demiurge. I grant you the responsibility and authority of deploying a troop of Hanzos outside the tomb."

"It would be my pleasure, Lord Momonga."

"Indeed, that shall be all for now. Guardians, you are dismissed for today. Oh, and Albedo, provide a comprehensive report on the status of Nazarick and inform me once it is completed. Also, make the necessary preparations for any potential enemy encounters. Additionally, ensure that Nazarick remains concealed from any form of detection once we acquire visual information of our surroundings. Lastly, I wish to be informed of any changes within the tomb."

He bestowed upon her a multitude of tasks that would overwhelm an ordinary individual, but she was no ordinary assistant.

"Nothing that can't be done, my Lord."

"Excellent. For now, I shall retire to my chambers." Once again, the Overlord retreated to his room, this time feeling more exhausted than ever. He sought the feeling of being alone again. And the guardians didn't help him in that matter. They made it even worse. They elevated him to such lofty heights that he feared the consequences should they ever discover his true self.

"What a presence! I could almost feel my entire body shaking!"

"That is the power of the Supreme One, a being truly deserving of ruling the Great Tomb of Nazarick." Cocytus spoke, his body releasing steam at an astonishing pace.

"H-He is really scary, Aura…"

"Do not weep, Mare! That is the Supreme One for you!"

"I... I think I may have wet myself. Hehe..."

"Eu... Shalltear!"

"Do not be like that, Aura! You should be even more concerned if you felt nothing!" Shalltear and Aura stood face to face, while the other guardians observed, on the verge of a conflict.

"I felt something. Don't worry about it! Nobody can't notice his power!"

Before the situation could escalate further, a voice interjected. "Now, now. It is perfectly acceptable to experience such feelings in the presence of the Supreme One. Ahhh, I cannot wait for the day when I become his wife, ahh..."

"Hey, who told you you're gonna be his wife, huh!?" The petite Vampire called out Albedo, who swiftly turned her gaze to Shalltear, brimming with pure malice.

"Oh, you really think you gotta chance at all? Please, stay on your floor and play with your Vampire Brides." Albedo smirked, a touch of lasciviousness in her expression. But Shalltear would not let that pass.

"You old hag shouldn't be so confident! You're not even a regal lady, befitting of marrying the Supreme One! Your. A. Slut."

"Oh, please! You're behaving like a child! What lady are you then, huh? I don't see one! And as far as I know. Vampires. Don't. Age. hehe…" The Succubus let out a malicious laugh. However, the Vampire was not prepared to back down.

"You want to see who's stronger? We can gladly fight each other!" Shalltear was ready to equip her combat gear, but it seemed Albedo possessed greater self-restraint in that regard.

"No, that is taking it too far. Not here, at least. Oh, and yes, you are all dismissed and may carry out your assigned duties."

With those words, the remaining guardians departed as they had arrived. Only Shalltear left through a portal, her gaze filled with animosity towards the Overseer, who found some enjoyment in wielding such authority.

"[Arcane Creation: Scroll of God's Eye]"

"Huh, it worked!"

In his hands, he beheld a scroll imbued with the spell [God's Eye], its condition surpassing that of any crafted scrolls.

"So I really can create anything now. If I got the mana for it, that is."

He stored the newly created scroll in his inventory, as it was not currently needed.

"Should be enough time. Demiurge's Hanzos should have gathered enough information by now."



{Yes, my Lord. As expected of the Supreme One, we have just received information about our surroundings from the Hanzos. It appears we have arrived in grasslands.}


{Indeed, my Lord. Trees and bushes surround us. Thus far, we have not encountered any signs of intelligent life or settlements. Rest assured. We shall endeavor to uncover anything of note.}

{Very well. Keep me updated.}

'So I was right from the start. Nazarick isn't in Yggdrasil anymore. I want to see this with my own eyes. But before that...'

Momonga glanced at his mirror, gazing upon his undead visage and its peculiar features, yet he felt no discomfort.

'I have felt no need for hunger or sleep, nothing. And there is always something that prevents me from feeling greater emotions. This is the cause of my undead nature, yet I don't have any uneasiness with it.'

A door creaked open behind him, and a slender maid entered the room. Her name was Narberal Gamma, a Battle Maid. Her beauty surpassed anything he had encountered in his previous world but paled compared to the Guardian Overseer.

"Narberal, I will make a short trip outside the tomb."

"Wait, my Lord. You should have an armed escort-"

"I am capable of protecting myself, do not worry."

With that, the Overlord ascended to the upper level of the tomb. There he saw three Evil Lords standing before the entrance.

'Envy, Greed, and Wrath? What are the three demon generals from Demiurge doing here?'

"Ah, it's you, my Lord." A voice emerged from behind them, revealing itself to be Demiurge. In an instant, all three knelt before Momonga. "But why aren't you traveling without an armed escort?"

The archdevil posed a direct question, but Momonga opted for a brief reply.

"Well, there is a reason for all of this."

Demiurge pondered for a moment before responding. "So, that is the case."


"As expected of a great ruler. Your attention to detail is impeccable."

'Wait, what? I just want to go outside!'

"However, I cannot allow you to leave without an escort. If something were to happen, I would never forgive myself."

"Mmh. Very well. You may accompany me."

"Thank you for accepting my selfishness, my Lord. I will not fail you."

Both figures proceeded toward the outside, and as soon as the sky revealed itself, Momonga's gaze became fixated on the multitude of stars adorning the heavens. A sight never before seen by the fresh Overlord.

'Amazing! This is the clearest sky I've ever seen! Even Blue Planets' artificial sky can't hold a candle to this!'

Utterly captivated by the world's beauty, he yearned for a closer look. Thus, he soared into the heavens. Momonga flew through the clouds, and upon reaching the zenith, he gazed down upon the new world in sheer awe. Demiurge followed suit, transforming into his frog-like form.

'I can see everything with just the moon's light. I wish Blue Planet could see this!'

"The stars in the sky glitter like jewels in a treasure box." Momonga expressed in a poetic tone.

"I believe this world exists, so you may adorn yourself with its infinite riches." Demiurge responded to his comment from behind.

"You could be right. Perhaps I was brought to these lands to acquire those treasures for myself and every shining gem hidden beneath them... However, that would be selfish. I would rather employ them for the benefit of Nazarick or my comrades from Ainz Ooal Gown."

"If you wish it, we shall harness the full might of Nazarick to secure them for you, my Lord."

Slightly amused by Demiurge's remark, Momonga chuckled softly. "We do not yet comprehend what lies within this world. However, the most enjoyable pursuit at this moment might be to conquer it."

Taken aback by his Lord's statement, Demiurge stood agape, his mind already devising countless strategies to accomplish such a feat. If the Supreme One wished it, he would immediately present it on a silver platter.

'Who am I kidding? That's impossible. But I wonder, am I the only player here, or are there others? I couldn't reach any of them, maybe because they're just too far away or this world's magic differs from Yggdrasil. Therefore, my priority should be to spread the name of Ainz Ooal Gown far and wide. Now, armed with an invincible guild weapon, the impossible may become a tad more attainable.'

Suddenly, a sound emanated from below. It appeared the Guardians were already ensuring the tomb remained undetected. He descended and commended Mare for his diligent efforts, even gifting the young dark elf a guild ring, an item he had never bestowed upon an NPC before. Henceforth, Mare's devotion reached unprecedented heights.


The dawn of the new day brought forth a bustling energy within the realm of Nazarick, where slumber was a foreign concept. Every detail had to be exactly prepared to ensure perfection for the arrival of the Supreme One. In the office of Momonga, the Iron Butler, known as Sebas, busied himself tidying the desk, unaware of the upcoming personal appearance of his master.

"Sebas." Momonga called out, and in an instant, the butler gracefully bowed before him.

"How may I be of service, my Lord?"

"You may stay here. I have something planned."

Momonga commanded, settling into his office chair. Sebas positioned himself diligently at his left. He didn't know what his master was about to do, but he was ready for any task.

"[Mirror of Remote Viewing]"

Momonga intoned, conjuring a mirror before them. At first, darkness enveloped its surface, but a vivid image materialized as Momonga extended his hands toward it. It revealed a vast lush green landscape devoid of cities or towering skyscrapers. Ainz found himself captivated by the pristine beauty before him.

'This is how the earth was before. Now it's just a wasteland.'

Attempting to manipulate the image with his hands, Ainz soon realized the task's difficulty. After scouring the surrounding area for a solution, he discovered none for quite some time. Until...

"Remarkable work, my Lord. You have discovered the first settlement of sentient beings."

"I thank you, Sebas."

'Finally! I believe I now know how to use the mirror.'

Now a tiny village was displayed in the mirror. The houses were made of simple wood, the roads of dirt. But something was off.

"Are they having a festival?"

"I do not believe this to be a festival, my Lord." Sebas replied. His sharp eyes told him in an instant what this was. A massacre.

Momonga further zoomed in to see villagers get killed right and left. 'In my old body, I would surely get sick watching this! But now, I actually don't feel a thing.' His new frame was something he would never reject. Godly powers were now in his hands.

"What do you wish to do now, my Lord?" Sebas inquired, aware of the weight of the decision that lay before Momonga. Though he would support any choice made by his master, Sebas harbored the desire to rescue the innocent lives teetering on the brink of death.

"Nothing. They aren't of any importance." Ainz responded dismissively. However, as his gaze fell upon Sebas, he detected the faint shadow of Touch Me looming behind his loyal servant. Touch Me, a great hero in Ainz's eyes, had once saved him from certain PK. 'You would save them, wouldn't you, Touch Me?'

"I will repay the debt to you." Ainz uttered unintentionally, not realizing that his words had escaped his lips.

"My, Lord?" Sebas asked, confused by what Ainz said.

"I have changed my mind. I will save that village." Ainz declared, his eyes fixated on Sebas. Unbeknownst to him, the visage of the hero Touch Me still lingered in his mind, fueling his newfound desire to protect the villagers.

"As you wish, my Lord. But you will need a guard as protection. I cannot allow the Supreme Being to venture outside alone." Sebas reasoned, reiterating the concerns expressed by Demiurge and the other NPCs who hesitated to permit their last Creator to venture into the unguarded outside world.

"Fine. You may follow me. If that is sufficient."

A small fire lit up in the Dragonoid, one even Momonga could feel. His face was, of course, the same manly visage as always. Yet, in his heart, he wanted to save these villagers.

"I will be at your service, Lord Momonga."


Ainz cast, summoning a purple portal. With unwavering determination, he stepped through, followed closely by Sebas, as they embarked on their fateful journey.


Enri, a girl of humble origins, found herself in dire circumstances. Her father and mother had already died, and now she and her sister faced a similar fate. Fleeing from the knights in the forest's depths, their desperate escape attempt proved futile, for they were swift and soon caught up to them.

"You can't escape, young girl!" Declared the knight with a raised sword, poised to strike them down with a single mighty swing. The other knight stood by, silently observing the impending tragedy.

"No!" Cried the little sister, unwilling to accept her death. She was unprepared to face death, especially at a tender age. Yet, control over her fate had slipped from her grasp. The sisters clung to each other, closed their eyes, and awaited the final blow.

"Wha-What is that?"

The knight abruptly halted his action, and both he and his companion stared in astonishment at something that materialized behind the two girls. Only after the sisters dared to open their eyes they noticed the knights' fixation on the strange oval anomaly before them. Mesmerized by this phenomenon, all four figures gazed at the being that emerged from within. Its colossal stature compelled them to look upward.

"You can kill little children, but let's see if you fare against me."

The being proclaimed, draped in an elegant purple robe adorned with plated shoulder pads and jewelry befitting a realm beyond mortal reach. However, the most remarkable feature was the staff it wielded. The staff gleamed with golden brilliance from its base to its pinnacle while seven serpents clasped orbs in their fanged jaws. This was no ordinary entity; it was Death itself, having come to claim them.

"[Grasp Heart]"

It intoned, extending its hand toward one of the knights. Within its palm, a heart materialized, only to be mercilessly crushed by its skeletal palm. The knight fell lifeless to the ground. The other knight's thoughts disintegrated, his instincts shrieking in terror. He had never anticipated such a turn of events. His mission had seemed simple: eliminate the villagers. Nothing more. No one had warned him that a creature of this nature would emerge.

"No! Y-You monster!"

The knight, gripped by fear, attempted to flee. His sword slipped from his grasp, and his legs betrayed him, causing him to stumble repeatedly.

"[Dragon Lightning]", The Overlord chuckled ominously.

As lightning surged forth from Momonga's fingertips, it assumed the form of a dragon's head hurtling towards the knight. The spell was swift and forceful, leaving the knight with no chance of escape. The bolt pierced his back, extinguishing him instantly before reducing his body to charred remains.

Now, another figure crossed the portal. This time, it was an elderly man of above-average height donned in a butler's uniform. But age had not diminished his commanding presence nor his charm.

"My Lord. What do you wish to do with them?" Inquired the butler, addressing Momonga.

"We are here to rescue these villagers." Momonga replied, producing a healing potion from his inventory. He turned towards the two children, only to face fearful expressions. "Here, drink this." he urged, his voice bearing an air of elegance contrasting with his appearance. He could instill fear to convince them, although he disliked such tactics.

"S-Sure, just don't hurt my sister..." The elder sister said tentatively, reaching out to accept the bottle. Yet her younger sibling intervened.

"No, don't drink it! It's poison!"

'No, it's not! Have they never seen a healing potion before?'

Before Momonga could intervene, Sebas interposed himself, assuming a humble posture before the two trembling children.

"Don't be afraid, young girls. My Lord is here to save you and your village. This is just a healing potion. If I may, my Lord." Sebas reassured them with a calm voice, his elevated karma status seeming to have a soothing effect.

Sebas turned to Momonga and gestured for the bottle. Without uttering a word, Momonga handed it to him. "If we intended to harm you, we would have done so already. Please understand that my Lord offers this potion to heal your wounds. It would be unwise to reject such a generous offer." Sebas explained, extending the potion once more. This time, the girl hesitantly accepted it, opening the bottle and slowly drinking its contents. Within moments, she felt the wound on her back begin to mend, although her torn dress remained unchanged.

"Stay here and you will be safe." "[Wall of Protection from Arrows] [Anti-Life Cocoon]"

Erecting barriers to shield the two children. No ordinary knight would dare to breach these defenses.

"And take these. Use them, and an army of goblins will come to your aid." Momonga said as he tossed two horns to the girls. They examined the horns briefly but quickly refocused on the imposing figure before them, desperate to learn his name and etch it in their memories forever.

"W-Wait! What's your name… sir?" They cried out, their voices pleading. They yearned to know their savior's name and honor him and his deed.

"My name… My name is Ainz Ooal Gown! Remember it well!"

With that, he left to the corpse of a knight and released a liquid upon his corpse.

"[Create: Death Knight]"

Momonga spoke, releasing a dark liquid upon the corpse. The liquid enveloped the body, reshaping it into a fearsome creature.

'Uh. In Yggdrasil, there weren't such animations. They just popped up. This here is a little disturbing.' Momonga thought, observing the fully formed Death Knight bowing before him, awaiting its orders.

"Go kill all the knights in the village, but spare the villagers. Eh?"

Without saying a thing, it let out a howl and left for the village.

'Weren't you supposed to stay and be my guard? It must be another new thing. Slight sentience.'

"Sebas?" Momonga called out.

"Yes, my Lord." Sebas responded, bowing immediately.

"Why didn't the two girls drink the potion when I offered it? Did I do something wrong?"

"Well, my Lord, even though you are righteous and mighty, these humans view you as an ominous entity due to your undead nature. They have yet to witness the justice of the Supreme Being, and thus, they harbor unwarranted fears. However, after witnessing your benevolence, they will no longer hold such sentiments towards you."

"So you want to say my undead nature makes them uncomfortable?"

"Yes, my Lord, unjust as it may be."

"Mmh. I see. I should conceal my undead nature for now. Thank you for enlightening me, Sebas. Your insights have been invaluable."

"There is nothing to thank, my Lord. We are only here to serve."

'Do all NPCs think like that' I would never have such devotion for my boss.'

"And forgive me for using the guild's name as my own. I hope my comrades will forgive me for such a selfish act. Yet it must be done to spread the name of Ainz Ooal Gown."

"My Lord. Whatever you want shall happen. The other Supreme Beings would surely allow you to do such a thing. After all, you are the one above all."

It was a forced opinion on the part of Sebas, as he could not possibly offer a different answer.

"Well, it pleases me you think that way. Now, let's see what the Death Knight did."

The undead monster effortlessly sliced through bodies in the village, and no knight could lay a hand on it. Every sword shattered upon contact, even against its mantle. Dread filled the faces of the knights as they realized the dire situation.

"We have to escape! Or we will all die!"

"Get your shit together! This is not the place to break down!"

A foolish remark, spoken only by the brave, destined to fail miserably. The commander was no exception. He knew that returning with failure was not an option. Thus, he charged at the beast, which turned towards him and swiftly separated his head from his body. The last sight he beheld was his headless corpse. Death claimed him swiftly, with little suffering, a fate known to few in his work.

"Death Knight! That is enough!"

Suddenly, the creature halted its inhuman movement. It appeared to be listening to a voice that emanated from the heavens. As the knights gazed to its origin, they beheld a masked man floating in the air, resembling a sorcerer, accompanied by an elderly butler. The sorcerer wore a fearsome mask depicting a grinning demon.

"If you wish to live, flee from this village and never return. But if you stay, know that death will be your only reward."

His deep voice was anything but gentle when he spoke those last words. The knights exchanged glances and swiftly retreated, putting as much distance as possible between them and the village.

'Easier said than done. But these are really low-level knights. But better that than the opposite.'

Ainz slowly floated towards the villagers, and a man stepped forward. He appeared elderly and was likely the village chief. His appearance betrayed his displeasure with the situation, and understandably so. He knew nothing of Ainz's intentions. From his perspective, Ainz could even pose a greater threat to the village.

"I saw this village under attack, and it pained my heart to see this. So I came to offer aid."

The villagers' faces brightened. Some thought they were safe, while others believed it had only begun. But his actions against the knights spoke for him.

"I am the chief of this village, and I extend my gratitude for saving us. May we know the name of our savior?"

"I am Ainz Ooal Gown, a mere traveling sorcerer. However, I did not save this village solely out of altruism. I expect some form of compensation, perhaps in the form of information."

"Of course. Please, follow me to my house."

Ainz followed the old man into his modestly adorned abode, understanding the limitations of a medieval farming lifestyle. They discussed the surrounding lands, various nations, and the currencies used inside. Ainz was genuinely grateful for the knowledge gained, as he had been oblivious to this world's history.

"Village Chief! A troop of horsemen is incoming!" A villager, drenched in sweat, burst into the house and announced.

"Let us see who these men are. I will be behind you, Village Chief. There is nothing to fear."

They made their way to the front of the village to observe the approaching men. As they came into view, it became evident that they differed from the knights who had attacked earlier. They were lightly armored, but one man captured Ainz's interest with his piercing gaze and imposing aura.

'This man. His eyes, his stature. That is a man.'

That man approached on horseback, drawing near to the village chief. With a commanding presence, he spoke, "I am the Warrior Chief of the Re-Estize Kingdom. I presume you are the village chief." His gaze shifted to the masked figure standing beside the village chief, a tall individual dressed in an elegant robe, likely a noble magic caster, accompanied by a butler. What caught the eyes of the warrior chief was the strong spirit emanating from the butler's figure. "But who is the man beside you?"

"This is-" Began the village chief, but before he could finish, he was interrupted by Ainz, who stepped forward to introduce himself.

"I was merely passing through this village and decided to lend a helping hand to its inhabitants in their time of need. After all, the strong should protect the weak, should they not?"

The face of the Warrior Chief lit up as if struck by lightning. He swiftly dismounted his horse and bowed before the robed man.

"On behalf of the Re-Estize Kingdom, I express my gratitude for saving this village."

Most were surprised as the Warrior chief bowed before Ainz. Even such behavior wasn't typical around nobles.

"There is no need for such formalities. My name is Ainz Ooal Gown. Just a wandering sorcerer." Ainz replied humbly.

"I must insist. I am Gazef Stronoff, Warrior Chief of His Majesty and the Re-Estize Kingdom. While I was not present to protect them, you stepped in and fulfilled that duty. It is truly refreshing to meet a good man like you, Ainz Ooal Gown."

"Likewise, but please, Ainz will suffice."

Once again, Gazef was taken aback by Ainz's modesty. Despite his apparent higher social standing, Ainz's character starkly contrasted with the arrogant nobles Gazef had encountered within the kingdom.

"I had mistakenly judged you as a typical noble, but you are nothing of the sort." Gazef admitted, bowing again. Although he might not have fully grasped Ainz's words, his gesture was one of deep respect. "Please accept my apologies for my previous assumptions."

"No apology is necessary. Everyone is entitled to their own thoughts. However, allow me to introduce you to Sebas Tian." Ainz motioned toward the man standing beside him. Gazef turned his attention toward Sebas, now facing him.

"It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Sir Stronoff." Sebas greeted with a bow, though Gazef indicated that such formalities were unnecessary.

"I'm no noble, so please call me Stronoff." Gazef replied, extending his left hand to greet Sebas on equal terms. Sebas accepted the gesture, and as their hands met, Gazef sensed an immense strength unlike any he had ever encountered. It surpassed that of any adventurer as if pure steel encased Gazef's palms.

"You have quite a grip, Sebas. I guess you are something more than a typical butler." Gazef remarked with a chuckle, to which Sebas responded with a faint grin.

"If I would be weak, I could not protect my Lord. However, you, too, are a man of remarkable strength, if I may say so."

The two men seemed to share genuine chemistry, their minds aligned in their unwavering dedication to serving their respective masters.

"Well, it was nice to meet you two. It is rare to meet good-hearted people in this world." Gazef expressed. Only if he knew otherwise.

"Likewise, Stronoff. If you excuse us, we will have something to discuss."

"Of course. Let me know when you leave. After all, I want to say goodbye to the people who saved this village."

"We'll do."

Ainz and Sebas went for a room in one of the houses. There, Ainz used multiple spells to seal the room properly.

"What do you think of the man? Stronoff?" Ainz asked, his voice tinged with curiosity.

"If you ask me, Lord Ainz. I believe him to be a strong warrior, confident, and loyal to his king. His allegiance seems solid. He is as good as a man can be. No gold or diamonds can corrupt his heart." Sebas replied, providing a concise yet insightful assessment of Gazef's character. Ainz found himself intrigued by Sebas's observations, recognizing that he had missed certain details.

"Mmh, well. With time comes change. Now-"

Ainz trailed off, his thoughts temporarily interrupted by the abrupt entrance of a villager. However, the room was magically locked, barring the man's entry until Sebas opened the door.

"There are more coming! More enemies!" The man conveyed. Ainz and Sebas looked at each other, one awaiting orders, the other thinking about giving some.

"We will come. Let us go, Sebas."

"Right behind you, my Lord."

Both returned to find the warrior chief with a concerned look. It must be troublesome if something could bring him to do that.

"I heard there are more enemies incoming?"

"Yes, you've heard right."

"Again, for the village?"

"One would think so. But why?"

"Mmh. They seem to hold a grudge against you, Stronoff." Ainz remarked, his tone revealing an understanding shared only between the two.

"Indeed. If I had my armor here, it wouldn't be a problem. But because of these damn nobles!" Gazef's initial anger momentarily consumed him, but he swiftly regained his composure. "Forgive me. We will meet them away from the village, away from the innocent. If I may ask, could I hire y-"

"No. I decline." Ainz interjected firmly, the change in the atmosphere almost hearable. He denied Gazef's plea without hesitation, not allowing the man to fully express his proposition. Ainz possessed an unwavering certainty about his decision, aware of what Gazef would have asked of him.

"I see… Then let us meet again sometime."

"Likewise, Stronoff. Wait. Take this as a gift."

The man took the small wooden statue Ainz offered him but said nothing more. Instead, both shook hands, and the man left for his horse.

"You do not intend to aid him, my Lord?"

"The time will come. Yet not now."

As the warrior chief rode with his army towards the enemy, he saw a formation of casters, all in uniform. Probably a scripture of the Theocracy, the man thought. Ainz watched as the fight unfolded. Seeing as Gazef and his troops stood little chance, he had to time the switch perfectly. Yet, amidst this, something piqued his curiosity when the warrior chieftain unleashed an attack of radiant light that did not bear the markings of tier magic.

"Did you see that, Sebas?" He inquired of his butler, standing dutifully by his side, both of them fixated on the mirror.

"Yes, my Lord. It seems he uses a strange sort of magic. Yet which is still to uncover." Sebas replied, his gaze locked upon the unfolding spectacle.

"Mmh. Maybe he is worth saving." Ainz mused, contemplating the warrior chief's remarkable abilities. As weak as they were.

Just as Gazef, on the verge of collapse, prepared himself for a final stand, he was transported to a chamber surrounded by the villagers he had encountered earlier. Retrieving the item bestowed upon him by Ainz from his pocket, Gazef finally understood the nature of the gift. Before succumbing to exhaustion and collapsing, he smiled at the statue disappearing.

However, the battle was far from over; it had only just begun. With Gazef and his men removed from the scene, Ainz now had the freedom to act as he pleased.

"Greetings, soldiers of the Slane Theocracy! I overheard your little talk and cannot allow you to harm the villagers I so dearly saved. Surrender, and I will grant you a quick death! Fight me, and you will suffer an eternity." Boomed Ainz's deep voice, causing the magic casters to tremble, yet their commander remained unperturbed.

"Big talk for a lone magic caster and his? Butler? How is this? You may leave now and be spared! This is none of your business, as we don't even know your name!" Retorted the commander, Nigun, displaying little regard for Ainz's words. However, he would soon come to regret underestimating his opponent.

The commander, Nigun, was taking Ainz with everything but seriousness. Yet he would soon know his mistake.

"My name won't tell you much. I am Ainz Ooal Gown! And this village is under my protection! This is your last chance." Ainz declared, unmoved.

Yet the commander did not heed Ainz's warning, his pride and arrogance clouding his judgment as he believed himself superior to others, a typical narcissist.

"You are right about one thing! The name doesn't ring any bell in my head. Well, enough talk! Angels, attack!" Nigun commanded as the Archangel Flames surged forward, two of them ready to strike Ainz in the abdomen.

"Just like his friend! Only talk!" Nigun exclaimed triumphantly, believing in his victory. Unbeknownst to him, he knew little of his adversary.

"Recall the angels!" Nigun ordered.

"We are, sir! But something is wrong!" One of the casters replied, panic creeping into their voices. They glanced back at the lone sorcerer, witnessing the angels moving unnaturally.

"Have you perhaps misheard my words? Or have you chosen to suffer?"

Ainz slammed both angels to the ground, both directly disappearing into dust. The casters stood in stunned silence, realizing the formidable threat they faced. Killing angels with his bare hands in a single strike was unthinkable, especially for a mage. The scripture members rallied their forces, urging the remaining angels to attack.

"Let all angels attack! Kill the bastard!"

All the Archangel Flames closed in on Ainz, but he remained unfazed by their presence, considering them nothing more than low-level threats.

"Sebas, retreat!" Ainz ordered, and his butler swiftly obeyed, allowing him to employ a spell suited for this situation.

"[Negative Burst]"

Ainz released dark energy from himself, obliterating all the surrounding angels. The destructive wave halted just inches before reaching the soldiers, leaving them unharmed.

"Huh, childsplay." Ainz commented casually, leaving the casters in a state of panic.


"With one hit?"

"This can't be?"

Confusion and disbelief filled the minds of the soldiers, and their perception of reality shattered. The robed sorcerer had exceeded their wildest expectations once again.

"This is enough! Principality Observation! Attack!" Nigun commanded as he gazed at the angel standing idle for the most time.

A towering angel, larger than the rest, stepped forward, wielding a colossal mace with both hands. It made its way toward Ainz, intent on striking him down. The blow connected, but Ainz casually raised his hand, catching the weapon effortlessly.

"[Hellflame]", Ainz uttered, and a small flame erupted from his fingertips, engulfing the angel in a blaze. The scripture members were astounded that he could block the blow with his bare hand, but their amazement turned to horror as the seemingly feeble flame consumed the angel, reducing it to ashes.

Silence fell over the battlefield, with only the wind whispering through the air. In the minds of the humans, chaos, and disbelief reigned supreme as the terrifying visage of Ainz's mask carved itself into their memories.

"Shoot him!" The casters cried out, unleashing a barrage of spells at the masked man. But their attacks seemed to be deflected by an unseen barrier. Undeterred, they persisted in their assault.

'These are all spells from Yggdrasil, mmh.' Ainz mused, recognizing the familiar magic.

"Who taught you this magic? Tell me!"

As a man attempted to use a slingshot against Ainz, Sebas swiftly intervened and caught the projectile with two fingers.

"I believe this belongs to you." Sebas said, effortlessly returning the stone to its shooter. The man's face vanished instantly, obliterated along with the trees behind him. They stopped shooting their spells and looked towards the sound from their lines, and there they saw a man without a head. Morale plummeted as they realized even Ainz's subordinate possessed formidable strength.

"Wait, that is-. No need. Ainz Ooal Gown! Embrace yourself, as you have the honor of being defeated by the highest angel in all existence! This time you won't succeed!"

Nigun, the leader of the scripture, declared, producing a sealing crystal from his robe. Ainz's gaze fixed on the crystal, a certain paranoia entering his mind.

"Be on guard, Sebas." Ainz warned, his eyes locked on the glowing crystal.

"Come forth, Dominion Authority!" Nigun activated the crystal, summoning a blinding light that revealed an even greater angel in the sky. This new angel bore features befitting a divine being, including magnificent wings of feathers.

"This is it? This is your trump card?" Ainz spoke to the scripture, their thoughts suggesting he would soon beg for mercy.

"Indeed! It is no shame in fearing it! You ma-"

"You misunderstand me. But think nothing of it." Ainz interrupted.

Confidence radiated from the masked caster, even in the face of such a formidable entity. He couldn't possibly be stronger than this angel. It was impossible.

"No-You can't be! The light will wash you away, destroy you! Now, attack, Dominion Authority!" Nigun ordered the angel.

The angel launched its assault, yet Ainz made no move to block or evade. Nigun's laughter echoed through the air, a sound only a fool would dare to utter before the angel's attack. However, as a pillar of light enveloped Ainz and Sebas, Nigun's laughter transformed into fear. The soldiers witnessed the spectacle, their horrified expressions reflecting their shattered understanding of reality.

"So this is pain, hahaha. Even as meager as it is, I can feel this." Ainz's voice resonated from within the light pillar, causing Nigun's smile to fade and fear to grip his heart. When the attack finally ceased, the masked caster and his butler stood unscathed. Their nonchalance made it even more traumatizing.

"Impossible!" Cries and gasps emanated from the scripture members, their traumatized expressions revealing the depths of their fear. Their perception of the world had been shattered, leaving them utterly bewildered, as if they were born anew.

"Now, let me show you what real power is." Ainz's voice rang out, followed by his incantation.

"[Black Hole]"

The world transformed, colors fading into shades of black and white. Nigun looked up, witnessing the angel being drawn into a black void, then disappearing as if it had never existed. Now the soldiers' faces resembled those of lifeless corpses, drained of will and hope as they saw their only shimmer of hope disappear.

"How… Not even the demon gods could defeat such an angel! Who are you!" Nigun's sanity wavered, now at the mercy of his enemy, a foe who could rival their very gods. He thought it impossible, yet the sudden change of events made him believe so.

"I told you before. I am Ainz Ooal Gown. And I warned you before, yet you did not listen. Now, you shall suffer," Ainz declared.

He removed his mask in his speech, revealing his pale skeletal countenance. The soldiers, who had believed they were fighting a mere man, now comprehended the unimaginable power before them.

"An Elder Lich!"

"Not quite. But now it is time."

"No, please! I beg of you, Ai- Lord Ainz Ooal Gown! I will give you all the gold you want! Forget the others; only let me go free!" The man was desperate, even ready to sacrifice his own soldiers. They looked at him with frightened expressions as they, too, wanted to escape unharmed.

"But there is no mercy left. You had your chance. Now, you shall perish," Ainz declared his final words.

Gazef awoke, feeling as though he had emerged from a terrible nightmare. Much of the discomfort stemmed from his exhaustion, but his wounds from the previous battle had miraculously vanished. Rising to his feet, he stepped outside his dwelling, finding his savior awaiting him.

"We were just about to visit you, Gazef."

"No need. As I have come for you." Gazef replied, his voice laced with gratitude. He couldn't help but offer a faint chuckle, even in his weary state.

"You seem well. Had a good sleep?" Ainz inquired, a hint of amusement in his voice, hinting that he had a play in Gazef's recovery.

"Very much so. I see you are ready to leave again. I had hoped to introduce you to the king."

"As tragic as it may be, we must go on our way." Ainz responded, acknowledging Gazef's intentions while affirming his own priorities.

Gazef hoped to let Ainz meet with Rampossa, the current king of the Re-Estize Kingdom. Yet he could not force the man to do it.

"I will not stop you. Then, farewell, Ainz Ooal Gown." Gazef bid farewell, his words resonating with respect and admiration.

"Likewise, Gazef Stronoff." Ainz responded.

Together with Sebas, Ainz ventured into the surrounding woods, ensuring they remained unseen. In that seclusion, they would teleport back to the Great Tomb of Nazarick, where Ainz's safety was no longer a concern.

"Sebas, call the guardians. I have something important to tell." Ainz commanded with a dedicated tone.

"As you wish, my Lord." Sebas obeyed, swiftly carrying out Ainz's instructions. Within minutes, all the guardians gathered in the throne room, kneeling before the Supreme Being.

"From this day forth, I will no longer be called Momonga..." Ainz announced, pointing his hand toward his banner. "...I shall be hailed as Ainz Ooal Gown, the Master of the Great Tomb of Nazarick!" The guardians followed his gesture, witnessing the banner burn away.

Cheers erupted, and praises filled the air as all hailed Ainz's new name. No objections were raised, for it was the will of the Supreme Being.

After returning to his quarters, Ainz found himself engrossed in further experimentation.

'If I can create Shooting Star Rings, I could use them without any loss. Maybe I could… No, that's too impractical. It would be better to just create a [Leaf of Yggdrasil] with the Staff. Shooting Star would just suck out my exp. And thinking of creating a world item with another world item just sounds insane. But the spell from the Staff doesn't seem to have any limitations, only mana. But that is no problem.' Ainz mused.

Concentrating for a moment, he grasped the Staff, causing a new hologram to materialize before him.

'It functions with my thoughts, interesting. But maybe I can see how much mana it needs before I activate the spell." Ainz focused on the desired item and observed the hologram's change. 'Mmh… 143% of my mana needed? So I'm missing 43%. Maybe if I swap out a ring…' He removed one ring from his finger and replaced it with another. 'Now it's only 21% that I need.'

Once again, he removed a ring, contemplating the [Ring of Ainz Ooal Gown] but deciding against it. Instead, he replaced the next least significant ring with a new one.

'The mana stored in those two rings seems to be enough. There will be 2% left of my mana. But I guess gaining another world item's ability is worth it.'

"[Arcane Creation: Leaf of Yggdrasil]"

A brilliance exceeding that of the stars radiated from his quarters. Ainz felt every ounce of his mana drain away, leaving only a minuscule reserve. The spell's effect appeared even more potent than when he created a Shooting Star. Yet both items were of the same caliber, albeit with different levels of power.

'Man, that's bright. Can't I shut down my eyes? I don't even have any?' Ainz pondered humorously. He would have to experiment with that another time.

This time, the light did not fade but fused within the leaf that appeared in Ainz's palm. It possessed the same glow, appearance, and texture as the other leaves obtained from the boss.

'Unbalanced stuff is always great. Even greater in real life.'


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