
Chapter 15

Early the next morning my alarm rang at 4.00 am and I woke up groggy and ...hold on, no. I'm not, groggy?

I looked at my reflection on the phone and was positively surprised by what I saw.

I had no bedhead, no drool, no gunk in the eyes. I breathed out on my hand and smelled it. No morning breath.

Even standing up, I could feel my body working at optimal conditions. No cracking joints, no soreness, no carbon build up like I had expected from sleeping on this bed. I barely felt a yawn mumbling at me. I was perfectly rested, full of energy and ready for another day!

I must say, being a homunculus has some benefits. I might just take a liking to this. Now if only my penis wasn't so....

Just looking at it makes me feel emasculated.

I sighed.

One step at a time. I'm sure the multiverse has enlargement pills.

I'm not in a hurry.

Not like I was looking to get any action anyways.

[Not like you could get any action if you wanted anyways.] The ring replied.

"Good morning to you too PK." I smiled.

[....good morning.]

"Did you have a good night's sleep, because I sure did." I stretched and got limber before putting on my shoes for my morning run.

[No. I don't sleep.]

I raised an eyebrow.

"If you don't sleep what do you do all night?"

[Apparently, get stuffed under the pillow.]

"Sorry. Should I remove you from now on?"

[No. I'm sorry. I'm just bored. I had to sit here and watch you snooze peacefully through the night with nothing to do. Usually, I would have hopped into a lobby and played CS:GO, but we don't have that here so I just counted the stones in the room, the threads in the pillow, the number of stitches, and multiplied them. It's 69418 by the way.]

"So close to greatness." I shook my head.

[You're telling me.]

I smiled.

"Sorry. I didn't consider it from your perspective. I'll leave the phone out for you from tonight. You can read the novels in there while I sleep."


"No problem. We need to help each other out, after all. Right partner?"

[I can feel your schemy thoughts. I'm not falling for that, 'partner'.]

"Uhuh?" I ignored his sarcasm and snapped my fingers, bringing down the bounded field as I walked out, putting it back on before leaving.

Time to go for a run.

My magic circuits flared on and a spell formula appeared in my head.

"Reinforcement!" I muttered and the spell activated.

Mystery actualized around me, strengthening the concept of my existence and I could feel the strings of reality wobbling ever so slightly as the spell settled in on my body.

"Alright! Let's do thi-" I pushed ahead only to fall flat on my face.


[You lost focus and the Reinforcement fell apart on your feet.]

I groaned as I rubbed my nose and recast the spell.

"Okay. One more time." This time I focused on my legs and-


The stone tile cracked below my feet and I got propelled ahead. Straight into a wall.


I forgot to keep the reinforcement on my torso.

"Nune's berft d fistrime okay. I'll ge-better." I stumbled to my feet, my head spinning.

[I know. Doesn't mean it's not funny seeing you make sweet, sweet love to the floor.]

I wiped the blood from my nose and rubbed my head.

"Shume heaying pease."

[Here. Healing.] The ring shone with a soft light and a warmth spread across my body. Moments later my nose was set and my concussion slowly melted away.

[Word of advice, as your senior...]

"Sure, senpai~"

[Don't try it in the castle. Sharp turns are a bit too advanced for a beginner. Don't want you turning into pixelart on the castle walls, do we?]

"Yeah. You're right. Let's try it outside. In the Godswood."

I made my way to the Godswood and checked to see if there was anyone there.

[No one's insane enough to be awake in the 4 am freezing cold except you.]

"Doesn't hurt to check." I shrugged, "Shall we begin then?"

[Yes. Try to take it step by step, and I mean that literally. Baby steps. Focus on keeping reinforcement active over your whole body and first master walking before you try running.]

"Thanks." I nodded and got to work. He made sense. I shouldn't get too hasty.

Casting Reinforcement again, this time I focused on keeping it active as I took one slow step forward. The Reinforcement flickered and I caught it before it failed, finishing the first step. Then another. Then a third. And a fourth. Fifth. Each step brought me a greater understanding of the spell and its effects as the Enhanced Learning attribute of a homunculus shone. It felt like the spell was unraveling its mysteries before me like an unfolding fractal, inspiration flooding into me as I progressed at breakneck speeds.

Within the hour, I was able to walk at a brisk pace keeping the reinforcement on at a low intensity. Then, by the time breakfast came around, I could almost jog with it on.

And as I returned from breakfast, back to the Godswood, I couldn't help but smile. At this rate I'll master it within the week.

Homunculi are broken as all hell!


[Now be careful with the vectors you employ. They can get a bit tricky without experience.] PK warned.

"Don't worry. I know." I assured him as I brought the spell formula to the forefront of my mind.

"Telekinesis!" Mystery curled around my hand and the spell actualized, an invisible vector field extending outwards from my arm.

Targeting a rock the size of my palm, I imagine it being sucked into my hand and let loose the spell.

The rock stood still for moment, then as I applied more force, it wiggled a little and it felt like I was trying to lift a mountain. It was like my hands were noodles and lifting was a concept entirely alien to me. Like trying to run from a monster in your dreams. Your legs just turn to jelly. And right now my arms felt the same.

And something felt off about the rock, like I didn't get it right.

I reread through the spell information I had.

Telekinesis was a simple spell, but just like all other Fate spells, it was conceptual. The concept of telekinesis. The phantom movement of objects.

The spell in theory was just vector manipulation to a lesser degree but the thing I seemed to be missing was the concept.

Hmm.....should I push it towards me, instead of pulling it? Maybe apply a vector against the gravitational force to make it easier to lift? Or should I try something lighter?

I focused on a little twig some ways from me by the foot of the heart tree and cast the spell again. But nothing happened.

Should I concentrate the force on one portion and drag the rest along with it?

[No. You're going about it too scientifically. Magic is one part meta math, and one part concept. You're nailing the meta math, but you missed the concept entirely.]

"How so?"

[You're trying to science up it's movement. That's not going to work. Is telekinesis the concept of vacuums? The concept of gravity? Spatial propulsion? What is the concept of telekinesis?]

Oh. Oh!

Suddenly it clicked into place and I felt like an idiot for not spotting it in the first place.

Telekinesis is the concept of phantom movement. Poltergeists and puppeteering by an unseen hand!

[Exactly. Don't try to push or pull or levitate it. Pick it up. With your phantom hands.]

I nodded.

Once again, I cast the spell. My magic circuits flared, motes of light swirling around my hand as the faintest shimmer of a ghostly limb appeared, overlayed onto my hand.

"Telekinesis!" My eyes glowed and my hair stood on end as I twitched my hand.

Instantly, the phantom limb shot forward and disappeared into thin air and I felt some alien sense of weight upon me. With an instinct I didn't think I had, I lifted my ghostly, invisible hand and I saw the rock rise up slowly, floating into the air.

I did it!

I jumped in cheer and the rock wobbled mid air, the limb shaking with my faltering attention. I stopped it again and this time tried moving around, as if I was swinging my hand in circles.

Following my will, the rock began to circle, revolving around me as if tied by an invisible string.

Whoo! I fist pumped, softer this time, my gaze fixed on the rock.

Aw yeah! Now that's actual magic!

I feel like a wizard now.

[Say that when you can levitate multiple objects without conscious thought.] PK said, and multiple rocks and leaves began to float into the air. They danced around and formed beautiful patterns of red and orange and grey, fluttering swallows and floating flowers swirling around us.

"Show off." I smiled and sent my rock flying through his bundle of rocks and leaves, scattering them.


"Ow!" A voice came from behind me, startling both me and PK.

I turned around to see Bran fallen onto the floor clutching his eye.

Oh no. When did he get here? And how did he get past the bounded field I set up outside?

[I don't know. I was too focused on the spell, just like you.]

I walked over to Bran and knelt by his side, healing his bruised eye.

"So you can heal!" Bran touched his eye with surprise, a twinkle in his eye.

"Yes. I can." I helped the boy back to his feet.

"How did you get in here?"

"You mean the thing that makes you not want to come in? Did you do that?"

He could feel it? I suppose that's possible. He was the most magically gifted of the Starks, after all.

"....yes. Now how did you get past it?"

"I didn't?" He answered.

He didn't seem to be lying.

"Then how did you get in here?" I asked.

"I came in after you left to have breakfast. The feeling of not wanting to come in went away and I could walk in easily."

Ah, so he came in while I was eating breakfast and the bounded field was down. And he stayed in here the whole time?

That's a weakness I didn't think of. I'll need to master Trace soon and counter it. Or improve the bounded field with a radar, maybe?

I'll need to think about it.

I frowned scaring him.

"Please don't tell mother!"

I raised an eyebrow and smiled.

"I'll keep it a secret, just between us, but only if you keep it a secret too? Okay?" I patted his head, silently casting Suggestion.

Bran's eyes glossed over a little, but he was far from listless like Jon. I could tell he could still think for himself, just a bit muddled.

Interesting. It is true that my amateur version of Suggestion wouldn't work on anyone with even a moderate magical ability. Guess that applies even to the untrained Bran.

Still, it worked well enough for my purposes.

"I won't tell anyone. Promise."

Bran nodded obediently.

"Good. Now run along. Maester Luwin must be looking for you."

"Yes. Wait, no! Lord Herald, that magic...can you teach it to me? Please?"

"No." I flat out refused, as I scanned the rest of the Godswood for any more missed pests. No more.

I sighed in relief.

"Why?! Please, just a little bit!"

"It's not magic, Bran. It's a blessing of the old gods. I can't teach it to you."

Bran heard that and deflated, sulking.

"But..." I added and watched his ears perk up.

Cute little brat.

"...if you pray to the old gods everyday, maybe they will bless you like me too."

"Really?" He asked with eyes shining expectantly.

I patted his head.

"Yes. But the old gods only bless good children who listen to their parents and don't skip lessons."

"But the lessons are so boring...." Bran protested.

"Do you want the blessing or not?"

"I do!"

"Then go and study. Be a good kid. Only then will the old gods bless you."

"Uunn okay. I will...try."

"That's what matters. Now go. Don't be late for your lessons or you will get scolded again."

Bran nodded like a machinegun and ran off. I pulled down the bounded field myself and followed after him.

I had citizens to heal and a reputation to earn after all. Not to mention, I get test dummies to practice my healing spell on.

Gotta make the most of this month. It's the only time I'll be a hundred percent safe. Once the assassins and shadow babies start showing up, I'll have no time to practice.


Okay, so the views dropped?

Are you guys finding any problem with the fic?

Do tell.

Also, sidenote, I changed chapter nine a little to make it so that mc didn't kill anyone, just scared off the horses. I also gave the reasoning for his actions there.

Anyways, thanks for reading.

Donate your powerstones!

And thanks!

We reached top ten today morning! Didn't last long at the spot but it was a whole five minutes of awesomeness!

But not as awesome as y'all who made it possible!

See ya later.

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