
C17 Verzara Penthouse

[ "We are now landing in the VF1 Private Landing strip." ]

Nathalia awoke from her nap when she heard those words from the speakers. She then looked out the window and down below at the houses. Their landing strip was near their penthouse at a beach at Queens, New York.

Soon the plane landed and stopped. The pilot then came out and said, "We're here now young miss. The chauffeur is waiting outside the airport."

"Alright, send all the luggage to the penthouse before evening ASAP." Nathalia then stood up and went down the plane.

~ " . . . " ~

In an undisclosed location in Manhattan, inside a large room, busy voices and clicking noises can be heard. Many people are buried and focused on their computers.

A man can be seen to be looking at all of them, monitoring them and waiting for their reports. Just then, a man entered the room and walked to the man who was monitoring everyone.

"Any progress?" The man said after he was now beside the man who's observing everyone.

"No progress at all, Chief Haley. That VERZ is very slippery and didn't leave no traces at all, and all traces they left were duds." He then gave a report file to Chief Haley.

Chief Haley sighed and looked at the report. After reading it, he pressed his forehead in stress and can't help but complain, "An IP address that randomly change places around the world every second... what kind of monster are they?"

He then closed the report and looked at the people who were buried under their work and asked, "Continue investigation but you don't need to put all the man power in investigating. Allocate majority of them into developing Stauxnet and Neo."

After saying that, Haley handed the report file back to the observer. He then walked out of the room and made his way to their private meeting room where they, along with the president, discuss important national concerns.

Meanwhile, in one of the stalls in the room sat a young woman wearing a hoodie over her formal uniform sat in front of computer. She was part of the investigation team whose task was to trace the most notorious hacker/s, VERZ.

With a sigh, she stopped what she was doing and stood up from her seat. She then went out of the room and went to the staff lobby to take some coffee.

After taking a cup of coffee, she sat down in one of the couches and took a sip of her black coffee before putting it down in the coffee table.

The young woman is beautiful. Her pale complexion and dark eye bags showing her exhaustion further emphasized her fragile appearance.

As second passed, the young woman just looked at her cup of coffee blankly. That VERZ... she felt like she heard that name but she can't put a finger on it. It's like the answer is on the tip of her tongue.

'N...th...ia... Verz...r-'

"Ugh!" She clutched her head in pain as she felt that excruciating headache again.

She massaged her forehead in an attempt to alleviate the pain. As the pain slowly faded away, she then thought about what's wrong with her.

Lately, she have been feeling an excruciating headache whenever she's trying to remember about where she heard that name. She felt familiarity with that name and she thought that if she remembered, then their investigation may have progress. If what she remembers is useless... learning more wouldn't hurt.

She then shook her head and took a sip of her coffee. She'll think about this later when she gets home after work. As for now, she'll just enjoy her break. She haven't slept for two days straight now.

Taking a sip of her coffee and picked up a book on the little bookshelf for a read.

~ " . . . " ~

"Hey, Alec! I think we're here now, the shaking stopped quite for a while now." Alexa called her brother quietly as she shook him.

Alec held his head and talked sluggishly, "I know... ugh stop shaking me sis. I'm already dizzy from our travel. How the hell are you fine?"

It has been a long time since they entered this box. They got the help of mister pilot who helped them back in the plane for them to enter this box unnoticed.

Alec had also been sleeping most of the time to alleviate and distract himself that he's inside an enclosed space. I just woke him up because I assume that we are now in the penthouse Nathalia described.

After waiting for a while in silence and ensuring that there were no signs of anyone around, Alexa crouched and touched the opening. She then pressed on it and when she saw that it can be opened, she pushed it up and took a peek. She saw that there was no one so she pushed the lid and opened it.

"Alec, stand up I think we're he-"

"You two didn't have to do that. You should have just told me you want to go with me."

While Alec stood up still dizzy from the 'ride', Alexa looked behind her mechanically in shock as she saw Nathalia looking at her with a piping hot cup of coffee in her hand.

"If we told you then you'll just reject us like last time. Since when did you know?" Alexa asked as she looked around her.

They are conveniently in the living room with no other boxes around them. It seems like Nathalia deliberately placed them here and have known about them sneaking in since the beginning.

Nathalia smiled at her words and said, "Well... you're right. But don't worry I won't send you two back after all you've done. You can stay."

Alexa's face lit up when she said that and Alec also looked happy beside her.

"But... on one condition. You aren't allowed to interfere with my work unless I permit you. Is that clear?" Nathalia said solemnly.

The two of them nodded and agreed with her. They just want to help their friend and alleviate some of the burden she's carrying even if it's just a miniscule amount.

Nathalia then gained a smile on her face as she said, "Then welcome to our home for a few weeks, the Verzara Penthouse."

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