
- The beginning of the war -

- "My lord, although we had a hard time creating a connection with the planet inhabited by the foreign entity due to moderate range energy interference, we were finally able to break through its defenses and enter by spreading Bifrost to the planet where it is located. Prince Thor, with the rest of his army, must have already entered and at any moment they will begin to destroy their enemies "

- "It's about time, I'm surprised that the foreigner has found a way to interfere with the space gap, but as expected, their defenses did not last long", replied Odin with a somewhat dismissive tone and little interest in his voice sitting down on his throne.

- "My beloved, are you totally sure about this? Whatever enters this universe seems to be quite dangerous if it is not handled with care. Besides, we haven't been able to feel it for about 2 hours since that strange energy we felt near where it landed it reached its peak state allowing us to locate its exact location", Frigga told Odin who was only a few steps from the throne.

- "This is necessary Frigga; I will not allow something so unpredictable and of an unknown nature to be near my domain. The world that entity landed on is very close to Niflheim and Helheim, moreover, if we can eliminate it early, it won't pose any danger, on the other hand, Thor is strong enough right now and he's almost in his adult age If he couldn't handle a situation as insignificant as this, then he doesn't deserve to be my heir or call himself an Asgardian."


In the meantime…

In the control room of the planet of White Diamond, various gems could be seen looking at a huge holographic screen in shock.

0X1 was very shocked with the current situation, it was certainly expected that anything would come out of that portal except organics... It really is something that caught him off guard like the other gems, he just couldn't understand how those insignificant life forms that didn't represent anymore that masses of energy without purpose for him, could come to this planet and try to invade you.

That said, what surprised the organics themselves the most was their technology... And that is that the sons of P*** managed to create a huge portal from who knows where in the universe to this planet, but, above all, what struck him the most was that enormous colored bridge with kilometric proportions.

He was unable to finish processing the information when the Ruby from earlier interrupted him.

- "My lord, we have determined that our invaders are some kinds of bipedal and humanoid organisms, and although they possess this strange space technology, they do not appear to have effective means of attack to the naked eye. In addition, they only carry swords, bows and shields, except for some of them that are mounted on a kind of quadrupedal and winged creatures" reported the Ruby

- "I understand the situation, it seems that the one leading them is the guy with the hammer, he seems to be shouting something to the others… Maybe he is giving orders, also, some of them seem to have some kind of levitation ability, although that can also be part of their technology…" said 0X1 thoughtfully…

- "Well, whatever it is, it doesn't matter, those damned dared to invade the planet of our Luminous Diamond, we must destroy them and present their heads as an offering to our diamond! attack, we cannot underestimate those insects, after all, they have such primitive technology that, although it is insignificant compared to ours, at the moment we do not have the strategic resources to face it!"

- YES!, answered the gems present and the whole army through the loudspeaker at the same time.


On the other side of the planet in the portal...

- "So, this is the place we must invade... It's not interesting at all, just one more desert planet of the lot" Released the blond exhibitionist with the air of a diva that we all already know...

- "Stop playing Thor, we are supposed to come to this sty to get rid of the foreigner, not to walk around" said the extra number 1, that is, the irrelevant and unimportant friend of Thor, Sif.

- "Oh, come on Sif, don't be such a spoilsport!" Thor reproached him followed by his loyal friend Fandral, the other blonde who is Thor's friend...

- "Now, now, let's get to work once and for all" Thor

- "About time..." Sif

- "Hey, since we arrived, I've felt watched and I don't think it's my imagination... Do you feel it too?" Fandral

- "Yep, they're definitely watching us, and I think I know who they are..." Sif replied with a worried air while looking vigilantly at the horizon.

Thor did not understand his friend's concerns, because he could not feel, however, that soon changed, since while he focused on the surroundings he felt a strong disturbance in the air so that seconds later, they appeared in the air and on the ground several dozen brightly colored spaceships of various strange shapes, the strangest being in the form of a huge white arm of kilometric proportions, as well as all manner of unknown weapons and a vast army of what appeared to be colored dwarfs strange and with precious stones embedded in various parts of their bodies, which greatly baffled the Asgardian army and Thor himself.

Most of these "little men" were humanoid in appearance, but some of them had strange features like claws, crystals protruding from their bodies, etc... Thor was about to say something and try to strike up a conversation, but he couldn't make a sound. her mouth as a thunderous voice was heard in the sky, coming from the spaceship in the shape of… Arm?

- "ATTENTION ORGANICS, THIS IS THE PLANET OF OUR LUMINOUS MONARCH, WHITE DIAMOND, WE HEREBY ORDER YOU TO LEAVE THE PLANET, IF YOU DO NOT WITHDRAW IMMEDIATELY OR GIVE A CLEAR ANSWER WITHIN THE NEXT 15 SECONDS, WE WILL TAKE IT AS A STATEMENT! OF WAR!" He declared a Piropos accompanied by a Demantoid, both being army commanders, (Note: The Piropos and Demantoids are a type of Garnet, they are noble gems and are normally in charge of organizing armies and space fleets, as well as managing entire colonies for paramilitaries). the diamonds)

- "Hey Sif, didn't the report say that this planet was uninhabited except for the foreign entity?" asked Thor...

- "Don't look at me, I'm even more confused than you, I don't even know which civilization these creatures belong to, in fact, they don't even seem to be of the same species… AND WHAT THE HELL DID HE MEAN WITH HIS DIAMOND, HE DO YOU WORSHIP A ROCK!?" Sif responded somewhat upset and confused by the situation...

- "Ehhhh, guys, I think we should answer..." Interrupted Fandal pointing to the huge cannons that were beginning to light up from the spaceships...

- "ANSWER ORGANIC, WHAT BUSINESS DO YOU HAVE HERE?!" I claim this time the Demantoid.

Thor thought about it for a few moments before beginning to speak.

- "Ehhhh, yes, ahem… IN THE NAME OF ODIN, FATHER AND LORD OF THE GODS OF ASGARD AND RULER OF THE NINE WORLDS OF YGGDRASIL, WE HAVE COME TO INVADE AND RECLAIM THIS PLANET! AS WELL AS TO KILL A POWERFUL ENTITY THAT RESIDES IN THIS PLACE!" Thor claimed, and could not finish speaking when the huge light cannons unleashed all their fury on him and his army, an army that quickly divided to escape the focus of the attack, which they gallantly failed to do, since the ray of light that threatened to fall on their heads, suddenly divided into hundreds of thousands of smaller, but equally destructive bolts. Something that the Asgardians did not expect, fully receiving the attack that left them with moderate injuries that soon began to heal with magic.

At that moment, Thor took Mjolnir and raised it powerfully flying in the sky creating great electrical storms destabilizing many enemy ships, of which the smaller ones almost crashed. The army behind him unfurled huge mythical flying ships from which feel golden arrows which aimed at the gem army preparing to fight.

While Thor was doing his thing, his 2 friends Sif and Fandral began a wild race to reach the vast enemy army and give them a "Beating" with the rest of the army that followed closely, thus initiating a confrontation with the strange humanoid creatures that they had in front.

However, great were the surprises of many when, trying to deal the first blow to one of the most corpulent and purple-hued humanoids, the unsuspecting Asgardian warrior who anticipated his victory flew away several tens of meters behind with a simple touch... this consternation to many, they thought there would be at most 10 really strong individuals in the enemy army, but what happened next terrified them...

One by one the high-level Asgardian warriors were blown away or shattered by an avalanche of blows or stab wounds from weapons coming from their attackers body which were apparently made of light.

At that moment one of the attackers from the enemy army shouted… - "ATTACK WITH EVERYTHING AND SHOW THE POWER OF THE GEM EMPIRE TO THOSE INSECTS! FOR WHITE DIAMOND!" Jasper

- "FOR WHITE DIAMOND!" The entire vast gem army responded in unison.

Given this, the Asgardians regrouped and quickly began to attack very aggressively, managing to pierce through several hundred of the individuals of that alien race, however, instead of simply falling like corpses, they exploded into a pile of colored powder that quickly they vanished, sending anyone who was close a few meters flying, leaving them stunned... Only one gem remained on the ground, which was disconcerting...

Thor did not realize the raid that was forming under his feet and only limited himself to attacking the large arm-shaped spaceship in front of him, with a powerful blow from Mjolnir charged in millions of lightning bolts he rammed with all his force achieving denting the outside of the ship by engulfing it in a vast electrical storm, Thor was baffled since any other metal would already be completely shattered, only vibranium or adamantium had a similar effect, but it was impossible for the entire ship to be made of these materials like this he just dismissed that thought.

While he was flying in the air, several men of blue hue and with water wings on their backs attacked him, leaving him with the only option to respond with another attack.

He looked at his surroundings realizing that there were exactly 6 of those flying men who began to surround him in a circle leaving him with no way out. So, Thor charged up his hammer again and tried to hit one of the lapis lazuli that were in the front, but it just dodged and tried to kick him in the back.

Thor, as a seasoned warrior with more than 1000 years of experience, stopped the blow with one of his arms as he prepared to attack with a strong discharge, which he successfully achieved, however, he was shocked when he saw the good state of the lapis lazuli. in front of him, not only did he not take any damage, but he also counterattacked by forming a huge fist made of water that sent him flying several meters.

The other lapis lazuli did something similar and began to make a group attack, so Thor had no choice but to stop holding back and now hit them hard, unknowingly interrupting their physical forms and causing them to explode.

He then rose to hundreds of meters and resumed his attack on the spaceship, this time managing to enter without problems, but with a large number of pursuers, He ran through the long, winding and technological labyrinth-like corridors in search of what he could find. that it would be a commander or someone of high rank to extract information from him.

Meanwhile, the Asgardian army was beginning to gain the upper hand, as while the gems were strong despite having been created on a planet lacking in resources, the Asgardians discovered their weakness to sharps, thus puffing hundreds of others. thousands of gems of all kinds and destroying various machines, turrets and spaceships. The flying ships did not waver and continued with their endless rain of arrows, although most of them were shot down long ago, now being replaced by the flying horsemen, which rode on pegasi as they unleashed their various supernatural powers on the army below them. creating a lot of damage.

The ships occasionally launched powerful attacks, managing to injure and even kill many gods in the army; however, this stopped them at all, only giving them even more rage and the seething desire to eradicate this race.

Sif and Fandral, fought without holding back, receiving many wounds, but "Killing" according to them hundreds of their enemies...

Poor people, they do not know that to kill a gem they must destroy its precious stone, this ignorance cost them dearly, when more than half of the enemies that had previously fallen regenerated in a kind of light and fought again...

Meanwhile, Thor was fighting on the ship, destroying a lot of machinery and destroying gems in the process, since he realized that if he broke the stones that were in their bodies, they could not "Revive anymore" in this way, reaching where they were. they found the three most important gems of the empire after its diamond.

Demantoid, Pyrope, and Peridot were in the control room, reinforcing the security of the corridors and sending warrior gems to get rid of the intruder who had somehow broken into the ship.

- "I don't think doing this is of any use, that organic is different from the others... It's... strong" Demantoid said to his 2 companions who were directing and managing the army, while reinforcing the ship's defenses.

- "We already know, we are only delaying it so that it takes as long as possible, I find it hard to admit it, but these lower life forms are a bit strong and quite persistent, they also have those strange supernatural powers, which although they do not represent a great threat, they can still hurt us, and we, gems created on a planet without enough resources, are not strong enough to eliminate the organic that broke into our ship, however, at least we are sure we can take care of the rest of them " replied Piropo

- "Damn, that's not the most worrying thing, what worries me the most is that there may be many more of them, and they said that there is an "Odin" whatever, and that he is ruler of the gods of a certain Asgard. I don't understand about the gods, since these don't exist, and certainly these organics aren't gods, they are only highly evolved organics, but even so, if there are too many of them it can be a problem, and our Diamond is not here in right now… Besides, that damned organic is a pain in the ass, he somehow disabled the ship's shield with those weird electrical discharges and he's advancing to the command room" Peridot 0X1 said with concern.

They were unable to finish their little conversation as the gate was destroyed along with the topaz guards guarding it.

- "Finally, we meet face to face, and let me tell you that it will be a pleasure to beat you up to get all the information you have" Thor said with a threatening aura around him.

Both Demantoid and Pyrope, the most powerful gems ever created on the planet, stood up and prepared to fight. Demantoid with a robotic suit and compliments with her weapon which is a hand fan, Peridot as a gem without warrior skills just cowered in fear and slowly backed away watching the scene unfold in front of him.

- "That's what you think organic" answered Piropo and Demantoid for a second later pounced against Thor.

Siguiente capítulo