




Because Detective Conan revolves around a floating timeline, there will be a lot of timeskips and sudden advancement in the story, but Akane won't appear in all of the cases that Conan produces with his presence.


The weekend arrived, and Akane breezed through his first week as a high school student no problem, except for history.

As it was his day off from classes, Akane decided to roam around wherever his feet takes him to try and memorize facilities he might need in the future, but there wasn't much that of a difference from a normal urban town, so what he did was memorize the lay of the land.

He walked even further to the next town, Haido, and resumed his walk, when he noticed a really appetizing smell. Drinking the Cocktail had enhanced his senses, and this is one of those times where he found it helpful, finding a good place to grub. What he saw surprised him though.

The shop he found himself looking at is a ramen shop, with the store's name being displayed above the shop, "Ogura Ramen". Still, while the scent of the food that's pulling him in was amazing, the state of the shop doesn't appetizing at all.

"This place needs a renovation." Akane said out loud as he braved through and entered the shop.

"Welcome!" The cook greeted Akane behind the counter, serving no one as there's nobody present aside from him and Akane in the shop.

Seeing the interior still looking presentable, Akane didn't hesitate anymore and picked a seat for himself.

"So what do you want, son?" The cook asked, placing a cup of water on Akane's counter.

"The best you've got, chief, at the largest size." Akane replied.

"Gotcha. Large serving of Yama Ramen, coming right up!"

He was served with a large bowl of ramen not too long after, and when Akane grabbed his first bite, he wasn't disappointed.

"This taste great, chief." Akane said, praising the ramen.

"Thanks, sonny." The cook replied.

"Chief, it's fine to assume that your name is Ogura, right?" Akane asked.

"That's right. What, is there something wrong with it?" The cook, or owner, replied, raising his brows slightly at Akane's question.

"Not really, chief. It's just that, while your ramen is delicious, I noticed that there aren't any customers behind me. And the state of your shop… are you planning on renovating anytime soon?" Akane asked, visibly and genuinely curious about it.

"That… well, let's just say it's complicated. And even if I want to renovate, I don't have the money for it. As you can see, you are the only customer at the moment." Ogura replied, something that Akane didn't expect, but he guessed that the owner must be an honest person.

"Well, chief, I hope you don't take this the wrong way, and also don't think that I'm pulling your leg, but I like your ramen, and I want to invest in you." Akane proposed, surprising Ogura by it.

And it might be a decision he made spontaneously, but he really liked the ramen, and he's a sucker for good food. Added the fact that the memories from the previous host in regards to the meals he ate back when he's living with his father, a world class chef, was incredibly delicious, Akane got jealous and wanted such luxury as well. He might not eat it daily, but eating it multiple times a week is really enticing, so he doesn't want the shop to close at all.

"That… haha, I'm thankful for your offer, son, but I guess I'll keep going at this for a little bit longer." Ogura replied, dodging Akane's pitch.

It's not like he doesn't believe in Akane, seeing the look in his eyes, but he couldn't agree to something so easily to someone he just met.

Hearing his response, Akane understood his stance and pulled back, but it doesn't mean he'll give up, so he'll show his sincerity in another way.

"Gotcha, chief. I'm actually really hungry, so please prepare another serving for me."

Akane resumed eating, as Ogura started preparing his second serving.


Akane rubbed his stomach, not at all feeling the burden of eating two large serving of ramen and a serving of fried rice, as he once again resumed his scouting of the area.

'The Cocktail is something else.' He thought to himself as he remembered the Gift that he took for himself.

He was expecting some lucky encounter, at least that's what he called it, but he didn't think that it would brought him to the Grim Reaper himself.

He found Conan hanging around with a bunch of kids outside a cinema building, and Akane could hear him arguing on which movie to watch.

Feeling the aura of death emanating from him – but not really – Akane decided to tag along with them, as all he has is free time anyway.

"Sup, Conan. You're with your friends today? What're you doing here?" Akane greeted Conan and his friends.

"Wooaah, what a handsome guy." Akane heard one of the two girls of the group, the one wearing a headband.

"Haha, thanks little lady. My name is Yanagi Akane, and I'm a classmate of the big sister at Conan's place." Akane introduced himself, even mentioning someone they might know so that he won't scare them, though he never knew if the kids had already met with Ran.

"Ah! Everyone, I'll start. I'm Yoshida Ayumi!" The little girl with the headband introduced herself.

"I'm Tsuburaya Mitsuhiko!" Introduced the slimmer of the two boys that Akane didn't know.

"I'm Kojima Genta!" The bigger boy introduced himself. And lastly…

"Haibara Ai." The other girl of the group introduced herself, who was looking rather skeptical at Akane.

"And we are the Junior Detective League!" The three followed up with a pose, and Akane can see the explosion behind them, not.

"Ohh, that's amazing." Akane said, but he has a different opinion on his mind.

'If I remember correctly, my friend spoiled be about how Conan was also solving case with his group of elementary friends. He's a real crazy motherf#cker, alright. And these kid's parents are crazy as well, letting them continue do this. What a crazy world I now live in.'

"And, so, what are you doing here today?" Akane asked once more.

"We're here to watch a movie, since the professor gave us coupons, but we haven't all agreed on what to watch, so we're about to decide it with rock-paper-scissors." Mitsuhiko explained.

"Heh, sounds interesting. I haven't gone to the cinema for a long time, could I tag along?" Akane asked, thinking it was a good time to stop his walk for the time being.

"I guess it's fine, isn't it?" Genta said, and his opinion was seconded by the others, except one that is. Or rather, she didn't gave consent not refusal to Akane's request.

Akane crouched to her eye level, and looked at her straight.

"Is it fine if I tag along, little lady?" Akane asked, as he gave her a smile he developed these past few days that seems to work on the ladies.

That made her take a step back and her head lowered, but she ended up nodding anyway.

"Great. Thanks, little lady."

He stood up, and he looked at everyone else with a grin on his face.

"All right, get a move on and pick which movie to watch. Then let's buy a ticket, and I'll but snacks for everyone."

His declaration was met with great enthusiasm from the three, Conan smiling wryly, and Ai still with her head down, but Akane took everything in stride as he felt better letting his inner child out of the cage for a while.



"Is because I shared this research to the public… if this keeps up, it's going to kill more innocent people…"

"It looks like the only hope we have, is the legendary…"


From the large screen on the large room, a large monster the size of skyscrapers appeared as it started fighting another monster similar to it's own.


"His head is his weakness!"

"Defeat the enemies, Gomera!"

The three enthusiastic kid shouted while the movie plays on the large screen, and Akane couldn't help but laugh. But even if there are barely any people watching, it's not good conduct to shout while in the cinema.

"Hey, kids. Hush hush, you shouldn't shout in here, you know." Akane told them.

"Eh, but the movie is in the exciting part." Replied Genta.

"That's right, that's all the more reason you should shout, nor wave your arms around, because you'll bother the other audience. You don't want someone disturbing you when you're doing something important to you, don't you?" Akane explained, in a way that he remembers his parents educate him in the past.

Hearing his explanation, Genta nodded and apologized, followed by Mitsuhiko and Ayumi. Akane noticed a man approached them, but he seemed to back down when he heard Akane's explanation and the kids apologizing.

'Still, this cinema is no less better than the ramen shop I just found myself in. What the hell is happening to this world.'

They continued to watch the movie in silence after that, with the kids still excited but kept their excitement to their selves.

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