
Chapter 20

-- Konami's POV --

"Well Wis, it seems like I won," I said with a little grin on my face.

"You did," she said as she approached me, there was only an inch between our faces. I could feel her breathing. She leaned in and gave a short, yet passionate kiss,

After the kiss I stared at her dilated scarlet eyes for a couple of seconds before putting a little bit of distance between us, "Go win your duel." I said and she smiled and walked away, I watched her as she swayed her hips, while ignoring the glares I was getting from her fanboys.

— General POV —

The stadium was brimming with students. Compared to the previous duel, where half the seats were empty, now not only were there no empty seats, but people were standing in the corners to watch the two most beautiful girls in the academy fight.

"Go Wisteria!" One of the men wearing yellow shouted. His friend next to him looked at him as if he grew a second head.

"Wisteria?! Bro! What the fuck is wrong with you?! How could you cheer on the Ice Queen, when Her Majesty Alexis is standing right there?!" Then the two started bickering,

"Ha Ha Ha, they are excitable," Bastian said as he walked next to a man wearing Blue who was saving him a seat.

"If you call simping that, then yeah, they are 'excitable'." Konami said with an annoyed tone. "So, how do you feel about losing to a bullshit draw?" he asks

"*sigh* Unfortunately, the draw is one part of this game I cannot predict." Ra Yellow said as he sat down, "Who do you believe is going to win?"

"Wisteria, of course." He said without having to think for a second.

"Oh? Who is simping now?" Bastian said with a mocking tone.

"Hmph, just watch the duel," Konami said and Bastian laughed.

— In The Arena —

"It has been a while since we last dueled, hasn't it, Rhodes?" Wisteria asked with an ever so mocking grin on her face.

"I suppose it has Senrigan, and if I remember correctly, I won our last duel," Alexis said as she looked at the purplette with piercing stare,

Wisteria scoffed before Crowler spoke up, "*Cough* *Cough*, Signores save it for the duel," he then looked around the arena and addressed everyone in the crowd. "Ladies and Gentleman, thank you for coming, we will now begin the Duel for the selection of our last representative, between Obelisk Blues very own Wisteria Senrigan, and Alexis Rhodes,"

"OHHH" Chorus of Cheer was heard all throughout the arena,

"DUEL" Both Alexis and Wisteria shouted as they activated their duel disks and drew five cards respectively.

Turn 1 (Wisteria)

"Draw," Wisteria looks at her hand as she drew her sixth card, and barely held onto a smile forming in her face,

"I summon a monster in face-down defense position, and set a face-down," Wisteria said before "I end my turn,"

Wisteria: 4000 x4

Turn 2 (Alexis)

"Is that all Senrigan?" Alexis asks him "It is quite lack luster compare to how you use to duel, I suppose you have been relaxing while in the academy, Draw" she drew her sixth card

"I summon Etoile Cyber in attack mode!" she played her card and a ballerina like monster appeared on her side of the field

Etoile Cyber - Level 4/Earth/Warrior - 1200/1600

"GO ALEXIS!" Some guys wearing headbands with Alexis' name written on them shouted, but Alexis ignored them,

"I then activate Forbidden Chalice, this card increases the attack points of my monster, Etoile Cyber by 400 points," she said, and got a resounding cheer from the side of the crowd that supported her.

Etoile Cyber - Level 4/Earth/Warrior - 1600/1600

"Now Etoile, attack her monster, ballet attack" she said,

The attack revealed the face down monster to be Marshmallon.

Marshmallon - Level 3/Light/Fairy - 300/200

"You will be sorry for attacking Rhodes, because my monster bites back," Wisteria said and her monster launched towards Alexis and bit her, which, despite being a hologram, Alexis acted like she has been hurt,

Alexis LP: 4000 => 3000

"NO ALEXIS / GO WISTERIA" Cries and Cheers were heard all around the stadium.

"Since when do you play stall strategies?!" Alexis asked with a raised eyebrow, from her knowledge Senrigan usually preferred head on fight with powerful monsters, not these kinds of stall strategies,

"Attack powers are not everything," Wisteria asks with a small chuckle, "Someone helped me see this," she said as she looked at the stands,

"Uh huh, then I'll set a card and since I am ending my turn, Etoile Cyber's attack point return to normal,"

Etoile Cyber - Level 4/Earth/Warrior - 1200/1600

Alexis: 3000 x3

Turn 3 (Wisteria)

"I am not impressed at all Alexis," Wisteria said as she drew a card, "I play Sonic Bird in attack mode," a large eagle with goggles and a JetPack appear on Wisteria's field

Sonic Bird - Level 4/Wind/Winged Beast - 1400/1000

"And his special effect allows me to add a Ritual Spell card from my deck to my hand, and I think I'll add, this card," she said as she revealed a card that is not supposed to come out for two more months,

-- In the Stands: Bastian and Konami --

"Did she- Did she manage to get her hands on one of those monsters?" Bastian asks with wide eyes,

"She got both of them," Konami said with a grin

"They only revealed the set a week ago, and will start sales in May! How did she even manage to get the three most rare cards in the set?!" Bastian asks in complete disbelief,

"She is very- very rich," he said and Bastian sighed,

"Yeah, that would do,"

-- Back In Duel --

Alexis stared at the 'End of the World' Ritual Spell in Wisteria's hand, she hadn't heard of a card like that before, nor seen Wisteria ever play Ritual monsters. She didn't know what to expect, but one thing was for sure, she wasn't the same Wisteria that Alexis managed to defeat in the past.

"Now, Sonic Bird, attack her Etoile Cyber," Wisteria shouted

"Not so fast, Senrigan, Trap Open, Doble Pass! This card allows your monster to skip mine, and in turn, attack me directly," Alexis said and Sonic Bird attacked her directly "AH" she screams

Alexis LP: 3000 => 1600

"Why would Alexis do that?" someone in the crowd asks

"Because now, Etoile Cyber gets to attack Senrigan directly as well, oh, and thanks to my Etoile's effect, she gains 500 attack points"

Etoile Cyber - Level 4/Earth/Warrior - 1700/1600

Ballerina like Duel Monster, kicked Wisteria and made her take a step back despite being a hologram,

Wisteria LP: 4000 => 2300

"GO ALEXIS / NO WISTERIA" Simps on both sides shouted

"Same strategy as always I see," Wisteria said

"You know the saying, if it isn't broke, don't fix it," Alexis replied

"If you continue to play with old tactics, you are doom to lose, I end my turn," Wisteria ends her turn,

Wisteria: 2300 x5

Turn 4 (Alexis)

"We will see," Alexis said as she drew a new card and began her turn, she looked at it, and saw a potential way to end the duel this turn, that is if the trap card would not stop her attack, or worse destroy the attacking monster,

"I play Reinforcement of the Army, this card allows me to add one Level 4 or lower Warrior-Type monster from my deck to my hand, and I pick Blade Skater," she said as she added her monster to her hand,

"Then I think I'll summon her, come forth Blade Skater!"

Blade Skater - Level 4/Earth/Warrior - 1400/1500

After seeing Wisteria had no intention to activate a Trap, such as Torrential Tribute or Trap Hole, she activates Jaden's favorite Spell Card, "And now, I will fuse Blade Skater, and Etoile Cyber, to Fusion Summon, Cyber Blader," A long haired, purple skinned, ice skater appeared in her side of the field.

Cyber Blader - Level 6/Earth/Warrior - 2100/800

"And since you have 2 monsters on your side of the field, her attack points are doubled

Cyber Blader - Level 6/Earth/Warrior - 4200/800

"WOOW!" Almost everyone shouted, such a powerful monster is quite 'rare' to summon after all.

"And now, Cyber Blader, attack Sonic Bird and end this duel!" she exclaimed, but all Wisteria did is smile in response, and activate her trap,

"I activate Draining Shield, stopping your attack, and increasing my life points equal to her attack,"

Wisteria: 2300 => 6400

"You managed to hang on, I am setting a card and ending my turn," she said as she ends her turn.

Alexis: 1600 x1

-- In the Stands: Jaden, Syrus, Chumley --

"Oh man, this sucks, Wisteria managed to turn it around," Syrus said

"Not quite Sye, Alexis still has her monster, and unless Wisteria can deal with it, she is in trouble," Jaden said as Chumley ate grilled cheese,

-- Back In Duel --

Turn 5 (Wisteria)

"I'll admit Rhodes, you nearly had me there, but now, allow me to show you the difference between us… Draw!" Wisteria said as she drew a card, it didn't really matter what it was, not really, she already had every card she needed,

"I activate End of the World Ritual Spell," the entire arena got covered by snow, and then a blue sky light came and then the Sonic Bird from her field, and Gemini Elf from her hand flew to the sky, "Since their Level Total Comes to 8, I get to summon Demise, King of Armageddon." she said and then a monstrous being with skull face, horns, and battleax flew out of it,

Demise, King of Armageddon - Level 8/Dark/Fiend - 2400/2000

"Wha- What is that card?!" Someone from the audience asked, the monster had a very powerful, and sinister presence even the audience could feel,

"He may seem strong, but his attack points still don't come close to my monster," Alexis said

"Then it's a good thing he has a special effect, by sacrificing 2000 life points, he can destroy every card on the field, except himself!" Wisteria said

Wisteria: 6400 => 4400

A powerful blizzard blasts the field, and as every card in the field was about to be destroyed Alexis activates her facedown card,

Alexis LP: 1600 => 5800

"Why did your life points go up?" Wisteria asks,

"Just before you can destroy my cards, I activated my facedown card, Mystik Wok,and sacrificed Cyber Blader, increasing my life points equal to her attack points,"

Wisteria barely held her scowl, she thought she would have won it this turn, but it seems Alexis had learn a trick or two while they were in the Duel Academy,

"Doesn't matter, I get to attack you directly, go Demise, attack her directly," she said and Demise slashed Alexis, making her take a knee, and a couple of guys at the front managed to peek at her undies.

Alexis: 5800 => 3400

"And with that, I end my turn," Wisteria said with a grin on her face,

Wisteria: 4400 x3

Turn 6 (Alexis)

Alexis took a deep breath, she hadn't expected such strategies from Wisteria. The card in her hand was not that useful, especially considering Wisteria's monster's effect. As far as she could see, there was no way she could turn this around,

"ALEXIS, YOU CAN DO THIS, DON'T LET THAT STUCK UP RICH GIRL WIN!" a redhead from the crowd shouted,

"Jasmine…" Alexis muttered, her determination renewed she drew her card, "Perfect, I play Pot of Greed," she said "And we all know what this means,"

She drew two new cards, and it was just the cards she needed, "I play Monster Reborn, this card allows me to bring a monster back from either graveyard, and I just have the perfect monster," she said as her Cyber Blader re-appeared on her field,

Cyber Blader - Level 6/Earth/Warrior - 2100/800

-- In the Stands: Bastian and Konami --

"Oh this is a pretty good move, it won't matter next turn, but it is a good move" Konami said

Bastian raises an eyebrow "Why do you say that, Alexis monster is still weaker," he said but Konami sighed,

"Basitan, no offense mate but I would expect that comment from Syrus. Think about it for a second, if Alexis summoned her monster in attack mode, that can only mean her next card is…"

-- Back In Duel --

"I play Fusion Weapon," Alexis played her card, and a weapon equipped to Cyber Blader, "This card increases my monsters attack and defense points by 1500,"

Cyber Blader - Level 6/Earth/Warrior - 3600/2300

"And now, Cyber Blader, attack her monster," she said and Blader destroyed Demise, and made Wisteria cover her face, lowering her life points,

Wisteria LP: 4400 => 3200

"How did you like that?!" Alexis said as she set a card and end her turn,

Alexis: 3400 x0

Turn 7 (Wisteria)

"I'll give you that Rhodes, it was an impressive turn, I did not expect you to turn the situation around that quickly," Wisteria admitted, "BUT! Allow me to show you why I am better than you, Draw!"

"First, I activate Mysterious Space Typhoon, destroying your set card," she said, revealing the set card to be Sakuretsu Armor, "I then play Brain Control," she said and everyone's eyes widened, "By sacrificing 800 life points, I get to gain control of one of your monsters until the end of the turn, which is more than enough time to end this duel!"

Wisteria LP: 3200 => 2400

Cyber Blader held her head in agony before making her way to Wisteria's side of the field, she was now facing against Alexis, and her empty field,

"Now Cyber Blader, attack your former master and end this duel!" Wisteria exclaimed and Alexis' monster attacked her, and made her fall down on her ass,

Alexis LP: 3400 => 0000

"Oh- OOHHH!" The Crowd cheered, some of the die hard Alexis fans were crying, but most of them enjoyed the great duel between the two best female duelist in the academy,

"And the Winner is Miss Senrigan, she will be one of the representatives of the Duel Academy!"


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