
50k| Blake's training

"Hi guys, today we achieved 50 thousand views. I'm really happy about it and can't describe my feelings. I know, that this book may not be high quality or something but it is my first time writing something like novels. Thank you all for your support and enjoy this chapter"


Roy took Blake to a room of nothingness he created. He placed Blake on a bed and waited till he wakes up.

~One day later~

Blake slowly opened his eyes and saw Roy, who was sleeping next to him.

Blake:"Roy! Why are you here? No, where are we?"

After Roy heard his shout, he woke up and calmed him down.

"Calm down Blake! We are in a space I created. No one can come or go without my permission."

Blake was confused how he even got here. Wasn't he fighting the blood Index? Why is he suddenly here? These were the question Blake had in mind.

Roy:"I know you have many questions and I took care of the blood Index, so you don't have to worry about that. But you have to worry about your own strength. Even though you are the strongest in your current world, but for the strong Index you're just an ant."

At this moment Blake's Ego was destroyed.

"I am really that weak? How could that be? Then how strong are my parents?"

In Blake's mind everything swirled around like crazy.

"Wait! Didn't that blood Index say something about superior or something"

Roy suddenly put on teacher clothing and explained:"You are right the one you fought one day ago is a low-level superior Index. The Index race is categorised in bottom, superior, King and one above all. And the ranks have levels: low, mid, high and top. There are millions of bottom ranks, superiors are more rare but there are still many of them. There are only Hundred Kings in existence and only two are top-rank King. But the one above all is only one person. His name is Nexus and you parents kill his parents. And now he is after you for revenge!"

Blake:"Isn't that guy unreasonable? Why does he go after me? Just because that bitch is too weak to beat my parents, he goes after me! Is he right in the head?"

Roy looked at Blake dumbfounded

Roy:"I took you here to train for a few years!"

Blake:"I can't! In a few days the marine will execut-"

"BLAKE!! I know what you want to say, but don't worry. In my room five years is equivalent to one day outside. Your brother will be executed in three days, so you have time for ten years training and then go save your brother!"

After Blake heard, that he could save his brother, he immediately agreed to the training.

Roy:"And since I'm training you, you don't need something like the system. I will transfer all the energy of the system to. After the transfer, you will have the strength of a top-level bottom Index."

[System gets transferred as energy in the host

Process 1%...2%...3%]

~After a few minutes~

[Process completed

I hope you have a nice life

From the best system that exist ^_^]

Blake was a bit sad. After all these years, he has grown attached to the system.

Blake saluted and said:"Thank you for your great service, Mr.system."

Roy looked at this scene speechless.

"Enough of this nonsense! You have to train!"

"Yes, sir."

Even though Roy is Blake's friend, he is still his teacher, so he has to be polite.

Roy nodded with a smile and said:" The first thing you have to control your Index energy. OH! I don't if I told you that, but your parents are the highest of Index named Index of origin, so your Index is origin."


"Haha! Sorry, I forgot."

Blake looked at Roy with big eyes:"You serious? How could someone forget something that important."

Roy:"Didn't you notice the race on your screen? I am sure there was written, that your race is Index of origin!"

Suddenly Blake rembered the message he received the last time he talked with Roy. Blake looked embarrassed at Roy:"Haha! I'm sorry, it seems like I didn't remember that!"

Roy looked at Blake with squinted eyes and thought [At first you wanted to give me the fault, but in the end it's your fault. Because of that, I don't like young guys]

(Author's note: Roy has the right to call him young. After all the Index race has a lifespan of 100.000 years or more)

Roy:"Now! Shut up! You have to learn how to control your origin energy. After you learned that, you have to integrate the energy in yours skills like you could cover your body with origin energy if you use armament haki."

Blake was excited about learning to control his powers

Roy suddenly spoke again:"Before you learn how to control your energy you have to train your body. With your current body you would break down in the first two seconds. And I have a plan how to train your body: I will constantly shoot at you my energy of nothingness and you have to endure it. We will do that two years long."

~Two years later~

Roy:*shoots energy of nothingness at Blake*"It seems like your body got many times stronger than your last one."

Blake:"Yeah, but why does it still hurt, if you shoot at me."

Roy:"Boy, don't overestimate yourself, even though you have a good body, you still haven't controlled your energy."

It made sense, even though Blake trained for two years, but he still can't imagine how long Roy trained till he reached, where he is now.

Roy:" It's time for you to control your energy. you will practice for a few years till you reach perfect control. Now I will say how you control your energy

First:Close your eyes and feel the energy that's hidden in your heart. Do you feel it?"


"Now lead that energy to every part of your body. You have to fill every part with energy."

Blake started sweating and his face turned red.

[It seems like that kid failed to fill every part of the body with energy. But it's normal. No one achieved it at the first time]

After Roy thought that Blake failed he saw a terrifying energy coming out of Blake.

"I would never expect, that you achieved it at the first time. It seems like you are more of a monster than your parents. I think you will perfectly control your energy I one year."

But Blake couldn't hear anything because the stress, the energy control caused.

~Nine months later~

"It seems like you can perfectly control your powers, but don't think your strong. Right now you could maybe win against a low-level superior easily, buy against a mid-level you would have no chance to scratch him."

Blake:"I understand."

In these years, Roy notice the monsterous talent of his student.

Roy:"It's time for you to create your own skills and will not help, because I want you to find your own path."

Blake used his brain to the extreme to find out any techniques he could use.

~Seven years and three months later~


Roy:"*Clap* *Clap*, good job now you are ready to even defeat a high-level superior."

Roy looked at the destruction Blake caused in his Space [He cutted even through my space. What a absolute monster he is]

Blake:"Teacher, I hope I see you again. Now I have to save my brother."

Roy smiled, while Blake went out of his space and started his journey back to Marineford.

- In Roy's space

Low-level King Index:"Haha, Roy, we finally found you."

Roy was stunned and at that moment his guest started attacking Him. Without even able to dodged, Roy was hit hard.

Low-level King:"So, where is that boy?"

Roy just laughed and didn't respond. The Other Index didn't care and just killed him.

Hi guys, here is a longer chapter than normal. Thank you all for your support. And I want to say that Blake's body didn't age in the 10 Years.

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