
Chapter 159: Disappear without Trace_1

Mu You looked around.

He was currently at another city's teleportation array exit. Nearby, there was another entrance to a teleportation array, and there were some people lined up, but the number of people could be counted on one hand.

Obviously, this place called Haimu City was much more remote than Sunset City, so fewer people could afford to use the teleportation array.

After a bit of delay, it had already come close to three in the morning. Mu You didn't linger in the city and went straight out through the city gates. He found a secluded wasteland in the forest outside the city and placed a Dark Teleportation Array in a crack in a rock.

Then he switched to the Vampire skin and headed at full speed for the southern sea.

By the time he had run all the way to the coast, it was already six in the morning, and the sky was lighteninng up with a fish-belly white.

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