
Chapter 151 A 'Door'_1

"Yes, you and Little Sea are Fools that I've watched grow up. Though Little Sea still has a quarter of the bloodline from the Star Spirit World, inheriting the crystallized secret technique would still pose a risk. As for you, Little Snow, you possess a pure Fool's bloodline." The elderly woman said lovingly to Lin Xue.

No wonder Lin Hai wasn't persecuted in the game!

After listening, Mu You finally understood. Lin Hai had some of the Star Spirit bloodline, and that's why the pursuers considered him a local and didn't go after him.

The elderly woman then turned to look at Canary, saying: "Tutor Vivian, Little Snow is my most loved grandchild. I plan to bestow her the Pisces inheritance. After I leave, please take care of her."


Lin Xue's eyes welled up again. Even though Mu You had consoled her and she'd somewhat come to terms with the situation, she couldn't hold back her tears at the elderly woman's words, reminiscent of a final bequeathal.

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