

Serlece had a very rough childhood.

She lived her whole life in the slums with her mother, The whereabout of her father was unknown. But whenever she asked her mother there would only be one answer.

{"He is not going to come back..."}

Her mother voice was filled with sorrow, she would always smile at serlece as if to comfort her showing that she was alright.

Both of them lived in the slums located at the magic Kingdom, Pheorous's capital. They were able to live by somehow there with serlece mother bringing food everyday.

At that time Serlece was a 5 year old girl, she was always happy in just getting to eat a meal per day. She did not know what her mother did but she would always worry about her as there would always be new wound on her body.

Serlece mother would leave the small house made of wood everyday at night saying that she had to go to work to her.

This went on till the day she turned 10 year old, she matured a little and got to know a lot of things. The other people in the slums would look down upon a demihuman for some reason. The kids in the same age as her would not even talk to her, they would run away all the times saying weird things like-

{"run! its a demihuman!"}

{" no don't eat me! wahhh!"}

{"run faster everyone! my mother said that demihuman are strong enough twist your head off with their bare hands"}

Serlece would always extend her hand towards them with a sad look, saying-

{''I wouldn't do such a thing..."}

This way her childhood went on without a single friend or anyone to talk to leaving her mother.

But on a certain day, her mother did not return from work.

Serlece waited in the house without anything to eat, Time went by.

1 hour.....

5 hours.....

half a day....

one day....

two day....

In this time Serlece had left the house multiple times asking the people who are living around their about her mother. But no one answered her, everyone sneered or outright ignored her.

Walking back to her house, slowly tears started falling down her cheeks.


She felt like lump was stuck in her throat making it difficult for her say anything, she felt extremely tired. Not eating for two days had made her body extremely weak.

{'Mother...where are you...? please come back....I am scared...'}

An immense amount of confusion hit her, she didn't knew what to do, everything felt unreal to her. Always she would have hope rising within her that her mother would be back when she reaches home. But her expectations were always betrayed.

At the third day since the disappearance of her mother, she walked back to her house with the support of the wall. Her head felt heavy, she couldn't see properly but still she tried to go back to her house somehow.

But today a women wearing a while coat made of a cotton stood in front of her house. The women's appearance didn't fit the slums at all.

Feeling Serlece's presence the women turned towards her and smiled brightly. But when she saw the condition Serlece was in she started heading towards her with a worried expression.

Serlece was confused at who this women was but there was one word stuck in her head.


The women in white coat had violet hair and eyes, She looked to be in her 20s. She was extremely beutiful, her hairs flowed like silk, there wasn't a single blemish on her skin with the pure white coat she wore just enhanced her looks more. It was the first time for Serlece to see such a beautiful person in her life.

{''Hey, are you alright? priest! ''}

People wearing white robes sprinted towards them urgently. Checking Serlece's condition they could only smile helplessly.

{''lady Anelete, we cannot do anything about her current state of body, only by letting her eat and rest can she recover"}

{''Lets move to the base then, all the thing here have already been taken care of"}

Ordering the priests, Anelete picked Serlece from both her hands and started walking alongside the priests.

Serlece became confused again looking at the face of the violet hair women who looked at her with a concerned expression. There was only one person who cared about her in her whole life, that was her mother. But suddenly a stranger appeared and started caring about her this made confused to no end. Her head was already exhausted so it didn't take long for her to fall asleep.

That was the first time she met Anelete, after getting up she got to know that they had come to destroy a brothel run illegally in the slums.

In there Serlece mother was held as a hostage but in the end she was stabbed with a knife in the chest. The priest weren't able to heal her by then, it was already too late.

But Anelete was able to hear the last wish that women was trying to say.

{"Please my daughter....cough!...cough!...she is in the northern part of the slums....}

This were her last words before she stopped breathing. Anelete was able to find out Serlece's house inquiring everyone innthe slum. It was easy to find the house as it is rare for someone to stay alive in the slums for more than 10 years and not to say that they were Demihuman.

Hearing what had happened to her mother, Serlece couldn't stop herself from crying loudly with despair filled voice. Anelete had never left Serlece side even when she cried or started flailing around. She would always comfort Serlece.

After a few month, Serlece was able to calm down. In the end she decided to join the mendert merchant group owned by Anelete. She also got to know about the talent she owned, she had overwhelming affinity with water magic.

She earnestly worked for Anelete as her personal guard by working hard, she wanted to be helpful to her anyway she could.

She had been ordered to go to the seivet city by Anelete with the first squadron of the mercenary group which is owned by the mendert merchant group.

Hearing the word slavery made her really angry and sad at the same time thinking about everyone who were the same as her.

After searching around the city they were able to find some clues about it. The location of the black market wasn't within the city, instead it was located at the forest near the city.

It was very hard to locate them as they used teleportation circle to move the participants but they were confident in their animal senses to find them in the forest.

They had found this information yesterday night but waited for the slave auction to start which would be beginning now, at noon.

"let's get moving everyone! you too serlece don't throw up after seeing the blood like in the last mission, hahaha!"

"I won't, uncle Jerg!"

Serlece pouted her cheeks and said this. She knew Jerg from a long time. He was the leader of the first squadron of the mercenary group. He is the strongest in the team too.

There were another five people with them, two of them were priests and the other three were high rank mages.

By the time they started heading towards the forest, Zick had finished buying things and started heading towards the forest.

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