
Chapter Fifty-Four: A Day for the Silver Wolf


Evie clung to the sides of the toilet, her breakfast burning its way up her throat as I buttoned the last button of my gray Italian suit. Daryll came in with a weekend bag, concern flashing in his eyes. Pressing my lips into a line, ninety percent of me wanted to stay by her side. Glancing up at me with tear filled eyes, the clammy sweat caused her hair to stick to her face.

"You need to go. I will be fine. Puck is coming up from the basement to take care of me this weekend." She promised me weakly, gripping the side of the toilet once more. "You were asked to be a speaker. I think my silver wolf should get his spotlight. Besides, there are going to be the top schools right. Maybe Daryll can land himself some scholarships with the unveiling of your game, although I have no problem paying for his school. I want him to earn something for all of his hard work. Go get them boys." Getting back into another bout of vomiting, Puck poked his head in. A white plastic bag hung in his hands, the sleeve of his white shirt stealing my attention. Stepping in, he went right into caring mode. Pulling his hair into a ponytail, he knelt down next to her. Holding her hair back, Daryll tugged at me to go.

"Go have fun. I am perfectly capable of taking care of my cousin. You have been taking care of Flynn. Even parents have to let loose at times." He assured me, pulling out a bag of homemade candied ginger. "Go on." Flashing me a tired smile, that was my signal to get going. Grabbing my suitcase on the way out, Daryll slid down the staircase.

"Wait!" Evie called out, leaping into my arms. "I wanted to kiss my silver wolf before he left." Popping a mint into her mouth, her lips pressed against mine sensually. Running her hands through my gray hair, hearing her call me her silver wolf sent chills up my spine. Kissing me hungrily, my inner wolf wagged his tail. Jumping down, she slapped my ass. Hugging me from behind, her next words sent chills up my spine.

"I think your gray hair makes you sexier." She moaned lustfully, rubbing my stiffening cock discreetly. "Your dessert waits for you at home, Silver wolf." Letting me go, a goofy grin twitched on my lips. Moments like these were why I loved her, her sexual hunger was as bad as mine. At this rate, we were going to have loads of kids.

"Hey, boss!" Daryll shouted with a wicked grin, his shaking hands smoothing out the navy suit when I wore the day I was made Alpha. "We have to get on the road soon. You can fuck her when you get back." Running my hand through my hair, so many sarcastic words rested on the tip of my tongue. Picking up my suitcase, my feet pounded downstairs. Blowing me a kiss, her deep cleavage taunted me. Scarlet colored my cheeks, an annoyed Daryll dragged me to the car. Climbing in, the first thing he did was turn on the radio to an alternative music station. Glancing over at him with a confused glance, he flipped me off.

"Are you going to be like the losers at school and judge me on my taste in music? If I have to listen to another fucking pop song I would rather stab my eardrums out. Besides, I hear you listen to this stuff all the time." He snapped bitterly, his nerves fraying by the second. "Sorry, I am so anxious it feels like bugs are crawling underneath my skin." Going into the glove box, I slid him a picture. The fifteen year old me was hunched over a computer, an eager Evie posed in front of me. Flipping it over, the words I will always love you confused him.

"She admitted her feelings to you back then." He commented with a bewildered grin, putting it away. "Why didn't you do anything back then?" Clearing my throat, the engine roared to life. His face softened, his nerves settling down. Peeling out of the gate, the curiosity glinted in his eyes. Turning down the music, a conversation would be nice to pass the four hour drive.

"She did things like that multiple times, especially after prom." I admitted sheepishly, tapping the wheel. "I stopped dating after she asked me that day. She may have been drunk but the truth came out. I had a feeling that she liked me but she held back. Hell, she admitted that she hated seeing me kiss other girls. None of them were her. One day you will find your Evie." Tapping his chin, a fit of laughter burst from his lips.

"You aren't the asshole they always called you in school." He commented quietly, staring out the window. "I had a feeling. They complained about how strict you were about things. I always saw it as how much you cared for them. People are so stupid about their good parents. My mother couldn't have cared less about me unless she needed someone to beat up. I want you to know I appreciate the extra attention. Thank you for teaching me how to make a game. You are amazing." A deep red painted my cheeks, his words not helping my nerves.

"Your words are nice but I was a little strict. We can't have students wolfing out in public." I grimaced tiredly, rubbing my eyes. "I have never been asked to be a speaker before. Will you listen to my presentation when we get there?" Nodding in silent agreement, he took out the book he was reading for his English assignment. The title 1984 greeted my eyes, his eyes scanning the words. Seeing him get into his schoolwork pleased me, pride beamed in my eyes. Focusing on the road, my presentation repeated itself over and over again. The hours passed by painfully, the generic gray hotel loomed over me. Checking in, they slid over the convention packages to us. The cranky woman refused to look at me, a familiar voice sent chills up my spine. Spinning on my heels, my rival Lunitia bounced up to me. Her chocolate brown brown eyes glittered with malice, her painted lips curling into a haughty sneer. Tugging on her designer cocktail dress, her slender hand pulled me down by my tie. Low growls rumbled in my throat, a thick hatred brewed between us.

"Little wolfy boy gets his spotlight. They should have just asked me again this year." She taunted cruelly, playing with my hair. "How the hell did you go gray already? I heard through the grapevine that you had a kid. Has that killed your business skills yet?" Slapping her hand off my tie, sarcastic words sat on the tip of my tongue.

"At least I am married and have a family. You have what, ten cats?" I retorted with a sly grin, watching her jaw tense up. "Have you found your mate yet or are you waiting for a pig to fly? Of course who could love you with that icy heart of yours, darling! I forgot to tell you. I had a better year than you this year. My company doubled your profits. Must be tough always coming in second." Clenching her fists into a ball, a small frustrated expression twitched on her lips. Daryll hung back, his hand covering a half-smirk.

"Well, we have one better. I have people cosplaying my game characters for me." She bragged gleefully, my face falling. "Even I know that you can sell a game twice as easily with the characters there." Sauntering off, the bells rang again. Evie danced in with a garment bag on her arms, a reluctant Grappy and Puck waltzed in right after her.

"Excuse me! Did you just insult my husband!" She demanded hotly, Flynn cooing in the sling as Lunitia spun on her heels. "I am his cosplayer, and so is he. Nice try with making yourself bigger." Lunitia marched up to her, her tall slender body towering over Evie. The five inch difference didn't mean a thing to Evie, a smug smirk resting on her face.

"You married the one you wouldn't stop talking about in high school." She laughed maniacally, cocking her head back. "I killed my mate on purpose to not be tied down. He wouldn't shut up." Evie tensed up, her fingers itching at her dagger. Struggling to handle her admission, Lunitia pinned her to the wall. Whispering something in her ears, a horrified look darkened her face. Letting her go, a lump had grown in her throat. A pristine scratch bled on her neck, a pissed Lunitia flipped her off as she walked off. Brushing past me, she stopped at the counter.

"Reservation underneath Smit." She stammered nervously, her fingers drumming on the counter. "The locks are stable, right? Sorry for asking." Sliding her room key, Avalanche carried their bags into the elevator. Nothing was said between us, the cheery music stressing out the mood. Clearing her throat, a serious question rested on the tip of her tongue.

"Was that Lunitia?" She queried with a panicked look, her fingers scratching the top of her hands. Parting my lips to speak, Lunitia shoved her way in. Shooting a death glare at Evie, her trembling body hid behind me. What words had passed between them? Watching the numbers climb up, the door opened on our floor. Laying Flynn in Daryll's arms, thunderous growls rumbled in her throat. Sprinting out, Lunitia spun her dagger in her palm. Panic gripped our faces, her slender hand dumping it down the laundry shoot.

"Have a nice death, sweetheart." She teased with a wink, Evie sprinting out of the elevator. Jumping into the shoot, Lunitia locked the door. Swallowing the key, a fuming Evie banged on the other side. What the hell was her issue? Her personal life wasn't our problem, something else was eating at my former friend.

"You fucking bitch!" Evie cussed on the other side, dents forming on the door. "You're fucking dead!" Letting go, Grappy held us back. A blast of ice knocked the door off, a pissed Evie pulled herself out. Kicking Lunitia in the nose, the crack stunned us all. Blood matted her sleek dirty blond bob, her blood soaked fingers curled around her ankle. Dangling Evie in the air, a wicked grin danced across her lips. Huffing with annoyance, Evie folded her arms across her chest. Grappy attempted to step forward, my arm holding him back. Spinning her dagger in her palm, a sleek onyx dagger blocked her attack. Gritting her teeth, my wife flipped the jealous werewolf underneath her. A swift kick from Lunitia sent her out the open window, her body smashing into the giant oak tree. Extending her claws, the bark groaned as her claws dug in to slow the stop. Sauntering to the window, Lunitia cupped her mouth.

"You filthy little slut! Why can't you just die!" She taunted cruelly, Evie coughing up blood at the base of the tree. Cupping her bump, it would have passed for a bloated stomach. Leaping out the window after her, my hand ripped her back. Slamming her into the floor, my heel dug into her chest. Twitching underneath me, Evie called for me to move. Trusting her instinct, a shadowy world devoured the hall. A wheezing Evie pulled herself into the shadowy bubble, the last hole sealing shut. Ripping off her dagger, Luna's dagger extended a giant curved onyx blade with a worn leather handle. Cocking her head to the right, onyx flames devoured her arm.

"They are equally matched." Grappy informed me briskly, getting his blade ready. "She has a demon's blade which means she is the Demon's Angel. Unfortunately, she has seven disciples if she's found them. The bonus side of this shitty situation is that her death is assured if her dagger is destroyed. Dusting off his all black outfit, Puck struggled to stay out of the fight. Charging at each other, their blades clashed violently. Ash mixed with snow, ice beginning to claim the bubble. Kicking her sword from hands, the bubble shattered. Standing on the window ledge, Evie dangled her sword over the cracked parking lot. Wicked laughter burst from her lips, fear showing on Lunitia's bruised face for the first time.

"I am not the weak girl you could bully out of dating Hudson anymore." She proclaimed with a sympathetic smile. "Most importantly, I am not you. I won't bully anyone nor do I want to kill you. Can we call a tedious alliance with battling the hunters? If you don't respond soon, your organs will burst. It starts with the nose bleed you are experiencing at this fine moment and then boom! You are curled into a ball. Take this back and repair the damage you caused to the hall. We don't need to lose our rooms." Tossing her blade, confusion dawned on her face. Placing her hands in the pocket of her emerald sweater dress, her feet barely touched the ground as she danced towards her.

"I am going to ask you to be my friend since you tried to kill me over a crush." Evie continued briskly, jamming Lunitia's nose back into place. "You failed because I took out your nose. From the moment you pinned me to the wall, I sensed that your main power was your incredible ability to smell. Not just smell scents but people's darkest secrets. I will let you know this. If you lay one paw on my mate, your throat will be ripped out by my fangs. Do you understand?" Half afraid while being turned on, Lunitia pressed her forehead to the cheap blue carpet. No one has been able to tame her, not even her deceased mate. Alpha she may be but this vulnerable side threw me off. Evie sat down across from her, a ball of ice formed in her palm. Ripping off a chunk of her dress, her slender hands wrapped the ball of ice. Helping a trembling Lunitia to the sitting position, shock rounded her former enemy's eyes at her holding the ball of ice to the bridge of her nose.

"Why?" Lunitia questioned brokenly, tears welling up in her eyes. "I was a bitch to you. I am sorry." Evie's scythe shrank back down, Lunitia clipping it back onto her collar. Snapping her fingers, the damage had been reversed. The tension died down, the two women coming to a silent agreement. Offering her hand to shake, Evie pulled her into a warm embrace. Lunitia's arms dangled awkwardly by her side, tears welling up in their eyes. Letting her go, Evie fished around her boots. A bag of herbs swung off her finger, the curious Lunitia accepting it graciously.

"Luny, is it okay if I call you that? Having been a person who never made friends before recently, I can tell when you are struggling. Count me as your first true friend." Evie beamed jovially, rising to her feet. "Take a nice long bath with those and it will feel like we never went toe to toe. Have a nice evening. Puck will share a room with Daryll. I need to go take a long nap." Entering the room, she locked me out with the others. Poking her head out, her arms reached for Flynn. Stealing him away, her slender hand pushed the door open. Pulling me in, Grappy tossed in her bags. Catching them on my arms, she ripped the garment bag off of my arm. Setting down the bags, she placed Flynn into my arms. Putting her finger up in the air, her bare feet bounced into the bathroom. A couple of minutes passed, the sight of my wife stole my breath away. A snow white dress hugged every inch of her body, the slits revealing legs. Golden tights hugged her legs, the deep v-neck revealing her cleavage. Playing with the bell sleeves, she spun around. Leaning forward, her outfit matched the character in our game.

"What do you think?" She asked adorably, spinning around the room. "I stole a peek at my character and had to pull this out of my hat. One more thing." Twisting her hair into a simple side bun, she placed golden twists of vines onto her head. Maneuvering them into her hair, my real smile brightened my face. Scarlet colored my cheeks, my free hand pulling her into a warm embrace. Glancing down at Flynn, tiny snores echoed in my ears. Squirming out of my arms, a nimble Evie set up a playpen. Stealing our son away, a lullaby echoed in the air while she lay him down. Flying onto the bed, a naughty grin illuminated her face. Sliding her sleeves down, her finger traced her cleavage. Toying with the golden rope belt, her shaking hand offered the other end.

"I think you look amazing." I growled huskily, climbing onto the bed. "I didn't expect this surprise. Let the silver wolf take his mate." Pinning her back, one tug on the belt the dress fell off of her. Yanking off her tights, her hands cupped my face. Guiding me down, my tongue sucked her swollen clit. Sliding my fingers in, her moans bounced off the walls. Gripping the pale green comforter, her toes curled. Syncing the rhythm, her body twitched with pleasure. Stifling her moans, my mind could only focus on how delicious she tasted. Pulling me up, her palm rubbed against my thick girth. Pushing me off, her shaking hands pulled on her costume. Sprinting out the door, a loud commotion echoed in the hall. Lunitia was battling a hunter, her dagger inches from her reaching fingers. Ripping the dagger off of her neck, the dagger turned into a scythe. Smashing into the hunter's body, the two of them rolled down the hall. Lunitia barely held onto life, her heart beating one last time or so I thought. Feeling her energy fade to nothing, a quaking Evie towered over the hunter at the death of my arch enemy. Ripping off the hunter's mask, her jaw dropped to the floor. Stumbling back,her scythe dangled by her side lifelessly. Her mother laughed maniacally, her snow white hair brushing against the floor. Ruby eyes glared back at her, Evie falling to her knees. Horror widened my eyes, the woman matching her height. Lunitia stirred behind me, her cracking hand reaching for mine.

"Destroy the dagger before her mother gets to it." She wheezed, coughing up blood. "Mayhem cannot have it or she will end the world. "She poisoned me beyond healing. Please! Stab me with my dagger and end this all. Better yet, kick it over to me." Kicking it over, pieces of her skin shattered upon impact. Hovering it over her chest, she flashed me a weak smile. Tears welled up in my eyes, her next words breaking me.

"Tell her I said thank you." She exhaled one last time, stabbing her own heart. Her body crumbled to dust, Mayhem crying out in pure rage. The dagger shattered to a shimmering dust, Evie struggling to her feet. Pinning her mother to the wall, the edge of her scythe pressed into her neck. Inky tears stained her cheeks, ice croaked its way up her arms. One touch drained her of her powers, her scythe shank back down its dagger disguise. Catching it in time, she clipped it to her neck.

"I was offered a second chance at life." She bragged gleefully, a wicked grin spreading cheek to cheek. "How has life been, sweety? I see your execution didn't happen. I suppose it is time to come up and see how my precious little baby is doing?" Taking a step towards her, a wave of her hand sent me into the wall. A sharp whistle echoed down the hall, her black lips falling. Smashing Evie into the wall, she dusted off her midnight black armor. Opening up a portal behind her, she crouched down to her level. Lifting her chin with her finger, Evie trembled under her touch. A chill ran up my spine, seeing her back from the dead throwing me off.

"Duty calls. Until next time, dear." She chuckled darkly, kicking her in the head. "How much do I miss that!" Hopping through, Evie laid still. All of the joy was gone in her face, her hands shaking like a leaf. What the hell was I supposed to do?

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