
Alone is good

"I think it's pretty obvious that Syrus didn't go to the girls dorm without a reason, he just isn't that kind of person." Clay spoke his mind about the situation. He knew the actual reason but he wasn't going to tell Jaden that it was Crowler trying to get back at Jaden for winning his duel against him.

"You're right, something must have dragged him there, and whatever it was must have been pretty convincing." Jaden agreed with Clay's judgement. Even though they barely knew each other Clay was proving to be just a great person.

"So, how did you know that Syrus was taken to the girls dormitory?" Clay was just making small talk until they arrived at their destination, it was pretty boring just sitting and rowing.

"I was hanging out in the dorm waiting for Sy to come home but he never did. I eventually got a message saying that he was at the girls dorm and if I didn't want him to get expelled then I would have to come get him." Jaden had a serious expression on his face that seemed out of place.

"Don't worry, nothing is gonna happen to him. We'll get him out of there and everything will go back to normal." Trying to cheer Jaden up Clay put on the biggest and most reassuring smile he could.

"Yeah, you're right. We'll get him out of there and get everything back to normal." Jaden once again had his signature smile on his face. "Thanks for coming with me Clay."

"No prob, now lets hurry before Syrus gets in anymore trouble."


"Jaden, you're finally here. And you brought along a friend." A blonde hair female stood in front of Syrus with two others standing by the side. The red head held the rope binding Syrus, while the black haired female stood with her arms crossed.

"Sy, what happened? You know the rules." Jaden ignored the girls as he asked his question. Syrus was wearing a depressed face as he looked at the floor.

"I'm basically a big loser. I'm sorry Jaden, you should just let me get expelled, I'll only hold you back." Syrus kept looking at the floor, avoiding eyesight with Jaden and Clay as best he could.

"Syrus, where's all your mojo? You've been here less than a week and you already want to quit?" Clay spoke up at this point, he knew Syrus had low self-esteem but this was too much. "If you left then you would be leaving a hole that no one could fill."

"Yeah, how am I meant to be the king of games without my best bud to support me all the way?" Jaden chimed in his opinion.

Syrus looked up at this point with tears falling down his face. He never realized how much his friends cared for him even though they had barely known each other.

"As touching as this is, we need to settle something first." The girls spoke once again. "You are all trespassing on the girls dorm and if you don't want to get reported and expelled you'll have to beat us in a duel."

"Did you have to ruin the moment Alexis? Fine if that's all then we'll be back before too long." Clay looked at Alexis with fierce eyes. He was dying to try out his decks new improvements and this would be the perfect opportunity.

"Bring it on." Jaden roared with intensity. There seemed to be nothing that would excite him more than a good duel.

"Jasmine, Mindy you can take on the extra, I want to deal with Jaden myself." Alexis began walking away, but not before setting Syrus loose to run back to Jaden.

"You got it Alexis!"

"He'll go down easy!"

'Did she have to call me an extra?' Clay walked in the direction of the woods near the dorms while Jaden and Alexis went out into the lake to duel, with Syrus sticking to Jaden like a toddler to their parent.

"So chump, you think you can beat some of the best duelists in Obelisk?" Jasmine, the red head, gave a mocking laugh at her own question. After all, who could think that a Slifer would beat two Obelisk at the same time.

"He has some skills being able to beat Yamada, but he is one of the weakest." Mindy, the black haired girl, complimented Clay and insulted him at the same time.

"Yeah, yeah, I know the memo. Obelisk's are top shit and Slifer's are trash. Can I massacre your monsters yet and wipe that thought out of your head?" Clay was already tired of hearing people insult Slifer's and he hadn't even been here a week.

"Confident are you? Fine, but don't go crying once we beat you." Jasmine readied her duel disk, closely followed by Mindy.

"Finally. I assume this will be a 2-on-1 duel. If that's the case then I'll let you girls go first." Clay readied himself as well. This would be a tough duel, but he was confident he could win against these two.

"I'll start, draw!" Jasmine made the first move, starting the duel that would begin Clay's rise to the top.

Jasmine: 4000

Mindy: 4000

Clay: 4000

"To start things off I play the field spell, Array of Revealing Light!" Jasmine placed her card into the field slot in her duel disk and the surroundings started to glow. On the ground a circular rune appeared. "When this card is on the field I can declare one card type, and the turn that a monster is summoned of that type it cannot declare an attack. I choose the fairy type."

'That could be a problem. My aces are all fairy types so I need to get rid of that if I want to win.' Clay had a frown on his face as he heard the effect of the card. He knew it wasn't impossible to beat, but it would still be a nuisance.

"Next, I summon to the field Sonic Duck in attack mode. I'll play one card face down then end my turn." The figure of a green duck with a bucket on its head appeared on the field.

Sonic Duck: Atk 1700 Def 700

"My turn, I draw." It was now Mindy's turn, and from the looks of it they were very confident in winning 2-on-1. "I'll play the continuous spell Dark Snake Syndrome." On all the duelists a tattoo of a black snake coiled around their body. "With this, every time it hits our standby phases each player takes 200 points of damage, and the next turn that 200 points is doubled, and so on."

Clay looked at the tattoos and thought he could see them moving a small bit. 'The two of them must be pros at doing tag duels. But this will still damage them so I should be fine as long as I can get their life points lower than mine.'

"Next I summon Des wombat in attack mode. With Des Wombat we don't take any effect damage. I'll play one card face down and end my turn." The figure of a wombat scratching its back with its foot appeared on the field. It didn't look much like a threat, but it had a powerful effect that could ruin Clay if he didn't handle it.

Des Wombat: Atk 1600 Def 300

"My turn, draw!" Clay looked at his hand, trying to think of a way to get out of his conundrum. If he wanted to win he needed to take out both of these duelists, and that was exactly what he intended to do. "That's a good strategy, defend your own life points and whittle down mine while being safe. If it were any other duelist it may have worked, but I intend to be the best, so this is nothing."

"Big talk for someone about to lose in a few turns." Mindy mocked Clay again. She had only seen him duel once and they were already underestimating him. Granted they had prepared a sound strategy to beat him based on what they had seen, but a good duelist had multiple tricks up their sleeves.

"To begin I play the spell card Dark hole." As Clay spoke the name, a sucking force pulled the girls monsters in, destroying both Sonic Duck and Des Wombat in one move. "But I'm not done I play the spell card Monster reborn to bring back your Des Wombat to my field in defense mode."

Des Wombat crawled out of Mindy's duel disk graveyard and ran over to Clay and sat by him. Clay reached down and pat his head of the monster.

"Now with this monster on the field I won't take any effect damage from Dark Snake Syndrome." Clay flashed a smile at the girls, but they gave him angry looks. "Sorry, but I intend to win no matter how that makes me look.

"To continue, I play the monster Kotodama in defense position. With Kotodama on the field, we can't have any duplicate monsters on the field, so you cannot summon any more Des Wombat's to negate the damage you would have taken. I'll play three cards face down and end my turn."

Kotodama: Atk 0 Def 1600

"I'll admit you're good Clay, for a Slifer that is. But it's my turn now, draw!" Jasmine began her turn with the usual insult to Slifer's. It was getting real old, real quick. "Due to the effect of Dark Snake Syndrome we both take 200 points of damage."

Jasmine: 3800

Mindy: 3800

Clay: 4000

"I activate the effect of Garuda the Wind Spirit, banishing the Sonic Duck in my graveyard to special summon Garuda."

A gale of wind blew up, blowing leaves and dust into the sky. A small tornado formed and out came a humanoid figure with wings on its back and a bird head.

"I tribute Garuda the Wind Spirit to summon out Raiza the Strom Monarch!" Garuda flapped its wing hard and blew up more wind. Another tornado formed, but this time it was too thick to see the other side. Green eyes glowed inside the storm, facing Clay with a fierce gaze.

Raiza the Storm Monarch: Atk 2400 Def 1000

"When Raiza is tribute summoned I am allowed to target one card on the field and return it to the top of the deck, an I choose your middle face down card."

Raiza burst out of the tornado, causing the winds to blow up and go towards Clays middle face down card. Before that could happen though a voice rang out across the field.

"I play my trap card, Fiendish Chain!" The middle card lifted up and out shot chains surrounded in a purple aura. They charged straight for Raiza and bound him. "Fiendish Chain allows me to target one monster on the field and negate its effects and stop it from attacking. Pretty sweet card right."

Jasmine didn't answer and just had a frustrated look on her face. She ended her turn soon after.

"My turn, draw!" Mindy began, drawing her card. "Again because of the effect of Dark Snake Syndrome we both take 400 points of damage."

Jasmine: 3400

Mindy: 3400

Clay: 4000

"I summon Gyaku-Gire Panda in attack mode." As Mindy placed her card a feral looking panda with sharp claws appeared. He looked very different from how one would imagine a panda looking.

"For every monster on your field, my panda gains 500 extra attack points. You have two monsters on your field so my panda gains 1000 attack points." The panda roared at the sky, increasing in size and becoming more feral looking. "I attack Des Wombat with Gyaku-Gire Panda! When the panda attacks a monster with fewer defense points then I can inflict the difference to you as damage"

Gyaku-Gire Panda roared and charged at the wombat. With a swipe of its claw it raised a cloud of dust, blocking the view of the two monsters. When the dust cleared Jasmine and Mindy opened their mouths agape. Where there should have only been one monster there was still two.

"How did your monster survive? Why didn't you even take any damage?" Mindy couldn't believe it, Des Wombat had only 300 defense points, Clay should have taken 1500 points of damage. But he hadn't taken any.

"It's all because I played my face down card, Draw Muscle." Behind Des Wombat was a face up spell card. "This card prevents a monster with less than 1000 Def points from being destroyed by battle and stops all battle damage. It also lets me draw one card from my deck."

Clay drew the card and had a big smile on his face, the girls however only frowned. They had never expected to be this toyed with, especially by someone from the Slifer dorms.

"I have to end my turn." Mindy Grinded her teeth as she said those word.

"And now it's my turn, I draw!" Clay roared with excitement. He drew exactly what he needed to fuel his victory this draw. "I activate the spell card Foolish Burial. This card allows me to send one monster from my deck to the graveyard. I send the monster Mirage Dragon to the graveyard."

Clay looked through his deck and found the card he was looking for. He sent the monster to the graveyard and replaced his deck.

"Now I activate the trap card double recall." Clay's final face down flipped up, displaying a monster growing double in size. "This card allows me to summon a monster from the graveyard and double its attack points."

From the graveyard of Clay's disk came Mirage Dragon. A beam of light shot from the trap card and struck Mirage Dragon, causing the dragon to double in size. With its double in size came the double in attack points.

Mirage Dragon: Atk 3200 Def 600

"I activate the equip spell Soul Cannon." A sheath of light bathed the body of Mirage Dragon, eventually coagulating into the shape of a cannon. "Soul Cannon allows me to tribute any monster on the field to give an extra attack to Mirage Dragon."

Jasmine and Mindy took a step back, sweat dropping from their face as they say a monster among monsters.

"3200 attack points and four attacks?!" Jasmine fell to the ground, but then her face lit up as she remembered she still had her trap card. "Hah, you think that is enough to win? That's just a Slifer for you."

"Oh really? I assume that you think your face down can stop me from winning, but you're wrong." Clay smile was filled with excitement, he had never had a duel this intense in his life, even back in his old world. "I hate to break it to you but Mirage Dragon stops you from activating any cards in the battle phase."

Mindy now collapsed as she heard what was said. There was nothing that they could do, they had lost to Clay.

"I activate Soul Cannon to tribute Raiza the Storm Monarch." With a blast from the cannon, Raiza disappeared from his spot and condensed into an orb. The orb flew toward Mirage Dragon who promptly ate it up. "Mirage Dragon Attack Jasmine directly!"

The dragon flew into the sky and dove down, striking the area near Jasmine and blowing her away.

Jasmine: 200

"I activate the effect of Soul Cannon once again to tribute Kotodama to attack again. Mirage Dragon Attack Jasmine again!"

This time, the dragon roared and charged a blast from the cannon on its back. After a few moments the blast was fully charged and shot towards Jasmine.

Jasmine: 0

"Jasmine!" Mindy cried out for her teammate who was just blown away. There was nothing she could do but knowing she was next shocked her to her core.

"Mindy, I guess it's your turn now." Hearing the voice, Mindy turned towards the source. Where stood here opponent, she could only see a mad man with a crazy smile.

"I tribute Des Wombat and Gyaku-Gire Panda allowing me to attack you directly twice." The monsters condensed once again and turned into orbs that Mirage Dragon gobbled up. "Mirage Dragon, Attack Mindy directly!"

Mirage Dragon Roared into the sky and shot two blasts into the sky. They descended and blasted the area around Mindy, blowing her away.

Jasmine: 0

Mindy: 0

Clay: 4000

"Game Over!"

Chapter is much longer than usual but I hope that doesn't stop people from reading. Made some custom cards, tried not to make them too overpowered but they turned out to be. But hey, I'm the author and what I want I can make it happen. :)

If you are wondering why Jasmine and Mindy are using these kinds of cards, these decks are from the Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship 2008 game.

Thank you all for reading, hope you enjoy it!

sonicpanda1_2507creators' thoughts
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