
There really is a ghost?

The concubine who saw the ghost of the hunting ground was beyond listening to any kind of reasoning, she was shivering, trembling and getting sick all over again and again, it was like an endless cycle, even if Liu Hui Ying wanted to ask her anything, she could only wait for her to stop shivering like a little rabbit.

It took the concubine at least ten minutes before she finally calmed down and Liu Hui Ying opened her mouth to ask what she saw at once,

" Umm Concubine …" She did not know the name of the concubine which was why she had turned and looked at Nanny Gong who immediately answered her query, "It's concubine Han," The voice of Nanny Gong was barely above a whisper which was only heard by Liu Hui Ying who turned to look at the woman who was crying and once again opened her mouth to say, " Concubine Han, what did you see——"

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