
Jumping fools

Zhai Tianyu felt a shiver crawl up his spine as soon as he heard Yu Lingyun's words, he turned to look at the man who was looking at him with a subtle frown along with some fear in his eyes, Yu Lingyun could not see what Zhai Tianyu could see which was why he was really wary of the thing that was in front of them, he even took a step back instinctively as if he was worried that the unclean thing will suddenly pounce on him and possess his body. 

On the other hand, Zhai Heng was fairly calm, he knew that his brother could see the ones who have passed on but hadn't moved to the underworld which was why he politely asked, " Who is it, your majesty?" Though he was pretending to be fine, his hands were trembling inside his sleeves. 

No matter how courageous he was, in the end, he was just a man who was afraid of things that he could not see and fight. 

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