
chapter 45

Thud! The crown princess of black moon was harshly thrown into a dirty dangeon cell, she hissed in pain as her right arm harshly scrapped the floor, drawing out a bit of blood.

One of the guards with a big belly spoke to the other guard *you can go, I'll handle her* the guard reply *fine I wanna go to the bathroom anyway but just...be careful my friend rumours says she's not week* the fat guard dismiss the warning *yeah yeah whatever... she's just a woman* 

Left alone with the sobbing princess, the fat guard spoke in an arrogant tone *you've got two options here princess, the easy way or the hard way, if you choose the easy way, I'll help you up your feet and you'll tell whatever it is those werewolves offered you, is it gold? Silver? Ruby or something else? But if you choose the hard, I'll choke the truth out of you...so, what it's gonna be princess?*

The fat guard reached out his hand towards safia, slowly safia took the hand, with an aggressive smirk he aims to pull her up but safia aggressively pulled him down where his face connected with her knee, the fat guard grunt in pain but before he could even try defending himself safia descended a series of furious punches making him passed out instantly.

Without wasting any time safia stepped out of the cell and locked the unconscious fat guard in, then wore the dirty wornout hood she took from the cell, probably left behind by the previous prisoner.

 Safia quietly climbed out of the dangeon, using her vast knowledge of the palace she easily slips out and into the very quiet streets of blackmoon kingdom bustling with patrolling guards. Hiding behind walls and wagons safia made it to the kingdom gate, hiding behind a wagon safia picked up a stone and threw it at the wagon opposite her at the far end, hearing the sudden noise the guards went towards it which allowed safia to quickly slips out of the kingdom through the small gap between the gate and the floor.

Not wasting a second more safia dash into the moon lighted forest, full speed she ran towards the mountain home, as it is at the far end of the forest safia arrived there just before dusk, she stopped running and walk towards 3 young men she sight cutting wood and piling it up, she guessed they must be the werewolves.

Removing the dirty hood she threw it away, she politely spoke *hello...I'm princess safia and I'm here to see hunter march, it's very urgent can you please take me to him*


One among the three young werewolves spoke as he walks inside the mountain home *follow me princess....* Safia followed him in and he lead her to the front of a door, he knocked and soon the door open revealing non other than hunter march * Tan..What are you doing here at this hour?* Tan moved away to show safia who stood behind him, after a simple bow he left.

Surprised hunter spoke *safi...are you alright did... something happen?* Unable to endure it anymore Safia burst into tears, hunter quickly ushered her into the room and closed the door behind him.

He lead Safia to sit on the couch, then quickly pure water into a wooden cup from a wooden jug and offered it to Safia, she accepted the water but didn't drank it instead, using her sleeves she wipe her tears and spoke *it's all over, I ruined everything....it's all my fault..* hunter comforted *I don't know what happened but I assure you...it's not your fault*

Safia disagree *no hunter it is, my father found out I've been helping the werewolves, I wasn't careful enough he figured it out and now he's raging war, I blew the plan i ruined our chance at peace, hunter he threw me into the dangeon he doesn't want me anymore....* She sobs.

*no no no don't say that, non of that is your fault, you did your best and it's all we could ask for, the king want you Safia, and he will always want you, he is your father he loves you... please safi, don't cry anymore it's breaks my heart, here drink some water...* Safia took a sip and wipe her tears.

Hunter brought out a wooden box from next to the couch, he opened the wooden first aid kit and carefully he starts to address Safia wond, aiming to distract her from the pain he softly blew on it, done cleaning the wond hunter wrapped it up with a small bandage.

He spoke *don't worry Safia, you'll be alright I promise* Safia whispers *what if I never see my papa again, I don't want that to be my last memory of him...* Hunter assure *it won't, you'll see your father again,...safi I'm so sorry this happened but I assure you I will keep my promise, I won't let anything harm you from now on and the king, I'll try my absolute best to keep him safe too...now stay here I'll get you a meal* 

Safia shook her head *I'm not hungry...* *Okay ..how about sleep?* Hunter ask to which Safia nods, so he went to the bed and fixed it while Safia remove her shoes, she lay on the bed and he covered her with the soft blanket, holding her hand he spoke *I'll be just over there on the couch and remember, no more crying* Safia whispers *thank you hunter...* hunter nodded and softly pat the blanket making sure she's comfortable, then bid goodnight and went to lay on the couch.

Left comfortable on the bed Safia though as she starts to feel drowsy with sleep "father is wrong but I hope he realizes before it's too late, but at least I know one thing assured, I have hunter and as long as I have him, I know I'll be alright..."

And over on the couch hunter though "I don't understand...how can a father be so cruel to his own daughter, can't he see how much she cares for him..."


__king Travis

At the very crack of dust, inside the royal dangeon stood king Travis and sir Anthony, as they are faced with an empty cell.

*You're telling me, my delicate daughter beat you and that belly of yours, locked you in the cell and only this morning did your friend decided to let you out...what was he doing the whole night he didn't follow my orders or let you out?..*

Kneeling on the floor before the king, with his head bowed down the fat guard trembles *h.h..he was in the bathroom your majesty..* king Travis sarcastically spoke out *in the bathroom? You're telling me king Travis that your friend over there "he points at the other guard kneeling and trembling by the side" was in the bathroom the entire night!...*

The fat guard fail to form any words as he trembles even more, paw! King Travis smacked him on the face as he shouted *you tutored my daughter!, you treated the crown princess of black moon like a mere peasant, look there! It's my daughter's blood, you threw her on this hard dirty floor not caring for her health! And your stupid friend kept guard outside while you miss treat my daughter!, your princess!!...*

The guard fell flat on the floor *please your majesty I .I.. forgive me....I made a grave mistake, it will never happen again please spare me your majesty....* He begged.

King Travis spoke *yes, it will never happen again... Anthony, I want this shameless thing head off it's body, and his so called friend too* Anthony bowed *yes your majesty.... guards! Take them away!* 

their fellow guards came in and drag them away as they scream *your majesty it was an accident! Please spare me your majesty!..* *it's all his fault! I warned him! Spare me your majesty!...*

King Travis pinched the bridge of his nose in anger and regret, he spoke *I shouldn't have send her down here with them, I should have controlled my anger back then, now she's gone and it's all my fault, she went to them! My greatest enemies! *


With a sigh Anthony spoke *it is not your fault your majesty, If anyone is to be blamed it's them werewolves, they took advantage of her kind heart and brainwashed her, they poison her innocent mind*

The king spoke *gather the army, tonight we get our princess back, I'll get my daughter back from those slimy beast!* Anthony quickly objects *forgive me your majesty but that is what they want, what they expect from us, if we go there unprepared it's over for us*

King Travis yelled angrily *it's already over Anthony!! They hold my daughter! God knows what's happening to her now!!* 

Anthony carefully spoke *I assure you your majesty nothing is happening to her, they will not harm a hair on her because, the leader himself is in love with her, and they need her to use against you*

Taking a deep breath king Travis spoke *right...that damn hunter loves my daughter!...keep preparing for war Anthony, leave nothing unturned, no matter what they plan or who they stole, I will get my daughter back and victory is mine!!...*

He storms out of the dangeon loudly spurting out curses while Anthony, he followed after the king with a victorious smile on his face.45 Thud! The crown princess of black moon was harshly thrown into a dirty dangeon cell, she hissed in pain as her right arm harshly scrapped the floor, drawing out a bit of blood.

One of the guards with a big belly spoke to the other guard *you can go, I'll handle her* the guard reply *fine I wanna go to the bathroom anyway but just...be careful my friend rumours says she's not week* the fat guard dismiss the warning *yeah yeah whatever... she's just a woman* 

Left alone with the sobbing princess, the fat guard spoke in an arrogant tone *you've got two options here princess, the easy way or the hard way, if you choose the easy way, I'll help you up your feet and you'll tell whatever it is those werewolves offered you, is it gold? Silver? Ruby or something else? But if you choose the hard, I'll choke the truth out of you...so, what it's gonna be princess?*

The fat guard reached out his hand towards safia, slowly safia took the hand, with an aggressive smirk he aims to pull her up but safia aggressively pulled him down where his face connected with her knee, the fat guard grunt in pain but before he could even try defending himself safia descended a series of furious punches making him passed out instantly.

Without wasting any time safia stepped out of the cell and locked the unconscious fat guard in, then wore the dirty wornout hood she took from the cell, probably left behind by the previous prisoner.

 Safia quietly climbed out of the dangeon, using her vast knowledge of the palace she easily slips out and into the very quiet streets of blackmoon kingdom bustling with patrolling guards. Hiding behind walls and wagons safia made it to the kingdom gate, hiding behind a wagon safia picked up a stone and threw it at the wagon opposite her at the far end, hearing the sudden noise the guards went towards it which allowed safia to quickly slips out of the kingdom through the small gap between the gate and the floor.

Not wasting a second more safia dash into the moon lighted forest, full speed she ran towards the mountain home, as it is at the far end of the forest safia arrived there just before dusk, she stopped running and walk towards 3 young men she sight cutting wood and piling it up, she guessed they must be the werewolves.

Removing the dirty hood she threw it away, she politely spoke *hello...I'm princess safia and I'm here to see hunter march, it's very urgent can you please take me to him*


One among the three young werewolves spoke as he walks inside the mountain home *follow me princess....* Safia followed him in and he lead her to the front of a door, he knocked and soon the door open revealing non other than hunter march * Tan..What are you doing here at this hour?* Tan moved away to show safia who stood behind him, after a simple bow he left.

Surprised hunter spoke *safi...are you alright did... something happen?* Unable to endure it anymore Safia burst into tears, hunter quickly ushered her into the room and closed the door behind him.

He lead Safia to sit on the couch, then quickly pure water into a wooden cup from a wooden jug and offered it to Safia, she accepted the water but didn't drank it instead, using her sleeves she wipe her tears and spoke *it's all over, I ruined everything....it's all my fault..* hunter comforted *I don't know what happened but I assure you...it's not your fault*

Safia disagree *no hunter it is, my father found out I've been helping the werewolves, I wasn't careful enough he figured it out and now he's raging war, I blew the plan i ruined our chance at peace, hunter he threw me into the dangeon he doesn't want me anymore....* She sobs.

*no no no don't say that, non of that is your fault, you did your best and it's all we could ask for, the king want you Safia, and he will always want you, he is your father he loves you... please safi, don't cry anymore it's breaks my heart, here drink some water...* Safia took a sip and wipe her tears.

Hunter brought out a wooden box from next to the couch, he opened the wooden first aid kit and carefully he starts to address Safia wond, aiming to distract her from the pain he softly blew on it, done cleaning the wond hunter wrapped it up with a small bandage.

He spoke *don't worry Safia, you'll be alright I promise* Safia whispers *what if I never see my papa again, I don't want that to be my last memory of him...* Hunter assure *it won't, you'll see your father again,...safi I'm so sorry this happened but I assure you I will keep my promise, I won't let anything harm you from now on and the king, I'll try my absolute best to keep him safe too...now stay here I'll get you a meal* 

Safia shook her head *I'm not hungry...* *Okay ..how about sleep?* Hunter ask to which Safia nods, so he went to the bed and fixed it while Safia remove her shoes, she lay on the bed and he covered her with the soft blanket, holding her hand he spoke *I'll be just over there on the couch and remember, no more crying* Safia whispers *thank you hunter...* hunter nodded and softly pat the blanket making sure she's comfortable, then bid goodnight and went to lay on the couch.

Left comfortable on the bed Safia though as she starts to feel drowsy with sleep "father is wrong but I hope he realizes before it's too late, but at least I know one thing assured, I have hunter and as long as I have him, I know I'll be alright..."

And over on the couch hunter though "I don't understand...how can a father be so cruel to his own daughter, can't he see how much she cares for him..."


__king Travis

At the very crack of dust, inside the royal dangeon stood king Travis and sir Anthony, as they are faced with an empty cell.

*You're telling me, my delicate daughter beat you and that belly of yours, locked you in the cell and only this morning did your friend decided to let you out...what was he doing the whole night he didn't follow my orders or let you out?..*

Kneeling on the floor before the king, with his head bowed down the fat guard trembles *h.h..he was in the bathroom your majesty..* king Travis sarcastically spoke out *in the bathroom? You're telling me king Travis that your friend over there "he points at the other guard kneeling and trembling by the side" was in the bathroom the entire night!...*

The fat guard fail to form any words as he trembles even more, paw! King Travis smacked him on the face as he shouted *you tutored my daughter!, you treated the crown princess of black moon like a mere peasant, look there! It's my daughter's blood, you threw her on this hard dirty floor not caring for her health! And your stupid friend kept guard outside while you miss treat my daughter!, your princess!!...*

The guard fell flat on the floor *please your majesty I .I.. forgive me....I made a grave mistake, it will never happen again please spare me your majesty....* He begged.

King Travis spoke *yes, it will never happen again... Anthony, I want this shameless thing head off it's body, and his so called friend too* Anthony bowed *yes your majesty.... guards! Take them away!* 

their fellow guards came in and drag them away as they scream *your majesty it was an accident! Please spare me your majesty!..* *it's all his fault! I warned him! Spare me your majesty!...*

King Travis pinched the bridge of his nose in anger and regret, he spoke *I shouldn't have send her down here with them, I should have controlled my anger back then, now she's gone and it's all my fault, she went to them! My greatest enemies! *


With a sigh Anthony spoke *it is not your fault your majesty, If anyone is to be blamed it's them werewolves, they took advantage of her kind heart and brainwashed her, they poison her innocent mind*

The king spoke *gather the army, tonight we get our princess back, I'll get my daughter back from those slimy beast!* Anthony quickly objects *forgive me your majesty but that is what they want, what they expect from us, if we go there unprepared it's over for us*

King Travis yelled angrily *it's already over Anthony!! They hold my daughter! God knows what's happening to her now!!* 

Anthony carefully spoke *I assure you your majesty nothing is happening to her, they will not harm a hair on her because, the leader himself is in love with her, and they need her to use against you*

Taking a deep breath king Travis spoke *right...that damn hunter loves my daughter!...keep preparing for war Anthony, leave nothing unturned, no matter what they plan or who they stole, I will get my daughter back and victory is mine!!...*

He storms out of the dangeon loudly spurting out curses while Anthony, he followed after the king with a victorious smile on his face.

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